88 research outputs found

    Large Population of ALMA Galaxies at z>6 with Very High [OIII]88um to [CII]158um Flux Ratios: Evidence of Extremely High Ionization Parameter or PDR Deficit?

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    We present our new ALMA observations targeting [OIII]88um, [CII]158um, [NII]122um, and dust continuum emission for three Lyman break galaxies at z=6.0293-6.2037 identified in the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam survey. We clearly detect [OIII] and [CII] lines from all of the galaxies at 4.3-11.8sigma levels, and identify multi-band dust continuum emission in two of the three galaxies, allowing us to estimate infrared luminosities and dust temperatures simultaneously. In conjunction with previous ALMA observations for six galaxies at z>6, we confirm that all the nine z=6-9 galaxies have high [OIII]/[CII] ratios of L[OIII]/L[CII]~3-20, ~10 times higher than z~0 galaxies. We also find a positive correlation between the [OIII]/[CII] ratio and the Lya equivalent width (EW) at the ~90% confidence level. We carefully investigate physical origins of the high [OIII]/[CII] ratios at z=6-9 using Cloudy, and find that high density of the interstellar medium, low C/O abundance ratio, and the cosmic microwave background attenuation are responsible to only a part of the z=6-9 galaxies. Instead, the observed high [OIII]/[CII] ratios are explained by 10-100 times higher ionization parameters or low photodissociation region (PDR) covering fractions of 0-10%, both of which are consistent with our [NII] observations. The latter scenario can be reproduced with a density bounded nebula with PDR deficit, which would enhance the Lya, Lyman continuum, and C+ ionizing photons escape from galaxies, consistent with the [OIII]/[CII]-Lya EW correlation we find.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Performance of the NINDS-CSN 5-Minute Protocol in a National Population-Based Sample

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    Background In 2006, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke-Canadian Stroke Network (NINDS-CSN) Vascular Cognitive Impairment Harmonization Standards recommended a 5-Minute Protocol as a brief screening instrument for vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). We report demographically adjusted norms for the 5-Minute Protocol and its relation to other measures of cognitive function and cerebrovascular risk factors. Methods Cross-sectional analysis of 7,199 stroke-free adults in the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study on the NINDS-CSN 5-Minute Protocol score. Results Total scores on the 5-Minute Protocol were inversely correlated with age and positively correlated with years of education, and performance on the Six-Item Screener, Word List Learning, and Animal Fluency (all p-values<0.001). Higher cerebrovascular risk on the Framingham Stroke Risk Profile (FSRP) was associated with lower total 5-Minute Protocol scores (p<0.001). The 5-Minute Protocol also differentiated between participants with and without confirmed stroke and with and without stroke symptom histories (p<0.001). Conclusions The NINDS-CSN 5-Minute Protocol is a brief, easily administered screening measure that is sensitive to cerebrovascular risk and offers a valid method of screening for cognitive impairment in populations at risk for VCI

    Multiple Translocation of the AVR-Pita Effector Gene among Chromosomes of the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae and Related Species

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    Magnaporthe oryzae is the causal agent of rice blast disease, a devastating problem worldwide. This fungus has caused breakdown of resistance conferred by newly developed commercial cultivars. To address how the rice blast fungus adapts itself to new resistance genes so quickly, we examined chromosomal locations of AVR-Pita, a subtelomeric gene family corresponding to the Pita resistance gene, in various isolates of M. oryzae (including wheat and millet pathogens) and its related species. We found that AVR-Pita (AVR-Pita1 and AVR-Pita2) is highly variable in its genome location, occurring in chromosomes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and supernumerary chromosomes, particularly in rice-infecting isolates. When expressed in M. oryzae, most of the AVR-Pita homologs could elicit Pita-mediated resistance, even those from non-rice isolates. AVR-Pita was flanked by a retrotransposon, which presumably contributed to its multiple translocation across the genome. On the other hand, family member AVR-Pita3, which lacks avirulence activity, was stably located on chromosome 7 in a vast majority of isolates. These results suggest that the diversification in genome location of AVR-Pita in the rice isolates is a consequence of recognition by Pita in rice. We propose a model that the multiple translocation of AVR-Pita may be associated with its frequent loss and recovery mediated by its transfer among individuals in asexual populations. This model implies that the high mobility of AVR-Pita is a key mechanism accounting for the rapid adaptation toward Pita. Dynamic adaptation of some fungal plant pathogens may be achieved by deletion and recovery of avirulence genes using a population as a unit of adaptation

    A case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma arising in mature cystic teratoma

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    卵巣粘表皮癌は卵巣悪性腫瘍の中で極めてまれな組織型に分類される。今回、我々は成熟嚢胞性奇形種より発生した卵巣粘表皮癌の症例を経験したので報告する。症例は、69歳、女性、両側の成熟嚢胞性奇形腫を認めたが、SCC 高値とCT、MRI にて左側の腫瘍内に造影される充実性部分を認めたこと、小腸に浸潤を疑う所見を認めたこと、から悪性転化を疑い、手術を施行した。開腹時、両側卵巣腫瘍を認め、左卵巣腫瘍はS状結腸と強固に癒着していた。卵巣腫瘍充実性部分の迅速病理にて低分化癌と診断し、単純子宮全摘出術、両側付属器摘出術、S状結腸合併切除、骨盤リンパ節郭清術、大網切除術を施行した。病理組織学的には、左卵巣腫瘍の嚢胞壁肥厚部に皮膚付属器、脂肪織、軟骨組織、リンパ球集簇、卵巣間質を認め、充実成分に低分化な浸潤性扁平上皮癌を認めた。充実成分には、粘表皮癌に特徴的な、豊富な胞体粘液(PASおよびAlcian blue 染色陽性)を有する異型細胞が胞巣状~不完全な腺管状を呈する領域があり、成熟嚢胞性奇形腫より発生した卵巣粘表皮癌IIb期(pT2bN0M0)と診断した。術後補助化学療法としてDC(ドセタキセル、カルボプラチン)療法を施行し、術後1年8ヶ月現在、再発を認めない。雑誌掲載論


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