188 research outputs found

    昭和初期中学校入試制度改革について : 岐阜県の状況

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    A Study on the System of the Entrance Examination of the Middle School in Early Showa Era

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    I insist that the "positive selection" in secondary education in Japan began in 1928. In nine middle schools in Gifu Prefecture gave the entrance examination by oral test and school report in 1928. They abolished the achievement test on paper. It took seven years that the achievement test was used again in all the schools. About 1930, in N Ordinary Primary School in Gifu Pref, it showed an increasing tendency that the school record determined the way where the boy graduate went. That tendency was seen more strongly in the well achieved students of the urban families in commerce

    Summaries of Master Theses, 1976

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    Выращивание ремонтного молодняка кур при использовании пробиотических препаратов «Бацелл» и «Моноспорин»

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    Применение пробиотических препаратов с первых дней жизни цыплят позволит получить в дальнейшем здоровую птицу с высокой реализацией генетического потенциала

    Japanese guidelines for atopic dermatitis 2020.

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a disease characterized by relapsing eczema with pruritus as a primary lesion, which is frequently encountered in clinical practice. Skin barrier dysfunction leads to enhanced skin irritability to non-specific stimuli and epicutaneous sensitization. In the lesion site, a further inflammation-related reduction in skin barrier function, enhanced irritability and scratching-related stimuli deteriorate eczema, leading to vicious cycle of inflammation. The current strategies to treat AD in Japan from the perspective of evidence-based medicine consist of three primary measures: (i) the use of topical corticosteroids and tacrolimus ointment as the main treatment for the inflammation; (ii) topical application of emollients to treat the cutaneous barrier dysfunction; and (iii) avoidance of apparent exacerbating factors, psychological counseling and advice about daily life. The guidelines present recommendations to review clinical research articles, evaluate the balance between the advantages and disadvantages of medical activities, and optimize medical activity-related patient outcomes with respect to several important points requiring decision-making in clinical practice