1,325 research outputs found

    Electronic Locking Mechanism

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    The electronic locking mechanism project will include an Arduino microcontroller to control inputs and outputs such as a keypad, an RFID reader, a stepper motor, and an LCD screen. The keypad and RFID reader will be used to verify the authorization for anyone coming through the locked door, the stepper motor will be used to physically lock and unlock the door, and the LCD screen will display the state of the locking mechanism

    Volume Integral Formulation for the Calculation of Material Independent Modes of Dielectric Scatterers

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    In the frame of volume integral equation methods, we introduce an alternative representation of the electromagnetic field scattered by a homogeneous object of arbitrary shape at a given frequency, in terms of a set of modes independent of its permittivity. This is accomplished by introducing an auxiliary eigenvalue problem, based on a volume integral operator. With this modal basis the expansion coefficients of the scattered field are simple rational functions of the permittivity of the scatterer. We show, by studying the electromagnetic scattering from a sphere and a cylinder of dimensions comparable to the incident wavelength, that only a moderate number of modes is needed to accurately describe the scattered far field. This method can be used to investigate resonant scattering phenomena, including plasmonic and photonic resonances, and to design the permittivity of the object to pursue a prescribed tailoring of the scattered field. Moreover, the presented modal expansion is computationally advantageous compared to direct solution of the volume integral equation when the scattered field has to be computed for many different values of the dielectric permittivity, given the size and shape of the dielectric body

    Simulation of wave run-up by means of the exact solution of the wet/dry Riemann problem

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    An innovative method for the simulation of the hydrodynamics in the swash zone, related to the wave run-up phenomenon, is presented. This method applies the exact solution of the Riemann problem over a dry bed to correctly evaluate the celerity of water waves propagating over the shore, and so to precisely track the coastline location. The simulations of velocity and wave fields outside the surf zone, inside the surf zone and in the swash zone, are carried out by means of a numerical model which solves 3D motion equations expressed in integral form, with a vertical coordinate that varies in time in order to follow the free surface evolution. Several numerical validation tests are carried out, in order to verify the capability of the method to track the coastline

    Culturally Responsive Literature

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    Culturally responsive teaching is an effective way for educators to create relevant learning experiences that build on students’ strengths and cultural backgrounds. As a result, culturally responsive teaching has had positive learning outcomes for minority students because they are taking ownership of their learning and risks in trusting learning environments. This article defines culturally responsive teaching and explains how teachers can incorporate it into their lessons. First, it examines research on culturally responsive practices and culturally relevant pedagogy. Next, it explains the characteristics of culturally responsive teaching. Then, it offers suggestions on implementing culturally responsive practices into the classroom. The article concludes with examples of culturally responsive literature that can be implemented into the classroom. Through culturally responsive teaching, students’ learning needs can be met, while placing an emphasis on students’ different cultures, showing that all students are respected and valued in the classroom (Callins, 2006)

    Water waves overtopping over barriers

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    A numerical and experimental analysis of the wave overtopping over emerged and submerged structures, is presented. An original model is used in order to simulate three-dimensional free surface flows. The model is based on the numerical solution of the motion equations expressed in an integral form in time-dependent curvilinear coordinates. A non-intrusive and continuous-in-space image analysis technique, which is able to properly identify the free surface even in very shallow waters or breaking waves, is adopted for the experimental tests. Numerical and experimental results are compared, for several wave and water depth conditions

    Numerical simulation of the sea bottom modifications behind a T-head groin

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    In this paper, we simulate the sea bottom modifications produced by the presence of a T-head groin. We present a simulation model of sea bottom modifications composed of two sub-models: a two-dimensional phase-resolving model that simulate the variation of the fluid dynamic variables inside the wave; a second sub-model to simulate the sea bottom modifications, in which the suspended sediment concentration is calculated by the wave-averaged advection-diffusion equation. The fluid motion equation and the concentration equation are expressed in a new contravariant formulation. The velocity fields from deep water up to just seaward of the surf-zone are simulated by a new integral contravariant form of the Fully Nonlinear Boussinesq Equations. The new integral form of the proposed continuity equation does not contain the dispersive term. The Nonlinear Shallow Water Equations, expressed in an integral contravariant form, are solved in order to simulate the breaking wave propagation. The momentum equation, integrated over the turbulent boundary layer, is solved to calculate the near-bed instantaneous flow velocity and the intra-wave hydrodynamic quantities. Starting from the contravariant formulation of the advection–diffusion equation for the suspended sediment concentration, it is possible to calculate the sea bottom modification. The advective sediment transport terms in the advection-diffusion equation are formulated according to a quasi-three-dimensional approach

    Mindfulness Matters

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    Mindfulness is an effective way for educators and students to manage their emotions, as well as reduce stress and anxiety. When implemented, mindfulness practices help students focus on the present moment and regulate their emotions. This article will first define mindfulness and explain how teachers can incorporate mindfulness strategies into an elementary classroom setting. Next, it examines mindfulness programs that school districts are using throughout the United States. Then, it explains social emotional learning and activities that support these practices within the classroom. The article concludes by offering outcomes and implications for mindfulness. Through mindfulness techniques, students can foster a positive environment and improve their social and physical well-being

    Magnetoquasistatic resonances of small dielectric objects

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    A small dielectric object with positive permittivity may resonate when the free-space wavelength is large in comparison with the object dimensions if the permittivity is sufficiently high. We show that these resonances are described by the magnetoquasistatic approximation of the Maxwell's equations in which the normal component of the displacement current density field vanishes on the surface of the particle. They are associated to values of permittivities and frequencies for which source-free quasistatic magnetic fields exist, which are connected to the eigenvalues of a magnetostatic integral operator. We present the general physical properties of magnetoquasistatic resonances in dielectrics with arbitrary shape. They arise from the interplay between the polarization energy stored in the dielectric and the energy stored in the magnetic field. Our findings improve the understanding of resonances in high-permittivity dielectric objects and provide a powerful tool that greatly simplifies the analysis and design of high-index resonators

    3D numerical simulation of the interaction between waves and a T-head groin structure

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    The aim of coastal structures for the defense from erosion is to modify the hydrodynamic fields that would naturally occur with the wave motion, to produce zones of sedimentation of solid material, and to combat the recession of the coastline. T-head groin-shaped structures are among the most adopted in coastal engineering. The assessment of the effectiveness of such structures requires hydrodynamic study of the interaction between wave motion and the structure. Hydrodynamic phenomena induced by the interaction between wave motion and T-head groin structures have three-dimensionality features. The aim of the paper is to propose a new three-dimensional numerical model for the simulation of the hydrodynamic fields induced by the interaction between wave fields and coastal structures. The proposed model is designed to represent complex morphologies as well as coastal structures inside the domain. The numerical scheme solves the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations in a contravariant formulation, on a time-dependent coordinate system, in which the vertical coordinate varies over time to follow the free-surface elevation. The main innovative element of the paper consists in the proposal of a new numerical scheme that makes it possible to simulate flows around structures with sharp-cornered geometries. The proposed numerical model is validated against a well-known experimental test-case consisting in a wave train approaching a beach (non-parallel with the wave front), with the presence of a T-head groin structure. A detailed comparison between numerical and experimental results is shown
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