87 research outputs found

    GO! geographical ontology

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    GO! (Geographical Ontology) ontology has been developed by Claudia Corcione, Paola De Caro and Silvia naro, with the collaboration of Diego Magro, Timothy Tambassi and Maurizio Lana for the research project \u201cGeolat \u2013 geography for Latin literature\u201d. It describes the geographical locations, with a particular attention to the description of the Ancient World, especially to give the opportunity of having a link between the places mentioned in the texts, especially ancient, and their identification and correspondence with contemporary ones. For classical scholars this correspondence of ancient / contemporary modelling is of undisputed interest, both for the study of the habits of the most ancient peoples, and for the most various themes of literary interest. Through ontologies you can build maps of the ancient world and compare them to contemporary ones, annotate historical, geographical, cultural details connected to the place, indicate in which ancient text the place is mentioned and as which author discloses the details. These are just some ideas for research that can be developed, but the scenario that opens through these connections will be much larger. The GO! modules contain numerous classes and relations and differ in the specific entities defined in them, and are connected by a Top Level ontology - GO TOP ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-TOP ): \u2022 an ontology that describes the physical and natural places ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-PHY ) \u2022 an anthropic ontology, in which are specified all administrative bodies and artifacts created by human activity ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-HUM )an \u2022 an ontology for the ancient world, which describes the specific aspects ( http://purl.org/geolit/GO-FAR ), where FAR means For Ancient Resources. The GO! ontology serves as an information base for the platform of the project GeoLat. The GO! modelling choices took into account the needs which the ontology must meet, allowing to add a range of additional information about the geographical place, through the inclusion of ad hoc relationships, in particular it is possible to express: \u2022 the correspondence with the places listed by Pleiades (historical online gazetteer http://pleiades.stoa.org/) \u2022 the physical and cultural characteristics shown in the Barrington Atlas \u2022 the source where the ancient place is mentioned (with philological reference) \u2022 the geographical coordinates of corresponding contemporary sites \u2022 a description of historical events (wars, defeats ...) \u2022 the changes of the place (e.g. a village which becomes a city) \u2022 the hypotesized location of imaginary places (such as Hades) \u2022 the physical and geopolitical description of the place These are only some of the potentialities of the GO! ontology, which incorporates some standard ontologies (for example GeoSPARQL), so as to be more easily shared and reused, because the quality of the ontology and the project in its entirety resides in its widespread use, in order to become a benchmark for the projects that link to the geographical description

    The Philosophy of Geography

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    The relationship between geography and philosophy is still largely in need of being explored. Geographers and philosophers share the responsibility for that. On the one hand, geographers have considered as a dangerous deviation any attempt to elaborate an image of the Earth which was not a mere replica of a cartographic representation. On the other hand, philosophers have generally been uninterested in a discipline offering little chance for critical reflection. In light of these considerations, the purpose of this book is to identify some fundamental philosophical issues involved in the reflection of geography by adopting a perspective which looks at the discipline with a specific focus on its fundamental concepts and distinctions

    Le basi ontologiche e metafisiche della filosofia della mente. Essere e soggetto in Jonathan Lowe

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    In recent years analytic philosophy has shown a growing interest in ontology and metaphysics, through a path that has led to a clearer awareness of methods and aims of these disciplines. Today the fact that ontology and metaphysics fulfill the aims of determining what there is and why this is the case is generally accepted, but the meta-theoretical debate about their legitimacy, the way they relate to different scientific disciplines and, especially, their implications in other areas of research (primarily in logic and in philosophy of mind) are more controversial. Jonathan Lowe, metaphysician, ontologist and philosopher of mind, is a very active author in this debate. The purpose of these pages is to analyze and to discuss his main theses in metaphysics and ontology and their impact on philosophy of mind, especially as regards the mind-body relation and the ontological status of the subject


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    Sulla funzionalità di un’ontologia della filosofia alto medievale. Il caso dei «Moralia in Iob» di Gregorio Magno

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    Obiettivo del progetto OPhEMA (Ontology for the Philosophy of Early Middle Ages) è contribuire all’ampliamento dell’ontologia della filosofia in OWL di Barry Smith e Pierre Grenon, esplorando la possibilità che in essa possano rientrare autori e testi latini, collocati tra il secondo e il dodicesimo secolo d.C, attualmente non inclusi. La scelta dell’arco cronologico di riferimento è legata all’individuazione, in esso, di un contesto problematico: se nel mondo greco (e fino all’epoca tardo-antica) il termine “filosofia” ha indicato, per esempio, una specifica professione o un particolare stile di vita, la ricezione (avvenuta tramite Cicerone) del termine nel periodo patristico e altomedievale non preserva, tuttavia, il medesimo significato, in quanto non è più possibile parlare di una disciplina istituzionalizzata nelle forme e specificatamente legata a una produzione scritta. Ciononostante, gli studiosi successivi hanno associato a tale arco cronologico un’attività speculativa definita “filosofica”, lasciando così intuire l’esistenza di criteri secondo i quali testi non dichiaratamente filosofici possano essere comunque giudicati tali. Fine ultimo del contributo è perciò mostrare i diversi passaggi che, a partire dalla peculiarità del contesto d’applicazione e dal caso specifico dei «Moralia in Iob» di Gregorio Magno (540 d.C.-604 d.C.), conducono alla costruzione di un’ontologia della filosofia altomedievale concepita come modulo dell’ontologia della filosofia di Grenon e Smith, con particolare attenzione al suo essere un potenziale strumento tanto di ri-valorizzazione di singoli testi (resa possibile dall’utilizzo di strumenti digitali) quanto di un significativo ampliamento dell’ontologia già esistente

    Is it Possible to Advances Philosophy?

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