29 research outputs found


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    U ovom radu biti će prikazana važnost etičkih kodeksa u svakodnevnom radu državnih vojnih službenika MORH-a, a posebno će biti istaknut rad u odnosima s javnošću. Potrebno je da državni vojni službenici MORH-a zaštite, kako svoj, tako i sam ugled državne službe, a pogotovo u javnim nastupima kada predstavljaju državno tijelo koje mora biti u skladu s propisima, ovlastima koje su dobili, znanjem kojeg su stekli i samim etičkim kodeksom i na kraju držati se samih načela etičkog kodeksa. Osnovni pojmovi koji će biti objašnjeni važni su za razumijevanje teme čime će se također na što kvalitetniji način obraditi sama tematika i problematika diplomskog rada.In this paper will be shown the importance of codes of ethics in the daily work of government military officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, and in particular will be highlighted work in public relations. It is necessary the government military officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia protect both their own and the reputation of the civil service, and especially in public appearances, when representing a state body that must comply with the regulations, the powers vested in, the knowledge they have acquired and the ethical code and eventually stick to the principles of the code of ethics. The basic concepts that will be explained are important for an understanding of the subject, which will also treat the topic and problems of graduate work in the highest quality


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    Za procjenu funkcionalnog ishoda protetičke rehabilitacije bolesnika učestalo se koristi upitnik Indeks lokomotornih mogućnosti (engl. Locomotor Capabilities Index- LCI) koji je dio većeg upitnika PPA (engl. The Prosthetic profile of the Amputee Person questionnaire) specifičnog za osobe s amputacijom donjeg uda

    Rehabilitation of lower limb amputees

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    Rehabilitation of amputees represents a complex process during the course of which an amputee receives professional aid and support, so as to adapt to the use of prosthesis, i.e. an artificial supplement for the lost body part. The process aims at achieving an independent performance of the amputee in all areas of everyday life and as high quality of life as possible. The rehabilitation encompasses not only the pre-amputation, postoperative, pre-prosthetic and prosthetic stage, within which an amputee is provided with a prosthetic aiding device, but also the subsequent long-term monitoring and follow-up. The implementation of the rehabilitation process runs in line with the biopsychosocial model and requires a multidisciplinary and an interdisciplinary approach, so as to achieve a successful reintegration of an amputee and allow for a lifestyle resembling the pre-amputation one as much as possible. The article brings the causes and types of amputation, the principles underpinning contemporary amputation surgery, prosthetics and rehabilitation during preoperative, postoperative, pre-prosthetic and prosthetic stages, as well as the stage goals and MOs of their attainment. Principles of evaluation of prosthetic rehabilitation outcomes in limb amputees, which make use of appraisal questionnaires, have been discussed as well

    Rehabilitation of lower limb amputees – Guidelines for clinical work in Croatia

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    Rehabilitacija osoba s amputacijom donjih udova kompleksan je proces u kojem se osobi koja je doživjela gubitak uda pomaže da se, uz stručnu podršku, adaptira na protezu kao artificijelni nadomjestak izgubljenog dijela te da uz primjenu proteze postigne maksimalno moguću neovisnost u svim područjima života, sa što boljom kvalitetom življenja. Rehabilitacija obuhvaća razdoblje od amputacije, koja može biti posljedica ozljede ili bolesti, kroz postoperacijsku i predprotetičku fazu do protetičke faze rehabilitacije u kojoj se provodi protetička opskrba, ali i kasniju fazu dugotrajnog praćenja. Medicinsku rehabilitaciju nužno mora pratiti adekvatna psihološka i socijalna rehabilitacija, po biopsihosocijalnom modelu, kako bi se ostvario konačni cilj rehabilitacije, a to je uspješna reintegracija osobe u život sa stilom koji je što sličniji onom koji je prethodio amputaciji. U radu su prezentirani uzroci i vrste amputacije, načela suvremene protetike i rehabilitacije osoba s amputacijom donjih udova tijekom predoperacijske, postoperacijske, predprotetičke i protetičke faze s ciljevima rehabilitacije u pojedinim fazama, načinima njihova ostvarivanja, kao i načelima psihosocijalne rehabilitacije. Također su prezentirani evaluacijski upitnici i načela Međunarodne klasifikacije funkcioniranja, onesposobljenosti i zdravlja (MKF) za procjenu rezultata rehabilitacije osoba s amputacijom donjih udova.The rehabilitation of the person with limb loss is a complex process and a period of training to learn how to function using the prosthesis, with the aim of being independent in all the activities of daily living, vocational and non-vocational activities. The final aim is to live one’s life the way the person used to live before the amputation. The article brings the causes and types of amputation, the principles underpinning contemporary amputation surgery, goals and principles of prosthetic restoration and rehabilitation for lower extremity during preoperative amd postoperative management, pre-prosthetic and prosthetic rehabilitation stages, clinical monitoring and follow up of prosthetically rehabilitated amputees as well the stage goals and manner of their attainment. Principles of evaluation of prosthetic rehabilitation outcomes in limb amputees which make use of appraisal questionnaires have been discussed as well

    Rehabilitation of lower limb amputees – Guidelines for clinical work in Croatia

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    Rehabilitacija osoba s amputacijom donjih udova kompleksan je proces u kojem se osobi koja je doživjela gubitak uda pomaže da se, uz stručnu podršku, adaptira na protezu kao artificijelni nadomjestak izgubljenog dijela te da uz primjenu proteze postigne maksimalno moguću neovisnost u svim područjima života, sa što boljom kvalitetom življenja. Rehabilitacija obuhvaća razdoblje od amputacije, koja može biti posljedica ozljede ili bolesti, kroz postoperacijsku i predprotetičku fazu do protetičke faze rehabilitacije u kojoj se provodi protetička opskrba, ali i kasniju fazu dugotrajnog praćenja. Medicinsku rehabilitaciju nužno mora pratiti adekvatna psihološka i socijalna rehabilitacija, po biopsihosocijalnom modelu, kako bi se ostvario konačni cilj rehabilitacije, a to je uspješna reintegracija osobe u život sa stilom koji je što sličniji onom koji je prethodio amputaciji. U radu su prezentirani uzroci i vrste amputacije, načela suvremene protetike i rehabilitacije osoba s amputacijom donjih udova tijekom predoperacijske, postoperacijske, predprotetičke i protetičke faze s ciljevima rehabilitacije u pojedinim fazama, načinima njihova ostvarivanja, kao i načelima psihosocijalne rehabilitacije. Također su prezentirani evaluacijski upitnici i načela Međunarodne klasifikacije funkcioniranja, onesposobljenosti i zdravlja (MKF) za procjenu rezultata rehabilitacije osoba s amputacijom donjih udova.The rehabilitation of the person with limb loss is a complex process and a period of training to learn how to function using the prosthesis, with the aim of being independent in all the activities of daily living, vocational and non-vocational activities. The final aim is to live one’s life the way the person used to live before the amputation. The article brings the causes and types of amputation, the principles underpinning contemporary amputation surgery, goals and principles of prosthetic restoration and rehabilitation for lower extremity during preoperative amd postoperative management, pre-prosthetic and prosthetic rehabilitation stages, clinical monitoring and follow up of prosthetically rehabilitated amputees as well the stage goals and manner of their attainment. Principles of evaluation of prosthetic rehabilitation outcomes in limb amputees which make use of appraisal questionnaires have been discussed as well

    Characterization of films based on cellulose acetate/poly(caprolactone diol) intended for active packaging prepared by green chemistry principles

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    Biodegradable active packaging films based on a cellulose acetate and poly(caprolactone diol) blend with incorporated lemongrass oil were developed. Films were prepared using a novel bio-based plasticizer, glycerol tritartarate, synthesized using the principles of green chemistry. The influence of the plasticizer, as well as the essential oil amount, on the structural, surface, mechanical, and thermal properties of the blend was investigated. The plasticizer was shown to work as a compatibilizer for two polymers, according to the results of scanning electron microscopy and surface energy analysis. Blends with a greater amount of plasticizer possessed better mechanical properties but showed worse resistance to water. The antimicrobial property of the blend with lemongrass oil was found to be superior to that of the blend without essential oil. The incorporation of lemongrass oil into the polymer blend resulted in one more step longer thermal degradation process. The optimal film properties, biodegradability, cost-effective preparation method, and additional functions made these films suitable for the production of packaging for grapefruit.This peer-reviewed accepted version of the article will be available in open access on 15 July 2023. The published article available at the publisher [https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c02009

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days “Today Science – Tomorrow Industry” : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Beč kao kongresna destinacija

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    Ovim radom opisuju se ključni pojmovi vezani za kongresni turizam. Definiraju se pojmovi poslovni turizam i „meeting“ industrija te se objašnjava njihova terminologija. Navodi se povijest „meeting“ industrije Beča, statistički podaci te ponuda Beča „meeting“ industriji. Poslovni turizam je definiran kao dio skupnog pojma poslovnog putovanja te se poslovno putovanje dijeli na dva glavna oblika: individualna poslovna putovanja i poslovni turizam. „Meeting“ industrija je vrlo velik i raznoliki dio poslovnog putovanja, ali njena terminologija može biti vrlo teška za definirati, budući da je mnogo različitih tumačenja na raspolaganju. Vrlo često se upotrebljava akronim MICE. S obzirom da je tema rada Beč kao kongresna destinacija, obrađeno je to područje najviše. Statističkim podacima pokazano je kako se Beč razvija kao jedna od vodećih destinacija „meeting“ industrije, a ponudom samog grada su navedena dostupnost, sastajališta i hoteli koji nude usluge poslovnih sastanaka. Na kraju, navodi se potražnja Beča na tržištu „meeting“ industrije i njegov marketing kao kongresne destinacije.This paper describes the key point related to congress tourism. The concept of business tourism and the „meeting“ industry are defined and their terminology is explained. The history of Vienna's „meeting“ industry , the statistics and Vienna's offer to the „meeting“ industry are presented. Business tourism is defined as a part of the collective concept of business travel, and the business trave lis divided into two main forms: individual business travel and business tourism. The „meeting“ industry is a very large and diverse part of business travel, but its terminology can be very difficult to define, as many different interpretations are available. The MICE acronym is used very often. Given that the theme of this paper is Vienna as congress destination, this area is the most proccesed. Statistical dana has shown that Vienna is developing as one of the leading destinations „meeting“ industry, with the offer of the city itself featuring availability, meeting places and hotels that offer business meeting services. Finally, demand for Vienna in the „meeting“ industry market and its marketing as a congress destination is stated


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    U ovom radu biti će prikazana važnost etičkih kodeksa u svakodnevnom radu državnih vojnih službenika MORH-a, a posebno će biti istaknut rad u odnosima s javnošću. Potrebno je da državni vojni službenici MORH-a zaštite, kako svoj, tako i sam ugled državne službe, a pogotovo u javnim nastupima kada predstavljaju državno tijelo koje mora biti u skladu s propisima, ovlastima koje su dobili, znanjem kojeg su stekli i samim etičkim kodeksom i na kraju držati se samih načela etičkog kodeksa. Osnovni pojmovi koji će biti objašnjeni važni su za razumijevanje teme čime će se također na što kvalitetniji način obraditi sama tematika i problematika diplomskog rada.In this paper will be shown the importance of codes of ethics in the daily work of government military officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia, and in particular will be highlighted work in public relations. It is necessary the government military officials of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Croatia protect both their own and the reputation of the civil service, and especially in public appearances, when representing a state body that must comply with the regulations, the powers vested in, the knowledge they have acquired and the ethical code and eventually stick to the principles of the code of ethics. The basic concepts that will be explained are important for an understanding of the subject, which will also treat the topic and problems of graduate work in the highest quality