35 research outputs found

    Učinak pentadekapeptida BPC 157 na posljedice kauterizacije episkleralnih vena Ŕtakora [The effect of pentadecapeptide BPC 157 on consequences of episcleral vein cauterization in rats]

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    In female Wistar rats, 220 ā€“ 250 g, two dorsal and one temporal episcleral vein were isolated and cauterized. Medication was BPC 157 (10 Ī¼g/kg or 10 ng/kg) intraperitoneally (5 ml/kg) or locally (2x2 drops per day), either immediately before surgery and then once time daily; or at 24 h after surgery and then once time daily. Controls simultaneously received an equal volume of saline. Intraocular pressure, pupillar function were measured 24 hours, 4 and 6 weeks after procedure. Non-invasive IOP measurements were taken by aplanation tonometer ā€œTonopen XLā€. Pupillar function was photographed by USB ā€œVeho Discovery VMS-004 Deluxeā€ microcamera. Photographs were taken before and after medication application and analyzed with special camera software for measurement of pupillar diameter (r) in mm, range (C) in mm and surface (S) in mm2. Camera was previously calibrated using graph paper. Vascularization of the eye fundus and presentation of optic disc were analyzed with microcamera and ā€œVOLK Digital Widefield lupeā€ 90D. Pathohistological analysis was performed after sacrifice. Episcleral vein cauterization caused high intraocular pressure, changes in pupillar function, retinal ischemia and optic nerve disk atrophy. BPC 157 applied locally or intraperitoneally normalized intraocular pressure, pupillar function, antagonized retinal ischemia and optic nerve atrophy

    Izbor staniÅ”ta i sličnosti zajednica ptica pjevica u Å”umama parkova prirode Medvednica i Žumberak ā€“ Samoborsko gorje

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    The effect of floristic and structural characteristics of vegetation on the forest songbird communities in two Nature Parks: Medvednica andŽumberak ā€“ Samoborsko gorje was studied. The point-count method was used for analyzing songbird communities and circular plot method for habitat mapping, on 101 points at both sites. Non-parametric test were used (Kruskalā€“ Wallis and Kendal Tau). The tree basal area was used to classify studied points into five forest types (beech, oak, mixed deciduous, coniferous and mixed coniferous forests) and as indication of the stand maturity. The total of27 and 32 songbird species were recorded on Medvednica and Žumberak ā€“Samoborsko gorje respectively. Diversity was higher on Žumberak ā€“ Samoborsko gorje due to greater habitat fragmentation, while population density of songbirds was greater on Medvednica. Among structural characteristics, those related to forest age (average tree basal area and number of the small trees) had the most pronounced effect to the total songbird density and densities of different ecological groups of birds. Sorensen index showed that in spite of the differences in floristic composition between particular forest types in two studied areas (0.475 Ā± 0.120), songbird communities showed high similarity (0.872 Ā± 0.070). The highest similarity of songbird communities between Parks was recorded in beech and oak stands. Oak stands showed the lowest similarity in tree species composition and no significant difference in structural characteristics, while beech stands had many different structural features and several differences in densities of ecological groups of birds. The greatest difference of bird densities in the particular forest type between two Parks was found in beech and mixed coniferous stands. High structural differences between these two forests were the result of the forest age; bird populations had higher densities in older stands.Istraživanja zajednica ptica pjevica Å”umskih staniÅ”ta ukazuju da na njihovu strukturu i gustoću populacija mogu utjecati floristička i strukturalna svojstva vegetacije. U ovom istraživanju željeli smo, usporedbom zajednica ptica Å”umskih staniÅ”ta dvaju parkova prirode, utvrditi utjecaj florističkih i strukturalnih svojstava vegetacije na zajednicu ptica gnjezdarica. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2006. i 2007. u Parkovima prirode Medvednica i Žumberak ā€“ Samoborsko gorje. Å ume pokrivaju oko 60 % povrÅ”ineu oba parka, ali su kontinuirane na Medvednici i neÅ”to rascjepkanije na Žumberku. Istraživanje ptica provedeno je metodom prebrojavanja u točki, a uzorkovanje staniÅ”ta metodom kružnih ploha. Istraživanje je provedeno na ukupno101 točki: 49 na Medvednici i 52 na Žumberku. Pri statističkoj obradi koriÅ”teni su neparametrijski testovi (Kruskalā€“Wallis i Kendal Tau). Udio temeljnice stabala koriÅ”ten je za određivanje pripadnosti pojedinom Å”umskim tipu: bukovoj, hrastovoj, mjeÅ”ovitoj listopadnoj i mjeÅ”ovitoj crnogoričnoj Å”umi. Prosječna temeljnica stabla koriÅ”tena je kao indikator starosti Å”ume. Istraživanjem je zabilježeno ukupno 27 vrsta ptica pjevica u Å”umama Medvednice i32 na Žumberku (Tablica 1). Å est vrsta ptica bilo je vezano uz određeni tip Å”ume, s viÅ”e od 40 % parova zabilježenih u tom Å”umskom tipu. Diverzitet vrstabio je viÅ”i na Žumberku, dok je gustoća populacija ptica pjevica bila veća na Medvednici (Slika 2). Sorensenov indeks pokazao je da zajednice ptica istog tipa Å”ume između dva područja pokazuju znatno veću sličnost nego floristički sastav (Slika 3). Najveća sličnost u zajednicama ptica između dva Parka zabilježena je u bukovim i hrastovim sastojinama. Hrastove sastojine pokazuju najmanju florističku sličnost, ali nemaju značajnih razlika u strukturalnim svojstvima niti u ekoloÅ”kim skupinama ptica. Bukove sastojine naprotiv pokazuju značajne strukturalne razlike i u njima je, kao i u mjeÅ”ovitim crnogoričnim sastojinama, zabilježena najveća razlika među ekoloÅ”kim skupinama ptica između dva Parka. Strukturalne razlike tih Å”uma između dva Parka su rezultat različite starosti sastojina, a ptice su imale veće gustoće u starijim Å”u-mama. Među strukturalnim svojstvima vegetacije, ona vezana uz starost Å”ume (prosječna temeljnica i broj mladih stabala) bile su značajno korelirane s ukupnom gustoćom populacija pjevica i s gustoćom različitih ekoloÅ”kih skupina. Zaključak je ovog istraživanja da floristički sastav Å”uma ima utjecaj na odabir tipa Å”ume u kojoj će se neke vrste ptica pjevica gnijezditi, dok na odabir samog područja gniježđenja veći utjecaj imaju strukturalna svojstva Å”ume

    Implementation of the finite amplitude method for the relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation

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    A new implementation of the finite amplitude method (FAM) for the solution of the relativistic quasiparticle random-phase approximation (RQRPA) is presented, based on the relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov (RHB) model for deformed nuclei. The numerical accuracy and stability of the FAMā€“RQRPA is tested in a calculation of the monopole response of 22O. As an illustrative example, the model is applied to a study of the evolution of monopole strength in the chain of Sm isotopes, including the splitting of the giant monopole resonance in axially deformed systems

    The team approach in early childhood intervention

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    Cilj ovoga rada prikaz je programa u sklopu Kabineta za ranu intervenciju u djetinjstvu, koji je započeo s radom od mjeseca rujna 2017. godine u Centru za rehabilitaciju Zagreb, podružnica SloboÅ”tina. Programom rane intervencije obuhvaćena su djeca od dojenačke dobi do sedme godine života. Transdisciplinarnom suradnjom i povezivanjem s drugim resorima pospjeÅ”ilo se rano i pravovremeno uključivanje u programe rane intervencije djece s neurorazvojnim rizikom i razvojnim teÅ”koćama. Zajedničkom timskom procjenom nadilazi se jednostavan monoprofesionalni pristup djetetu i obitelji, te se pruža viÅ”e od zbroja pojedinih profesija ā€“ nudi se integrativni, multiprofesionalni pogled na djetetov razvoj, koje za cilj ima uvažavanje svih djetetovih potreba i specifičnosti, uzimajući u obzir funkcioniranje i dobrobit cijele obitelji. Nakon timske procjene, djetetu i obitelji pruža se odgovarajuća stručna podrÅ”ka koja obuhvaća rehabilitacijske programe sukladno njegovoj dijagnozi i razvojnim potrebama, o čemu ovisi uključivanje djeteta u program rane intervencije kroz stručnu podrÅ”ku u obitelji ili kod pružatelja usluga. Program provodi specijalist rane intervencije. Timski usklađenom ranom podrÅ”kom kroz obiteljski usmjerene programe djetetu pruža se mogućnost za optimalan razvojni ishod, čime se preveniraju mogući razvojni rizici, te osnažuju roditelji i članovi obitelji kako bi adekvatno podržali djetetov razvoj.The aim of this paper is to present early childhood intervention programs conducted by the Center for Rehabilitation Zagreb, branchā€“office SloboÅ”tina. Early intervention programs include children from infancy to the age of seven years. The transdisciplinary co-operation has anticipated early and opportune inclusion in the early intervention programs for children with neurodevelopmental risks and developmental disabilities. A joint team assessment goes beyond a partial monoprofessional approach to the child and family and provides more than individual professions do ā€“ it offers an integrative, multiprofessional view of child development, which aims to respect all the childā€™s needs and specificities, taking into consideration the functioning and well-being of the whole family. After the team assessment, the child and his family are provided with the appropriate professional support that includes rehabilitation programs according to the childā€™s diagnosis and developmental needs. Children are included in the home-based or center-based early intervention program. The program is implemented by an early intervention specialist. The early support through family-oriented programs provides the child with an opportunity for an optimal developmental outcome, which prevents possible developmental risks and strengthens parents and family members in giving adequate support to childā€™s development

    Multispectral data by the new generation of high-resolution satellite sensors for mapping phytoplankton blooms in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, southern Italy)

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    The HR (High-Resolution) EO (Earth Observation) satellite systems Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel 2 were tested for mapping the frequent phytoplankton blooms and Chl a distributions in the sea basin of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Ionian Sea, southern Italy), using the sea truth calibration data acquired in 2013. The data were atmospherically corrected for accounting of the aerosol load on optically complexes waters (case II). Various blue-green and additional spectral indices ratios, were then satisfyingly tested for mapping the distribution of Chl a and differently sized phytoplankton populations through PLS (Partial Least Square regression) models, regressive statistical models and bio-optical algorithms. The PLS models demonstrated higher robustness for assessing the distribution of all the phytoplankton and Chl a except for those related to sub-surface micro-phytoplankton. The distributions obtained via a bio-optical approach (OC3 algorithm and full physically based inversion) showed a general agreement with the previous ones produced by statistical methods. The reflectance signals, captured by OLI and Sentinel 2 sensors in the visible and shorter wavelengths once atmospherically corrected, were found to be useful to map the coastal variability at detailed scale of Chl a and different phytoplankton populations, in the optically complexes waters of the Mar Piccolo

    Pentadekapeptid BPC 157 skraćuje trajanje anestezije rožnice izazvane tetrakainom i oksibuprokainom kod Å”takora

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    We focused on the relationship of 0.5% tetracaine- and 0.4% oxybuprocaine-induced corneal anesthesia in rats, and pentadecapeptide BPC 157 (0.4 Ī¼g/eye), along with nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N(gamma)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) (0.1 mg/eye) and/or NOS substrate L-arginine (2 mg/eye), applied in the form of eye drops. We assessed corneal sensitivity recovery (Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometer), corneal lesion elimination (staining with 10% fluorescein) and decrease in tear volume (Schirmer test). BPC 157 administration had a full counteracting effect. Recovery also occurred in the presence of NOS blockade and NOS substrate application. L-arginine eventually shortened duration of corneal insensitivity and exerted corneal lesion counteraction (and counteraction of tetracaine-induced decrease of tear volume) only in earlier but not in later period. L-NAME application led to longer duration of corneal insensitivity, increase in corneal lesions and decrease in tear volume. When L-NAME and L-arginine were applied together, they antagonized each otherā€™s effect. These distinctions may indicate particular NOS involvement (corneal insensitivity vs. corneal lesion along with tear production), distinctively affected by the administration of NO agents. However, additional BPC 157 co-administration would re-establish counteraction over topical ophthalmic anesthetic-induced effect, be it in its early or late course. We suggest BPC 157 as an antidote to topical ophthalmic anesthetics.U ovom istraživanju ispitivali smo međuodnos anestezije rožnice uzrokovane 0,5% tetrakainom odnosno 0,4% oksibuprokainom i pentadekapeptida BPC 157 (0,4 Ī¼g/oko) u kombinaciji s inhibitorom nitrid oksida L-NAME (0,1 mg/oko) i/ili supstratom nitrid oksida L-argininom (2 mg/oko) primijenjenim u obliku kapi za oči. Procjenjivali smo anesteziju rožnice (Cochet-Bonnetov esteziometar), nestajanje lezija rožnice (bojenje 10% fluoresceinom) te volumen nastajanja suza (Schirmerov test). Učinak potpunog poniÅ”tavanja anestezije rožnice uočen je u skupinama koje su primale BPC 157. Oporavak je također nastupio u skupinama koje su primale i supstrat i blokator nitrid oksida. L-arginin skraćuje vrijeme neosjetljivosti rožnice, a uočeno je i smanjenje lezija rožnice te poniÅ”tavanje smanjenja lučenja suza, ali samo u ranijem kraćem razdoblju, dok se kasnije taj učinak gubi. L-NAME je uzrokovao produženje vremena neosjetljivosti rožnice kao i povećanje lezija rožnice te dodatno smanjenje stvaranja suza. Kada se L-arginin i L-NAME daju zajedno njihov učinak se poniÅ”tava. Opažene razlike mogu ukazivati na određeni utjecaj i uključenost nitrid oksida (neosjetljivost rožnice naspram nastajanja lezija rožnice i stvaranja suza), Å”to je pokazano primjenom supstrata/blokatora nitrid oksida. Međutim, u bilo kojoj kombinaciji prije ili kasnije, dodatak BPC 157 doveo bi do poniÅ”tavanja učinka primijenjenih anestetika

    BPC 157 as a Therapy for Retinal Ischemia Induced by Retrobulbar Application of L-NAME in Rats

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    Providing NO-system importance, we suggest that one single application of the NOS-blocker L-NAME may induce retinal ischemia in rats, and that the stable pentadecapeptide BPC 157 may be the therapy, since it may interact with the NO-system and may counteract various adverse effects of L-NAME application. A rat retinal ischemia study was conducted throughout 4Ā weeks, including fundoscopy, behavior presentation, tonometry, and histology assessment. Retrobulbar L-NAME application (5Ā mg/kg; 0.5Ā mg/0.1Ā ml saline/each eye) in rats immediately produced moderate generalized irregularity in the diameter of blood vessels with moderate atrophy of the optic disc and faint presentation of the choroidal blood vessels, and these lesions rapidly progressed to the severe stage. The specific L-NAMEā€“induced vascular failure points to normal intraocular pressure (except to very transitory increase upon drug retrobulbar administration). When BPC 157 (10Ā Ī¼g; 10Ā ng/kg, as retrobulbar application, 1Ā Ī¼g; 1Ā ng/0.1Ā ml saline/each eye) is given at either 20Ā min after L-NAME or, lately, at 48Ā h after L-NAME, the regular retrobulbar L-NAME injection findings disappear. Instead, fundoscopy demonstrated only discrete generalized vessel caliber irregularity with mild atrophy of the optic disc, and then, quite rapidly, normal eye background and choroidal blood vessels, which remain in all of the subsequent periods. Also, histology assessment at 1, 2, and 4Ā weeks shows that BPC 157 counteracted the damaged inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer, and revealed normal retinal thickness. The poor behavioral presentation was also rescued. Thus, while further studies will be done, BPC 157 counteracted L-NAMEā€“induced rat retinal ischemia

    Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in the treatment of colitis and ischemia and reperfusion in rats: new insights

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    AIM: To provide new insights in treatment of colitis and ischemia and reperfusion in rats using stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157. ----- METHODS: Medication [BPC 157, L-NAME, L-arginine (alone/combined), saline] was bath at the blood deprived colon segment. During reperfusion, medication was BPC 157 or saline. We recorded (USB microscope camera) vessel presentation through next 15 min of ischemic colitis (IC-rats) or reperfusion (removed ligations) (IC + RL-rats); oxidative stress as MDA (increased (IC- and IC + RL-rats)) and NO levels (decreased (IC-rats); increased (IC + RL-rats)) in colon tissue. IC + OB-rats [IC-rats had additional colon obstruction (OB)] for 3 d (IC + OB-rats), then received BPC 157 bath. ----- RESULTS: Commonly, in colon segment (25 mm, 2 ligations on left colic artery and vein, 3 arcade vessels within ligated segment), in IC-, IC + RL-, IC + OB-rats, BPC 157 (10 Ī¼g/kg) bath (1 mL/rat) increased vessel presentation, inside/outside arcade interconnections quickly reappeared, mucosal folds were preserved and the pale areas were small and markedly reduced. BPC 157 counteracted worsening effects induced by L-NAME (5 mg) and L-arginine (100 mg). MDA- and NO-levels were normal in BPC 157 treated IC-rats and IC + RL-rats. In addition, on day 10, BPC 157-treated IC + OB-rats presented almost completely spared mucosa with very small pale areas and no gross mucosal defects; the treated colon segment was of normal diameter, and only small adhesions were present. ----- CONCLUSION: BPC 157 is a fundamental treatment that quickly restores blood supply to the ischemically injured area and rapidly activates collaterals. This effect involves the NO system