991 research outputs found

    Autumn March

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    Silicon and its impacts on phosphorus in eutrophic freshwater lakes

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    Miestenkoulu? : Mieskuva varusmieskoulutuksessa kÀytettÀvissÀ opetuselokuvissa

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Tutkimuksen kohteena on varusmieskoulutuksessa kĂ€ytettĂ€vien opetuselokuvien mieskuva. Mieskuvaa tarkastelemalla selvitetÀÀn, pitÀÀkö Suomen puolustusvoimat yllĂ€ kĂ€sitystĂ€ , jonka mukaan armeija on miesten koulu. Tutkimuksessa kysytÀÀn, mikĂ€ on armeijakontekstissa miehenĂ€ olemiselle sallittava alue, mitkĂ€ sen rajat sekĂ€ millĂ€ elokuvallisilla ja retorisilla keinoilla mieheyden rajat mÀÀritellÀÀn. Aineistona on 29 tĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ varusmieskoulutuksessa kĂ€ytettĂ€vÀÀ opetuselokuvaa, jotka ovat valmistuneet 1983-1998. Analyysissa yhdistetÀÀn semioottisen sosiologian ja elokuvatutkimuksen kĂ€sitteellisiĂ€ ja menetelmĂ€llisiĂ€ vĂ€lineitĂ€. Opetuselokuvat nĂ€hdÀÀn representaatioina, jotka konkretisoivat puolustusvoimien sukupuoli-ideologian. Elokuvien lĂ€hiluvun avulla analysoidaan tekstuaalisten katsojien eli kerronnan puhuttelun olettamien katsojien rakentumista. Tutkimuksen taustana ja rakenteistajana toimii R. W. Connellin teoria maskuliinisuuksista. Maskuliinisuus mÀÀritellÀÀn samanaikaisesti positioksi sukupuolijĂ€rjestelmĂ€ssĂ€, kĂ€ytĂ€nnöiksi joiden kautta positioon sitoudutaan sekĂ€ nĂ€iden kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjen seurauksiksi ruumiillisissa kokemuksissa, persoonallisuudessa ja kulttuurissa. Maskuliinisuus on tutkittavissa sukupuoliprojektina eli prosesseina ja vuorovaikutussuhteina, joiden kautta sukupuolittunutta elĂ€mÀÀ eletÀÀn. Sukupuoli strukturoi maskuliinisuuksia, kĂ€ytĂ€ntökonfiguraatioita, jotka pakottavat kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€ ja yksilötilanteita. Opetuselokuvia tarkastellaan kĂ€ytĂ€ntökonfiguraatiopiirien osatekijöinĂ€. Sukupuoli on sosiaalisena rakenteena jaoteltavissa kolmeen alarakenteeseen eli valtasuhteisiin, tuotantosuhteisiin ja seksuaalista halua mÀÀrÀÀvÀÀn lataus-rakenteeseen. TĂ€mĂ€ jako jĂ€sentÀÀ opetuselokuvien analyysin osiin, joissa keskitytÀÀn kuhunkin alarakenteeseen liittyviin representaatioihin, rakenteen uusintamiseen sekĂ€ alarakenteiden limittymiseen. Tutkimuksen tulos on, ettĂ€ puolustusvoimat yllĂ€pitÀÀ myyttiĂ€, jonka mukaan armeija on miestenkoulu. Sukupuoli-ideologiansa representaatiuoissa varusmieskoulutus rakentuu sukupuoliteknologisena sukupuolet tuottavana kasvatusinstituutiona, "mies(ten)kouluna". Kehityskulut alokkaasta sotilaaksi ja pojasta mieheksi kietoutuvat elokuvien tarinarakenteissa yhteen. Varusmieskoulutus on ratkaisu alokkaan maskuliinisuutta koskeviin ongelmiin, jotka kytkeytyvĂ€t mm. oman toiminnan hallitsemattomuuteen sekĂ€ seksuaalisuuteen ja alkoholinkĂ€yttöön. Asepalvelus on hegemoniseen maskuliinisuuteen sitouttamisen projekti, jossa miehen osaksi tulee maan ja perheen suojeleminen. Ideologiaan suturoimisen keinoina esiin nousevat toistuva unirakenne, tekstien naispuoliset sisĂ€kkĂ€isauktoriteetit sekĂ€ traumaattinen katsojapositio

    Long-term Outcome of Cognitive and Emotional Functioning in Young People with ADHD

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    Clarification on how cognitive, executive and emotional functioning contribute to symptom reduction or improved function in childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is needed to find additional treatment methods. The clinical utility of continuous performance test (CPT) (Conners’ CPT-II, QbTest) to complement rating scales in diagnostic assessments and treatment evaluations (QbTest) was examined using one dataset from clinical records of 118 treatment-seeking youth (ADHD, n = 80; non-ADHD, n = 38) (diagnostic) and one dataset of 56 youth treated for ADHD (treatment evaluation) (Paper I). The course of cognitive, executive, emotional functioning and their relationship with ADHD outcome was investigated in a clinical study group of 137 treatment-seeking youth with ADHD (Papers II, III, and IV). A control group (n = 59) participated in parts of papers II and IV. The youth completed the Wechsler Intelligence Scales, the Conners’ CPT II, and the Beck Youth Inventories at baseline and follow-upafter three years. Their parents completed the Swanson-Nolan-Pelham Scale, fourth edition (SNAP-IV), the Behavior Rating of Executive Function (BRIEF) at baseline and follow-up, the Five To Fifteen scale at baseline, and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire at follow-up. The Conners’ CPT II was useful in diagnostic assessments of ADHD in cases with ambiguous parental/teacher ratings, and the QbTest was useful in identifying patients with a positive response to medical treatment (Paper I). Cognitive, executive, and emotional functioning were largely stable across measuring points in youth with ADHD when using standardized scores, except for worsening verbal functioning and improved reaction time variability (Papers II, III, and IV). Worsened BRIEF scores between baseline and follow-up were associated with ADHD symptom severity and overall functional impairment at follow-up. Selfand parent-rated internalizing symptoms were related to BRIEF composite scores. Verbal functioning predicted whether ADHD children at follow-up attained passing grades. In clinical practice, it is important to monitor cognitive, executive, and emotional functioning in youth with ADHD. Reducing stress and failure in daily life may decrease internalizing symptoms and enable youth with ADHD to manage better in school

    The Power of the Chair in International Bargaining

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    All negotiations in international organizations and all multilateral conferences are chaired by member state representatives or supranational officials, with mandates to manage the agenda, structure the deliberations, and broker agreements. Yet existing literature offers no coherent explanation of the sources of this institutional practice or its effects on negotiation outcomes. The intention in this paper is to present the first cut of a theory whose purpose it is to address this gap. The paper asks two main questions: What explains the emergence of the chair as a governance form in international negotiations? What determines the influence of the chair over multilateral bargaining outcomes

    Children’s perspective at riding school : a qualitative interview study through focus groups with younger children

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    Tidigare var det vanligt att ridskolor hade en grĂ€ns pĂ„ sju Ă„rs Ă„lder för att fĂ„ börja rida. Ridlekis Ă€r ett nytt fenomen pĂ„ svenska ridskolor och idag saknas det forskning om hur de yngsta barnen upplever ridlekis pĂ„ ridskolan. Syftet med studien var att undersöka barns perspektiv pĂ„ ridlekisverksamhet. Studien genomfördes genom att besvara frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna: Vad upplever yngre barn som roligt pĂ„ ridlekis? Vad Ă€r det som fĂ„r yngre barn att börja och fortsĂ€tta pĂ„ ridlekis? Metoden som anvĂ€ndes var fokusgruppsintervjuer. Fem intervjuer genomfördes pĂ„ tvĂ„ olika ridskolor. Totalt 31 barn i Ă„ldern tre till sex Ă„r deltog i studien. Det insamlade materialet transkriberades, analyserades genom innehĂ„llsanalys och fyra teman kom att fokuseras. De fyra teman resultatet landade i var: Motiv till deltagande, Roligast pĂ„ ridlekis, Första dagen pĂ„ ridlekis och RidlĂ€raren och hĂ€starnas betydelse. Resultatet visade mĂ„nga likheter och olikheter i barnens uttalanden. I motiv till deltagande svarade de flesta barnen att det var för att de tycker om att rida eller att de började för att det Ă€r roligt. Under temat roligast pĂ„ ridlekis tyckte majoriteten att trava och galoppera var det allra roligaste medan en del av barnen tyckte mest om att klappa och ge godis till hĂ€starna. Första dagen pĂ„ ridlekis upplevde flest barn som ”lĂ€skigt” och att de var blyga. Andra barn tyckte Ă€ven att det kĂ€ndes roligt och pirrigt. BetrĂ€ffande ridlĂ€raren och hĂ€starnas betydelse sĂ„ uppgav majoriteten av barnen att en bra ridlĂ€rare ska lĂ€ra barnen saker samt vara snĂ€ll och glad. Även hĂ€starna ska vara snĂ€lla, men ocksĂ„ söta, gulliga, fina och gosiga. Slutsatsen blev att det Ă€r av stor vikt att ta reda pĂ„ barnens perspektiv för att göra barnens upplevelse pĂ„ ridlekis sĂ„ bra som möjligt. Variation i verksamheten Ă€r viktigt och resultatet visade att ridningen inte ensam Ă€r central för barnen. Barnen i studien tyckte att det var minst lika roligt att vara med hĂ€starna i stallet och att fĂ„ rosetter. För att barn ska fortsĂ€tta pĂ„ ridlekis Ă€r snĂ€lla och positiva ridlĂ€rare samt trygga hĂ€star nĂ„got ridskolor bör prioritera i ridlekisverksamhet.In the past, it was common for riding schools in Sweden to have a limit of seven years of age to start riding. Therefore, ”ridlekis” is a new phenomenon in Swedish riding schools and today there is a lack of research on how the youngest children experience ”ridlekis” at the riding schools. The purpose of the study was to find out childrens’ perspective on riding school. The concept ”ridlekis” means a more playful version of the usual riding school activities for children aged three to six years. The study was done by answering the following questions: What do younger children experience as fun at riding school? What makes younger children start and continue on riding school? Five focus group interviews were conducted at two different riding schools. A total of 31 children aged three to six years participated in the study. The collected material was transcribed and analyzed through content analysis and four themes came to focus. The four themes the result landed in were: Motives for participation, Funniest activities at ”ridlekis”, First day at ”ridlekis” and The importance of the riding teacher and the horses. The results showed many similarities and differences in the children's statements. In motive for participating, most children answered that it was because they like riding or that they started because it was fun. Under the theme most fun at “ridlekis”, the majority thought trotting and galloping was the most fun while some of the children liked to pet and give sweets to the horses. The first day at ridlekis, most children experienced it as "scary" and that they were shy. Other children also found it fun and tantalizing. Regarding the importance of riding teacher and horses, the majority of children, expressed that a good riding teacher should teach the children things and be kind and happy. The horses should also be kind, but also sweet, cute, nice and cuddly. The conclusion was that it is important to find out the children's perspective in order to make their experience at “ridlekis” as good as possible. Variation in the activity is important and the results showed that riding is not the most important thing for the children. The children in the study thought it was at least as fun to be with the horses and get price rosettes. The riding teacher and the horses play an important role in the activities and to get the children to continue riding

    Community Mobility

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    To be able to transport oneself within the community is important for engagement in meaningful occupations outside of one’s home, and for participating in the society. People with disabilities may have limited transportation options, due to their lack of cognitive and physical abilities. The most common barrier for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is unpredictable factors that occur when driving and using public transport. However, few studies have measured the viewpoints of people with ASD related to the usability of public transport and driving. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to identify viewpoints on possible barriers and facilitators with regards to the usability of driving and public transport for people with ASD. Q-methodology was used to identify the viewpoints. A total of 31 persons participated in the study that was conducted in Melbourne, VIC and Perth WA, in Australia. Three viewpoints were identified with regards to driving and two with regards to public transport. In driving, the viewpoints were: “Confident in driving”, “Confident in using public transport” and “Confident in being passengers”. In public transport the viewpoints were: “Using public transport adds to quality of life” and “The ability to transport oneself in the community is important”. Regarding driving it appeared that driving in itself could act as a barrier for those without a driver’s licence. Regardless of whether it was driving or through public transport, the ability to transport oneself was regarded as positive and it added to quality of life, a sense of freedom and to participation in the community. No distinct barriers to using public transport were identified and therefore this method of transportation appeared to be a facilitator for community participation
