35 research outputs found

    Investigations of Anatomical Connectivity in the Internal Capsule of Macaques with Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Understanding anatomical connectivity is crucial for improving outcomes of deep brain stimulation surgery. Tractography is a promising method for noninvasively investigating anatomical connectivity, but connections between subcortical regions have not been closely examined by this method. As many connections to subcortical regions converge at the internal capsule (IC), we investigate the connectivity through the IC to three subcortical nuclei (caudate, lentiform nucleus, and thalamus) in 6 macaques. We show that a statistical correction for a known distance-related artifact in tractography results in large changes in connectivity patterns. Our results suggest that care should be taken in using tractography to assess anatomical connectivity between subcortical structure

    Podobe holokavsta v šolskem kurikulumu

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    Activity of laccase and cellulase in the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus

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    Diplomsko delo opisuje gojenje glive Pleurotus ostreatus (P. ostreatus) na trdnem gojišču ob uporabi ustreznega rastnega substrata. Opazovali smo prirast glive in merili njegovo maso v odvisnosti od časa inkubacije. Po določenem časovnem obdobju smo izvedli ekstrakcijo encimov ter določili aktivnosti encima lakaze in celulaze v teh vzorcih. Zanimal nas je vpliv časa inkubacije na aktivnosti encimov. Prav tako smo določali aktivnost encimov iz zamrznjenih encimskih ekstraktov, saj smo želeli ugotoviti, kako se spremeni aktivnost encima, če ustvarimo mešanico koncentriranega encimskega ekstrakta. Diplomsko delo prav tako opisuje zamreženje encimskih skupkov (CLEAs) iz encimskih ekstraktov. Ta postopek smo izvedli po določenem protokolu z uporabo različnih obarjalnih reagentov (aceton, etanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol) in z mrežnim povezovalcem glutaraldehidom (GA). Zamreženim encimskim skupkom smo določili učinkovitost imobilizacije, preostalo aktivnost in preostalo specifično aktivnost. Z namenom, da bi dosegli boljše rezultate, smo spremenili volumske deleže mrežnega povezovalca GA, obarjali pa smo le v acetonu, ker se je izkazalo, da je obarjanje encimskega preparata bilo najuspešnejše z njegovo uporabo. Zamreževanje je potekalo 3 ure na sobni temperaturi.The diploma work describes the cultivation of the fungus P. ostreatus on a solid medium using an appropriate growing substrate. We observed growth in fungi and measured its mass depending on the incubation time. After defined period of time, extraction of enzymes was carried out and the activity of the enzyme laccase and cellulase in the samples was determined. We were interested in the influence of incubation time on enzyme activity. We also determined the activity from frozen enzyme extracts as we wanted to determine how the enzyme activity was changed if a mixture of concentrated enzyme extract. The diploma work also describes the cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) from enzyme extracts. This procedure was carried out according to a particular protocol using various precipitation reagents (acetone, ethanol, 1-propanol, 2-propanol) and with cross-linker glutaraldehyde (GA). Immobilization efficiency, residual activity, and residual specific activity of cross-linked enzyme aggregates was determined. In order to achieve better results, we changed the volume fraction of the cross-linker glutaraldehyde and precipitated only in acetone, as the precipitation of the enzyme preparation proved to be the most successful with its use. The cross-linking was carried out at room temperature for 3 hours

    Blockchain-enabled Flexibility Activation for Distribution Grid Management

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    Stylistics in cover headlines of the Slovene edition of Cosmopolitan magazine

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    V magistrskem delu obravnavam jezikovne in stilne značilnosti naslovov na naslovnicah slovenske izdaje revije Cosmopolitan. Obravnavana revija je mesečnik in spada med potrošniške ali popularne revije, ki so namenjene čim večji prodaji in posledično dobičku medijski hiši, ki jo izdaja. Pri doseganju tega cilja ima pomembno vlogo njena naslovnica, ki je prvi stik z bralko, zato mora vzbuditi njeno pozornost in jo prepričati v nakup. S tem namenom novinarji uporabljajo razne tehnike privabljanja, od vizualnih do ustrezne rabe jezika. Analizirala sem vlogo primarne funkcije, jezikovne in stilne značilnosti dvestotih naslovov na petnajstih naslovnicah Cosmopolitana, ter raziskovala, kako naslovi služijo kot sredstvo pritegovanja pozornosti ciljne publike. S pomočjo jezikovne analize in poglobljenega intervjuja z uredniško direktorico ugotavljam, da je glavna funkcija naslovov Cosmopolitana pozivno-pridobivalna, kar pomeni, da je njihov namen predvsem vzbuditi pozornost bralk. To dosežejo z različnimi pritegovalnimi sredstvi, med njimi je tudi stilna zaznamovanost besedila. Večina naslovov je stilno zaznamovanih, kar naslovopisci dosegajo s tipografijo, tipologijo, skladnjo in z uporabo aktualizmov. Ugotovila sem, da je tipologija naslovov precej razgibana, saj se število enot naslovja razlikuje. Aktualizacija se kaže s pogosto uporabo ločil, znakov in številk, besede pa so najpogosteje ekspresivne, pogovorne, prevzete in nove. Jezik v stilno zaznamovanih naslovih vsebuje frazeme, ukrasne pridevke, metafore in metonimije, saj je to način komuniciranja, ki ga ženske uporabljajo v pogovorih s prijateljicami. Tako se revija prek psevdointimnostnih strategij približa bralkam, pri katerih takšno besedišče vzbudi pozornost.This master thesis discusses the linguistic and stylistic features in cover headlines of the Slovene edition of Cosmopolitan magazine. The examined monthly magazine is one of the commercial and popular magazines with their purpose to reach the highest sales possible and to bring profit to their publishing house. An important role in this plays the cover which is the first thing female readers encountertherefore, it has to draw their attention and convince them into purchasing the magazine. Journalists use various captivating techniques, from the visual ones to the appropriate use of the language. The thesis aims to analyse the role of the primary function, the linguistic and stylistic features of 200 headlines on fifteen Cosmopolitan covers, and to research the function of headlines as a means of capturing the target audience’s attention. Through a linguistic analysis and a comprehensive interview with the editorial director it can be deduced that the main function of Cosmopolitan headlines is the addressing-acquiring one, since their purpose is to draw the readers’ attention. This is achieved through various means of captivation, including the stylistic markedness of the text. Most headlines are stylistically marked through typography, typology, syntax and the use of topicalities. It has been deduced that the typology of the headlines is quite diverse, since the number of headline units varies. Topicality is indicated by the frequent use of punctuation marks, signs and numbers, and the words are usually expressive, colloquial, borrowed and new. The language in stylistically marked headlines consists of idioms, epithets, metaphors and metonymies, which is also the language women use when communicating with their colleagues. The magazine connects with the readers through the strategies of pseudo-intimacy, since this kind of vocabulary attracts their attention

    Cross-Linking of enzymes from fungus Pleurotus ostreatus

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    V magistrskem delu je opisano gojenje glive Pleurotus ostreatus (P. ostreatus) na gojiščih različne sestave. Gojišča so bila sestavljena iz mešanice pšeničnih otrobov in odpadnih materialov. Spremljali smo prirast glive, glede na različne sestave gojišča. Tako smo ugotovili, da je najugodnejše gojišče za rast glive P. ostreatus, tisto, ki je sestavljeno iz pšeničnih otrobov in slame. Po 8. dneh gojenja P. ostreatus na različnih gojiščih smo ekstrahirali encime iz glivnega micelija P. ostreatus. V pridobljenih encimskih ekstraktih smo določili koncentracijo proteinov, aktivnosti in specifične aktivnosti encimov celulaze, lakaze in α-amilaze. Ugotovili smo, da je za proizvodnjo teh encimov iz glive P. ostreatus, najugodnejši substrat sestavljen iz pšeničnih otrobov in hruške. Magistrsko delo prav tako opisuje imobilizacijo dobljenih encimov v obliki zamreženih encimskih skupkov (CLEAs) in magnetnih zamreženih encimskih skupkov (mCLEAs). Imobilizacijo v obliki m CLEAs smo izvedli na predhodno sintetizirane magnetne nanodelce prevlečene s hitozanom (H) ali dekstranom (CMD). CLEAs in mCLEAs smo določili učinkovitost imobilizacije in preostalo specifično aktivnost. Ugotovili smo, da sta encima celulaza in lakaza bila uspešno imobilizirana v obliki CMD-mCLEAs, ki smo jih pripravili iz encimskega ekstrakta, katerega gojišče je bilo sestavljeno iz pšeničnih otrobov in trave. Imobilizacija α-amilaze pa je bila najuspešnejša v primeru sinteze H-mCLEAs, ki smo jih pripravili iz istega encimskega ekstrakta. Prav tako smo izvedli študijo stabilnosti CLEAs in mCLEAs pri 4 °C. Po 2 tednih skladiščenja pri 4 °C smo določili še preostalo specifično aktivnost CLEAs in mCLEAs. Preostala specifična aktivnost imobiliziranih encimov se je po 2. tednih skladiščenja zmanjša, kar pomeni, da je stabilnost le teh upadla.The master\u27s thesis describes the cultivation of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus (P. ostreatus) on media of different composition. The media consisted of a mixture of wheat bran and waste materials. We observed the growth of the fungus, depending on the different compositions of the medium. We found out that the most favorable medium for the growth of the fungus P. ostreatus is composed from wheat bran and straw. After 8 days, enzymes were extracted from the fungus P. ostreatus. In these enzyme extracts, protein concentration, activity and specific activity of cellulase, laccase and α-amylase enzymes were determined. We found out that for the production of these enzymes, from the fungus P. ostreatus, the most favorable substrate is pear. The master\u27s thesis also describes the crosslinking of enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) and the magnetic crosslinking of enzyme aggregates (mCLEAs) from enzyme extracts. Magnetic crosslinking was performed using dextran magnetic nanoparticles and chitosan maghemite nanoparticles. The efficiency of immobilization and the remaining specific activity were determined by cross-linked enzyme aggregates. We found out that the enzymes cellulase and lacase were successfully immobilized in the form of CMD-mCLEAs, which were prepared from an enzyme extract whose medium consisted of wheat bran and grass. Immobilization of α-amylase was most successful in the case of the synthesis of H-mCLEAs prepared from the same enzyme extract. We were also interested in the stability of CLEAs and mCLEAs if the particles were stored at 4 °C. After 2 weeks of storage at 4 °C, the remaining specific activity of CLEAs and mCLEAs was determined. From the results, we found out that the remaining specific activity of immobilized enzymes after 2 weeks of storage is lower, which means that the stability of these enzymes has decreased