56 research outputs found

    Projective and hybrid projective synchronization of 4-D hyperchaotic system via nonlinear controller strategy

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    Nonlinear control strategy was established to realize the Projective Synchronization (PS) and Hybrid Projective Synchronization (HPS) for 4-D hyperchaotic system at different scaling matrices. This strategy, which is able to achieve projective and hybrid projective synchronization by more precise and adaptable method to provide a novel control scheme. On First stage, three scaling matrices were given in order to achieving various projective synchronization phenomena. While the HPS was implemented at specific scaling matrix in the second stage.  Ultimately, the precision of controllers were compared and analyzed theoretically and numerically. The long-range precision of the proposed controllers are confirmed by third stage

    Central Admission to Medical Colleges and its impact on the rates of medical specialties in Iraq

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    This study was conducted to identify the ration of males to females among graduate medical students, and to identify the impact of such ratio on the most required medical specialization in the Iraqi community. The study was conducted for the period from May 1 to July 31, 2012, as a retrospective study to the records of postgraduate medical students, and the reports of current medical specialization working in the Ministry of health. The results reveal an increase of female students from Iraqi Medical Colleges than that of males for the last 8 years. The study also reveals that there is a shortage of medical specialization particularly in general surgery and medicine and its sub-specialty all over Iraqi governorates. The study recommends giving more chance to the males in admission to Medical Colleges and the emphasis on the availability of at most needed medical specialization for females and males whom were graduated from medical colleges

    Luminous exposures and light-fastness survey in daylit historical museum galleries under tropical sky conditions

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    This paper highlights the results of light levels and light-fastness study conducted in four daylit historical museum galleries in Malaysia. These museums architectural features allow sun radiation into the building, causing light exposure damage to artifacts. This study aims to evaluate the luminous exposures and light-fastness as an initial preventive conservation measure in daylit historical museum galleries under the tropical sky conditions. Light sensors with data-loggers and Light-fastness dosimeters were installed throughout the museums to take cumulative light exposure measurements during museum opening hours. Both instrumentations were tested in the field during different campaigns exposures. After exposures between 90 and 100 days, these dosimeters showed photo-induced colour changes which translated exposures into equivalent luminous exposure and estimated annual exposures (Lux hours) which were used to validate the measured values of illuminance data. Simulated light dosimeters and measured illuminance data show good correlation. Thus, equivalent light dosimeter makes sense to assess the impact of light distributions

    A Study of Nutrient Distribution in Sediment Layer at Sembrong Dam

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    Reservoir is one of the key sources of water supply as it provides hydroelectric power, domestic usage, agriculture, farming, recreation and provides flood protection. Sedimentation in the reservoir makes the storage of water loss and the sediment sink contain a source of nutrients. Sediment deposition creates habitats for aquatic life but if too much sediment, it can destroy their habitats and even physically alter a waterway. The use of nutrients such as Total Phosphorus (TP) is key to growing plants and animals thus to feed growing populations. An excess of nutrients in the reservoir such as from agricultural activity makes algae growth rapidly and it can affected the water quality in the reservoir. This research was conducted at the Sembrong dam as this dam is a major water source for people in Kluang and parts Batu Pahat and the water quality become decreased because of algae bloom. The main objective of this study is to determine the distribution of nutrient in different location and to determine the nutrient distribution in vertical sediment layer. The study were conducted by taking sediments samples throughout the reservoir by using sediment corer and the sediment have been sliced every 5 cm. The samples were digested using USEPA Method 3050B which is acid digestion for sediments, sludge and soil for TP. The laboratory testing on these nutrients was conducted by following Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1999) using spectrophotometer. The highest value of TP obtain is at outlet of the reservoir which is 30.72 mg/l. The results obtained shows that the top of sediment has high number of TP and it decreasing by depth. However, continuous and periodic monitoring should be done to avoid the increasing of the concentration of TP in the sediment to ensure the life of Sembrong dam can be extending for future

    A New Simple 6D Hyperchaotic System with Hyperbolic Equilibrium and Its Electronic Circuit

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    This paper represents a sequential design of controlling from a 3D chaotic system to a simple 6D hyperchaotic system by adding three linear controllers via state feedback control and coupling strategies. The new 6D system has a unique non-hyperbolic equilibrium point with four positive Lyapunov exponents (LE). Moreover, some dynamic properties are analyzed which inclined equilibrium and their stability, dissipative, conservative, and multistability. In addition, the corresponding analog electronic circuit is designed and implemented to verify the new simple 6D hyperchaotic system. Finally, the NI Multisim simulation results observed from the digital oscilloscope are consistent with the mathematical simulation based on the Matlab R2021a

    A Study of Nutrient Distribution in Sediment Layer at Sembrong Dam

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    Reservoir is one of the key sources of water supply as it provides hydroelectric power, domestic usage, agriculture, farming, recreation and provides flood protection. Sedimentation in the reservoir makes the storage of water loss and the sediment sink contain a source of nutrients. Sediment deposition creates habitats for aquatic life but if too much sediment, it can destroy their habitats and even physically alter a waterway. The use of nutrients such as Total Phosphorus (TP) is key to growing plants and animals thus to feed growing populations. An excess of nutrients in the reservoir such as from agricultural activity makes algae growth rapidly and it can affected the water quality in the reservoir. This research was conducted at the Sembrong dam as this dam is a major water source for people in Kluang and parts Batu Pahat and the water quality become decreased because of algae bloom. The main objective of this study is to determine the distribution of nutrient in different location and to determine the nutrient distribution in vertical sediment layer. The study were conducted by taking sediments samples throughout the reservoir by using sediment corer and the sediment have been sliced every 5 cm. The samples were digested using USEPA Method 3050B which is acid digestion for sediments, sludge and soil for TP. The laboratory testing on these nutrients was conducted by following Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 1999) using spectrophotometer. The highest value of TP obtain is at outlet of the reservoir which is 30.72 mg/l. The results obtained shows that the top of sediment has high number of TP and it decreasing by depth. However, continuous and periodic monitoring should be done to avoid the increasing of the concentration of TP in the sediment to ensure the life of Sembrong dam can be extending for future


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    ABSTRAKABDUL THALIB. Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Di Bidang Cukai Hasil Tembakau Di Wilayah Hukum Kantor Pengawasan Dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean B Makassar (dibimbing oleh Dr. Hasbuddin Khalid, SH., MH. dan Dr. Ahmad Fadil, SH., MH.) Penelitian dilakuakan dan bertujuan untuk: 1) Untuk mengetahui penegakan hukum tindak pidana cukai hasil tembakau yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean B Makassar; 2) Untuk mengetahui apa yang menjadi kendala dalam penegakan tindak pidana cukai hasil tembakau yang dihadapi oleh Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean B Makassar.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris yaitu penelitian hukum yang mengkaji pelaksanaan atau implementasi ketentuan hukum positif (perundang-undangan) secara faktual pada setiap peristiwa hukum tertentu yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Bahan hukum yang digunakan terdiri dari data hukum primer dan data hukum sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data hukum dikumpulkan melalui studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan. Lalu teknik untuk menganalisis dengan teknik analisis kualitatif dengan memilah dan memilih, menggolongkan, serta menghubungkan kenyataan-kenyataan yang terjadi dilapangan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti, sehingga memberikan suatu gambaran yang jelas mengenai apa yang terjadi dilapangan sehingga sampai pada suatu kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1) penegakan hukum tindak pidana cukai hasil tembakau yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean B Makassar telah berjalan secara maksimal hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari jumlah penindakan yang dilakukan oleh penyidik pegawai negeri sipil Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean B Makassar dari tahun 2017 sejumlah 14 kasus dan semua mendapat sanksi baik pidana maupun adminstrasi dan pada tahun 2018 sejumlah 8 kasus juga mendapat sansi baik sanksi pidana maupun adminstratif ; 2) kendala dalam penegakan tindak pidana cukai hasil tembakau yang dihadapi oleh Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean B Makassar adalah kurangnya sumber daya penyidik pegawai negeri sipil serta kurangnya sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang tindak pidana cukai hasil tembakau.Kata Kunci: Penegakan Hukum, Tindak Pidana Cukai Hasil Tembaku, Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Tipe Madya Pabean B Makassa

    Adsorption of aniline from aqueous solutions onto a nanoporous material adsorbent: isotherms, kinetics, and mass transfer mechanisms

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    MCM-48, which is particulate and nanoporous, was formulated to actively remove aniline (AN) (i.e., benzenamine) from wastewater. MCM-48 was characterized by several methods. It was found that the MCM-48 was highly active in adsorbing aniline from wastewater. The Langmuir, Freundlich, and Temkin isotherms were employed to evaluate the adsorption equilibrium. At 100 and 94 mg g−1, the maximum theoretical and experimental absorption of aniline, respectively, fit with a Type I Langmuir isotherm. The Langmuir model was optimal in comparison to the Freundlich model for the adsorption of AN onto the mesoporous material MCM-48. The results of these kinetics adsorption models were investigated using model kinetics that employed both pseudo-first- and pseudo-second-order models as well as models utilized intraparticle diffusion. The kinetics adsorption models demonstrated that the absorption was rapid and most closely agreed with the pseudo-first-order model. The kinetic studies and the adsorption isotherms revealed the presence of both physical adsorption and chemisorption. The potential adsorption mechanisms include the following: (1) hydrogen bonding, (2) π-π interactions, (3) electrostatic interaction, and (4) hydrophobic interactions. The solution's pH, ionic strength, and ambient temperature also played essential roles in the adsorption. HIGHLIGHTS The mesoporous silica MCM-48 was very successful to remove aniline.; A maximum aniline adsorption 94 mg/g was achieved on MCM48 adsorbent.; MCM-48 was found very active for the removal of aniline compounds from wastewater.; Aniline adsorption mechanism is a chemisorption and physical adsorption process.; The MCM-48 was regenerated and reused efficiently in a batch adsorption.

    Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Using Noble-Metal Nanoheterogeneous Catalysts: Towards Sustainable Hydrogen-Based Energy

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    The need for sustainable energy sources is now more urgent than ever, and hydrogen is significant in the future of energy. However, several obstacles remain in the way of widespread hydrogen use, most of which are related to transport and storage. Dilute formic acid (FA) is recognized asa a safe fuel for low-temperature fuel cells. This review examines FA as a potential hydrogen storage molecule that can be dehydrogenated to yield highly pure hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) with very little carbon monoxide (CO) gas produced via nanoheterogeneous catalysts. It also present the use of Au and Pd as nanoheterogeneous catalysts for formic acid liquid phase decomposition, focusing on the influence of noble metals in monometallic, bimetallic, and trimetallic compositions on the catalytic dehydrogenation of FA under mild temperatures (20–50 °C). The review shows that FA production from CO2 without a base by direct catalytic carbon dioxide hydrogenation is far more sustainable than existing techniques. Finally, using FA as an energy carrier to selectively release hydrogen for fuel cell power generation appears to be a potential technique