33 research outputs found

    The spectra of manganese and zirconium in the wavelength region 0.8 μm [microns] - 2.6 μm [microns or micrometres]

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    Using electrodeless discharge tube sources, and a 1.5 m vacuum Ebert mounting spectrometer, the spectrum of manganese in the wavelength region 0.82 - 1.97 μm [microns or micrometres], and additional wavelengths of zirconium weak lines in spectral range of 0.8 - 2.7 μm have been measured. The application of the equipment and instruments used are described. A general description of the Fabry-Perot interferometer as a calibrating system is given. A description of the general method by which the electrodeless discharge tubes (EDT's) were manufactured is given. Some of the work has been concentrated on the preparation of the EDT's containing zirconium and manganese halides. Efforts were made on achieving new methods of preparing tubes containing less volatile elements such as manganese. This involved new design of material containers used inside the reaction line as well as some changes in the reaction system used in the preparation of the tube. Investigations into the phenomenon of Zeeman effect are discussed, the results of which are then presented using zirconium electrodeless discharge tubes. In this investigation, Zeeman patterns were scanned using Fabry-Perot interferometer as a pressure-scanning spectrometer, and infrared Ebert mounting grating spectrometer as a monochromator. Values are given for 22 lines involving different multiplets. 218 manganese lines have been measured in the range 0.8 - 1.97 μm; of these, 84 have been identified by the transitions involving energy levels of neutral manganese atom. Vacuum wavenumbers of 181 additional zirconium lines in the spectral range 0.78 - 1.36 μm and 1.77 - 2.7 μm have been measured. These have been compared with the predicted spectral lines from neutral zirconium energy levels and transitions assigned to 79 lines. 22 lines were studied for Zeeman effect; the analysis of the results confirmed the level 15932.10 cm-1[to the power -1] listed in Mnl energy level list to be 3P1 and not b3P2. A new level, 15624.31 cm-1[to the power -1](b3P0) was also calculated and 5 new Lande g factors have been observed

    Frequency of adnexal tumors. A retrospective analysis

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    Background: Adnexal (appendageal) tumors are lesions with a wide range of varieties and differentiation affecting hair follicles, sebaceous, apocrine and eccrine glands. Objective: To report the frequency of different types of adnexal tumors, their clinical manifestations, average frequency in terms of sex and age, and correspondence between clinical diagnosis and pathological reports. Patients and methods: This retrospective study investigated 75 cases of adnexal tumors with clinical and pathological details in Hazrat-e-Fatemeh Hospital, Tehran over the past 11 years. The relative incidence of the lesions, sex and age frequency, location of the lesions and correspondence between clinical diagnosis and pathological findings was determined. Results: Overall incidence rate was 1.8 with an average age of 33.56 years. The incidence rate in terms of sex did not show a significant difference except in some specific lesions. Concerning tumor type, the most common tumor among females and males was sebaceous nevus (33.3). Trichilemmal cysts (16) and pilomatricoma (14.7) were ranked second and third, respectively. The location of the lesion was mostly found to be in the head and neck areas (70.7). In 13of the cases, clinical diagnosis corresponded to pathological findings. Conclusion: Adnexal tumours are relatively rare. Sebaceous nevi, pilomatricoma and trichilemmal cysts were the common tumours but exhibited poor clinico-pathological correlation

    A Dynamic Network Comparison Analysis of Crude Oil Trade: Evidence from Eastern Europe and Eurasia

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    This article characterizes a dynamic crude oil trade network of Eastern Europe and Eurasia using the network connectedness measure of Diebold and Yilmaz (2014, 2015) and asymmetric reaction of crude oil bilateral trade flow in response to the positive and negative changes of its key determinants using the nonlinear panel ARDL model. Results indicate the existence of large and time-varying spillovers with a considerable explanatory power among the crude oil trade flow volatility of Iran, Russia, US and Saudi Arabia in Eastern Europe and Eurasia crude oil trade network. The findings also show that crude oil trade flow of Eastern Europe and Eurasia experiences net volatility transmission to Iran, Russia and US respectively, whereas it is a net volatility receiver from Saudi Arabia. Also based on gravity models, the analysis confirms the existence of impact, reaction and adjustment asymmetry through different magnitude among network participants

    The Effect of Production Sharing, Buyback, and Iranian Petroleum Contracts on the Optimal Production and Drilling Paths of Yadavaran Field: A Dynamic Optimization Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to compare the economic efficiency of Iran's petroleum contracts, buyback contracts, and production-sharing contracts. This study also determined the optimum path for production and drilling operations in the Yadavaran oil field which has special importance because it is a joint field with Iraq. It was estimated using real field data and the SQP algorithm by MATLAB software. First, the objective function, the constraints of each contract model, and the cost function are defined and expressed based on field data. For the objective function, the oil price is determined based on the reference price scenario and based on the forecast of the US Energy Information Administration (EIA). Cao et al (2009) 's cost function model is also modified by using historical field data (first development phase data) to be applied to the study field. The results show that the most efficient oil contract is the Iran petroleum contract, with a low floor for capital costs and no limit to the number of drilled wells. it was proved that the buyback contract with the ceiling of capital costs incompatible with the recovery coefficient has recorded the lowest efficiency. Also, the Iran petroleum contract can be a good alternative to the buyback contract, because it can well solve the problems of the buyback contract, especially for joint oil fields where the priority of the objective function of the maximum cumulative production over the objective function of the maximum present value of the total profit is more desirable

    The Unseen Patterns of Kazem Noir's Drawings from the Cultural Criticism Perspective

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     يعني هذا البحث بدراسة (الانساق المُضمّرة في اعمال الفنان كاظم نوير من منظور النقد الثقافي) وهو يقع في أربعة فصول, فقد خصص الفصل الأول لبيان مشكلة البحث وأهميته والحاجة اليه وهدفه وحدوده وتحديد أهم المصطلحات الواردة فيه. حيث تناولت مشكلة البحث موضوع الانساق المُضمّرة  في اعمال الفنان كاظم نوير وذلك من منظور النقد الثقافي كمحاولة للكشف عن هذه الانساق المضمرة المختبيئة خلف ماهو ظاهر، ومن هنا نشأت مشكلة البحث الحالي في الاجابة عن التساؤل الآتي:هل تتضمن اعمال الفنان كاظم نوير أنساقاً مضمّرة، وبأي كيفية جسد ذلك؟ وهل يتساوق ذلك والنقد الثقافي؟ فتمثلت أهمية البحث بمعرفة الانساق المضمّرة في اعمال الفنان كاظم نويرمن منظور النقد الثقافي. واحتوى الفصل الثاني على الاطار النظري المتكون من ثلاثة مباحث, المبحث الأول يتناول مرجعيات النقد الثقافي والمبحث الثاني يتضمن مفهوم النسق والنسق المضمر في الدراسات النقدية، اما المبحث الثالث فيتعلق بدراسة أنساق كاظم نوير الفنية. والفصل الثالث اختص بإجراءات البحث حيث مجتمع البحث بما متوفر من النماذج في المصادر المتخصصة و الكتب والمجلات والشبكة العنكبوتية وما تم الحصول عليه من الفنان نفسه, وقد اختير لعينة البحث خمسة أعمال فنية للفنان كاظم نوير، ومنهج البحث هو المنهج الوصفي التحليلي وبالطريقة القصدية واعتمدت الباحثة في أداة البحث على مؤشرات الاطار النظري في تحليل العينة، في نهاية الفصل تحليل العينات. والفصل الرابع يتضمن نتائج البحث و تتضمن الانساق المضمرة في نماذج عينة البحث وكشفت النماذج عن تنوع في الأنساق المضمرة المُسهمّة بشكل غير واع في انتاج الأعمال الفنية للفنان، وأيضاً الاستنتاجات التي وضحت لنا كيف ان للبيئة المحلّية والاجتماعية والسياسية والاقتصادية والنفسية دوراً مهماً في تكوين الأنساق المضمرة في اللاوعي حيث تفصح عن المضامين الاجتماعية والأحداث المضمرة بالمجتمع العراقي والتي تعكس حضور فاعل في تجارب الفنان (كاظم نوير).This research is concerned with studying (the unseen patterns in the art work of the artist Kadhem Nwayer from the perspective of cultural criticism) and it lays in four chapters. the first chapter was assigned to show the problems with the research, its importance, the need to it, its goals, limits and highlighting the most important terms that been used in it. The problem of the research included the unseen patterns in the art work of the artist KADHIM NWAYER and that was from the perspective of the cultural criticism as a way to discover these patterns which is hidden behind what is clear for audience , and from here the problem was raised to answer the following : -does the art work of the artist kadhim nwayer includes unseen patterns ? The importance of the research was raised to find out if the art work of kadhim nwayer did include unseen patterns from the viewpoint and perspective of the cultural criticism. The second chapter included the theoretical frame which has three units , the first unit dealt with the sources of the cultural criticism, the second unit included the idea of the unseen patterns were the third unit had to deal with the study of the variation in the unseen patterns of the Iraqi drawing. The third chapter was assigned to study the procedures of the research, were the research society with all its available ideals , resources , books , magazines , the internet and what has been collect from the artist him self. For the research there were three art works for the artist kadhim nwayer were chosen. The chosen research way were the discribtional anlytical way, were the researcher depended with way of research on the theoretical frame in analysis  of the research sample and at the end on the samples analysis. The fourth chapter had the results and the research conclusion along with the unseen patterns in the art work of the artist and showing the different cases of the unseen patterns and its variations, along with the conclusions that showed us the effect of the variation in the local and social environment on the formation of the unseen patterns in the unconsciousness   that describes the unseen events in the Iraqi community which reflects the active presence in the art experiments of the artist Kadhim Nwayer

    A study on missing lines in the synthetic solar spectrum near the Ca triplet

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    Synthetic stellar spectra are extensively used for many different applications in astronomy, from stellar studies (such as in the determination of atmospheric parameters of observed stellar spectra), to extragalactic studies (e.g. as one of the main ingredients of stellar population models). One of the main ingredients of synthetic spectral libraries are the atomic and molecular line lists, which contain the data required to model all the absorption lines that should appear in these spectra. Although currently available line lists contain millions of lines, a relatively small fraction of these lines have accurate derived or measured transition parameters. As a consequence, many of these lines contain errors in the electronic transition parameters that can reach up to 200%. Furthermore, even for the Sun, our closest and most studied star, state-of-the-art synthetic spectra does not reproduce all the observed lines, indicating transitions that are missing in the line lists of the computed synthetic spectra. Given the importance and wide range of applications of these models, improvement of their quality is urgently necessary. In this work we catalogued missing lines in the atomic and molecular line lists used for the calculation of the synthetic spectra in the region of GAIA, comparing a solar model computed via a recent line list with a high quality solar atlas available in the literature. After that, we attempted the calibration of their atomic parameters with the code ALLiCE; the calibrated line parameters are publicly available for use

    The Structural of Gas Exporting Countries Forum: Heterogeneity of Member Countries and Criteria for Ranking Them Regarding Their Impacts on Gas Market

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    Gas Exporting Counties Forum (GECF) in an inter-governmental institution, whose impact on gas market has always been a topical issue. The main body of research work done in this regard, which has been carried out mainly by experts in consuming countries, is centered around the analysis of GECF’s impact on natural gas price in consuming markets. Unfortunately the question of homogeneity or heterogeneity of the member countries and the role which this question may play in the success of strategies and objectives of this organization has been left unattended. In this paper, we have first demonstrated the heterogeneity of member countries and then by using defined appropriate indices, member countries are ranked according to their impacts on policies and the realization of GECF’s objectives in the short, medium and long terms. The paper concludes, according to our defined criteria, that Russia, Qatar and Algeria are member countries with highest impact on GECF’s policies in the short and medium term, while Russia, Qatar and Iran are the three influential member countries regarding GECF’s long term policies

    The Feasibility of Competition or Cooperation amongst GECF Member Countries in Exporting Natural Gas via Pipeline

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    Global Demand for Natural Gas has exhibited a considerable growth during the first decade of the 21 century. During this period, the trade in natural gas via pipeline has increased by 65 percent. The establishment of Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) and its policies has been regarded, by many leading exporters and importers of natural gas, as a turning point in the development of natural gas market. This is due to the fact that currently the GECF member countries possess nearly half of the global trade in natural gas and over 40% of the global trade via the pipeline. We consider, in this paper, the possibility of competition or cooperation amongst member countries in exporting natural gas via pipeline. It is concluded that the feasibility of competition or cooperation in GECF member countries, for gas trading on the basis of official contracts, is not only very weak but is possible only in three cases and between six member countries

    The Transfer and Development of Technology in Iranian Upstream Oil Sector: Considerations on the Concepts, Requirements, Challenges and Remedies

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    We have shown that the reliance on foreign investment within the framework of oil contracts with international oil companies has not been and will not be productive in the transfer and development of technology in Iranian upstream oil industry unless the following conditions are satisfied: i) adequate growth in the propositional and prescriptive knowledge related to oil industry to create a satisfactory absorption capacity, and ii) the active role of regulatory institutions for supervising, managing and enhancing efficiency in the market for technology to secure an effective utilization of the absorption capacity. It is emphasized that a careful identification of players in the market for oil technology transfer and development, and the realization of the processes of weakening and strengthening positions of international oil companies and service oil companies in this market, respectively, is the prerequisite in the design of optimum oil technology policies in Iran. Despite the importance of contractors in the recognition of the necessity of technological development in the chain of oil operations and conveying that to technology developers, we have noted that the scarcity of financial resources for investment in the transfer and development of technology as well as the shortcomings in the optimum utilization of the absorption capacity in Iran imply that the regulatory institutions in the market for oil technology should become more efficient and assume more active role in managing this market. It is shown that these institutions can direct the process of the transfer and development of oil technology along with the national strategies in industrial development by prioritizing the technologies which are consistent with the objectives of oil sector and at the same time having spillover effects to certain key industries in the national economy