1,556 research outputs found

    Effect of Bare Mass on the Hosotani Mechanism

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    It is pointed out that the existence of bare mass terms for matter fields changes gauge symmetry patterns through the Hosotani mechanism. As a demonstration, we study an SU(2) gauge model with massive adjoint fermions defined on M4⊗S1M^4\otimes S^1. It turns out that the vacuum structure changes at certain critical values of mLmL, where m (L)m~(L) stands for the bare mass (the circumference of S1S^1). The gauge symmetry breaking patterns are different from models with massless adjoint fermions. We also consider a supersymmmetric SU(2) gauge model with adjoint hypermultiplets, in which the supersymmetry is broken by bare mass terms for the gaugino and squark fields instead of the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    The Oblique Parameters In Electroweak Theory with Two Massless Higgs Doublets

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    The oblique parameters SS and TT are studied in electroweak theory with two massless Higgs doublets. The effect of quadratic dependence on the charged Higgs mass in the parameter TT could be cancelled. %when mass differences between the charged and neutral scalars %become large. The constraint on the charged Higgs mass from the parameter TT is not so stringent as it was expected. The parameter SS can be both positive and negative but it can't take large negative value. We search allowed scalar mass regions for both SS and TT in the case of two different reference points.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures ( available upon reauest ), plain TeX with harvmac, KYUSHU-HET-1

    Large Gauge Hierarchy in Gauge-Higgs Unification

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    We study a five dimensional nonsupersymmetric SU(3) gauge theory compactified on M4Ă—S1/Z2M^4\times S^1/Z_2. The gauge hierarchy is discussed in the scenario of the gauge-Higgs unification. We present two models in which the large gauge hierarchy is realized, that is, the weak scale is naturally is obtained from an unique large scale such as a GUT and the Planck scale. We also study the Higgs mass in each model.Comment: 7 pages. Proceeding for SCGT 2006 (Nagoya, JAPAN, Nov. 2006

    Quantization Ambiguity and Supersymmetric Ground State Wave Functions

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    Supersymmetric ground state wave functions of a model of supersymmetric quantum mechanics on S1S^1 (supersymmetric simple pendulum) are studied. Supersymmetry can be broken due to the existence of an undetermined parameter, which is interpreted as a gauge field and appears as a firm consequence of quantization on a space with a nontrivial topology such as S1S^1. The breaking does not depend on the leading term of the superpotential, contrary to the usual case. The mechanism of supersymmetry breaking is similar to that through boundary conditions of fields in supersymmetric quantum field theory on compactified space. The supersymmetric harmonic oscillator is realized in the limit of the infinite radius of S1S^1 with the strength of the oscillator being constant.Comment: 17 pages, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Partial Gauge Symmetry Breaking via Bare Mass

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    We study gauge symmetry breaking patterns in supersymmetric gauge models defined on M4×S1M^4\times S^1. Instead of utilizing the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism, supersymmetry is broken by bare mass terms for gaugino and squarks. Though the matter content is the same, depending on the magnitude of the bare mass, the gauge symmetry breaking patterns are different. We present two examples, in one of which the partial gauge symmetry breaking SU(3)→SU(2)×U(1)SU(3)\to SU(2)\times U(1) is realized.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Confinement, Chiral Symmetry Breaking and Faddeev-Niemi Decomposition in QCD

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    We identify two distinct, complementary gauge field configurations for QCD with SU(2) gauge group, one (instanton-like configurations) having to do with chiral symmetry breaking but not with confinement, the other (regularized Wu-Yang monopoles) very likely responsible for confinement but unrelated to chiral symmetry breaking. Our argument is based on a semiclassical analysis of fermion zero modes in these backgrounds, made by use of a gauge field decomposition recently introduced by Faddeev and Niemi. Our result suggests that the two principal dynamical phenomena in QCD, confinement and chiral symmetry breaking, are distinct effects, caused by two competing classes of gauge field configurations.Comment: 13 pages, Late
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