128 research outputs found

    Inferior oblique muscle thickness in Asians

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the inferior oblique muscle (IOM) thickness in Asians by the quasi-sagittal plane of the orbits. Specimens were examined from 23 orbits of 18 Asians (9 orbits in males, 14 in females), aged 63 to 97 years at death. All specimens were fixed in 10% buffered formalin before use. The orbital contents were incised parallel to the optic nerve, after which the lengths of both short and long axes of the IOM were measured and the ratio of short to long axes was calculated. The mean lengths of each short or long axis of the IOM were 2.27 ± 0.49 mm and 7.23 ± 0.97 mm, respectively. The average ratio was 0.32 ± 0.07. There were no significant differences in laterality or gender. This study determined the normal IOM thickness in Asian cadavers, the outcome of which could be useful for detection of IOM involvement in Graves’ orbitopathy

    Course of the vertical portion of the lower lacrimal canaliculus

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    The nomenclature of each part of the lacrimal canaliculus, for example the vertical portion, does not always reflect the true course. Since we have sometimes observed findings suggesting the so called vertical portion of the lower lacrimal canaliculus inclined laterally, we re-examined the course of the vertical portion. Twenty-eight postmortem lower eyelids in 16 Japanese were examined and divided into 2 groups. The first group was 14 lower eyelids of 7 cadavers. Eyelids were incised sagittally from the lower lacrimal punctum. The second group was 14 lower eyelids of 9 cadavers; these were incised from the lower lacrimal punctum with 5 degrees lateral inclination to the sagittal plane. In the first group, 10 canaliculi of 7 cadavers were interrupted at the halfway point of the vertical portion. Four canaliculi of 4 cadavers included the whole length of the vertical portion. In the second group, all specimens included the whole length of the vertical portion. Most vertical portions of the lower lacrimal canaliculus demonstrated a laterally inclined course of approximately 5 degrees, although some took a completely vertical course

    Comparative Gene Analysis Focused on Silica Cell Wall Formation: Identification of Diatom-Specific SET Domain Protein Methyltransferases

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    Silica cell walls of diatoms have attracted attention as a source of nanostructured functional materials and have immense potential for a variety of applications. Previous studies of silica cell wall formation have identified numerous involved proteins, but most of these proteins are species-specific and are not conserved among diatoms. However, because the basic process of diatom cell wall formation is common to all diatom species, ubiquitous proteins and molecules will reveal the mechanisms of cell wall formation. In this study, we assembled de novo transcriptomes of three diatom species, Nitzschia palea, Achnanthes kuwaitensis, and Pseudoleyanella lunata, and compared protein-coding genes of five genome-sequenced diatom species. These analyses revealed a number of diatom-specific genes that encode putative endoplasmic reticulum-targeting proteins. Significant numbers of these proteins showed homology to silicanin-1, which is a conserved diatom protein that reportedly contributes to cell wall formation. These proteins also included a previously unrecognized SET domain protein methyltransferase family that may regulate functions of cell wall formation-related proteins and long-chain polyamines. Proteomic analysis of cell wall-associated proteins in N. palea identified a protein that is also encoded by one of the diatom-specific genes. Expression analysis showed that candidate genes were upregulated in response to silicon, suggesting that these genes play roles in silica cell wall formation. These candidate genes can facilitate further investigations of silica cell wall formation in diatoms

    Alpha basic crystallin expression in canine mammary tumors

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate prognostic and/or diagnostic factors of canine mammary tumors by immunohistochemically analyzing the expression of alpha basic crystallin (αB-c). For this, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks of 51 naturally-occurring canine mammary tumors (11 benign and 40 malignant) were used. Tissue from eight normal canine mammary glands were served as a control. Immunohistochemically, in the control mammary tissues, a few luminal epithelial cells were αB-c positive but myoepithelial cells were negative. In benign or simple type malignant tumors, αB-c expression was observed in luminal epithelial cells while the myoepithelial basal cells were negative. In benign or complex type malign tumors, positive staining was predominantly found in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. Immunoreactivity of αB-c was also observed in neoplastic myoepithelial cells. Statistically, the number of cells immunolabeled with αB-c was found to be significantly different among tissues from normal canine mammary glands, benign lesions, and malignant tumors (p < 0.05). αB-c immunoreactivity was higher in malignant tumors than the control mammary tissues (p < 0.001). Data obtained in the current study revealed a strong association between high expression levels of αB-c and primary mammary gland tumors in canines


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    第4回文化遺産学フォーラム関連展示「企画展 なにわ・大阪の文化力~大阪文化遺産学の源流と系譜を辿る~」(関西大学博物館、平成19年11月24日~12月1日)パネルディスカッション「回想・津田秀夫と歴史学」(平成19年11月29日)補助事業 文部科学省私立大学学術研究高度化推進事業オープン・リサーチ・センター整備事業(平成17年度~平成21年度)なにわ・大阪文化遺産の総合人文学的研

    Reappraisal of Hydatigera taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1786) (Cestoda: Taeniidae) sensu lato with description of Hydatigera kamiyai n. sp.

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    The common cat tapeworm Hydatigera taeniaeformis is a complex of three morphologically cryptic entities, which can be differentiated genetically. To clarify the biogeography and the host spectrum of the cryptic lineages, 150 specimens of H. taeniaeformis in various definitive and intermediate hosts from Eurasia, Africa and Australia were identified with DNA barcoding using partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene sequences and compared with previously published data. Additional phylogenetic analyses of selected isolates were performed using nuclear DNA and mitochondrial genome sequences. Based on molecular data and morphological analysis, Hydatigera kamiyai n. sp. Iwaki is proposed for a cryptic lineage, which is predominantly northern Eurasian and uses mainly arvicoline rodents (voles) and mice of the genus Apodemus as intermediate hosts. Hydatigera taeniaeformis sensu stricto (s.s.) is restricted to murine rodents (rats and mice) as intermediate hosts. It probably originates from Asia but has spread worldwide. Despite remarkable genetic divergence between H. taeniaeformis s.s. and H. kamiyai, interspecific morphological differences are evident only in dimensions of rostellar hooks. The third cryptic lineage is closely related to H. kamiyai, but its taxonomic status remains unresolved due to limited morphological, molecular, biogeographical and ecological data. This Hydatigera sp. is confined to the Mediterranean and its intermediate hosts are unknown. Further studies are needed to classify Hydatigera sp. either as a distinct species or a variant of H. kamiyai. According to previously published limited data, all three entities occur in the Americas, probably due to human-mediated introductions

    Risk factors for CAR-T cell manufacturing failure among DLBCL patients: A nationwide survey in Japan

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    CAR-T細胞製造を成功させるためのレシピ --アフェレーシス前の下ごしらえでの工夫--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-04-27.For successful chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy, CAR-T cells must be manufactured without failure caused by suboptimal expansion. In order to determine risk factors for CAR-T cell manufacturing failure, we performed a nationwide cohort study in Japan and analysed patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) who underwent tisagenlecleucel production. We compared clinical factors between 30 cases that failed (7.4%) with those that succeeded (n = 378). Among the failures, the proportion of patients previously treated with bendamustine (43.3% vs. 14.8%; p < 0.001) was significantly higher, and their platelet counts (12.0 vs. 17.0 × 10⁴/μL; p = 0.01) and CD4/CD8 T-cell ratio (0.30 vs. 0.56; p < 0.01) in peripheral blood at apheresis were significantly lower than in the successful group. Multivariate analysis revealed that repeated bendamustine use with short washout periods prior to apheresis (odds ratio [OR], 5.52; p = 0.013 for ≥6 cycles with washout period of 3–24 months; OR, 57.09; p = 0.005 for ≥3 cycles with washout period of <3 months), low platelet counts (OR, 0.495 per 105/μL; p = 0.022) or low CD4/CD8 ratios (<one third) (OR, 3.249; p = 0.011) in peripheral blood at apheresis increased the risk of manufacturing failure. Manufacturing failure remains an obstacle to CAR-T cell therapy for DLBCL patients. Avoiding risk factors, such as repeated bendamustine administration without sufficient washout, and risk-adapted strategies may help to optimize CAR-T cell therapy for DLBCL patients

    Early passenger leukocyte migration and acute immune reactions in the rat recipient spleen during liver engraftment: With particular emphasis on donor major histocompatibility complex class II<sup>+</sup> cells

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    After a short course of tacrolimus, Lewis rat liver allografts induce donor-specific nonreactivity in Brown Norway recipients that is immunosuppression-independent after 28 days. To clarify the role of donor major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II+ cells, we investigated the migration to the recipient splenic T- and B-cell compartments of different subsets of Lewis MHC class II+ passenger leukocytes. The rise and decline of immune activation were monitored in the hepatic allograft and in the host spleen by analyses of BrdU+ (proliferating) leukocytes, TUNEL+ (apoptotic) cells, apoptosis-associated molecules, TH1/TH2 cytokine profiles, and histoimmunocytochemical examination of graft and splenic tissues. Serial flow cytometry studies during the 28-day period of drug-assisted "hepatic tolerogenesis" showed that migratory MHC class II+ cells accounted for less than half of the donor cells in the host spleen. The class II+ cells consisted mostly of B cells that homed to splenic B-cell follicles with only a sparse representation of dendritic cells that were exclusively found in the splenic periarteriolar lymphoid sheath. In parallel studies, transplantation of the less tolerogenic heart produced a diminutive version of the same events, but with far fewer donor cells in the host spleen, evidence of sustained immune activation, and the development of chronic rejection by 100 days. The data are consistent with the paradigm that migration of donor leukocytes is the prime determinant of variable tolerance induction induced by transplantation of the liver and other organs, but without regard for donor MHC class II+ expression