333 research outputs found

    Multi-scale analysis on cavitation damage and its mitigation for the spallation neutron source

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    Impact of injecting microbubbles on the thermal expansion due to the nuclear spallation reaction were examined numerically. Since the mercury density is higher than the density of solid wall, the interaction between mercury and solid wall must be taken into account. Our approach is to solve the momentum and energy conservation equations and the time development of elastic stress for both bubbly fluid and elastic solid. The Keller equation is employed to reproduce the nonlinear oscillation of bubble with considering the thermal dumping effect by the reduced order model. The continuum phase of liquid mercury is coupled with the discrete phase of microbubbles using the Euler-Lagrange method. As the results, the bubble cloud develops around the center of inertia of motion induced by the thermal expansion. The elasticity of the wall affects on the migration of the center of inertia away from the wall. The injection of microbubbles is effective to decrease the pressure rise due to thermal expansion for both rigid and elastic wall conditions when the void fraction of microbubbles is higher than the volume rate of thermal expansion of liquid mercury

    Production of Gas Bubbles in Reduced Gravity Environments

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    In a wide variety of applications such as waste water treatment, biological reactors, gas-liquid reactors, blood oxygenation, purification of liquids, etc., it is necessary to produce small bubbles in liquids. Since gravity plays an essential role in currently available techniques, the adaptation of these applications to space requires the development of new tools. Under normal gravity, bubbles are typically generated by forcing gas through an orifice in a liquid. When a growing bubble becomes large enough, the buoyancy dominates the surface tension force causing it to detach from the orifice. In space, the process is quite different and the bubble may remain attached to the orifice indefinitely. The most practical approach to simulating gravity seems to be imposing an ambient flow to force bubbles out of the orifice. In this paper, we are interested in the effect of an imposed flow in 0 and 1 g. Specifically, we investigate the process of bubble formation subject to a parallel and a cross flow. In the case of parallel flow, we have a hypodermic needle in a tube from which bubbles can be produced. On the other hand, the cross flow condition is established by forcing bubbles through an orifice on a wall in a shear flow. The first series of experiments have been performed under normal gravity conditions and the working fluid was water. A high quality microgravity facility has been used for the second type and silicone oil is used as the host liquid

    Flattened 1D fragments of fullerene C₆₀ that exhibit robustness toward multi-electron reduction

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    フラーレンに迫る電子受容能をもつ平坦な一次元π共役炭化水素の開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-05-15.Flat fullerene fragments attractive to electrons. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-06-01.Fullerenes are compelling molecular materials owing to their exceptional robustness toward multi-electron reduction. Although scientists have attempted to address this feature by synthesizing various fragment molecules, the origin of this electron affinity remains unclear. Several structural factors have been suggested, including high symmetry, pyramidalized carbon atoms, and five-membered ring substructures. To elucidate the role of the five-membered ring substructures without the influence of high symmetry and pyramidalized carbon atoms, we herein report the synthesis and electron-accepting properties of oligo(biindenylidene)s, a flattened one-dimensional fragment of fullerene C₆₀. Electrochemical studies corroborated that oligo(biindenylidene)s can accept electrons up to equal to the number of five-membered rings in their main chains. Moreover, ultraviolet/visible/near-infrared absorption spectroscopy revealed that oligo(biindenylidene)s exhibit enhanced absorption covering the entire visible region relative to C₆₀. These results highlight the significance of the pentagonal substructure for attaining stability toward multi-electron reduction and provide a strategy for the molecular design of electron-accepting π-conjugated hydrocarbons even without electron-withdrawing groups

    中世日記文学の研究 : 阿仏尼から『とはずがたり』へ

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 渡部 泰明, 東京大学教授 藤原 克己, 東京大学教授 鉄野 昌弘, 東京大学准教授 高木 和子, 大正大学特命教授 三角 洋一University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Shear-thinning and shear-thickening emulsions in shear flows

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    We study the rheology of a two-fluid emulsion in semiconcentrated conditions; the solute is Newtonian while the solvent is an inelastic power-law fluid. The problem at hand is tackled by means of direct numerical simulations using the volume of fluid method. The analysis is performed for different volume fractions and viscosity ratios under the assumption of negligible inertia and zero buoyancy force. Several carrier fluids are considered encompassing both the shear-thinning and thickening behaviors. We show that the effective viscosity of the system increases for shear-thickening fluids and decreases for the shear-thinning ones for all the viscosity ratios considered. The changes in the emulsion viscosity are mainly due to modifications of the coalescence in the system obtained by changing the carrier fluid property: indeed, local large and low shear rates are found in the regions between two interacting droplets for shear-thickening and thinning fluids, respectively, resulting in increased and reduced local viscosity which ultimately affects the drainage time of the system. This process is independent of the nominal viscosity ratio of the two fluids and we show that it can not be understood by considering only the mean shear rate and viscosity of the two fluids across the domain, but the full spectrum of shear rate must be taken into account

    Simulating CO 2 profiles using NIES TM and comparison with HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations

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    We present a study on validation of the National Institute for Environmental Studies Transport Model (NIES TM) by comparing to observed vertical profiles of atmospheric CO2. The model uses a hybrid sigma-isentropic (σ–θ) vertical coordinate that employs both terrain-following and isentropic parts switched smoothly in the stratosphere. The model transport is driven by reanalyzed meteorological fields and designed to simulate seasonal and diurnal cycles, synoptic variations, and spatial distributions of atmospheric chemical constituents in the troposphere. The model simulations were run for biosphere, fossil fuel, air–ocean exchange, biomass burning and inverse correction fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) by GOSAT Level 4 product. We compared the NIES TM simulated fluxes with data from the HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) Merged 10 s Meteorology, Atmospheric Chemistry, and Aerosol Data, including HIPPO-1, HIPPO-2 and HIPPO-3 from 128.0° E to −84.0° W, and 87.0° N to −67.2° S