20 research outputs found

    Membangun Ekonomi Nagari : Realita dan Harapan

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    One of the aim of comingback to the local traditional government is, to make the process of developing prosperity Anak Nagari quickly. This aim will be done if the process of developing nagari better than village. It is not easy to reach this aim because in reality, today, there are many differentation about the assumptions of nagari that we wish. That is why, doing the developing of nagari that is better than village is the heavy challege for the future

    Kebijakan Pembangunan yang Berpihak Kepada Penduduk Miskin

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    Tulisan ini mendiskusikan tinjauan kepustakaan mengenai kebijakan pembangunan yang berpihak kepada kemiskinan. Untuk pemahaman lebih jauh tentang kondisi empiris di Sumatera Barat, kajian mengenai kebijakan pembangunan dan kemiskinan di Sumatara Barat mutlak diperlukan. Bagaimanapun juga, walaupun tulisan ini hanya membahas tentang tinjauan kepustakaan, teori dan kebijakan yang telah dibahas dapat memberi beberapa implikasi bagi daerah khususnya Sumatera Barat untuk mengurangi kemiskinan

    Population administration service satisfaction in Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatera

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    Assessment of public satisfaction with an agency's performance that organizes public services needs to be assessed by involving all service attributes because service attributes cannot stand alone, and performance improvement cannot be made separately. Assessment of service attributes is one way to track consumer ratings so that service providers can understand the causes of service problems. This study uses the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. From this study, it was found that the priority that needs to be improved to improve public satisfaction with population administration services is to increase the discipline of officers in serving the community, certainty of service costs, and speed of service

    Phenomenon and determinant characteristics of NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) youth in matrilineal province

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    Economic development positions human as an important factor of production. Therefore quality human resources are needed for sustainable development. Indonesia as a country with a large population potential is expected to take advantage of the opportunity through demographic bonuses that will occur in 2020-2030. However, the emergence of NEET (not in employment, education or training) has become a new problem that threatens the success of development. NEET is a measure that includes young people in the age range of 15-24 years old, who are not in employment, education or training. NEET is considered more comprehensive than unemployment because it can see the dynamics and activeness of youth in the labor market. The presence of NEET is inseparable from the determinant characteristics the chances of someone becoming a NEET youth. This study uses Sakernas data for 2017 and 2018 to see the phenomenon and determinant characteristics of NEET status. The result showed NEET youth in West Sumatera was dominated by economically inactive youth. And by using logistic regression analysis, obtained several characteristic that significantly influence the chance of youth’s vulnerability to become a NEET. Youth who live in rural areas have a greater opportunity to become NEET youth, while youth with high level education are even more vulnerable to becoming NEET. Gender does not have a significant effect on determinants of NEET status in areas that adhere to this matrilineal kinship system. Based on the result of this study, the government as the holder of authority is expected to implement policies to reduce the proportion of NEET youth

    The Study of Post-Earthquake Livelihood Strategy in Tandikek Padang Pariaman District

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    The objective of this study is to investigate life asset condition and household life recovery strategy after and before earthquakes in Tandikek, Padang Pariaman District. Livelihood index assessment is used to describe  livelihood asset changes before and after the earthquake. A descriptive analysis is employed to describe life recovery strategy that is used by households in various level and phase of house damages. The result of the study shows that change in household life asset after the earthquake has U pattern, meaning that condition of assets for all indicators decreased during emergency and recovery phases. This condition, however, increased after recovery phase up to the present time. The condition is even better than that prior to the earthquake. This also means that all recovery efforts have successfully developed  people’s life assets that guarantee their life after the earthquake. The livelihood recovery strategy used by households in Tandikek to maintain and recover their livelihood varies according to the level and phase of the house damage. The households that take independent livelihood strategy, either in active or passive way,  networking strategy and utilization of disaster aids from various sources appear to recover faster than those who only take one strategy

    Human capital of school-age population in West Sumatera: measurement and determinant

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    Information on human capital, especially for school- age population is still limited. Most of Indicators of human capital only consider the dimensions of education, while human capital is formed by various dimensions not only education. Recent human capital measurement is displayed in macro level so that difficult to analys in micro level. Based on recent condition of human capital information, this study aims to measure the human capital of the school-age population of 7-18 years old using the fuzzy set approach by considering several dimensions of human capital investment and analysis the determinant. The data source is from West Sumatera Socio-Economic Survey that held by National Bureau of Statistic in March 2017. Measurement human capital of 9,950 samples of school age population shows that urban areas have higher human capital than the rural areas. Internal factors, household and spouse characteristics such as income, parent education and occupation have impact in their children human capital. External factors such as subsidies and rural-urban development inequality also have impact and tend to be larger than internal factor. The strategy of increasing human capital under conditions of limited resources can be achieved by increasing the index of indicators which have greatest weight and also reducing development inequality between urban and rural areas. The other policy is to realize growth economic that have positive impact to entire society. In terms of methodology, this approach can be adapted to regional conditions, the development of theory and related research. Adjustments can be made at the stage of selecting investment indicators, data types and weight of indicato

    Welfare Analysis of Households Involved in Involuntary Resettlement in Koto Panjang

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    It has been said that development requires sacrifice. This has been the experience of households living in Koto Panjang, Sumatra, Indonesia. Because of new dam construction, they have had to move to new settlements provided by the government. The displaced community consists of 4868 families from 10 villages. Many problems have arisen due to this removal. This study examines the influence of household participation and compensation on household welfare by using a Structural Equation Model. The sample consisted of 360 household heads from 12 villages in Koto Panjang whose households had been moved. The results show that compensation positively and significantly affected household welfare, while household participation could not be proven to affect household welfare

    The Effect of Sense of Place Towards Social Capital on Millennials in A Semi-Urban City (A Case Study in Padang, West Sumatera - Indonesia)

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    The millennials, as other generations, has their own characteristics that can be seen from their traits, habits, lifestyle, and nature which due to those attributes can lead to different expectations from others. This research aims to understand and analyse the effect of sense of place towards social capital on millenials in a semi-urban city. The population of this study is the Millennial generation in Padang aged 19 to 38 years with a total population of 425,053 people. The number of samples was determined using the formulation proposed by Slovin (1960), namely 400 respondents from various backgrounds, ages, education, domicile, profession, and income were involved. Based on the result of hypothesis testing, it was found that sense of place has a positive and significant influence towards social capital. This research is expected to carry a positive contribution to the dynamics, issues, and problems of millennials related to sense of place and social capital, especially in a semi-urban city in developing countries

    The Impact of Palm Oil Mill Wastewater on the Soil Properties of Paddy Fields

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    A paddy field is a wetland area which always muddy and constantly flooded by irrigation. This land possesses impermeable layers, hence the irrigation water quality ought to be maintained, to prevent changes in its properties, as well as the paddy field features. Furthermore, wetland pollution by the palm oil mill wastewater PT BSS was experienced in June 2018, characterized by a lowered quality of water in the fields of Manggopoh Village, Agam District, West Sumatra. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to determine the effect of PT BSS palm oil mill wastewater on the quality of paddy fields, using a survey method to obtain samples through random sampling techniques. This research was conducted downstream, based on the direction of flow along the irrigation channel as well as on the uncontaminated fields upstream.  Furthermore, a ring and ground drill was used in the collection process, and analysis for physical and chemical properties was conducted in the Soil laboratory of the faculty of Agriculture, Andalas University. Subsequently, the evaluation involved averaging the soil data, followed by a comparison with the criterion level of damage, and ANOVA was used to estimate the difference between sample point locations, at a significance level of 0.05%. The results obtained indicate the absence of any changes in soil properties, in contrast with the water characteristics that can cause damage because the paddy soil is in a saturated state. Thus, wastewater is unable to permeate the soil matrix. Hence, it does not change the properties, since the values obtained passed the threshold criteria for soil