10 research outputs found

    La Influencia literaria y impacto cultural de las traducciones de Lin Shu (1852-1924) en la China de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX

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    Consultable des del TDXT铆tol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa tesis intenta enfatizar la importancia de la traducci贸n en la historia de la literatura centrandose en el caso de un traductor chino, Lin Shu (1852-1924), a trav茅s del cual se plantea la tesis de este trabajo. Entre las teor铆as se destaca el grupo de Translation Studies, que se relaciona con otros enfoques como los Polisistemas, la Escuela de la Manipulaci贸n y las aportaciones de la teor铆a de la literatura y la literatura comparada. Y tambi茅n la teor铆a de la recepci贸n, la deconstrucci贸n y el concepto de la Muerte del autor, de Roland Barthes. La tesis est谩 dividida en tres partes principales independientes, pero, a la vez, interrelacionadas. La primera parte es el marco hist贸rico. En ella, se trata el trasfondo pol铆tico y el uso la traducci贸n como medio de acceso a la modernidad. En concreto se analiza la influencia de la traducci贸n de la novela que tradicionalmente hab铆a sido menospreciada en la letras chinas. En este contexto, se destaca el 茅xito de la traducci贸n de Lin Shu La dama de las camelias, que abri贸 un nuevo horizonte para este g茅nero. La segunda parte se centra en la figura de Lin Shu y las caracter铆sticas de sus traducciones. A pesar de su desconocimiento de las lenguas extranjeras, Lin Shu produjo un elevado n煤mero de obras con la ayuda de sus narradores. La gran sensibilidad literaria de Lin Shu le permiti贸 ganarse el elogio de la cr铆tica. El acto de traducir obliga a Lin Shu a romper con la lengua tradicional de la literatura china, el wenyan, y adoptar un estilo menos r铆gido. Con ello favorece la transici贸n del wenyan al baihua, la lengua coloquial del pueblo. Esta lengua ser谩 utilizada despu茅s por la Nueva literatura, muy influida por la literatura extranjera. En las traducciones de Lin Shu se integra la literatura extranjera a la literatura china, introduciendo en esta 煤ltima nuevas perspectivas. En la tercera parte se llega a la conclusi贸n y se plantean nuevas reflexiones. A partir de los tres elementos principales que articulan esta tesis, la figura de Lin Shu, el papel de la traducci贸n en la China a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX y el g茅nero de la novela, se llega a la idea de los sistemas interrelacionados. El sistema literario, junto con otros sistemas, se inscriben en el sistema social y se influyen mutuamente. La traducci贸n se asimila a otras actividades de manipulaci贸n, puesto que, sirve de instrumento para la difusi贸n de unos determinados valores. La tesis tiene los siguientes objetivos: la traducci贸n puede servir para introducir conceptos y estrategias nuevas para la construcci贸n de la identidad nacional y puede desempe帽ar un papel esencial en el 谩mbito sociopol铆tico; la traducci贸n puede estimular el desarrollo de las literaturas nacionales, incluso puede llegar a cambiar las corrientes literarias de la cultura receptora; la traducci贸n tiene una presencia importante en la formaci贸n y la evoluci贸n de la literatura y, a la vez, de las lenguas nacionales; por 煤ltimo, la traducci贸n puede servir como herramienta para la configuraci贸n de un nuevo canon literario y una nueva literatura universal.This dissertation attempts to emphasise the importance of translation in the history of literature. It focuses on the specific case of the Chinese translator Lin Shu (1852-1924); he is used to illustrate the thesis of this work. Among translation theories, this dissertation concentrates on those of the Translation Studies, and other related perspectives such as the Polysystems and the Manipulation School, as well as the contributions of the theory of literature and comparative literature. Of equal note is the theory of Reader- response, deconstruction, and Roland Barthes' concept of the Death of the Author. The thesis is divided into three main independent and, at the same time, interrelated parts. The first part concentrates on the historical context, where we consider the political background, and the use of translation as a way of attaining modernity. More specifically, we analyse the influence of the translation of novels, which were traditionally ignored in Chinese literature. In this context, we stress the success of Lin Shu's translation of La Dame aux Cam茅lias (Alexandre Dumas fils) which opened new horizons for this genre. The second part of the thesis focuses on the personality of Lin Shu and the characteristics of his translations. Despite his lack of knowledge of foreign languages, Lin Shu produced an important number of works with the help of his narrators. His great literary sensibility earned him critics' praise. Translating forced Lin Shu to break with the traditional language of Chinese literature, wenyan, and to adopt a less rigid style. This fostered the transition from wenyan to baihua, the colloquial language of the people. This language was later to be used by the New Literature, which was very influenced by foreign literature. Lin Shu's translations incorporate foreign literature into Chinese literature, introducing new perspectives in the latter. The third part leads to the conclusion and raises new considerations. From the three main criteria of this thesis, that is, the personality of Lin Shu, the role of translation in China at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, and the novel as a literary genre, we reach the idea of interrelated systems. The literary system, as many other systems, is placed inside the social system, therefore they both influence each other. Translation is similar to other manipulation processes, since it can be employed to spread specific values. This thesis has the following objectives: translation can be used to introduce new concepts and strategies to help build national identity, and at the same time play an important role in the socio-political context; translation can stimulate the development of national literatures, and can even change literary trends in the native literature; translation holds an important function in the development and evolution of literature and national languages. Finally, translation can be used as a tool to shape a new literary canon and a new universal literature

    Pair-perturbation influence functions of nongaussianity by projection pursuit

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    The most nongaussian direction to explore the clustering structure of the data is considered to be the interesting linear projection direction by applying projection pursuit. Nongaussianity is often measured by kurtosis, however, kurtosis is well known to be sensitive to influential points/outliers and the projection direction is essentially affected by unusual points. Hence in this paper we focus on developing the influence functions of projection directions to investigate the influence of abnormal observations especially on the pair-perturbation influence functions to uncover the masked unusual observations. A technique is proposed for defining and calculating influence functions for statistical functional of the multivariate distribution. A simulation study and a real data example are provided to illustrate the applications of these approaches.

    Influence analysis of non-Gaussianity by applying projection pursuit

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    The Gaussian distribution is the least structured from the information-theoretic point of view. In this paper, projection pursuit is used to find non-Gaussian projections to explore the clustering structure of the data. We use kurtosis as a measure of non-Gaussianity to find the projection directions. Kurtosis is well known to be sensitive to influential points/outliers, and so the projection direction will be greatly affected by unusual points. We also develop the influence functions of projection directions to investigate abnormal observations. A data example illustrates the application of these approaches.Influence function Kurtosis Non-Gaussianity Projection pursuit

    Enhanced removal of Microcystis bloom and microcystin-LR using microcosm constructed wetlands with bioaugmentation of degrading bacteria

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    The prevalence of cyanobacterial bloom (Cyano-bloom) and hepatotoxic microcystin (MC) pollution caused by eutrophication poses serious problems to aquatic ecosystems and public health. However, conventional water treatment technologies are inefficient for removing cyanotoxins. In this study, the performance of microcosm constructed wetlands (CWs) in the removal of Cyano-bloom, microcystin-LR (MC-LR), and nutrients was investigated following repeated loading of pollutants. The effects of plant and bioaugmentation of selected MC-LR degrading bacteria on removal efficiency, degrading gene mlrA abundance, and bacterial community structure were examined. More than 90% of the MC-LR and chlorophyll-a was eliminated by CWs after 3 d of hydraulic retention time (HRT) without a lag phase. No significant differences between planted and unplanted CWs were found in the MC-LR and Cyano-bloom removal and mIrA gene abundance. Nevertheless, the plants improved nutrient removal to reduce eutrophication. Bioaugmentation markedly enhanced the degradation of MC-LR from 16.7 mu g L-1 to below the threshold value within 12 h, which could help shorten the HRT of CWs by increasing functional MC-LR degrading bacteria. In the soil of CWs, the following six bacterial genera with MC-LR-degrading potential were found: Sphingopyxis, Methylotenera, Pseudomonas, Methylosinus, Novosphingobium, and Sphingomonas. Among them, the first three also significantly proliferated in CWs with bioaugmentation during MC-LR degradation, indicating their high adaptability and MC-LR removal contribution. These results suggested that CWs could provide suitable conditions for MC-LR degrading microorganism proliferation, and CWs with bioaugmentation could be effective and practical measures for the remediation of eutrophication and MC pollution. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Capacity of various single-stage constructed wetlands to treat domestic sewage under optimal temperature in Guangzhou City, South China

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    Less seasonal temperature variation in humid tropical and subtropical climate makes unique wastewater and removal performance of constructed wetlands (CWs) in South China. Nine single-stage CWs consisting of surface flow (SF), horizontal subsurface flow (HF) and vertical flow (VF) units vegetated with Canna indica or Thalia dealbata, as well as unvegetated filters were operated over 33 months (September 2013 to May 2016) to assess their removal capacity for domestic sewage and to evaluate the key influencing factors (i.e. vegetation, flow type, and temperature) in South China. The evaluation of the results indicated that these systems had great removal capacity of nutrient and organic matter. The average influent concentration of TN, NH4-N, TP and COD was 29.3, 23.3, 2.6 and 142.1 mg L-1, respectively. Removed load of TP, NH4-N, and COD were higher in VF CWs. Removed load of TN was higher in HF CWs. Influent loads positively influenced the removed loads of pollutants. Flow type had the greatest impact on removed load, followed by the temperature, and vegetation had minimal impact. VF (unvegetated) - HF (vegetated) could be the model of purification of domestic sewage by CWs in South China