311 research outputs found


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    The lack of interest in reading nowadays is one of the factors in the decline of the nation's regeneration that loves literacy. The Education Village Library Group of Kuajang Village, Binuang District is one of the literacy movements established in Kuajang Village. This library is part of a project of teenagers and hamlet residents to build a literacy village to feel the equal distribution of education without having to abandon the value of local wisdom. In addition, it also aims to increase public interest in reading through the development of an appropriate technology as a solution, namely the digital library. The method of implementation is in accordance with the planning stages that have been prepared, namely the stages of activities that begin with the coordination and analysis of needs (Phase I), digital library application design (Phase II), application integration in the framework model (Phase III), and the use of systems in the field (Stage IV). The results show that the application development uses the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) model that can facilitate the user in the process of searching for books and the initial display of the digital library system in the form of a catalog. To optimize the use and utilization of this application, training is carried out to users and managers of the Education Village Library Group. In addition, periodic monitoring and assistance will be carried out to ensure the use of this system can be operated and the benefits are felt by the communit

    Distribution System Power Losses Minimization Using Network Reconfiguration

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    This paper shows an efficacious approach for the perfect arrangement of a distribution system. To discover the switches best fusion, which outcomes a minimal power loss for the distribution radial configuration. To resolve the non-linear optimization problem here Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) technique is projected for the minimization of system power losses. MPSO is an improved Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) with modification of particle velocity in search space. To reveal the fitness of the anticipated approach relative investigation of MPSO with other preceding optimization techniques is done. To reconfigure a distribution network system, under base case loading conditions, IEEE 33 bus radial system is used. It is inspected that MPSO executes well as compare to GA, ACA and SPSO in respective of significance of power losses, which are improved and minimized up to 138.9275kW and profile of voltage, which are enhanced and stabilized up to 0.94234 per unit in terms of minimum voltage in the system

    Developing a Sustainable Concrete using Ceramic Waste Powder

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    The change from a traditional utilization based society to a sustainable society is urgently needed because of the contamination of the natural environment, the depletion of the natural resources and the reduced capacity of the final waste disposal arrangements. Concrete is regarded as an advanced and major construction material which needs continuous innovation and improvement to reduce environmental impact. In the future, the demand for concrete will be increasing with the increase in population. This article presents an experimental study of using ceramic waste as a limited replacement with cement in structural concrete. Ceramic waste deposit, on one side, poses a number of environmental challenges, ranging from air, water and soil contaminations but on another side, it has cementitious properties. Concrete mixtures with different percentage of ceramic waste powder were produced, tested and compared in terms of compressive strength. As a result, the maximum compressive strength achieved with a 30% ceramic waste. The purpose of this study was to examine the performance of cement concrete with different percentage of ceramic waste powder, it needs to be noted that such performance may be varied when the grade of cement or chemical composition of ceramic waste powder will be changed. The long-run performance (after 28 days) of such concrete and especially when used with reinforcement need to be investigated further

    Kinerja Pegawai Di Terminal Kayu Mangiwang Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah

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    Job Performance or achievement is a job or effort achieved by a person in carrying the duty assigned to him/her, based on the skill, quality, experience, willingness and time. The type of the research used is qualitative descriptive approach involving 10 informants such as Head of Department, Secretary, Head of Sub Division of Staffing and General, Head of Sub Division of Planning and Finance, Field of Traffic and Transportation, Vehicle Driver. The data were collected through interview and observation method.The results of this research reveal that the performance of the employees in Termina Kayu Mangiwang of Central Mamuju Regency has been optimal. It can be identified from the factors that affect the performance of the ability and motivation that significantly affect the performance of employees. The indicators of objectives, qualitative, quantitative,. ABSTRAK Kinerja atau prestasi kerja merupakan suatu kerja atau/usahayang dicapai seseorang dalam melaksanakan tugas yang dibebankan kepadanya, yang didasarkan atas kecakapan, kualitas, pengalaman, dan kesungguhan serta waktu..Jenis penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan pedoman informan yaitu Kepala Dinas, sekertaris, kepala sub bagian kepegwaian dan umum, kepala sub bagian perencanaan dan keuangan, bidang lalu lintas dan angkutan, pengemudi kendaraan. Dengan metode wawancara dan observasi.Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dalam penelitian iniadalah bahwa Kinerja Pegawai Di Terminal Kayu Mangiwang Kabupaten Mamuju Tengah sudah cukup baik. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja yaitu kemampuan dan motivasi yang berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Indikator tujuan, kualitatif, kuantitatif. Kata Kunci : kinerja, karyawan, termina

    Sonographic evaluation of the common bile duct size in normal adults at university of maiduguri teaching hospital, Nigeria

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    Despite ultrasound safety, affordability and its widespread use in evaluation of the diseases of biliary tree, paucity of literature on the sonographic measurements of the size of the normal adult common bile duct (CBD) in this environment exists. Objectives: To determine the normal adult diameter of the CBD in this environment using ultrasonography. Methods: This was a cross-sectional prospective study carried out at the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital between January to June, 2011. Results: There were 224(56%) females and 176(44%) males aged between18 and 87 years (Mean±SD, 36.88 ±16.97 years). The mean AP and transverse CBD diameters (±SD) were 3.68±0.82mm and 3.89±0.86mm, respectively. The average mean for the two measurements (± SD) was 3.78±0.84mm (range = 2.0 – 6.0 mm). The mean transverse diameter was slightly greater than AP diameter (p = 0.0004).The CBD diameter was strongly correlated with age (r = 2 0.798; p = 0.000; r = 0.629). The least squares regression slope of 0.039mm±0.001 (mean±SD) was obtained suggesting 0.039mm±0.001 increase in the CBD diameter per year. There was significant correlation between the CBD diameter with weight (r = 0.504; p = 0.000) and BMI (r = 0.454; p = 0.000). No significant difference between the mean CBD diameter in males and females (p= 0.084)was observed. Conclusion: The mean and range of CBD size in normal adult population were determined and significantly correlated with age, weight, and BMI

    The assessment of patients' perception and satisfaction of radiology waiting time in university of maiduguri teaching hospital.

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    The patient is the most important person in the entire hospital setup and it is the duty of the health care personnel to give special attention to the management of patient to enhance effective service delivery.Waiting time is the total time from registration until consultation with healthcare personnel.It is an aspect of care that patients value most. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate Patients' perceived satisfaction with waiting time in Department of Radiology, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Borno State Nigeria. Method: The study was a cross-sectional prospective survey, that targeted patients who presented at the radiology department for HSG and IVU over the period of six months with a response rate of 70%, (n=70). The mean age of the participants was 33.6years. Data was collected using a 23 item self-completion questionnaire designed in line with the objectives of the study. Data were categorized into groups and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences version 16.0, where descriptive statistics such as the mean, percentages and frequencies were generated and tabulated. Pearson's correlation at p<0.01(2 tailed) was used to test for relationship Results: The results showed that 64.3%, (n=45) were female while 35.7%, (n=25) were male, out of these, 42.9% (n=30) were referred for HSG, and 57.1% (n=40) were for IVU. Among the patients referred for IVU, 37.5%, (n=15) were female, and 62.5%, (n=25) were male. Waiting time (before and after investigation) and satisfaction was found to be significant at (p<0.01 2-tailed), with the waiting time. Conclusion: Insufficient number of counter service staff (Receptionist) and insufficient number of Radiologist and Radiographers were some of the factors that affect patient's satisfaction with waiting time, as investigations and reports were delayed.&nbsp

    Wacana dan pemikiran rekabentuk masjid

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    Tulisan ini membentangkan pengenalan dan membincangkan beberapa persoalan tentang pemikiran rekabentuk masjid. Tujuan utama penulisan ini adalah untuk memberi maklumat latar bagi memahami dengan lebih jelas berkenaan kedudukan kajian ke atas masjid warisan Melayu. Tulisan ini mempunyai empat bahagian utama. Bahagian pertama menyingkap makna atau pengertian masjid dalam budaya Islam. Bahagian kedua membentangkan sebab-sebab yang mempengaruhi rekabentuk senibina sesebuah bangunan supaya mereka yang tidak mendapat pendidikan secara langsung tentang senibina dapat mengetahui punca sebenar kebanyakan rupabentuk senibina sesuatu bangunan yang seringkali difikirkan sebagai buah fikiran atau karya arkitek semata-mata. Bahagian ketiga membentangkan wacana senibina masjid dari sudut pendekatan rekabentuk dan bahagian keempat dan terakhir membentangkan wacana khusus mengenai masjid warisan di Alam Melayu

    Islamic Monetary Economics: Insights from the Literature

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    This chapter reviews critical early literature of Islamic monetary economics. The prohibition of Riba has imposed challenges on Islamic economists to come up with the viable alternatives to achieve Islamic monetary policy goals. Our extensive review of theoretical and empirical literature indicates that equity based profit- and loss-sharing instruments have been proposed for conducting open market operations in an interest-free economy. Theoretically, the central bank can achieve desired goals by controlling money supply and profit-sharing ratios. The findings from empirical literature suggest that money demand tend to be more stable in an interest-free economy. Whether monetary transmission works through Islamic banking channel is controversial, but the literature is growing. These findings are not surprising as majority Muslim countries lack sustainable and equitable economic growth. Moreover, these countries suffer from higher inflation and unemployment with little or no monetary freedom due to fixed exchange rate regime, shallow financial markets and strict capital control
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