275 research outputs found

    KAJIAN MODAL SOSIAL DALAM MENDUKUNG KETAHANAN PANGAN RUMAH TANGGA PETANI PADI DI DESA BODDIA KECAMATAN GALESONG KABUPATEN TAKALAR (Study Of Sosial Capital In Supporting Household Food Security Of Rice Farmers In Boddia Village, Galesong Sub-District, Takalar District)

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    This study aimed to examine sosial capital in supporting rice farming household food security. The buying technique for informants was carried out by purposive sampling. Data collection by way of observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis. The results of the study show that in realizing rice farmer household food security it is supported by the role of sosial capital as an adhesive in strengthening the role of farmers in society, including: (1) Trust in resilience in supporting rice farmer household food is an attitude of mutual trust and respect that is built between farmers and the community (2) Sosial networks in supporting rice farming household food security are sosial networks built on the basis of common interests, networks of power, kinship and kinship (3) Sosial norms in supporting rice farming household food security in the form of rules written and unwritten. Written sosial norms include the existence of written agreements related to planting schedules and types of seeds used in order to maintain production sustainability to fulfill household food agreements. The unwritten rules are in the form of a tradition called appa rappo (routine activities that are believed to make farming successful)


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    This study aims to determine the concentration of copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) inseaweed Codium fragile and is expected to add information about copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) which accumulates inseaweed C. fragile in Puntondo waters. , Takalar Regency. This research was conducted from January to August 2021, located in Puntondo waters, Takalar Regency. This research method collects data in the form of seaweed samples from the field and seaweed obtained from seaweed sales. Data analysis was carried out using the One Way Anova test with a further test of LSD (Least Significant Difference). The results of this study indicate that the metal content of copper (Cu) at each research station in seawater and C. fragile samples has passed the threshold, while the content of lead (Pb) at each station in seawater and C. fragile samples has not passed the threshold based on PP No. 22 of 2021 (<0.008 mg/L) for sea water and BPOM Regulation No. 23 of 2017 (<0.2 mg/kg) for consumption materials. The metal content of copper (Cu) in seawater at each research station was significantly different and the metal content of copper (Cu) in C. fragile at each research station was not significantly different. The metal content of lead (Pb) in C. fragile seaweed at each research station was significantly different and the metal content of lead (Pb) in seawater at each station was below the detection limit of the instrument (<0.01 ppm). The highest content of copper (Cu) in seawater was found at stations near from the ships activity, that is 0.3625 mg/L, followed by stations close to settlements at 0.235 mg/L. The highest content of copper (Cu) in C. fragile was found at stations close to settlements at 6.63 mg/kg followed by stations at PPI Beba at 6.1575 mg/kg and stations close to ships activity at 4,965. mg/kg

    Kualitas Kesehatan Ekosistem Benua Maritim Indonesia untuk Keberlanjutan Sumber Daya Ikan

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    Suatu ekosistem terdiri atas tumbuhan, hewan dan mikroorganisme (komunitas biologis) yang berinteraksi satu sama lain, juga dengan lingkungan fisik dan kimia, serta dengan ekosistem sekitar dan atmosfir. Struktur dan berfungsinya ekosistem didukung oleh hasil interaksi dan umpan balik antara organisme dengan lingkungannya (biogeofisik). Pada setiap ekosistem, makhluk hidup membentuk suatu komunitas yang berinteraksi satu sama lain, dengan udara, air dan tanah/sedimen di sekitarnya. Ekosistem-ekosistem ini menyediakan sejumlah besar bahan dan jasa (jasa-jasa ekosistem) yang menopang kehidupan makhluk hidup. Jasa ekosistem adalah “manfaat yang diterima makhluk hidup (termasuk manusia) dari ekosistem, termasuk penyediaan jasa-jasa seperti bahan makanan dan air (provisioning services), pengendalian banjir dan kekeringan, degradasi lahan dan penyakit (regulating services), demikian juga dengan jasa-jasa lainnya seperti pembentukan tanah/sedimen dan siklus nutrien, serta jasa-jasa kebudayaan seperti rekreasi, spiritual, keagamaan dan manfaat non-material lainnya”. Tindakan-tindakan untuk mengkonservasi keanekaragaman hayati ini jelas akan menghasilkan perlindungan dan keberlanjutan dari barang dan jasa yang disediakan ekosistem. Sehingga upaya-upaya memelihara atau menjaga kesehatan ekosistem sangat bermanfaat dalam memperkuat konservasi keanekaragaman hayati. Penelaahan kesehatan ekosistem (ecosystem health) merupakan salah satu prioritas utama saat ini, baik oleh ilmuwan, manajer maupun pemerintahan di seluruh belahan dunia. Tekanan yang menyebabkan menurunnya kondisi kesehatan ekosistem (masa kini dan masa mendatang) termasuk hilangnya habitat alami (misalnya: akibat perubahan pola penggunaan lahan, ekosistem terumbu karang semakin berkurang, rusaknya habitat dasar perairan akibat trawling), perubahan iklim, invasi spesies asing, masuknya nutrien bahan cemar, eksploitasi berlebihan (terhadap stok ikan) serta faktor-faktor lainnya. Dampak utama relatif dari tekanan-tekanan ini sangat berbeda bagi ekosistem-ekosistem yang kita ketahui, namun diyakini akan terus berkontribusi pada penurunan populasi spesies dan hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati pada beberapa dekade mendatang. Terutama apabila tidak diadakan regulasi dan pengontrolan ketat bagi kegiatan-kegiatan manusia yang mendominasi seluruh fungsi-fungsi ekologis. Ekosistem-ekosistem yang didominasi oleh aktivitas manusia, termasuk berbagai sistem biofisik mengalami tekanan sedemikian tingginya hingga mengalami disfungsi, baik pada tingkat regional maupun global. Makalah ini membahas pentingnya memelihara kondisi kesehatan ekosistem utama di Benua Maritim Indonesia (BMI) untuk menjamin keberlanjutan sumberdaya ikan. Kata kunci: kesehatan ekosistem, sumberdaya ikan, BMI.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Respon Petani Terhadap Usahatani Porang di Desa Pa’bumbungan Kecamatan Eremerasa   Kabupaten Bantaeng.Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan  Menggunakan Teknik Non Probability Sampling dengan Sampling Jenuh (Sensus) yaitu metode penarikan sampel jika semua populasi di jadikan sampel. Sampel yang diambil adalah seluruh petani  di Desa Pa’bumbungan Kecamatan Eremerasa Kabupaten Bantaeng yang melakukan usahatani porang yaitu sebanyak  25 orang. Sumber data menggunakan data   Primer dan data Sekunder yang di dapatkan melalui teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode  deskriptif dengan  metode kualitatif secara survei. Alat Analisis   yang digunakan yaitu Skala Likert.Berdasarkan  hasil  penelitian  yang  dilakukan     diperoleh  hasil  bahwa respon petani terhadap usahatani orang di Desa Pa’bumbungan Kecamatan Eremerasa Kabupaten Bantaeng berada pada tingkat respon tinggi (positif).  Rata- rata responden   berada pada respon tinggi dengan kalkulasi skor 3.01 dimana Petani sangat  tertarik  melakukan  Usahatani  porang namun  kurangnya ketersediaan bibit  menjadi kendala utama Petani sehingga petani belum maksimal dalam berusahatani porang di Desa tersebut, padahal peluang Usahatani Porang sangat menjanjikan bagi perekonomian petani saat ini

    A New Acyclic Diketotriterpenoid Isolated from the Indonesian Marine Sponge Hyrtios erectus

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    Scalarane-Based Sesterterpenoid RCE-Protease Inhibitors Isolated from the Indonesian Marine Sponge Carteriospongia foliascens

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    part of research collaboration between Mar Fish Faculty of Unhas and EOS UBCTwo new 20,24-bishomo-25-norscalaranes, compounds 1 and 2, and two new and two known 20,24-bishomoscalaranes, compounds 3???6, have been isolated from the Indonesian marine sponge Carteriospongia foliascens. The structures of 1???6 were determined by spectroscopic analysis. Compounds 1 and 3???6 inhibit RCE-protease activity

    Asymptotic expansions for the ergodic moments of a semi-markovian random walk with a generalized delaying barrier

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    In this study, a semi-Markovian random walk process (X(t)) with a generalized delaying barrier is considered and the ergodic theorem for this process is proved under some weak conditions. Then, the exact expressions and asymptotic expansions for the first four ergodic moments of the process X(t) are obtained.This research is supported partially by TUBITAK, under Project 110T559.Publisher's Versio

    Implementation of Quality Improvement Tools In Brass Industry To Improve Quality & Enhance Productivity

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    Significance of quality with increased productivity at an affordable cost is out of question. In this regard, applications of Statistical Quality Tools go a long way not only to improve the quality of a product but also to eliminate the causes, which gave birth to Non – Conforming units. In engineering production units where workforce is unaware to Quality Management system (QMS) it is very difficult to manage production with in acceptable quality standard. Heavy input costs at shrunk/ reduced outputs are no longer sustainable. In most of the production units the rejection of components is never analyzed and resultantly factors causing these high rejection percentages are not rooted out. The focus of study here has been Brass Industry with special emphasis on reducing rejection percentage to a lower possible limit in 70:30 Brass strip and Gilding Metal Claded Steel (GMCS Strip). Initially, data regarding rejection in Brass and GMCS Strip was collected for complete analysis. The process of applying relevant Statistical Quality Tools was started in order to find out the major defects and the root causes of the same. The analysis made so far revealed that existing rejection percentage in Brass and GMCS Strip has been in the range of Fifteen percent (15%) and Twenty one percent (21%) respectively, which is an alarming situation. The ultimate end of the study was to reduce the existing rejection percentage to a range of 8 – 10 % in Brass, and 12 – 14 % in GMCS, and thereby improve the quality, savings, enhance productivity and hence to reduce the wastages. Keywords: Quality improvement tools, brass industry, productivity and qualit
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