379 research outputs found

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 312-Sermet Muhtar Alusİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Perspective of Organizational Cultural in Effective Teacher Socialization: A Study of Beginning English Teachers in Pakistan

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    Abstract English language teaching in Pakistan is one of the major areas in the current educational reforms with the special focus on professional socialization of English teachers. This study aims at discovering and quantifying the relationship between organizational culture and effective socialization of beginning English teachers. Organizational culture has been identified with the considerations of equal & fair treatment with the beginning teachers, well-defined policies, self-recognition, academic facilities, teachers’ interaction and individual and organizational expectations. The required data was collected through survey method techniques, selecting a sample from the colleges located in Punjab province and Islamabad and getting questionnaires filled. The data, collected from 295 respondents, was analyzed and testified with statistical description. The results rejected the null hypothesis of no relationship between effective socialization and organizational culture. The results identified many socialization challenges to beginning teachers related to organizational culture including within weak relationship among teachers, concerns for equal treatment, unsupported administrative milieu, shaky self-perception, insufficient academic resources and ineffective role of staffroom. Finally it is suggested that organizational culture of Pakistani colleges may be made more conducive by training beginning teachers in conformity with the organizational objectives and professional requirements, bringing down the rate of conflicts and errors and above all enhancing the positive role of the principals who should create a productive environment with the help of a young team of enthusiastic beginning teachers

    Development of Threshold Levels and a Climate-Sensitivity Model of the Hydrological Regime of the High-Altitude Catchment of the Western Himalayas, Pakistan

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    Water shortages in Pakistan are among the most severe in the world, and its water resources are decreasing significantly due to the prevailing hydro-meteorological conditions. We assessed variations in meteorological and hydrological variables using innovative trend analysis (ITA) and traditional trend analysis methods at a practical significance level, which is also of practical interest. We developed threshold levels of hydrological variables and developed a non-parametric climate-sensitivity model of the high-altitude catchment of the western Himalayas. The runoff of Zone I decreased, while the temperature increased and the precipitation increased significantly. In Zone II, the runoff and temperature increased but the precipitation decreased. A two-dimensional visualization of the Pardé coefficient showed extreme drought events, and indicated greater sensitivity of the hydrological regime to temperature than to precipitation. The threshold levels of runoff for Zones I and II were 320 and 363 mm using the Q80 fixed method, while the mean runoff amounts were estimated to be 79.95 and 55.61 mm, respectively. The transient threshold levels varied by month, and the duration of droughts in Zones I and II ranged from 26.39 to 78.98 days. The sensitivity of the hydrological regime was estimated based on a modified climate-elasticity model (εp = 0.11–0.23, εt = −0.04–2.39) for Zones I and II, respectively. These results highlight the sensitivity of the hydrological regime to temperature, which influences the melting process. However, it is important to establish thresholds for hydrological variables and understand the climate sensitivity of the hydrological regime of the entire basin, so that policy makers and water managers can make sustainable water-resource-management decisions for this region

    Evaluasi Dampak Program Rumah Susun Lette Kecamatan Mariso Kota Makassar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the evaluation of the impact of the lette rental apartment program in Mariso District, Makassar City. This study used a qualitative method to describe and explain the evaluation of the impact of the rental apartment program. The number of informants in this study were 8 people. The results of the study showed that the evaluation of the impact of the lette rental apartment program Mariso District of Makassar had a number of very significant effects ranging from economic impacts on equity indicators, political impacts on effectiveness indicators and social impacts on responsiveness indicators. Therefore, the hypothesis in the study was accepted because it was supported by the significance value. Furthermore, the evaluation of the impact of the rental apartment program was also influenced by factors of equity, effectiveness and responsiveness. Keywords: equity, effectiveness, responsivenes

    Cerebellopontine Angle (CPA) Tumors Presenting with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN): A Study from LRH, Peshawar

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    Background/Objective:  The cerebellopontine angle (CPA) is the most prevalent site for brain tumors, accounting for 10% of all cases. CPA tumors can have a direct or indirect pathogenic impact on the auditory nerve and brain stem. The study aimed to quantify the prevalence of cerebellopontine angle tumors in patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Material and Methods:  A cross sections study was conducted and 100 patients were included from the Neurosurgery department of LRH, Peshawar. Magnetic resonance images (MRI) were used to look for CPA tumors. The data on CPA tumors were stratified for age and gender. Suboccipital retromastoid craniectomy was performed. Results:  The mean age of the patients was 43 years. 38 patients were male and 62 were female. CPA tumors were seen in three percent of trigeminal neuralgia patients. There existed a significant difference (p < 0.00001) between the presence and absence of CPA tumors. A maximum number of patients (n = 37) were not having CPA tumors from the age group of 51-60 years. An insignificant association was reported for CPA distribution concerning age and gender. Conclusion:  According to our findings, 3% of trigeminal neuralgia patients had cerebellopontine angle tumors. We urge more investigation and screening of trigeminal neuralgia patients for CPA tumors based on the findings of this study

    Integrasi Falsafah Siri' Na Pacce dan Etika Bisnis dalam Membangun Bisnis Berbasis Kearifan Lokal

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    Kesimpulan dari Integrasi falsafah siri’ na pacce dan etika bisnis Islam secara operasional terwujud kedalam beberapa hal; a) menghadirkan Tuhan dalam setiap aktifitas ekonomi, b) etos kerja sebagai dampak kesamaan hak dalam mencari penghidupan di bumi, c) konsep pacce (solidaritas dan kesetiakawanan sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab dan wujud dari keseimbangan distributif, d) saling memanusiakan satu sama lain (sipakatau), e) selalu berkata benar (ada’ tonging) dalam setiap aktifitas ekonomi, dan f) senantiasa menjaga kejujuran (lempu’

    Etika Bisnis dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang etika dalam bisnis menurut beberapa pandangan dan juga menelaah tentang bagaimana etika menurut perspektif Islam yang bernilai ajaran dan tingkah laku yang baik yang telah diajarkan oleh Islam melalui Rasulullah SAW, dan dituangkan kedalam bisnis yang hanya bertujuan mencari laba yang sebesarbesarnya tanpa peduli dengan etika. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan syari’, Ekonomi Islam dan sosiologis, serta teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara deduktif, induktif dan komparatif yang penyelesaiannya melalui penelitian perpustakaan. Dari hasil penelitian penulis, bahwa etika bisnis perspektif Islam mengacuh kepada dua sumber, yaitu Al-Qur’an dan Hadist, dimana unsur-unsur yang ada didalamnya terdapat unsur kesatuan, keseimbangan, dan keadilan dalam aktivitas ekonomi, kehendak bebas dimana manusia diberikan kebebasan untuk mengolah apa yang telah diberikan oleh Allah SWT, tetapi tidak dengan cara merusak lingkungan dan alam. Tanggung jawab manusia terhadap alam semesta dengan menetapkan batasan apa yang bebas dilakukan manusia dengan bertanggung jawab atas semua yang dilakukannya, kemudian dengan melakukan bisnis harus berpedoman pada kebenaran, kebajikan dan kejujuran. Adapun pentingnya etika dalam berbisnis karena etika ekonomi Islam berorientasi pada pembangunan yang berkeadilan diantara seluruh pelaku dan komponen didalam masyarakat yang memang tujuan inilah yang menjadi tujuan dari ekonomi Islam

    Enhancing Customer Purchase Intentions through Service Brand Credibility

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    Purpose – The basic aim of present study was to test the construct of brand credibility and its impact on purchase intentions with moderation effect of brand image in service sector of Pakistan.Design/methodology/approach – for the sake of data collection, A questionnaire was used from the customers of fast food users from the city of Lahore Pakistan.  Regression and correlation analysis along with others were used for data analysis and hypothesis testing.  Findings – Based of the statistical evidences of present study it is found that brand credibility and purchase intentions are positively related whereas brand image moderates this relationship.Practical implications – This study will help survey marketers and mangers to understand the importance of brand credibility for enhancing customer purchase intentions, furthermore it will guide them to incorporate the brand image in crafting different marketing and branding strategies to increase brand royalty.Originality/value – According to researcher, this is a pioneer study to propose the impact of service-brand-credibility and its impact on customer purchase intentions with moderating effect of brand image in the context of Pakistan. Keywords: Brand credibility, Purchase intentions, Brand image, Brands, Pakistan. Paper type: Research pape

    Molecular Characterization of Wheat Genotypes Using SSR Markers

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    Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rusts are the most destructive and widespread among all other diseases of wheat because of their wide distribution, and their capacity to form new races that can attack previously resistant cultivars which result in serious yield losses. The molecular characterization and genetic diversity of 20 wheat genotypes was investigated using 34 polymorphic Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) screened primers. About thirty-one loci were found. Lr-19 gene was present in all 20 wheat genotypes that cause resistance against wheat rust. Shalimar-86 and Chakwal-86 showed the highest genetic diversity with SH-02 and Ufaq respectively, giving a 98.94% genetic similarity and a minimum genetic diversity was observed between Chakwal-50 and Bhakar which showed that they are 74% similar. The current research found that SSR makers could distinguish and characterize all of the genotypes, more screened primers could be used for study and for saturation of different regions in further research. The identification of rust resistant genes in Pakistani wheat germplasm will help in accelerating the breeding program in future, including pyramiding of different wheat resistant genes in wheat genotypes and varieties

    Simultaneous improvement of corrosion and mechanical properties of AA 5083 aluminum alloy

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    In this study, the effects of cold-rolling and annealing on the structural, electrochemical, and mechanical properties of AA5083 in a simulated seawater environment are investigated. The results demonstrated that annealing temperature significantly affects the alloy's mechanical and corrosion properties. According to potentiodynamic results, the rate of corrosion decreased after annealing. Compared to the cold-rolled sample, the heat treatment doubles the electrochemical impedance, indicating that the corrosion resistance of AA5083 alloy is suitable at 50°C annealing. Approximately twice as much ductility was added to the materials as compared to the as-received materials. Additionally, the mechanical testing revealed the Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) Effect Type B band, which reflected the smaller grain size
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