20 research outputs found

    The role of changes in indicators of immune response in the formation of structural and clinical manifestations of hypertrophy of lingutical aligment

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    The authors based on the results of a comprehensive examination of 32 patients diagnosed with "Hypertrophy of the lingual tonsil", established that the clinical manifestations of this suffering are combined with dystrophic changes in the parameters of the state of the immune response. The latter indicate the development of autoimmune reactions in the body of patients, the activation of humoral mechanisms of regulation of inflammation and the preservation of the activity of the cellular component of the immune response. In this case, the most significant deviations of the studied parameters occurred in patients with the most vivid clinical picture. The authors believe that the disturbance of the immune regulation system is an important pathogenetic factor of the lingual tonsil hypertrophy, which affects the severity of the clinical manifestations of this patholog

    The category of upbringing in Russian and Western studies

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. Modern life is constantly creating situations when the rights and value of every individual acquire the dominant role. Many educators understand today that the change in the socio-cultural situation in the country gives rise to the need for such personality traits as autonomy, self-reliance, independence, free will, and active life. This situation causes the change of the whole system of fundamental constants of pedagogy, especially the category of "upbringing". This article considers some aspects of the category “upbringing” and its understanding in the context of different cultures of the Western society. The paper analyses the opportunity and the ways of Western educational categories to be translated and be understandable by Russian researchers and educators. The article points out the special role of the interpreter, the necessity of each translated category immersion into the context of culture, way of thinking, and especially the language of the country where it came from. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main approaches to defining the notion “upbringing” in comparison with the notion “education”. The materials of this article can be useful for the researchers in educational area, for the scholars and students of teachers training institutions in the process of their professional development

    Evaluation of Remo-Wax eff ectiveness in patients with wax plug

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    Проведено открытое сравнительное клиническое исследование эффективности гигиенического средства Ремо-Вакс у пациентов с серными пробками по сравнению с перекисью водорода. Установлено, что препарат Ремо-Вакс при приеме на протяжении 3 дней в 65% случаев вызывал растворение серной пробки (при применении перекиси водорода – в 10%), что отменило ручное удаление. Лучшие результаты растворения серной пробки отмечены у пациентов до 20-летнего возраста. Препарат Ремо-Вакс профилактирует раздражение кожи слухового прохода при промывании серных пробок.An open comparative clinical research on eff ectiveness of hygiene medicine Remo-Wax in patients with sulfuric tubes was held in comparison with hydrogen peroxide. It was established that drug Remo-Wax taken for 3 days caused dissolving of earwax in 65% of cases (when using hydrogen peroxide – 10%), which abolished the manual removal. The best results of dissolving earwax were observed in patients under 20 years of age. The drug Remo-Wax renders prophylactic action considering irritation of the skin of the ear canal when washing wax plug

    Experience with the use of oral probiotic Streptococcus salivarius K12 for the prevention of recurrence of pharyngotonsillar

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    Relevance. Pharyngotonsillitis (PhT) is one of the most common recurrent upper respiratory tract diseases. Viruses are the most common cause of disease (Respiratory viruses, Enterov iruses, Herpesviruses), 30% are of bacterial origin. The most serious types of PhT are associated with group of β-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS) - Streptococcus pyogenes, in which antibiotic therapy is the first choice of therapy. In order to reduce the use of antibiotics, to prevent relapses of pharyngotonsillar episodes, a specific probiotic therapy was carried out using Streptococcuss alivarius K12 (SsK12). K12 (SsK12) is a probiotic strain that inhibits the growth of Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis in vitro. Materials and methods. A study was conducted in 90 patients with recurrent pharyngotonsillitis (PhT) of bacterial origin, in whom Streptococcus pyogenes was isolated during bacteriolog ical examination. The course of treatment for patients of all groups was 30 days. Patients of group 1 (30 people) were treated with standard methods. In 30 patients of group 2 (30 people), in addition to standard therapy, the respiratory probiotic "Bactoblis" was used for a course of 30 days. In 30 patients of group 3, standard therapy was carried out with the use of the respiratory probiotic drug "Bactoblis" and additional sanitation of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils by vacuum extraction. As a result, in patients of groups 2 and 3, the frequency of PhT episodes significantly decreased, and the use of antibiotics decreased too. The most persistent effect of treatment was in patients of group 3 - the quality of treatment and prevention increased, the number of exacerbations decreased, the severity of clinical manifestations, and the drug load decreased. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug has not been identified. However, 6 months after the observation was started, the clinical and laboratory parameters of the main groups began to deteriorate, approaching those of the control group, and more stable therapeutic effect was observed in patients of group 3. Conclusions. The authors consider it expedient to perform tonsil sanitation twice a year, with further use of the drug "Bactoblis" in patients suffering from PhT. All human studies were conducted in compliance with the rules of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association "Ethical principles of medical research with human participation as an object of study". Informed consent was obtained from all participants

    Кореляти складу клітин рідини порожнини рота та стану імунної і гормональної систем у жінок з гіпертрофією мигдалини язика

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    Виконавши комплексне дослідження 24 хворих з діагнозом «гіперплазія мігдаліни язика» та 13 практично здорових жінок, автори визначили зміни клітинного складу рідини порожнини рота у бік зниження місцевого імунітету. Ці зміни корелювали з дисбалансом кількості гонадотропних гормонів та зниженням показників активності імунної системи. Виходячі з отриманих даних автори вважають, що дисбаланс гонадотропних гормонів та послаблення регулюючої функції імунної системи є важливим механізмом патогенезу гіперплазії мігдалини язика, а корелюючи з ними зміни клітинного складу рідини порожнини рота, можуть бути діагностичним або прогнастичним критерієм цього патологічного процесу. Однак, останнє положення треба дослідити в подальшому.Conducting a comprehensive study of 24 patients with a diagnosis of «lingual tonsil hyperplasia» and 13 healthy women authors found changes in the cellular composition of the oral fluid in their direction of weakening local immunity. These changes correlated with the content of gonadotropin-releasing hormone imbalance and reducing activity of the immune system. Based on the data, the authors believe that an imbalance gonadotropins and easing the regulatory function of the immune system are important mechanisms of the pathogenesis of lingual tonsil hyperplasia, and correlated with changes in the cell component of oral fluid may serve as a diagnostic and / or prognostic criterion of the disease process. However, the latter situation requires further investigation

    The category of upbringing in Russian and Western studies

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. Modern life is constantly creating situations when the rights and value of every individual acquire the dominant role. Many educators understand today that the change in the socio-cultural situation in the country gives rise to the need for such personality traits as autonomy, self-reliance, independence, free will, and active life. This situation causes the change of the whole system of fundamental constants of pedagogy, especially the category of "upbringing". This article considers some aspects of the category “upbringing” and its understanding in the context of different cultures of the Western society. The paper analyses the opportunity and the ways of Western educational categories to be translated and be understandable by Russian researchers and educators. The article points out the special role of the interpreter, the necessity of each translated category immersion into the context of culture, way of thinking, and especially the language of the country where it came from. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main approaches to defining the notion “upbringing” in comparison with the notion “education”. The materials of this article can be useful for the researchers in educational area, for the scholars and students of teachers training institutions in the process of their professional development

    The category of upbringing in Russian and Western studies

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. Modern life is constantly creating situations when the rights and value of every individual acquire the dominant role. Many educators understand today that the change in the socio-cultural situation in the country gives rise to the need for such personality traits as autonomy, self-reliance, independence, free will, and active life. This situation causes the change of the whole system of fundamental constants of pedagogy, especially the category of "upbringing". This article considers some aspects of the category “upbringing” and its understanding in the context of different cultures of the Western society. The paper analyses the opportunity and the ways of Western educational categories to be translated and be understandable by Russian researchers and educators. The article points out the special role of the interpreter, the necessity of each translated category immersion into the context of culture, way of thinking, and especially the language of the country where it came from. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main approaches to defining the notion “upbringing” in comparison with the notion “education”. The materials of this article can be useful for the researchers in educational area, for the scholars and students of teachers training institutions in the process of their professional development

    The category of upbringing in Russian and Western studies

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. Modern life is constantly creating situations when the rights and value of every individual acquire the dominant role. Many educators understand today that the change in the socio-cultural situation in the country gives rise to the need for such personality traits as autonomy, self-reliance, independence, free will, and active life. This situation causes the change of the whole system of fundamental constants of pedagogy, especially the category of "upbringing". This article considers some aspects of the category “upbringing” and its understanding in the context of different cultures of the Western society. The paper analyses the opportunity and the ways of Western educational categories to be translated and be understandable by Russian researchers and educators. The article points out the special role of the interpreter, the necessity of each translated category immersion into the context of culture, way of thinking, and especially the language of the country where it came from. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main approaches to defining the notion “upbringing” in comparison with the notion “education”. The materials of this article can be useful for the researchers in educational area, for the scholars and students of teachers training institutions in the process of their professional development

    Features of the treatment of exudative otitis media in children of the Black Sea region (Odessa and Chernomorsk, Ukraine)

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    Among non-purulent inflammatory diseases of the ear in children, exudative otitis media is in second place. The purpose of the work is the development of algorithms to increase the effectiveness of treatment of children with exudative otitis media of various age groups. Practical conclusion: therapeutic tactics have their own characteristics; conservative treatment is advisable for two weeks, while maintaining the exudate beyond the specified period, an operation is indicated - shunting of the tympanic cavity

    Post cryosurgical rehabilitation of ear chondroma. Case from practice.

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    A typical place of localization of chondroma is the cartilaginous tissue of the auricle, which rarely develops and most often in people at a young age. Existing treatment methods are effective and widespread, however, any injury to the tumor accelerates its growth. Therefore, significant development of chondromas is observed after a trial excision or incomplete removal. Cryosurgical treatment refers to gentle, less traumatic methods. Тhe authors describe a case from practice: removal of the chondroma of the outer ear using a СAO-2 cryoapparatus with an individual polyethylene cap, which allows for accelerating and simplifying the process of thawing and re of the instrument. This intervention is outpatient and does not require special preparation. Taking into account the undesirable complications after cryotherapy (swelling, pain due to increased tissue turgor, local deterioration of blood circulation) on the one hand, and taking into account the antitoxic, calming, relaxing, and analgesic effect of magnesium on the body as a whole, the authors used balneotherapy in the form of a course of applications with a natural balneological agent with a high content of magnesium chloride on the zone of cryotherapy, as well as its drinking course consumption. The observation showed that the intervention using a cryoapplicator is a gentle method, slightly damaging the surrounding tissues, minimizing the possibility of intraoperative bleeding, allowing to accelerate the operation process and healing time, and, accordingly, reducing the patient's incapacity for work. Applying the results in clinical practice will significantly reduce the likelihood of deformation of the outer ear and maintain its primary functions