14 research outputs found

    Preparação e caracterização de materiais Absorventes a base de glicerina e caulim de Caraí - Minas Gerais - Brasil

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    A produção de materiais absorvedores de ĂĄgua Ă© um grande desafio para diversas aplicaçÔes nos setores agrĂ­cola, industrial, de energia, entre outros. No presente trabalho, foram preparados materiais a partir da reação de glicerina, caulim e ĂĄcido succĂ­nico, tendo ĂĄcido sulfĂșrico como catalisador. Foram utilizadas trĂȘs razĂ”es molares para a mistura caulim:ĂĄcido succĂ­nico, 1:0, 1:1 e 0:1. Foram preparados materiais tambĂ©m em uma reação com o auxĂ­lio do Dean-stark, onde foram preparadas trĂȘs amostras. Foram produzidos filmes de amido para facilitar a aplicação dos materiais obtidos. O FTIR confirmou a polimerização do ĂĄcido succĂ­nico com a glicerina, e a ancoragem do mesmo ao caulim. O que tambĂ©m pode ser evidenciado atravĂ©s do DRX. Os testes de absorção mostram que o material produzido pode ser utilizado como material absorvente, absorvendo cerca de 50 g de ĂĄgua por g de amostra.Palavras-chave: Glicerina; Caulim; Ácido SuccĂ­nico; Material Absorvente

    Optimal energihantering för parallellhybridfordon via dynamisk programmering

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    In this thesis, two optimal control problems for the control of hybrid electric vehicles are formulated. The first is general formulation where both velocity and state of charge can vary. The second is a formulation where the velocity is prespecified and therefore only the state of charge can vary. The first formulation takes significantly more time to solve with dynamic programming than the second formulation. For the most hilly drive cycle that was evaluated, 4:45 % fuel savings were obtained by using the general formulation over the formulation with prespecified velocity. For the least hilly cycle, this number dropped to 1:75%. When the lowest admissible velocity was lowered from 75 to 70 km/h, fuel savings of 0:52 % were obtained. From 80 to 70 km/h, the number increased to 1:92 %. In conclusion, if dynamic programming is to be implemented in real time on a hybrid electric vehicle the fuel savings for hilly roads where a low minimal velocity is allowed are potentially much greater than when using prespecifued velocity. However, for less hilly roads and where the velocity is not allowed to vary as much, it might be more beneficial in terms of fuel consumption to use the formulation with prespecified velocity and include abilities such as gear shifting or switching the engine on or off.I denna avhandling formuleras tvÄ optimala styrningsproblem för reglering av hybridelektriska fordon. I den första, mer generella, formuleringen kan bÄde hastighet och batteriladdning variera. I den andra formuleringen Àr hastigheten specifierad i förvÀg and dÀrmed kan endast batteriladdningen variera fritt. Den första formuleringen tar betydligt lÀngre tid att lösa med dynamisk programmering Àn den andra formuleringen. Av dem utvÀrderade körcyklerna gav den som var mest kuperade brÀnslebesparingar pÄ 4:45 % om den löstes med den generella formuleringen istÀllet för den dÀr hastigheten Àr specifierad i förvÀg. NÀr den lÀgsta tillÄtna hastigheten sÀnktes frÄn 75 till 70 km/h sparades 0:52 % brÀnsle. DÀremot, om den lÀgsta tillÄtna hastigheten sÀnktes frÄn 80 till 70 km/h ökade besparingen till 1:92 %. Sammanfattningsvis, om dynamisk programmering ska implementras i realtid pÄ ett hybridelektriskt fordon sÄ Àr dem potentiella brÀnslebesparingarna betydligt högre om vÀgen Àr vÀldigt kuperad och en lÄg lÀgsta hastighet tillÄts för den generella formuleringen Àn om formuleringen med hastighet specifierad pÄ förhand vÀljs. DÀrmed, för vÀgar som inte Àr lika kuperade och dÀr hastigheten inte tillÄts att variera mycket kan, potentiellt, högre brÀnslebesparingar uppnÄs om formuleringen med förspecifierad hastighet vÀljs och förmÄgan att vÀxla alternativt stÀnga av eller pÄ motorn inkluderas

    TandvÄrdsrÀdsla hos vuxna : Orsaker och konsekvenser

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    Introduktion: Uppskattningsvis lider 4-20% av vÀrldens vuxna befolkning av tandvÄrdsrÀdsla. RÀdsla Àr individens normala emotionella reaktion inför hot eller fara. RÀdslan uppvÀcker en fysiologisk spÀnning i kroppen som skapar ett kamp- och flyktbeteende hos individen vilket kallas akut stress. Det finns olika metoder för att förebygga och behandla tandvÄrdsrÀdsla. Syfte: Att beskriva bakomliggande orsaker till varför tandvÄrdsrÀdsla uppstÄr hos vuxna samt att undersöka om tandvÄrdsrÀdsla kan fÄ konsekvenser för den orala hÀlsan och i sÄ fall vilka konsekvenserna Àr. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie. Resultat: Orsaker: Det har konstaterats att patienter som har upplevt en obehaglig tandvÄrdssituation uppvisar högre grad av tandvÄrdsrÀdsla. TandvÄrdsrÀdsla Àr multifaktoriell men rÀdsla för smÀrta har visat sig vara en central orsak till att tandvÄrdsrÀdsla uppstÄr hos individer. Konsekvenser: Patienter som lider av tandvÄrdsrÀdsla besöker tandvÄrden mindre regelbundet och har mindre goda ,vilket pÄverkar den orala hÀlsan

    Termodynamisk modell för kraftgenerande gasturbiner

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    Gasturbiner anvÀnds i en mÀngd olika sammanhang, frÄn kraftgenerering till flygplansmotorer. Prestandan hos gasturbiner beror pÄ omgivningstillstÄnd sÄsom temperatur och tryck. Gasturbintillverkare förser ofta vissa parametrar, exempelvis uteffekt och massflöde i avgaserna vid vÀldefinierade standard tillstÄnd, ofta refererade till som ISO-tillstÄnd. PÄ grund av det tidigare beskrivna beroendet Àr det nödvÀndigt för köpare att kunna förutspÄ prestandan vid platsen dÀr gasturbinen ska anvÀndas.  I denna studie har en termodynamisk modell för kraftgenerande gasturbiner konstruerats. Modellen förutspÄr uteffekten vid full belastning för varierande omgivningstemperatur och omgivningstryck. Den konstruerade modellen har jÀmförts med prestandadata frÄn Siemens egna modeller, vid varieande temperatur. Prestandadata för varierande tryck kunde inte erhÄllas.   Den konstruerade modellen Àr konsekvent med Siemens modeller inom vissa temperaturintervall vars lÀngd beror pÄ den utvÀrderade gasturbinens storlek. För mindre gasturbiner Àr temperaturintervallet för vilken den konstruerade modellen Àr konsekvent lÀngre Àn för större gasturbiner.Gas turbines are used for a variety of purposes ranging from power generation to aircraft engines. Their performance is dependent on ambient conditions such as temperature and pressure. Gas turbine manufacturers often provide certain parameters like power output and exhaust mass flow at well-defined standard conditions, usually referred to as ISO-conditions. Due to the aforementioned dependency, it is necessary for buyers to be able to predict gas turbine performance at their chosen site of operation. In this study, a thermodynamic model for power generating gas turbines has been constructed. It predicts the power output at full load for varying ambient temperature and pressure. The constructed model has been compared with performance data taken from Siemens own models for varying temperatures. No performance data for varying pressures could be obtained. The constructed model is consistent with the Siemens models within certain temperature intervals, which differ depending on the size of the gas turbine. For smaller gas turbines, the interval where the constructed model is consistent is greater than for larger gas turbines.

    Termodynamisk modell för kraftgenerande gasturbiner

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    Gasturbiner anvÀnds i en mÀngd olika sammanhang, frÄn kraftgenerering till flygplansmotorer. Prestandan hos gasturbiner beror pÄ omgivningstillstÄnd sÄsom temperatur och tryck. Gasturbintillverkare förser ofta vissa parametrar, exempelvis uteffekt och massflöde i avgaserna vid vÀldefinierade standard tillstÄnd, ofta refererade till som ISO-tillstÄnd. PÄ grund av det tidigare beskrivna beroendet Àr det nödvÀndigt för köpare att kunna förutspÄ prestandan vid platsen dÀr gasturbinen ska anvÀndas.  I denna studie har en termodynamisk modell för kraftgenerande gasturbiner konstruerats. Modellen förutspÄr uteffekten vid full belastning för varierande omgivningstemperatur och omgivningstryck. Den konstruerade modellen har jÀmförts med prestandadata frÄn Siemens egna modeller, vid varieande temperatur. Prestandadata för varierande tryck kunde inte erhÄllas.   Den konstruerade modellen Àr konsekvent med Siemens modeller inom vissa temperaturintervall vars lÀngd beror pÄ den utvÀrderade gasturbinens storlek. För mindre gasturbiner Àr temperaturintervallet för vilken den konstruerade modellen Àr konsekvent lÀngre Àn för större gasturbiner.Gas turbines are used for a variety of purposes ranging from power generation to aircraft engines. Their performance is dependent on ambient conditions such as temperature and pressure. Gas turbine manufacturers often provide certain parameters like power output and exhaust mass flow at well-defined standard conditions, usually referred to as ISO-conditions. Due to the aforementioned dependency, it is necessary for buyers to be able to predict gas turbine performance at their chosen site of operation. In this study, a thermodynamic model for power generating gas turbines has been constructed. It predicts the power output at full load for varying ambient temperature and pressure. The constructed model has been compared with performance data taken from Siemens own models for varying temperatures. No performance data for varying pressures could be obtained. The constructed model is consistent with the Siemens models within certain temperature intervals, which differ depending on the size of the gas turbine. For smaller gas turbines, the interval where the constructed model is consistent is greater than for larger gas turbines.

    The conditions of the technology subject in the younger ages : From the technology teacherÂŽs perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about how technology teachers in grades 1-3 perceive their own teaching in the subject technology linked to conditions such as education, time frame, teaching materials, materials and equipment. The study was conducted with the help of qualitative interviews in which eight active and educated technology teachers in grades 1-3 participated. The interviews examined the teachers' individual views on the technology subjectaround the deficits that the Swedish Schools Inspectorate report from 2014 highlights. Furthermore, it was investigated how the teachers' attitudes are affected by the mentioned conditions and whether there were more factors that they considered influenced their teaching in the subject of technology. The analysis of the interviews was inspired by a phenomenography inspired model where the teachers' statements were analyzed and linked to previous research. The results of the survey show that the teacher's competence in the subject of technology is not decisive for whether the teacher feels safe and competent in teaching. The security and competence are rather clarified in how much education the teacher has in technology. It emerged that the conditions of the technology subject are affected by the economy, parts such as materials, equipment and further education are given lower priority financially by both teachers and school management. Conclusions drawn in this study are that technology teaching and teachers' attitudes are largely influenced by how the subject is prioritized by the schoolmanagement. If the subject is not prioritized more by teachers and school leaders, the subject will not be more visible than it already is.

    The conditions of the technology subject in the younger ages : From the technology teacherÂŽs perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about how technology teachers in grades 1-3 perceive their own teaching in the subject technology linked to conditions such as education, time frame, teaching materials, materials and equipment. The study was conducted with the help of qualitative interviews in which eight active and educated technology teachers in grades 1-3 participated. The interviews examined the teachers' individual views on the technology subjectaround the deficits that the Swedish Schools Inspectorate report from 2014 highlights. Furthermore, it was investigated how the teachers' attitudes are affected by the mentioned conditions and whether there were more factors that they considered influenced their teaching in the subject of technology. The analysis of the interviews was inspired by a phenomenography inspired model where the teachers' statements were analyzed and linked to previous research. The results of the survey show that the teacher's competence in the subject of technology is not decisive for whether the teacher feels safe and competent in teaching. The security and competence are rather clarified in how much education the teacher has in technology. It emerged that the conditions of the technology subject are affected by the economy, parts such as materials, equipment and further education are given lower priority financially by both teachers and school management. Conclusions drawn in this study are that technology teaching and teachers' attitudes are largely influenced by how the subject is prioritized by the schoolmanagement. If the subject is not prioritized more by teachers and school leaders, the subject will not be more visible than it already is.

    Segmentation Labels for Emergency Response Imagery from Hurricane Barry, Delta, Dorian, Florence, Isaias, Laura, Michael, Sally, Zeta, and Tropical Storm Gordon

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    The zip file here contains 1,179 pairs of human-generated segmentation labels and images from Emergency Response Imagery collected by US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) after Hurricane Barry, Delta, Dorian, Florence, Ida, Laura, Michael, Sally, Zeta, and Tropical Storm Gordon. A total of 1,054 unique images were labeled. 946 images were annotated by a single labeler. 95 images were annotated by two labelers. 11 images were annotated by three labelers. 2 images were annotated by five labelers. All authors contributed to labeling, and all labeling was done with an open-source labeling tool (Buscombe et al., 2022). All pixels in each image are labeled with one of four classes: 0 (water), 1 (bare sand), 2 (vegetation - both sparse and dense), 4 (the built environment - buildings, roads, parking lots, boats, etc.) The csv file provided here is a list of each image file name (which includes the anonymized labeler ID), the name of the image without the labeler ID, the name of the corresponding NOAA jpg, the NOAA flight name, the storm name, the latitude and longitude of the image, and a column stating if the image has been labeled multiple times. Images labeled here correspond to multiple NOAA flights &mdash; all listed in the csv file for each jpeg image. These jpeg images can be downloaded directly from NOAA (https://storms.ngs.noaa.gov/) or using Moretz et al. (2020a, 2020b). The images included in this data release correspond to original NOAA images that have been resized and then split into quadrants (using ImageMagick). The naming convention corresponds to the image quarter &mdash; the *-0.jpg is upper left, *-1.jpg is upper right, *-2.jpg is lower left, and *-3.jpg is the lower right.</span