13 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Rural Household Vulnerability in the Hadejia-Nguru Wetlands Region, Northeastern Nigeria

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    The Hadejia-Nguru wetlands have long been recognized as a World Heritage Site notably for its supportive role to wild birds from Europe, Asia, and Australia. At times the functions of the wetlands have been tremendously jeopardized due to dwindling resources and thus affecting the lives of more than 1.5 million people. A number of projects were initiated by different international communities, such as the Department for International Development (DFID), aimed at fostering sustainable utilization of the natural resource base to improve the well-being of the people. The interventions have rarely succeeded, perhaps due to the lack of understanding of rural household vulnerability drivers. It is against this backdrop that this study undertook a household vulnerability assessment to determine the internal and external factors and their magnitudes in exacerbating the conflicts in the area. The data was obtained through the administration of 210 questionnaires in 15 communities of the wetlands region and analyzed principally using the vulnerability ladder, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), and descriptive statistics. The results revealed that the external drivers, like invasion by typha grass and other aquatic plants, pests, and fluctuating water flow volumes, as the main sources of vulnerability rather than anthropogenic factors of resource over-exploitation, poor management, and lack of internal control mechanisms. The external factors were found to have multiplier effects on primary productivity and the livelihoods of the dependent communities subjecting them to poverty conditions and exacerbating intense competition and conflict over the depleting resources

    Rebelia Boko-Haram i dylemat braku środków do życia na wsi: implikacje dla zrównoważonego rozwoju północno-wschodniej Nigerii

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    The Boko-Haram insurgency has affected livelihoods in the Northeast Nigeria in all ramifications. This study reviewed scholarly submissions on the drivers and impact of the insurgency in the area. The outcome of the review showed that the insurgency is driven mainly by poverty, religious extremism, and politics. Equally, the insurgency has affected rural livelihoods entirely and has exacerbated food insecurity, unemployment, and poverty. This is because critical infrastructure like schools, hospitals, markets, and electricity/telecommunication facilities have been largely destroyed, and residents of some communities are still displaced. Hence, to better the livelihood of the people in communities where normalcy has been restored, there is the need to promote agriculture and trade by securing the communities and enhancing access to affordable agricultural inputs.Rebelia Boko-Haram wpłynęła negatywnie na poziom życia mieszkańców północnego-wschodu Nigerii. W tym badaniu dokonano przeglądu opinii naukowych na temat czynników powodujących i wpływu rebelii na ten obszar. Wyniki przeglądu wykazały, że rebelia jest napędzana głównie przez biedę, ekstremizm religijny i politykę. Rebelia znacząco wpłynęła na obniżenie dochodów na wsi i zaostrzyła brak bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, zwiększyła poziom bezrobocia i ubóstwa. Wynika to z faktu, że infrastruktura krytyczna, taka jak szkoły, szpitale, rynki oraz instalacje elektryczne/telekomunikacyjne, została w dużej mierze zniszczona, a mieszkańcy niektórych społeczności nadal są przesiedlani. Dlatego też, aby poprawić warunki życia ludzi w społecznościach, w których przywrócono normalność, istnieje potrzeba promowania rolnictwa i handlu dla lokalnych społeczności i zwiększenie dostępu do przystępnych cenowo środków produkcji rolnej

    Factors influencing the adoption of ICT’S in extension service delivery among the extension agents in North-East, Nigeria

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    One of the strong mechanisms in the extension service delivery is the connection between agricultural research, extension and the farmers. The evolving new model of agricultural production and the small number of extension agents question old ways of providing valuable knowledge to farmers. The goal was to define the respondents’ socioeconomic characteristics, classify the types of ICT tools adopted by the respondents and identify factors influencing the adoption of ICT in extension service delivery among the respondents. Primary data were obtained using multi-stage cluster sampling technique, using organized questionnaires administered to 254 respondents. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used. The research used Rogers’ Theory of Innovation Diffusion, Rogers and Burde’s Theory of Social Change. The findings from the study have shown that GSM, radio, television, camera, internet, computer, CD/DVD player and VHS video are the most commonly used ICT components in various aspect of extension work. The multiple regression results reveal that gender, age, level of education and working experience has no significant contribution to ICT adoption while marital status, awareness, accessibility and motivation are the most influential factors influencing the adoption of ICT’s in extension service delivery. The study recommends that government for support the extension organizations with the most commonly used ICT components, ensure adequate awareness and access to ICT’s. The government support and interest will motivate the extension agents to adopt ICT’s tools and technology in extension service delivery

    Factors Affecting use of Information Communication Technologies among Extension Agents in North-East, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the Relationship between Awareness, Accessibility, Perceived Organizational Support, Motivation and Adoption of ICT’s Among Extension Agents in North-East, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to describe the demographic profiles of the respondents, assess the perception of the respondents on problems in using ICTs for agriculture extension works, assess the Relationships between Awareness, Accessibility, Perceived Organizational Support, and Adoption of ICT’s. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires distributed to 254 respondents using a multi-stage cluster sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modelling in AMOS was used. Findings reveals that level of ICT adoption, accessibility, and perceived organizational support was high. The high cost of ICT's, electricity problem, lack of training, ICT illiteracy, outdated contents, inability to use ICT and signal issue were the critical problems in using ICT's in extension work.  There is an evident relationship between awareness, accessibility and motivation with ICT adoption among the extension agents and the strength of the linear relationship is very high correlation in a positive direction. The study suggests governments and policymakers to design a policy framework that will ensure that extension personnel are enlightened, trained, given access to ICT's, provide an alternative source of power, and as well adhere to the motivational behavior that will enable them to remain within the system and also increase their service efficiency using ICT's in extension work

    Factors Affecting use of Information Communication Technologies among Extension Agents in North-East, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the Relationship between Awareness, Accessibility, Perceived Organizational Support, Motivation and Adoption of ICT’s Among Extension Agents in North-East, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to describe the demographic profiles of the respondents, assess the perception of the respondents on problems in using ICTs for agriculture extension works, assess the Relationships between Awareness, Accessibility, Perceived Organizational Support, and Adoption of ICT’s. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires distributed to 254 respondents using a multi-stage cluster sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modelling in AMOS was used. Findings reveals that level of ICT adoption, accessibility, and perceived organizational support was high. The high cost of ICT's, electricity problem, lack of training, ICT illiteracy, outdated contents, inability to use ICT and signal issue were the critical problems in using ICT's in extension work.  There is an evident relationship between awareness, accessibility and motivation with ICT adoption among the extension agents and the strength of the linear relationship is very high correlation in a positive direction. The study suggests governments and policymakers to design a policy framework that will ensure that extension personnel are enlightened, trained, given access to ICT's, provide an alternative source of power, and as well adhere to the motivational behavior that will enable them to remain within the system and also increase their service efficiency using ICT's in extension work

    Factors Affecting use of Information Communication Technologies among Extension Agents in North-East, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the Relationship between Awareness, Accessibility, Perceived Organizational Support, Motivation and Adoption of ICT’s Among Extension Agents in North-East, Nigeria. The objective of the study was to describe the demographic profiles of the respondents, assess the perception of the respondents on problems in using ICTs for agriculture extension works, assess the Relationships between Awareness, Accessibility, Perceived Organizational Support, and Adoption of ICT’s. Data was collected through the use of questionnaires distributed to 254 respondents using a multi-stage cluster sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and Structural Equation Modelling in AMOS was used. Findings reveals that level of ICT adoption, accessibility, and perceived organizational support was high. The high cost of ICT's, electricity problem, lack of training, ICT illiteracy, outdated contents, inability to use ICT and signal issue were the critical problems in using ICT's in extension work.  There is an evident relationship between awareness, accessibility and motivation with ICT adoption among the extension agents and the strength of the linear relationship is very high correlation in a positive direction. The study suggests governments and policymakers to design a policy framework that will ensure that extension personnel are enlightened, trained, given access to ICT's, provide an alternative source of power, and as well adhere to the motivational behavior that will enable them to remain within the system and also increase their service efficiency using ICT's in extension work

    Artisanal fisher folk’s perception of the effects of variability in climatic factors on fish yield in Kainji Lake basin, Nigeria

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    This study assessed the artisanal fisher folk’s perception of the effects of variability in climatic factors on fish yield in Kainji Lake basin. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents; assess the artisanal fisher folk’s perception of the effects of variability in climatic factors on fish yield; and assess the influence of variability in climatic factors on fish yield. Both primary and secondary data was used for the study. Primary data was collected from 173 respondents using structured questionnaires while secondary data was obtained from the Power Holding Company of Nigeria and the National Institute of Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR), all of them located in New Bussa, Niger State. Once collected, the data was analyzed based on descriptive and inferential statistics involving the use of multiple regression models. As shown by the results, 91.32% of respondents were male; many (75.14%) of them aged between 41 and 60. Most of them (90.18%) were married and had Quranic education (96.62%). 48.74% had a household composed of 6 to 10 members. The respondents perceived all the factors of climate variability (draught, change in the lake’s water levels, variations in the seasonal calendar, change in seasonal rainfall, Harmattan intensity and change in temperatures) as unfavorable developments (with small variations in the mean scores). As an exception, humidity and change in sunlight conditions were believed to be favorable aspects by the respondents. The implication is that all the variables except humidity and change in sunlight conditions will adversely affect the fish yield, as claimed by the respondents. As shown by the results of a multiple regression study of the influence of variability in climatic factors on fish yield, the temperature had a negative influence on fish yield, whereas water inflow had a positive effect. The study recommends that the local population should attend adult literacy classes and improve their formal education levels. The management of NIFFR and other higher authorities, such as the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Environment, that are vested with the responsibility of managing the water bodies, should be advised to stock the water bodies with fish species that are resistant to temperature. In turn, the artisanal fisher folk should be encouraged to improve on their management practices, especially as regards overfishing and the use of obnoxious fishing methods. Also, they should extend their livelihood to such areas as crop production, animal breeding, trading/commerce and services as alternative income diversification strategies to cushion the effect of declining fish yields as a result of climate change

    Data Mining of COVID-19 Cases and Food Security in Nigeria

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    The poor public health sector, inadequate welfare programme, state of insecurity coupled with the increasing COVID-19 cases in Nigeria had affected the wellbeing of her citizens.  During the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, people living in poverty did not have welfare relief that could help them cope with the economic hardship at the time. In this paper, Data Mining of COVID-19 Cases and Food Security in Nigeria is examined using the data from the daily COVID-19 cases update released by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) online database from February 28th, 2020 – 7th December 2020 and data on National Food Prices from National Bureau of Statistics. The data were subjected to descriptive and inferential statistics. Generalized Negative Poisson regression was selected based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and the result revealed that admitted and discharged cases had negative and inverse relationship with COVID-19 related deaths in the country while increase in laboratory confirmed cases   had a positive and significant effect on the number of deaths. The pandemic had a negative impact on food prices thereby affecting food security of citizens

    Analysis of Livelihood of Rural Irrigated Crop Farmers in Kano State, Nigeria

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    This study provided an analysis of the livelihoods of rural irrigated crop farmers in Kano State, Nigeria. The study’s specific objectives were to; describe the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, assess their livelihood assets, household wellbeing, and constraints. The study adopted a multistage sampling technique to collect primary data from 251 respondents drawn from 18 communities in six Local Government Areas of the State. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics and the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke poverty measurement were used. The study revealed that irrigated crop farming in the area is male-dominated (78.1%), and the practitioners were mostly small-scale farmers (average farm size of 1.8 ha). In terms of assets, this study revealed that most of the respondents were limited in natural, human, and financial capital. Poverty incidence was about 51%, with the lack of access to formal loans, decline in soil productivity, poor access to market, and lack of access to farm mechanization being prominent challenges of the people. Therefore, there is a need for the government and other key actors in the agriculture and financial sectors to ease farmers’ access to credit facilities and agricultural extension services

    Factors affecting use of information communication technologies among extension agents in North-East, Nigeria

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    The study identified the levels of ICT use, awareness, accessibility, perceived organizational support, assessed the perception of the respondents on problems in using ICTs for agriculture extension work and, clarifies the relationships between awareness, accessibility, perceived organizational support, and use of ICTs. Data were collected through the use of a questionnaire distributed to 254 respondents using a multi-stage sampling and stratified sampling procedures. Mean, frequency, standard deviation and structural equation modelling in analysis of morement structure (AMOS) was used. Findings revealed that levels of ICT use (x̄ = 3.43), awareness (x̄ =3.40) accessibility (x̄ 3.66), and perceived organizational support (x̄ 3.574) were moderates. The high cost of ICT garget (x̄ =4.71), poor electricity supply (x̄ =4.69), lack of training (x̄ =4.63), ICT illiteracy (x̄ =4.61), outdated contents (x̄ =4.61), inability to use ICT (x̄ =4.55) and network issue (x̄ =4.34) were the critical problems in using ICTs in extension work. There was relationship between awareness, accessibility and motivation with ICT adoption among extension agents. Governments should design a policy that will focus on awareness, training, access to ICTs among the extension agents, provide an alternative source of power, this will enable them to remain within the system and also increase their usage of ICTs in extension service delivery