16 research outputs found


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    目 的:保健師の行うネットワーク形成のプロセスと保健師の役割を明らかにすることを目的とした。 方 法:文書及び口頭にて同意を得た保健師を対象に,ネットワーク形成のプロセスと調整した関係機関,関係職種等について半構成的インタビューを行った。分析方法は,逐語録から意味のわかる最小単位の文章に分解し,整理統合しながら抽象度を高め,サブカテゴリー,カテゴリー,大カテゴリーを抽出した。 結 果:面接した内容から,(1)《ネットワーク形成の基盤》,(2)《ネットワーク形成のプロセス》,(3)《保健師の果たした役割》の3 つの大カテゴリーに分類できた。さらに, (1)の《ネットワーク形成の基盤》は①【保健所の基盤】と②【地域の力量】の2 つのカテゴリーで,(2)の《ネットワーク形成のプロセス》は①【退院の連絡と方針の決定】,②【退院前の多機関調整・連携】,③【退院時の対応】,④【退院後の調整・連携】の4 つのカテゴリーで,(3)《保健師の果たした役割》は①【業務担当保健師と管理職保健師の役割】,②【保健師の強み】,③【大事にしていること】の3 つのカテゴリーで構成された。 結 論:保健師が行うネットワーク形成のプロセスとしては,退院前の調整,退院時の対応,退院後の調整の3 つの段階に区分された。これらの調整において保健師が果たした役割は,保健,医療,福祉,消防など,地域の多様な関係機関,関係職種と連携をとり調整していたことであった。具体的には,(1)保健所が公衆衛生の専門的,技術的拠点としてリーダーシップを発揮し,所属する保健師もその役割を果たしていた。(2)保健師の強みを生かした役割が発揮され,保健のみでなく,医療,福祉,消防など,地域の多様な関係機関,関係職種と連携をとり調整していた。(3)これらの調整を行うにあたり,業務担当保健師と管理職保健師のそれぞれの役割分担も有効に行われていた。(4)保健師が最も大切にしていたことは,「顔の見える関係づくり」であった。資


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    A 2-year follow-up study on falls and related factors among community-dwelling elderly individuals

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     Purpose:We conducted a 2-year follow-up study on falls and related causes experienced by localregion, independent elderly citizens. Method:We analyzed a total of 533 subjects, all independent elderly citizens living in Kameoka City in Kyoto Prefecture who participated in both the 2011 Everyday Life Sphere Needs Assessment and the 2013 Physical Strength Measurements studies. Our study focused on the 25 items included as basic attributes in the 2011 Everyday Life Sphere Needs Assessment.After performing an analysis of the relationships between gender, age, and fall experience, we employed the existence of falls as a subordinate variable, age as a covariant, and each of the 25 basic-attribute items as independent variables in a multivariate logistic regression analysis to grasp the causes related to falls. Furthermore, we used 7 determinate items and a batch-input logistic regression analysis method to analyze the effect of an independent life style on falls. Results:In the 2-year follow-up study, 35.5% of the subjects experienced at least one fall.The age of the subjects experiencing falls was slightly higher in the female group, compared with the males, but no significant difference was demonstrated.A significant difference was demonstrated in the ratio of falls in the highly-aged elderly group, compared with the lower-aged elderly group. In regard to the relationship between falls and each of the determinate items, in the male group, significant differences were demonstrated for motility, oral functions, memory lapses, and the tendency for depression, and especially the motility function showed a strong causal relationship, even with suppression of the other causes. In the female group, a significant relationship was demonstrated between subjects with a tendency for depression and subjects with a high instrumental activities of daily living index, and with suppression of the other causes in the analysis, a significant relationship was demonstrated between subjects with a low oral function index and a high instrumental activities of daily living index. Conclusion:It was suggested that even the independent elderly citizens were predisposed to fall down by aging. In addition, sex deference of factor related to falls was observed, and thus sexspecific support policy for fall prevention that considered a characteristic and a background by sex is necessary. 目的:地域在住の自立高齢者を対象に2 年間の追跡調査を行い,転倒経験の有無とその関連要因を分析した。 方法:京都府亀岡市在住の自立高齢者で,2011 年の日常生活圏域ニーズ調査と2013 年の体力測定の両方に参加した533 人について分析した。調査内容は,基本属性の他,日常生活圏域ニーズ調査25項目を用いて,①運動機能,②低栄養,③口腔機能,④閉じこもり,⑤物忘れ,⑥うつ傾向,⑦手段的日常生活動作(IADL)の7 つの判定項目を設定した。分析は,性,年齢と転倒経験との関連を分析した後,転倒有無を従属変数,年齢を共変量,各判定項目それぞれを独立変数とするロジスティック回帰分析により転倒に関連する要因を把握した。また,7 つの判定項目を一括投入するロジスティック回帰分析により転倒への独立した影響を分析した。 結果:追跡2年間において,少なくとも1回以上転倒のあった者は35.5%であった。女性は男性より転倒した者がやや高率であったが有意差はなく,後期高齢者は前期高齢者より有意に高率であった。転倒と各判定項目との関連は,男性では,運動機能,口腔機能,物忘れ,うつ傾向において有意差がみられ,とくに運動機能は,他の要因の影響を調整しても強い関連を示した。女性では,うつ傾向とIADLの高い者に有意な関連がみられ,他の要因の影響を調整した分析では口腔機能の低い者,IADL の高い者に有意な関連がみられた。 考察:地域在住の自立した高齢者であっても,加齢により転倒しやすくなることが示唆された。また,転倒に関連する要因において,男性と女性とで異なった様相を呈し,性による特性や背景を考慮した転倒予防対策が必要であると推察された。原

    Characteristic dietary habits associated with high values of estimated 24-hours urinary sodium excretion and sodium-to-potassium ratio assessed by age group among the residents of a rural town in Japan

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    Excess salt intake causes hypertension and cardiovascular disease (CVD). We examined estimated 24-h urinary sodium (Na) excretion and sodium-to-potassium (Na/K) ratio and analyzed the association between estimated 24-h urinary salt excretion (urinary salt excretion) and dietary habits by age group to develop effective public health programs to promote salt reduction. A total of 4,051 subjects aged 30–74 years old received information during periodic health checkups. In the analysis, 1,202 subjects without hypertension whose urine samples and dietary habits were confirmed (29.7%; 483 men and 719 women) were included. The median urinary salt excretion was 9.1 g/day in men and 8.6 g/day in women. Daily intake of soups in men aged <50 years old and daily intake of beans, soups, or pickles in women aged ≥70 years old were associated with high values of urinary salt excretion (p = .03, p < .01, p = .01, and p = .02, respectively). The median urinary Na/K ratio (mEq/mEq) was 4.4 in both men and women. Daily intake of vegetables in men aged <50 years old and more than 3 days/week intake of fruit in women aged 50–59 and 60–69 years old were associated with lower values of urinary Na/K ratio (p = .03, p < .01, and p < .01, respectively). These findings revealed that dietary salt reduction should be promoted according to age group with regard to differences in dietary habits associated with high values of estimated 24-h urinary Na excretion and urinary Na/K ratio

    Estimation of salt intake and sodium-to-potassium ratios assessed by urinary excretion among Japanese elementary school children

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    Dietary salt intake is largely responsible for the increase in blood pressure with age. It is important to start effective prevention approaches during childhood. In this study, we estimated salt intake and sodium-to-potassium (Na/K) ratios assessed by urinary excretion among elementary school children in Kyoto, Japan. A total of 331 subjects aged 9–11 years participated in school checkups in April 2015. Urinary concentrations of sodium, potassium, and creatinine were measured in first morning urine samples. The subjects’ dietary habits were confirmed by questionnaires completed by their parents. The median estimated urinary sodium excretion was 129.0 mmol/day (5.7g/day of salt). In 30.2% of the subjects, their estimated salt intake exceeded their age-specific dietary goal for salt intake recommended by the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese 2015. Multivariate linear regression model analysis after adjustment for age revealed a significant positive correlation between seaweeds or fish paste products consumption and the estimated salt intake (p = 0.02 and 0.02, respectively). The median urinary Na/K ratio (mEq/mEq) was 4.5. Multivariate linear regression model analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between fruit consumption and urinary Na/K ratio (p = 0.04). These results suggest that the high sodium intake and the high Na/K ratios occur among Japanese elementary school children, and that the urinary Na/K ratio in children may be reduced by the daily consumption of fruit