27 research outputs found

    Forensic Linguistics Study on Natalius Pigai'S Speech for Central Javanese Ethnic (Jokowi and Ganjar Pranowo as an Object)

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    There are many cases of spreading information containing hate speech in Indonesia. Hate speech can mean acts of communication carried out by an individual or group in the form of provocation, incitement or insult to another individual or group. Hate speech usually concerns aspects of race, skin color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, religion and others. This research specifically examines the ethnicity of Central Java, Indonesia. This article review aims to 1) describe elements of contempt for ethnic Central Java, namely Joko Widodo and Ganjar Pranowo, and 2) describe whether the statement forward by Natalis Pigai is identified as hate speech that violates the ITE Law of Indonesia Article 45A. The method of data collection is done by reviewing the news that has existed so far. This research review uses a qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study found five indications of forms of racism utterances made by Natalius Pigai namely racism, provocative, hateful, insulting and lying. This action violates the applicable ITE Law in Indonesia

    A Hate and Provocative Speech Act in Social Media: A Forensic Linguistics Study

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    This study aims to: (1) explain the types of provocative speech acts of Natalius Pigai on YouTube social media, (2) explain the forms of provocative speech acts on YouTube social media. The data in this study are languages ​​that are supposed to contain provocative criminal acts on YouTube social media. The data source in this study is the social media YouTube. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method, data collection techniques in the form of viewing and documentation. The data were analyzed using the steps of (1) identifying, (2) classifying, and (3) analyzing. The results of this study indicate that: Natalis Pigai's utterances on social media contain literal indirect speech acts, while locutionary speech acts use declarative locutions, expressive illocutions, and get hearer to think about perlocutions (make the interlocutor think about). These statements violate the Criminal Code, Article 160 and Article 161 regarding sedition.  Keywords: provocative speech acts, social media, forensic linguistics. Keywords: provocative speech, social media, forensic linguistics

    Ribka Tjiptaning's Provocative Speaking Action in Social Media: Forensic Linguistic Study

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    This study aims to: (1) explain the lingual form of inciting Ribka Tjiptaning on social media and (2) explain the meaning of denotation and the incitement connotation of Ribka Tjiptaning on social media. The data in this study are language that contains the crime of incitement by Ribka Tjiptaning on the social media YouTube. While the source of data in this study is the social media youtube. The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative approach, data collection techniques in the form of look-see and take notes. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis (qualitative content analysis). The results of this study indicate that: the data containing denotative and connotative meanings in Ribka Tjiptaning's utterances on social media YouTube amounted to 7 denotative meanings and 5 connotative meanings. Ribka Tjiptaning's speech contained rejection and accusations that the government was playing with the Covid 19 vaccine. This speech is an act against the law by disseminating information that can provoke / incite


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    Balocci centre merupakan media pemberantasan dan pengendalian vandalisme yang bersifat preventif, persuasif dan kuratif mengutamakan kajian teoritis implementatif yang dapat dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran sekaligus sarana hiburan. Penelitian ini bertujuan mampu menurunkan dan menghilangkan kasus-kasus penyimpangan vandalisme pada masyarakat di sekitar situs cagar budaya dan para wisatawan di desa Balocci Kabupaten Pangkep. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengetahui data yang akurat berdasarkan fakta. Metode dan teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, metode simak, metode wawancara, teknik rekam, dan teknik catat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang memengaruhi munculnya vandalisme di desa Balocci Kabupaten Pangkep diantaranya: Kondisi dan situasi yang mendukung, kurangnya pengamanan, adanya dorongan dari orang lain, pseudo nasionalisme dan aturan serta tindakan yang kurang tegas

    Cultural Dimension of Black Representation of Ammatoa Community: Study of Cultural Semiotics

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    One of the community groups in South Sulawesi Province, to be precise in Benteng Hamlet, Tana Toa Village, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency is known as the Ammatoa community. This community is unique compared to other community groups in Bulukumba Regency, which always appears in black traditional clothes. Of course, this phenomenon raises academic questions as to why the Ammatoa community always appears in traditional black clothes. In fact, apart from always appearing in black, the Ammatoa community also has a white identity color, especially in “pacaka pute” (knee-length pants). However, this paper only focuses on black representations. This paper aims to examine the hidden dimension behind the black representation of the Ammatoa community in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi. To analyze the cultural dimension in question, the semiotic theory of culture is used. Data were collected by means of participatory observation and interviews. The participatory observation method is carried out by directly observing the attitudes and patterns of daily life actions of the Ammatoa community. The interview method was carried out by interviewing the customary leader and several other community members about the cultural system or cultural value that underlies the appearance of the all-black clothing. Both methods are accompanied by audiovisual recording and note-taking techniques. Data were analyzed qualitatively - interpretatively. The results showed that the representation of black in the traditional clothing of the Ammatoa community has a symbolic meaning: (1) human life eventually becomes 'dark'; (2) the attitude of “sabbarak” (patient) , “gattang” (firm), “lambusuk” (honest), and  “pisona” (surrender); (3) “tallasak kamase-mase ri lino” ('living unpretentiously in the world) and “kalumannyang kalupepeang allo ri boko” (rich in the afterlife), “inne lino pammari-mariangji” (this world is just a stopover), “akherak pammantang karakkang” (afterlife is an eternal place) . This concept is embedded in the oral folklore “pasang ri Kajang” 'messages (rules / norms) for the Kajang community'. In addition, there are pairs of signs of opposition (binnery opposotion), namely “pute”' (white) x “lekleng” (black / dark); “ammumba” (rising) x “sakra” (setting); “kamase-mase” (unpretentious) x “kalumannyang” (rich); “singarak” (light) x “sassang” (dark); “lino” ('world) 'x “akherak” (afterlife); “tallasak” (alive) x “mate” (dead)


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    This study aims to reveal the verbal and visual codes of the political caricature in the Rakyat Sulsel daily newspaper, to explain the coded iconic message and iconic message without code of political caricature in the Rakyat Sulsel daily newspaper, and to explain the function of the caricature in the Rakyat Sulsel daily newspaper. The method used in this study was the reflective qualitative method, since this method the researcher put himself as a subject and also determined the data interpretation. The result indicates that all the cartoons have different verbal codes and visual codes. Depends on the picture and message of the caricatures. Political caricature in this newspaper, not only covers four functions as forwarded by Gombrich but also there is an addition of other functions which always attach to the new cartoons such as provocative function, expressive function, social function, and interest function


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap partisipan, proses dan sirkumstan sebagai media pemaparan ide dan pengalaman penutur dalam Pidato Presiden Joko Widodo mengenai rencana persiapan kegiatan KTT G20 Tahun 2022, dan kaitannya dengan konteks situasi yang ada dalam teks tersebut. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori linguistik sistemik fungsional sebagai alat analisis. Sumber data berupa Pidato Presiden Joko Widodo mengenai rencana persiapan kegiatan KTT G20 Tahun 2022 yang diakses melalui laman resmi Sekretariat Kabinet Republik Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode simak dengan membaca secara keseluruhan pidato, dan teknik catat yakni mencatat pidato tersebut sebelum membaginya menjadi potongan klausa. Hasil penelitian dalam pidato tersebut ditemukan tiga unsur yang menjadi pembangun dalam penggambaran ide dan pengalaman penutur, yaitu partisipan, proses dan sirkumstan. Partisipan yang ditemukan berupa partisipan jenis manusia dan partisipan bukan manusia. Partisipan jenis manusia menjadi partisipan yang paling banyak kemunculannya dengan persentase kemunculan sebanyak 87%. Proses yang ditemukan dalam pidato tersebut berupa proses material, mental, verbal dan relasional. Proses verbal menjadi proses yang paling banyak kemunculannya dengan persentase kemunculan sebanyak 60%. Sirkumstan yang ditemukan dalam pidato tersebut berupa sirkumstan sebab, masalah, rentang, lokasi dan peran. Sirkumstan jenis lokasi yang merujuk pada waktu menjadi sirkumstan yang paling banyak kemunculannya dengan persentase sebanyak 38%. Berdasarkan analisis transicitas dan dikaitkan dengan konteks situasi dapat diketahui bahwa Presiden Joko Widodo ingin memberitahukan kepada khalayak umum, baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri mengenai persiapan yang telah dilakukan oleh Joko Widodo sebagai ketua kegiatan KTT G20 Tahun 2022 dan masalah yang akan dibahas pada kegiatan tersebut.Kata kunci: transivitas, teks pidato, Joko Widod


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    The presuppositions in the environmental conservation pamphlet in Wakatobi District are quite diverse. This study aims to explain the use of presupposition in the socialization pamphlet of environmental conservation in Wakatobi District. This research is a qualitative descriptive reseacrh that attempts to study presupposition phenomena with pragmatic approach. Type and data of this research is writing data sourced from pamphlet exixting in Wangi-wangi, Wakatobi District. Data were collected using observation method with recording and record technique. Data that has been obtained, classified and analyzed descriptively with qualitative approach. The result showed that, the use of presupposition in the environmental conservation pamphlet in Wakatobi District consisted of four types, namely existential presuppositions, factive presuppositions, structural presuppositions, and conterfactual presuppositions. The use of these presupposes there are differences in each pamphlet publisher, both goverment, non-govermental organizations, and pamphlet published collectively by goverment and non-govermental organizations. This difference is due to shared knowledge, participants, and the context of the situation.