40 research outputs found

    Tertium comparationis w przekładoznawstwie

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Mapping wordnets from the perspective of inter-lingual equivalence

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    Mapping wordnets from the perspective of inter-lingual equivalence This paper explores inter-lingual equivalence from the perspective of linking two large lexico-semantic databases, namely the Princeton WordNet of English and the plWordnet (pl. Słowosieć) of Polish. Wordnets are built as networks of lexico-semantic relations between words and their meanings, and constitute a type of monolingual dictionary cum thesaurus. The development of wordnets for different languages has given rise to many wordnet linking projects (e.g. EuroWordNet, Vossen, 2002). Regardless of a linking method used, these projects require defining rules for establishing equivalence links between wordnet building blocks, known as synsets (sets of synonymous lexical units, i.e., lemma-sense pairs). In this paper an analysis is carried out of a set of inter-wordnet relations used in the mapping of the plWordNet onto the Princeton WordNet, and an attempt is made to relate them to equivalence taxonomies described in specialist literature on bilingual lexicography and translation.   Rzutowanie wordnetów w perspektywie ekwiwalencji międzyjęzykowej Artykuł przedstawia analizę zjawiska ekwiwalencji międzyjęzykowej z perspektywy powiązania dwóch wielkich wordnetów: polskiej Słowosieci i angielskiego WordNetu princetońskiego. Wordnety są relacyjnymi bazami danych leksykalno-semantycznych opisującymi sieć relacji leksykalno-semantycznych pomiędzy słowami i ich znaczeniami. Stanowią zatem rodzaj słownika jednojęzycznego połączonego z tezaurusem. Rozwój wordnetów dla wielu języków świata zaowocował następnie ich wzajemnymi powiązaniami. Wymagało to zdefiniowania metodologii dla ustalenia ekwiwalencji pomiędzy ich podstawowymi elementami tzn. synsetami, które są zbiorami synonimicznych jednostek leksykalnych tzn. par lemat numer znaczenia. W artykule analizujemy zbiór relacji międzywordnetowych używanych w rzutowaniu pomiędzy Słowosiecią a WordNetem princetońskim, odnosząc je do taksonomii ekwiwalencji postulowanych w literaturze leksykograficznej i translatorycznej

    The utility of selected questionnaires in the assessment of fatigue, depression and health quality in post-sarcoidosis fatigue syndrome

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    Introduction: The nature of post-sarcoidosis fatigue syndrome (PSFS) is unknown and tools for the assessment of health quality (HQ) in these patients have not been fully assessed. The aim was to validate the Polish version of sarcoidosis health questionnaire (SHQ) and verify the association of HQ with fatigue and depressive symptoms among Polish patients with PSFS. Material and methods: 71 patients with sarcoidosis (34 women, the mean age 47) were divided to: PSFS (n = 21), active sarcoidosis (S-A, n = 27) and sarcoidosis with complete remission (S-R, n = 23) groups. Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS) was used to define significant fatigue (≥ 22 points). Polish version of SHQ was prepared by the authors and validated. Beck Depression Index (BDI) and Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9) were used to evaluate self-reported depressive symptoms. Results: Polish version of SHQ was proved reliable and valid. HQ was worse and depressive symptoms were more frequent in PSFS and S-A when compared with S-R group. SHQ total score correlated negatively with depressive symptoms (r = -0.787 for BDI and r = -0,755 for PHQ-9, p < 0.01). A negative correlation between SHQ and FAS score was found (r = –0.784, p < 0.01). FAS score correlated with depressive symptoms (r = 0.726 for BDI and r = 0.755 for PHQ-9, p < 0.01). Conclusion: Polish version of SHQ is a valuable tool for the assessment of HQ in sarcoidosis. HQ is impaired in PSFS comparing to patients with complete remission, but is comparable to active sarcoidosis. Depressive symptoms impact HQ and may influence perception of fatigue. Both fatigue and depression have a negative impact on HQ in sarcoidosis

    Impact of insomnia on sleep quality and structure in hypertensive patients

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    Wstęp Celem badania była ocena związku pomiędzy jakością snu a profilem ciśnienia tętniczego u chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze ze współistniejącą bezsennością lub bez niej. Materiał i metody Badaniem objęto 67 osób (średni wiek 39,8 ± 12,2 lat; 54 mężczyzn, 13 kobiet). Włączone osoby zostały przydzielone do czterech grup: chorzy z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i bezsennością (n = 17), chorzy z nadciśnieniem tętniczym bez bezsenności (n = 16), osoby z prawidłowym ciśnieniem tętniczym i bezsennością (n = 17), osoby z prawidłowym ciśnieniem tętniczym bez bezsenności (n = 17). U wszystkich chorych wykonano jednoczasowo całodobową rejestrację ciśnienia tętniczego oraz badanie polisomnograficzne. Wyniki Nie stwierdzono różnicy w wysokości ciśnienia tętniczego we wszystkich analizowanych okresach pomiędzy chorymi na nadciśnienie tętnicze z bezsennością i bez niej oraz pomiędzy osobami z prawidłowym ciśnieniem tętniczym z bezsennością i bez niej. Nie stwierdzono również różnicy w częstości występowania braku nocnego spadku ciśnienia tętniczego pomiędzy ocenianymi grupami. Wykazano, że chorzy na nadciśnienie tętnicze z bezsennością, w porównaniu do chorych z bezsennością z prawidłowym ciśnieniem tętniczym oraz z osobami bez bezsenności z nadciśnieniem tętniczym i bez niego, charakteryzują się najbardziej wyrażonymi zmianami struktury snu — najniższym wskaźnikiem snu, dłuższym czasem stadium 1. oraz najdłuższym czasem czuwania wtrąconego. W analizie, którą objęto wszystkich chorych włączonych do badania, wykazano związek pomiędzy wielkością obniżenia ciśnienia tętniczego w nocy a latencją snu i długością stadium 3. snu. Wykazano również związek pomiędzy wysokością ciśnienia tętniczego w nocy a czasem czuwania porannego oraz czasem i latencją snu głębokiego. Wnioski Skrócenie i fragmentacja snu oraz krótszy czas trwania snu wolnofalowego, mogą mieć związek z brakiem obniżenia ciśnienia tętniczego w nocy. Niekorzystne zmiany struktury snu były najbardziej wyrażone u chorych na nadciśnienie tętnicze współistniejące z bezsennością.Background It has been postulated that essential hypertensive (EHT) patients with insomnia may be characterized by disturbed sleep structure. The aim of the study was to compare polysomnographic features in EHT patients with and without insomnia, normotensive insomniacs and healthy volunteers. Material and methods 67 subjects (mean age: 39.8 ± 12.2 years; 54 M, 13 F) participated in the study. Patients were divided into 4 groups: patients with EHT and insomnia, patients with EHT without insomnia, patients with insomnia without EHT and subjects without EHT and insomnia. Antihypertensive treatment was discontinued 4 weeks prior to study in the group II. All subjects participated in two-days evaluation that included ambulatory blood pressure measurement and polysomnography (PSG). Results There were no differences in blood pressure levels in all analyzed time periods between patients with hypertension with and without insomnia and between subjects without hypertension with and without insomnia. There were no differences in the frequency of non-dipping patterns between the groups. Patients with hypertension coexisting with insomnia as compared with insomniacs without hypertension and subjects without insomnia with and without hypertension were characterized by most pronounced sleep structure changes: the lowest sleep efficiency index, the longest stage 1 sleep time and by the longest wake after sleep onset time. In the analysis of pooled all subjects data correlations between nocturnal dip and sleep latency time and stage 3 sleep time were found. There were also correlations between nocturnal blood pressure levels and wake time after final awakening and time and latency of deep sleep. Conclusions Sleep shortening and fragmentation as well as shorter slow wave sleep might be related to the lack of nocturnal dip. The most pronounced sleep structure changes were observed in patients with hypertension coexisting with insomnia

    Transcultural engagement with Polish memory of the Holocaust while watching Leszek Wosiewicz's Kornblumenblau

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    Kornblumenblau (Leszek Wosiewicz 1989) is a film that explores the experience of a Polish political prisoner interned at Auschwitz I. It particularly foregrounds issues related to Polish-Jewish relations during the Holocaust in its diegesis. Holocaust films are often discussed in relation to representation and the cultural specificity of their production context. However, this paper suggests thinking about film and topographies, the theme of this issue, not in relation to where a work is produced but in regards to the spectatorial space. It adopts a phenomenological approach to consider how, despite Kornblumenblau's particularly Polish themes, it might address the transcultural spectator and draw attention to the broader difficulties one faces when attempting to remember the Holocaust. Influenced particularly by the writing of Jennifer M. Barker and Laura U. Marks, this paper suggests that film possesses a body ¬¬- a display of intentionality, beyond those presented within the diegesis, which engages in dialogue with the spectator. During the experience of viewing Kornblumenblau, this filmic corporeality draws attention to the difficulties of confronting the Holocaust in particularly haptic ways, as the film points to the unreliability of visual historical sources, relates abject sensations to concentrationary spaces and breaks down as it confronts the scene of the gas chamber

    Lacunarity, lexicography and beyond: integration of the introduction of a linguo-cultural concept and the development of L2 learners’ dictionary skills

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    The paper discusses the integration of presenting theoretical linguocultural knowledge and developing dictionary skills in advanced students of a foreign language. The proposed approach allows showing students the interdisciplinary character of various issues, one of which is cross-linguistic lacunarity. It is given as an example of a phenomenon, whose introduction can be combined with the development of students’ dictionary use abilities. Lacunarity consists in the lack of some source language elements in the target language. Two main kinds of lacunae are distinguished: linguistic and referential ones. The focal issue of the paper is how the information on the lacunary character of words can be presented to advanced students of English as a foreign language, in this paper Polish learners, so that they could consider the phenomenon in terms of bilingual lexicography: first, becoming aware of the specifics of their description; second, practising their dictionary skills by analysing entries for selected lacunary lexical and phraseological units; third, combining the information and skills in doing creative tasks, related to lacunarity and its bilingual lexicographic descriptions. Furthermore, additional activities are proposed for revising the acquired knowledge on lacunarity and advancing dictionary use. Offering students tasks, which require them to adopt a different perspective, aims to increase their involvement in the learning process and to foster their autonomy as learners. Encouraging learners to reflect on lacunae and their lexicographic description is expected to familiarize them with the phenomenon and simultaneously to develop their dictionary skills by doing especially designed [email protected] University of Bialystok101-11

    Statistical Analysis of Sleep Spindle Occurrences

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    Spindles - a hallmark of stage II sleep - are a transient oscillatory phenomenon in the EEG believed to reflect thalamocortical activity contributing to unresponsiveness during sleep. Currently spindles are often classified into two classes: fast spindles, with a frequency of around 14 Hz, occurring in the centro-parietal region; and slow spindles, with a frequency of around 12 Hz, prevalent in the frontal region. Here we aim to establish whether the spindle generation process also exhibits spatial heterogeneity. Electroencephalographic recordings from 20 subjects were automatically scanned to detect spindles and the time occurrences of spindles were used for statistical analysis. Gamma distribution parameters were fit to each inter-spindle interval distribution, and a modified Wald-Wolfowitz lag-1 correlation test was applied. Results indicate that not all spindles are generated by the same statistical process, but this dissociation is not spindle-type specific. Although this dissociation is not topographically specific, a single generator for all spindle types appears unlikely

    Jan Cygan and Linguistic Change in Polish in Wrocław after 1945

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    The paper discusses changes in pronunciation of Polish in the Polish population in Wrocław after 1945, when almost all German citizens were expelled from the city. The paper reviews various interpretations of the changes in the literature, presents relevant demographic factors shaping the accents, and interprets their influence and the outcome of demographic processes, supporting them by anecdotal evidence, relating them also to Jan Cygan’s accent