22 research outputs found

    Kvalitativno modeliranje kompleksnih sistemov v turizmov

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    Systems (Holistic) Approach to Religious Tourism

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    Systems Approach has been accepted within natural sciences since Ludwig von Bertalanffy published his manifesto of general system theory (Bertalanffy, 1952) and Norbert Wiener his on Cybernetics (Wiener, 1948). The intention of general systems theory and cybernetics is the ‘ontology’ of action, which is shown by feedback information. Its goal is to find a method to predict the consequence of a decision-making action. Industrial engineering recognised it, when Forrester published the work Industrial Dynamics (Forrester, 1961) and social sciences rediscovered it with Senge’s work on the learning organisation - The Fifth Discipline (Senge, 1990). Systems Approach is a methodology for complex phenomena research, theory and cybernetics, the disciplines, which play an important role in different fields of scientific research. Here we will present the tourism system from a systems point of view with special emphasis on religious tourism

    Applying a Systems (Holistic) Approach to Religious Tourism

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    This paper explores the ways in which the rigour of systems thinking can underpin critical research in religious tourism. Following a brief introduction of the principles of analytical systems approaches, the paper elaborates how these principles can drive analyses of religious tourism. Systems approach is a methodology for complex phenomena research, theory and cybernetics, the disciplines, which play an important role in different fields of scientific research. Hereby we will present the tourism system from systems point of view with special regards on religious tourism. Systems Approach uses a different process. It puts the system in the context of the larger environment it is a part of and studies the role it plays in the larger whole. The parts are no longer primary focus. The parts are essential but what is more important is the interrelationship between the parts as they work together to fulfil the purpose of the whole system. Systems approach is optimal for understanding interdependency, which requires a way of thinking different from analysis; it requires systems thinking

    Systems approach to model smart tourism ecosystems

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    The tourism industry is inherently complex and a key player in sustainable development. This paper intends to discuss the path towards building a sustainable smart tourism ecosystem model by delving deep into the pivotal topics with interesting speculations on smart cities' perspectives that lay a broader foundation of smart tourism destinations. First, it discusses the interconnections and foundation of smart tourism ecosystems by proposing a general conceptual model describing traditional tourism transformation through ICTs. Second, by explicating each building block of smart tourism ecosystems and using systems methodology (systems thinking method and qualitative modeling in a frame of system dynamics) to break down the complex system of smart tourism's roles and components. Such methods are widely utilized in different fields of study to facilitate the decisionmaking process by furnishing a holistic view of the problem. For that matter, Causal Loop Diagramming (CLDs) was used as one of the powerful tools of systems thinking to depict smart tourism ecosystems. The proposed causal loop diagram considers sustainability as one of the main concerns and trying to shed some light on intricate networks of businesses, socioeconomic, and environmental subsystems in smart tourism destinations that are performing distinctively yet interdependent. This study is an ongoing process employing System Dynamics (SD) methodology for model testing and validation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of colour on reading performance in children, measured by a sensor hub: From the perspective of gender

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    In recent decades reported findings regarding gender differences in reading achievement, cognitive abilities and maturation process in boys and girls are conflicting. As reading is one of the most important processes in the maturation of an individual, the aim of the study was to better understand gender differences between primary school students. The study evaluates differences in Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Electroencephalography (EEG), Electrodermal Activities (EDA) and eye movement of participants during the reading task. Taking into account that colour may affect reading skills, in that it affects the emotional and physiological state of the body, the research attempts to provide a better understanding of gender differences in reading through examining the effect of colour, as applied to reading content. The physiological responses of 50 children (25 boys and 25 girls) to 12 different background and overlay colours of reading content were measured and summarised during the reading process. Our findings show that boys have shorter reading duration scores and a longer Saccade Count, Saccade Duration Total, and Saccade Duration Average when reading on a coloured background, especially purple, which could be caused by their motivation and by the type of reading task. Also, the boys had higher values for the Delta band and the Whole Range of EEG measurements in comparison to the girls when reading on coloured backgrounds, which could reflect the faster maturation of the girls. Regarding EDA measurements we did not find systematic differences between groups either on white or on coloured/overlay background. We found the most significant differences arose in the HRV parameters, namely (SDNN (ms), STD HR (beats/min), RMSSD (ms), NN50 (beats), pNN50 (%), CVRR) when children read the text on coloured/overlay backgrounds, where the girls showed systematically higher values on HRV measurements in comparison to the boys, mostly with yellow, red, and orange overlay colours

    Systems approach to cultural tourism and events

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    In this paper, we will present the systems approach methodology, which has been widely used in the natural sciences and engineering for the last seven decades since Ludwig von Bertalanffy published his manifesto on general systems theory (1952) and Norbert Wiener his on cybernetics (1948). The intention of general systems theory and cybernetics is the "ontology" of action, which is shown by feedback information. Its goal is to find a method to predict the consequence of a decision-making action. Industrial engineering recognised it when Forrester published Industrial Dynamics (1961), and social sciences rediscovered it with Senge`s work on the learning organisation The Fifth Discipline (1990). Cultural tourism is an element of a complex tourism system within global and local dimensions, in which cultural events, as even smaller elements, play essential roles within the range of tourism goods and services. As a methodology for the research of complex phenomena, the systems approach will explain two of its methods, systems thinking and modelling, as those that can significantly influence decision-making when taken into account.We will show the appropriateness of the methodology within cultural tourism decision-making and modelling

    Systems Approach to Tourism: A Methodology for Defining Complex Tourism System

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    Background and Purpose: The complexity of the tourism system, as well as modelling in a frame of system dynamics, will be discussed in this paper. The phaenomenon of tourism, which possesses the typical properties of global and local organisations, will be presented as an open complex system with all its elements, and an optimal methodology to explain the relations among them. The approach we want to present is due to its transparency an excellent tool for searching systems solutions and serves also as a strategic decision-making assessment. We will present systems complexity and develop three models of a complex tourism system: the first one will present tourism as an open complex system with its elements, which operate inside of a tourism market area. The elements of this system present subsystems, which relations and interdependencies will be explained with two models: causal-loop diagram and a simulation model in frame of systems dynamics

    Sistemski pristop k turizmu: metodologija za definiranje kompleksnega turističnega sistema

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    Background and Purpose: The complexity of the tourism system, as well as modelling in a frame of system dynamics, will be discussed in this paper. The phaenomenon of tourism, which possesses the typical properties of global and local organisations, will be presented as an open complex system with all its elements, and an optimal methodology to explain the relations among them. The approach we want to present is due to its transparency an excellent tool for searching systems solutions and serves also as a strategic decision-making assessment. We will present systems complexity and develop three models of a complex tourism system: the first one will present tourism as an open complex system with its elements, which operate inside of a tourism market area. The elements of this system present subsystems, which relations and interdependencies will be explained with two models: causal-loop diagram and a simulation model in frame of systems dynamics. Design/methodology/approach: Systems methodology will be shown as the appropriate one, when we discuss complex systems challenges. For illustration, systems approach and systems methodology will be applied to tourism models. With building a qualitative causal-loop diagram we will describe the tourism system complexity in forms of system’s elements relations. Mutual influences among the elements will be presented with positive and negative loops, which forms circles of reinforcement and balance. This will help us to discuss the problem categorically. The final model will follow the causal-loop diagram. This will be a simulation model in a frame of system dynamics as an illustration of the discussed methodology. Results: The methodology offers the solution of effective and holistic promotion of complex tourism system transformation, which has the potential to go beyond the myth of sustainable tourism and create significant shifts in the approach and acting of the participants (elements of the system) involved. Systems approach brings to tourism and the society, in general, broader dimensions of thinking, the awareness interdependency, interconnectivity, and responsibility for the behaviour of a system, which can be observed by feedback loops. Conclusions: Findings about meaningfulness of systems thinking presented in the paper, are rarely presented to tourism society systemically and with the aim of designing sustainable complex tourism system. They show new approach, systems awareness and teaches thinking “out of the box”. Consequently, the sustainable behaviour is achieved: tourism supply and demand meet on responsible base and they connect to responsible stakeholders.Ozadje in namen: Namen članka je obravnava kompleksnega turističnega sistema kot tudi sistemsko modeliranje in modeliranje v okviru sistemske dinamike. Pojav turizma, ki poseduje tipične lastnosti globalnih in lokalnih organizacij bo predstavljen kot odprt kompleksni sistem z vsem svojimi elementi in preko optimalne metodologije za razlago odnosov med njimi. Zaradi svoje transparentnosti je pristop, ki ga želimo predstaviti odlično orodje pri iskanju sistemskih rešitev, hkrati pa služi kot pripomoček za strateško odločanje. Predstavili bomo sistemsko kompleksnost in razvili tri modele kompleksnega turističnega sistema: prvi model bo predstavil turizem kot odprt kompleksni turistični sistem z vsemi elementi, ki delujejo znotraj sistema turističnega trga. Elementi kompleksnega turističnega sistema predstavljajo podsisteme, katerih medsebojne odnose in medsebojne odvisnosti bomo pojasnili preko dveh modelov: vzročno-zančnega diagrama ter simulacijskega modela v okviru sistemske dinamike. Oblikovanje/metodologija/pristop: Sistemska metodologija bo predstavljena kot metodologija primerna za obravnavo izzivov kompleksnih sistemov. Za ilustracijo bosta sistemski pristop in metodologija uporabljena pri turističnih modelih. Z gradnjo kvalitativnega vzročno-zančnega diagrama bomo opisali kompleksnost turističnega sistema v obliki odnosov med elementi sistema. Medsebojni učinki elementov prikazani s pozitivnimi in negativnimi povratnimi zankami, ki tvorijo kroge krepitve in regulacije. To nam bo pomagalo razpravljati o problemu kategorično. Končni model bo sledil vzročno- zančnemu. To bo simulacijski model v okviru sistemske dinamike kot ilustracija obravnavane metodologije. Rezultati: Metodologija ponuja rešitev učinkovite in celostne promocije transformacije kompleksnega turističnega sistema, ki ima potencial preseči mit trajnostnega turizma in ustvariti preskok s pristopom in delovanjem vseh udeležencev (elementov sistema). Sistemski pristop prinaša turizmu in družbi na splošno, širše dimenzije razmišljanja, zavest o medsebojni odvisnosti, povezanosti in odgovornosti za obnašanje sistema, ki ga lahko opazujemo preko njegovih povratnih zank. Zaključki: Spoznanja o vrednosti in uporabnosti sistemskega načina razmišljanja, ki ga predstavljamo v članku, so v turističnem okolju redko predstavljena celostno in z namenom prikaza oblikovanja kompleksnega turističnega sistema. Prikazujejo nov pristop, sistemsko zavest in učijo razmišljanje »izven škatle«. Posledično s tem dosežemo trajnostno obnašanje znotraj kompleksnega turističnega sistema: turistični trg se s svojimi elementi srečuje na osnovi sistemske odgovornosti in povezuje z odgovornimi deležniki znotraj sistema in v njegovem okolju


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    Systems approach represents thinking outside the box and is connected to the transformation of common linear approach and thinking. Western society followed rules of classical western science, which form many centuries took analysis as mainstream of thinking and researching. One can find perfect and logical explanation for this. In the past, classical science researched matter and reached optimal results with analysis and analytical thinking. Nowadays more and more scientists research intangible world around matter and cooperate with prevailed, fastest growing service industry such as tourism. Following paper presents systems approach in tourism, which defines wideness, co-dependency among tourism system elements, and "big picture" point of view. In a frame of systems methodology, we will show the importance of systems approach in order to understand complexity in the area of tourism. At once an excellent example of the analytical approach will be shown in so called "the tip of the iceberg" theory, where events represent analytical thinking and structure or base of the iceberg represents systems approach. Complexity of the tourism systems will be explained and a model of a common tourism system developed. We claim that the analysis, in the past, caused technological progress; it caused the development of western science, which we now know it. It led to the discoveries but for dealing with contemporary complex challenges is not sufficient. Today a systems approach is suitable enough for dealing with complex question in the area of tourism and of course in global society