10 research outputs found

    Physical inactivity is associated with decreased growth differentiation factor 11 in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Rie Tanaka,1 Hisatoshi Sugiura,1 Mitsuhiro Yamada,1 Tomohiro Ichikawa,1 Akira Koarai,1 Naoya Fujino,1 Satoru Yanagisawa,1 Katsuhiro Onodera,1 Tadahisa Numakura,1 Kei Sato,1 Yorihiko Kyogoku,1 Hirohito Sano,1 Shun Yamanaka,1 Tatsuma Okazaki,1 Tsutomu Tamada,1 Motohiko Miura,2 Tsuneyuki Takahashi,3 Masakazu Ichinose1 1Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan; 2Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tohoku Rosai Hospital, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Japan; 3Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Wakabayashi Hospital, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai, Japan Background: Growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) is reported to possess anti-aging and rejuvenating effects, including muscle regeneration and to be highly expressed in skeletal muscle. Recently, we demonstrated that the levels of plasma GDF11 were decreased in COPD. However, the effect of decreased circulating GDF11 in the pathophysiology of COPD remains unknown. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between the plasma GDF11 levels and various clinical parameters in patients with COPD. Patients and methods: Eighteen ex-smokers as control subjects and 70 COPD patients participated in the current study. We measured the levels of plasma GDF11 using immunoblotting, lung function, physical activity using a triaxial accelerometer, quadriceps strength, exercise capacity, and systemic inflammatory markers. We investigated the association between the levels of plasma GDF11 and these clinical parameters. Results: The levels of plasma GDF11 in the COPD patients had significant positive correlations with the data of lung function. Furthermore, the levels of plasma GDF11 were significantly correlated with the physical activity, quadriceps strength, and exercise capacity. Moreover, the levels of plasma GDF11 were significantly correlated with the data of inflammatory markers. Although various factors were related to GDF11, the multiple regression analysis showed that physical activity was significantly associated with the levels of plasma GDF11. Conclusion: Physical inactivity was significantly related to the decreased GDF11 levels in COPD, which might be useful for understanding the pathogenesis of COPD. Clarifying the relationships between the physical inactivity and GDF11 may reveal a potentially attractive therapeutic approach in COPD via increasing the plasma levels of GDF11. Keywords: physical activity, muscle strength, rejuvenating factor, COP

    The first case of multiple pulmonary granulomas with amyloid deposition in a dental technician; a rare manifestation as an occupational lung disease

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    Abstract Background Occupational lung diseases, such as pneumoconiosis, are one of the health problems of dental workers that have been receiving increasing interest. Pulmonary amyloidosis is a heterogenous group of diseases, and can be classified into primary (idiopathic) and secondary (associated with various inflammatory diseases, hereditary, or neoplastic). To date, the development of pulmonary amyloidosis in dental workers has not been reported. Case presentation A 58-year-old Japanese female presented with chest discomfort and low-grade fever that has persisted for 2 months. She was a dental technician but did not regularly wear a dust mask in the workplace. Chest X ray and computed tomography revealed multiple well-defined nodules in both lungs and fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-positron emission tomography revealed abnormal FDG uptake in the same lesions with a maximal standardized uptake value (SUV [max]) of 5.6. We next performed thoracoscopic partial resection of the lesions in the right upper and middle lobes. The histological examination of the specimens revealed granuloma formation with foreign body-type giant cells and amyloid deposition that was confirmed by Congo red staining and direct fast scarlet (DFS) staining that produce apple-green birefringence under crossed polarized light. Because there were no other causes underlying the pulmonary amyloidosis, we performed electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA) of the specimens and the result showed silica deposition in the lesions. Based on these results, we finally diagnosed the patient with pulmonary granulomas with amyloid deposition caused by chronic silica exposure. Afterward, her symptoms were improved and the disease has not progressed for 2 years since proper measures against additional occupational exposure were implemented. Conclusions Our case presented three important clinical insights: First, occupational exposure to silica in a dental workplace could be associated with the development of amyloid deposition in lung. Second, EPMA was useful to reveal the etiology of amyloid deposition in the lungs. Last, proper protection against silica is important to prevent further progression of the disease. In conclusion, our case suggested that occupational exposure to silica should be considered when amyloid deposition of unknown etiology is found in the lungs of working or retired adults

    Correction to: Oxidative stress enhances the expression of IL-33 in human airway epithelial cells

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    Figure 2 of this original publication was incorrectly formatted. The updated Fig. 2 is published in this correction article [1]

    Oxidative stress enhances the expression of IL-33 in human airway epithelial cells

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    Abstract Background Interleukin-33 (IL-33) is a cytokine belonging to the IL-1 family, and its possible involvement in the pathophysiology of COPD and viral-induced exacerbations has been demonstrated. IL-33 has been shown to be increased in the airway epithelial cells from COPD patients, but the regulating mechanism of IL-33 expression in airway epithelial cells remains largely unknown. In the current study, we examined whether oxidative stress, which participates in the pathogenesis of COPD, affects the expression of IL-33 in airway epithelial cells and also evaluated the effect during viral infection. Methods The involvement of oxidative stress in the expression of IL-33, and its signal pathway was examined after stimulation with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), with or without stimulation by polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly (I:C)], a synthetic analogue of dsRNA that mimics viral infection, or rhinovirus infection in NCI-H292 cells and primary human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs). In addition, the effect of antioxidant, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the expression of IL-33 was compared between HBECs from healthy subjects and those from COPD patients. Results Treatment with H2O2 significantly potentiated IL-33 expression in NCI-H292 cells, and the potentiation was reversed by NAC treatment. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitors, but not nuclear factor-kappa B inhibitors, also significantly decreased the H2O2-potentiated IL-33 expression. In addition, H2O2 significantly potentiated the poly (I:C)- or rhinovirus-stimulated IL-33 expression. In HBECs from healthy subjects, H2O2-potentiated IL-33 expression and its reversal by NAC was also confirmed. Under the condition without H2O2-stimulation, treatment with NAC significantly decreased the expression of IL-33 in HBECs from COPD patients, but not in those from healthy subjects. Conclusions These results demonstrate that oxidative stress involves in the expression of IL-33 in airway epithelial cells via MAPK signal pathway and it augments IL-33 expression during viral infection. This mechanism may participate in the regulation of IL-33 expression in airway epithelial cells in COPD and the viral-induced exacerbations. Modulation of this pathway could become a therapeutic target for viral-induced exacerbations of COPD

    Supersulphides provide airway protection in viral and chronic lung diseases

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    Abstract Supersulphides are inorganic and organic sulphides with sulphur catenation with diverse physiological functions. Their synthesis is mainly mediated by mitochondrial cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase (CARS2) that functions as a principal cysteine persulphide synthase (CPERS). Here, we identify protective functions of supersulphides in viral airway infections (influenza and COVID-19), in aged lungs and in chronic lung diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We develop a method for breath supersulphur-omics and demonstrate that levels of exhaled supersulphides increase in people with COVID-19 infection and in a hamster model of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Lung damage and subsequent lethality that result from oxidative stress and inflammation in mouse models of COPD, IPF, and ageing were mitigated by endogenous supersulphides production by CARS2/CPERS or exogenous administration of the supersulphide donor glutathione trisulphide. We revealed a protective role of supersulphides in airways with various viral or chronic insults and demonstrated the potential of targeting supersulphides in lung disease