240 research outputs found

    Weighted Sobolev-Lieb-Thirring inequalities

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    We give a weighted version of the Sobolev-Lieb-Thirring inequality for suborthonormal functions. In the proof of our result we use '-transform of Frazier-Jawerth

    Dynamics of Topological Defects and Inflation

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    We study the dynamics of topological defects in the context of ``topological inflation" proposed by Vilenkin and Linde independently. Analysing the time evolution of planar domain walls and of global monopoles, we find that the defects undergo inflationary expansion if η>0.33mPl\eta\stackrel{>}{\sim}0.33m_{Pl}, where η\eta is the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs field and mPlm_{Pl} is the Planck mass. This result confirms the estimates by Vilenkin and Linde. The critical value of η\eta is independent of the coupling constant λ\lambda and the initial size of the defect. Even for defects with an initial size much greater than the horizon scale, inflation does not occur at all if η\eta is smaller than the critical value. We also examine the effect of gauge fields for static monopole solutions and find that the spacetime with a gauge monopole has an attractive nature, contrary to the spacetime with a global monopole. It suggests that gauge fields affect the onset of inflation.Comment: 12 pages, revtex, 13 figures, some discussions are modified, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Management model for the development of software applied to business sustainability in the context of global climate changes

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    This article introduces a social and environmental management model based on the results of an empirical study that was conducted using the grounded theory method. It outlines a social and environmental mapping of the different economic segments of the Brazilian business universe to support decisions that are inherent to the sustainable management of the supply chain of organizations in terms of clean development mechanisms. It is in this context that the concept is included for the architecture of software and a model of social and environmental balance to track the demands for carbon credit required by an organization in the scenario of its business and that of the national economy

    Monitoring environmental liabilities with support of the technology and information system

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    Este artigo apresenta uma estrutura de software de monitoramento socioambiental para diagnóstico das organizações em termos de sustentabilidade. Este sistema está alicerçado em uma base de dados de indicadores de desenvolvimento socioambiental, concebida como resultado de pesquisa empírica, desenvolvida pelo método da grounded theory. Tais indicadores, além de refletir o estágio de sustentabilidade em que se encontra a empresa analisada, subsidiam o mapeamento socioambiental dos diferentes segmentos econômicos do universo empresarial brasileiro. A arquitetura, estruturada com o suporte dos recentes recursos das tecnologias da informação, possibilitará o desenvolvimento de programas de um sistema informatizado, sob medida, para cada tipo de empresa, para suporte às decisões inerentes à gestão sustentável de sua cadeia produtiva. Como resultados destacam-se a concepção de software para suporte às decisões socioambientais e de um mapa de sustentabilidade das organizações.This manuscript presents a software framework for social and environmental monitoring for diagnosis of organizations in terms of sustainability. This system is based on a database of indicators of social and environmental development, conceived as a result of empirical research, developed by the grounded theory method. These indicators in addition to reflecting the stage of sustainability in which the analyzed company is found, they also signalize the mapping of the different social and environmental economics segments of the Brazilian business. The architecture, structured with the support of the latest features of information technology, allow the development of programs of a computer system, exactly for each type of company to support the decisions taken on the sustainable management of their production chain. As results, we can highlight the development of a design software to support social and environmental decisions and of a company sustainability map

    Wavelet bases in the weighted Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces with A^loc_p-weights

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    The aim of this paper is to obtain the wavelet expansion in the Besov spaces and the Triebel-Lizorkin spaces coming with Aloc p -weights. After characterizing these spaces in terms of wavelet, we shall obtain unconditional bases and greedy bases

    Hierarchization of the decision-making process according to the economic sector

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    The objective is to delineate a hierarchical model of decisions and respective management indicators. In an everyday universe of events that occur, if considers a purpose of the organization can face a hierarchy of decisions, from major strategic to minor ones. Such a finding, if delineated as a model, it can be useful in the study of decision-making process. For this analysis was adopted a multiple case study method applied in commercial, industrial and service organization. Afterwards was maximized with a differentiated sample of managers selection to be interviewed according to the organizational pyramid hierarchical rank as structured bases; meetings with key opinion groups; available preliminary data collection directly from the websites. As a result, a hierarchical decision model was obtained, differentiated according to the acting economic segment

    Logística e Sustentabilidade: Processo de Capacitação em Administração Empresarial em um Ambiente Virtual Estruturado com Software Livre

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    O trabalho aborda a implementação de um curso virtualem Administração Empresarial para capacitação degestores de unidades produtivas no contexto de uma empresaindustrial. Para tanto, adotou-se o enfoque de estudode caso como metodologia. O objeto do estudo foi umametalúrgica que vivenciava um processo de mudançaorganizacional em direção a um modelo de gestão queproporcionasse maior autonomia decisorial aossupervisores e coordenadores de seus processos produtivos.Procurou-se analisar a possibilidade de uso do softwareMoodle, na forma de curso semipresencial de capacitaçãoem logística e sustentabilidade, para fins de inserção denovas técnicas e conceitos de Administração, na cadeiaprodutiva dessa empresa industrial. Os resultados daimplementação desse programa de treinamento permitiramque fosse alcançada a plena capacitação dossupervisores e coordenadores em logística esustentabilidade, para que pudessem gerir, econômica efinanceiramente, os resultados de seus processos produtivose processos de apoio da empresa industrial