30 research outputs found

    Adaptive surfing: leisure, competition or therapy?

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    Adaptive surfing is an outdoor sports activity which is practice in a natural, dynamic and high challenging environment. The moving waves, rip currents, tides and the beach appears as an innovative approach if compared to other traditional adaptive water sports (such as swimming, rowing or sailing). In this basis we can divide adaptive surfing in three major types of interventions: as recreative/leisure activity and play, as sportive competition and high-performance sports; or as therapeutic technic or with rehabilitation proposes. Nowadays adaptive surfing is finally being considered as highly important not only by surfers, therapists and social workers but also by the general public and a number of politicians as a crucial instrument for social inclusion worldwide. We hope to see more adaptive surfing programs and projects worldwide in the next years and hope it will gain more attention from governmental and non-governmental organizations in order to obtain more funding to support these programs. More funding would enable researchers to conduct this kind of work more often and produce more extensive data to support the case for the usefulness of adaptive surfing

    Surf e bodyboard como produtos turísticos na Região Autónoma da Madeira

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    O principal objectivo deste estudo é analisar as estratégias de promoção regional das modalidades Surf e Bodyboard enquanto produtos turísticos da Região Autónoma da Madeira, contribuindo assim para o aperfeiçoamento das estratégias de planeamento e promoção do marketing turístico a nível regional. O Turismo de Surf/Bodyboard constitui uma nova oportunidade de negócio a nível mundial, fazendo parte da indústria multimilionária de turismo de aventura. Tendo em conta que o sector turístico representa cerca de vinte a quarenta por cento do Produto Interno Bruto da Madeira e é actualmente responsável, directa ou indirectamente, por quinze por cento dos postos de trabalho na Região. A Ilha da Madeira possui locais de boa qualidade ao longo da sua orla costeira para a prática desportiva destas modalidades, tendo como principais atributos as condições climáticas, quer atmosféricas (temperatura do ar e da água), quer oceanográficas (orla costeira extensa e ondulações frequentes), permitindo a prática desportiva durante todos os meses do ano, e em zonas costeiras de baixa densidade populacional, contribuindo desta forma para a diminuição do fenómeno da sazonalidade, bem como descentralização da oferta turística da Região. A orla costeira madeirense permite a prática destas modalidades a todos os praticantes, independentemente do seu nível de performance desportiva, isto deve-se ao facto de existirem alguns locais com níveis de dificuldade mais baixo, permitindo um fácil acesso aos praticantes iniciados, para além do facto de existirem duas escolas de surf/bodyboard na Região. De uma forma geral, todos os locais de prática desportiva encontram-se situados próximos de localidades e providos de bons acessos e infraestruturas de apoio, porém a construção de algumas estruturas na zona costeira prejudicaram alguns locais, contribuindo para o aumento do perigo nos mesmos. No que diz respeito às entidades responsáveis pela promoção turística, existe alguma preocupação a nível privado, mas a nível público/local ainda existe pouca promoção por parte de algumas autarquias onde se encontram localizados alguns locais de prática. Desta forma, sugere-se a elaboração de uma estratégia de marketing por parte dos responsáveis pela formulação das políticas de turismo que inclua abordagens específicas para este segmento turístico.Em relação ao alojamento típico deste segmento turístico, existe um número reduzido e pouco disperso ao longo da zona costeira, podendo constituir uma oportunidade de negócio nalguns locais mais isolados, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sócio-económicos destas localidades. Diante deste panorama, as entidades responsáveis pela execução de estratégias para o desenvolvimento turístico da Madeira necessitam de tomar decisões baseadas em metas eficientemente definidas, que procurem estabelecer os limites de crescimento desejáveis e que, simultaneamente, possam proporcionar o desenvolvimento sustentável local.Jorge Alexandre Pereira Soare

    Antimicrobial storage and antibiotic knowledge in the community: a cross-sectional pilot study in north-western Angola

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    Background - Antimicrobials are drugs that were once lifesavers and mainly curative. Nowadays their value is increasingly under pressure because of the fast and worldwide emergence of antimicrobial resistance, which, in low resources settings, frequently occurs in microorganisms that are likely to be transmitted in the community. Methods - A cross-sectional pilot study including 102 households within the 10th HDSS round in Dande, Bengo Province, Angola. Results - From the total 102 households piloted, 77.45% were urban (n = 79); the respondents were females in 56.44% (n = 57) and mean age was 39.70 (SD 15.35). Overall storage of antimicrobials was found in 55/102 (53.92%) of the households. More than 66% of the antimicrobials stored were prescribed by a health professional and the majority of antimicrobials were bought at pharmacies and at a street market. Penicillin and its derivates, antimalarial drugs and metronidazole are the most frequently antimicrobials stored. Households with female respondents reported to store more frequently any drugs at home (82.50%) (p = 0.002) and also more antimicrobials (64.91%; p = 0.016) as compared to households with male respondents. Reported use of antimicrobials was significantly higher in urban 60.76% (48/79) as compared to rural households 30.43% (7/23), (p = 0.010). Overall, 74/101 (73.26%) of respondents reported to have already heard about antibiotics. Among them, the common reasons for its use were cough and other respiratory symptoms, wounds, flu and body muscle pain, fever, bladder complaints, diarrhea and/or presumed typhoid fever. Nearly 40% (28/74) of the respondents thought that antibiotics should be stopped as soon as people dońt feel sick anymore. Conclusions - Community interventions for appropriate use of antibiotics should be designed with a special focus in women; through public awareness campaigns and improving access to reliable medical services. Drug prescribers are a keystone not only in adequate antimicrobial prescription but also adequate dispensing and strong advocates for the possible misconceptions on antimicrobial usage by laypeople.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Patient-physician discordance in assessment of adherence to inhaled controller medication: a cross-sectional analysis of two cohorts

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    We aimed to compare patient's and physician's ratings of inhaled medication adherence and to identify predictors of patient-physician discordance.(SFRH/BPD/115169/2016) funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029130 ('mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases—generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies') cofunded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of clusters of asthma control: A preliminary analysis of the inspirers studies

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    This work was funded by ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) through the operations: POCI- -01-0145-FEDER-029130 (“mINSPIRERS—mHealth to measure and improve adherence to medication in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases - generalisation and evaluation of gamification, peer support and advanced image processing technologies”) co-funded by the COMPETE2020 (Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização), Portugal 2020 and by Portuguese Funds through FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia).© 2020, Sociedade Portuguesa de Alergologia e Imunologia Clinica. All rights reserved. Aims: To identify distinct asthma control clusters based on Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test (CARAT) and to compare patients’ characteristics among these clusters. Methods: Adults and adolescents (≥13 years) with persistent asthma were recruited at 29 Portuguese hospital outpatient clinics, in the context of two observational studies of the INSPIRERS project. Demographic and clinical characteristics, adherence to inhaled medication, beliefs about inhaled medication, anxiety and depression, quality of life, and asthma control (CARAT, >24 good control) were collected. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed using CARAT total score (CARAT-T). Results: 410 patients (68% adults), with a median (percentile 25–percentile 75) age of 28 (16-46) years, were analysed. Three clusters were identified [mean CARAT-T (min-max)]: cluster 1 [27(24-30)], cluster 2 [19(14-23)] and cluster 3 [10(2-13)]. Patients in cluster 1 (34%) were characterised by better asthma control, better quality of life, higher inhaler adherence and use of a single inhaler. Patients in clusters 2 (50%) and 3 (16%) had uncontrolled asthma, lower inhaler adherence, more symptoms of anxiety and depression and more than half had at least one exacerbation in the previous year. Further-more, patients in cluster 3 were predominantly female, had more unscheduled medical visits and more anxiety symp-toms, perceived a higher necessity of their prescribed inhalers but also higher levels of concern about taking these inhalers. There were no differences in age, body mass index, lung function, smoking status, hospital admissions or specialist physician follow-up time among the three clusters. Conclusion: An unsupervised method based on CARAT--T, identified 3 clusters of patients with distinct, clinically meaningful characteristics. The cluster with better asthma control had a cut-off similar to the established in the validation study of CARAT and an additional cut-off seems to distinguish more severe disease. Further research is necessary to validate the asthma control clusters identified.publishersversionpublishe

    Pneumonia no período neonatal** Apresentado no V Congresso Português de Pediatria, Lisboa 1998

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    RESUMO: A fistula traqueoesofágica isolada é uma anomalia rara que ainda apresenta dificuldades de diagnóstico.Os autores descrevem o caso de um recémnascido, que se apresentou com pneumonia lobar, perda de peso e distensão abdominal. O diagnóstico de fistula traqueoesofágica tipo H foi confirmado por broncoscopia. A evolução clínica foi favorável após correcção cirúrgica.Preteode-se realçar a importância de um alto nível de suspeição para que o diagnóstico seja realizado precocemente permitindo, assim, um melhor prognóstico.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2): 163-167 ABSTRACT: The isolated tracheoesophageal fistula is a rare condition which continues to cause problems with diagnosis.We report a boy which presented lobar pneumonia, weight loss and abdominal distension. Bronchoscopy revealed a large H- type tracheoesophageal fistula. The child had a favourable clinical course after surgical repair.With this case we intend to emphasize the need of a high doubt level to early diagnosis.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2000; VI (2):163-167 Palavras-chave: Fistula traqucoesofágica, Recémnascido, Pneumonia, Key-words: Tracheoesophageal fistula, newborn, pneumoni

    Património Industrial Ibero-americano: recentes abordagens

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    Neste livro, que é um contributo importante para o avanço do conhecimento sobre o Património Industrial no mundo ibero-americano,estão reunidos um conjunto de textos de jovens investigadores que abordam os seguintes temas: a importância de incrementar a ligação entre os testemunhos do património industrial e os recursos documentais para o seu estudo; o desenvolvimento da investigação sobre património industrial na universidade de modo a que se produza uma actualização e normalização das metodologias próprias da arqueologia industrial aplicadas, nomeadamente ao conhecimento e registo activo do património industrial; a importância do trabalho de equipas de carácter multidisciplinar; a necessidade de aplicar critérios rigorosos em relação às práticas de reabilitação do património industrial; o reforço do interesse patrimonial de paisagens, edifícios, instalações e infraestrutura pertencentes aos diferentes processos industriais; e destacar o papel fundamental que os grupos e associações de cidadãos desempenham na defesa e disseminação do património industrial

    Combined fit of spectrum and composition data as measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    Search for photons with energies above 1018 eV using the hybrid detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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