163 research outputs found

    Experience in Ground Improvement by Dynamic Compaction and Preloading at Half Moon Bay – Saudi Arabia

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    Ground improvement techniques were used to meet the design requirements for a beach resort complex at Half Moon Bay on the Arabian Gulf. Extensive site exploration revealed upper layers consisting of loose to medium fine sand, having variable silt content. The original specification called for filling and ground improvement using Dynamic Compaction to achieve 100kN/m2 surface bearing capacity and 50% relative density at a depth of 10m. Dynamic Compaction (DC) and subsequent field testing, using full scale loading tests as well as CPT and SPT tests, proved that it was possible to achieve these requirements over most areas using dynamic compaction, however it was not suitable in a few other areas where ground response to DC was poor. Those areas contained silty layers and showed signs of rapid pore pressure build up under dynamic compaction, while dissipation was slow and penetration resistance remained poor. Therefore, it was decided to use pre-loading in those areas. Further testing and instrumentation showed that pre-loading was achieving the required ground improvement

    Persepsi Dan Tingkat Ketergantungan Masyarakat Terhadap Sumberdaya Alam Taman Nasional Aketajawe Lolobata Di Provinsi Maluku Utara

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    Penelitian ini merupakan kajian persepsi dan ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya alam di sekitar kawasan Taman Nasional Aketajawe Lolobata khususnya blok Aketajawe. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2010 dan Juni tahun 2011 di tiga desa yang bersentuhan langsung dengan kawasan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya alam di dalam dan sekitar kawasan taman nasional dan pengaruhnya terhadap keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat. Metode pemilihan responden dilakukan secara purposif dan analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif, dengan intensitas sampling 10%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Masyarakat Kobe Kulo memiliki persepsi tidak baik hingga sedang, sedangkan persepsi masyarakat Tayawi adalah sedang, dan persepsi masyarakat Binagara adalah sedang hingga baik. Ketergantungan masyarakat terhadap kayu dikelompokkan menjadi tiga berdasarkan kegunaannya yaitu sebagai bahan bangunan, perkakas rumah tangga, dan bahan bakar. Hasil hutan bukan kayu yang dimanfaatkan adalah rotan, pandan, woka, sagu, pala, sayuran, buah-buahan, dan tumbuhan obat tradisional, serta satwa liar yang dikonsumsi masyarakat adalah rusa, babi hutan, telur burung gosong dan angsa hutan. Sebagian besar masyarakat beranggapan bahwa hutan merupakan tempat memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, namun pengetahuan tentang keberadaan taman nasional masih minim

    BIOAKTIVITAS Crotalaria striata DC DAN Cinnamomum cullilawan Bl TERHADAP SEL KANKER SERVIKS HeLa

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    Kanker serviks merupakan jenis kanker mematikan yang secara spesifik menyerang kaum wanita. Berbagai cara pencegahan dilakukan terhadap penyakit ini melalui deteksi dini dengan menggunakan alat-alat kedokteran yang canggih, hingga penggunaan bahan-bahan alami yang berasal dari berbagai macam tumbuhan dengan cara-cara tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bioaktivitas kulit kayu lawang (Cinnamomun cullilawan), dan daun kuhung-kuhung (Crotalaria striata) terhadap sel kanker serviks HeLa (ATCC CCl 2). Serbuk sampel dimaserasi dengan pelarut polar etanol kualitas teknis 70% dengan perbandingan 1:5 selama 24 jam. Konsentrasi ekstrak yang dimasukkan ke dalam cawan petri yang mengandung sel kanker adalah 25, 50, 100, 200 dan 500 µg ml-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun C. striata memiliki aktivitas antikanker serviks lebih baik dibandingkan ekstrak kulit C. cullilawan. Ekstrak daun C. striata mampu membunuh sel kanker HeLa pada konsentrasi 635,289 µg  ml-1, sedangkan ekstrak kulit kayu C. cullilawan baru mampu membunuh sel kanker HeLa dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 1.435,79 µg ml-1 (>1.000 µg ml-1). Kedua ekstrak tersebut tidak mengandung senyawa alfatokoferol dan quercetin

    Kandungan Bahan Aktif Dan Toksisitas Tumbuhan Hutan Asal Sulawesi Utara Yang Berpotensi Sebagai Obat

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    Pemanfaatan plasma nutfah sebagai sumber bahan obat merupakan bentuk kearifan tradisional yang diadopsi oleh masyarakat pada daerah tertentu dan identik dengan warisan turun-temurun. Makalah ini mendeskripsikan aspek etnobotani masyarakat Sulawesi Utara (Suku Minahasa, Mongondow dan Sangihe) dalam memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam hayati dari beberapa spesies tumbuhan hutan untuk pengobatan penyakit kanker secara tradisional, yang kemudian dibuktikan secara ilmiah melalu identifikasi kandungan bahan aktif dan toksisitasnya menggunakan metode Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat lokal Sulawesi Utara telah memanfaatkan bagian tertentu (seperti batang, kulit dan daun) dari 14 jenis tumbuhan hutan dalam pengobatan anti kanker dan penyakit lainnya. Ekstrak herbal dari kulit lawang (Cinnamomum cullilawan Bl) diidentifikasi mengandung senyawa alkaloid, sedangkan senyawa flavonoid terdeteksi pada ekstrak daun lingkube (Dischidia imbricata Steud) daun yantan (Blumea chinensis Dc), kulit ketapang (Terminalia catappa L), kulit kayu manumpang (Loranthus globulus Jacq), batang tanduk rusa, akar kayu gimto (Ligodyum sp.) akar rumput balsam ( Polygala paniculata L) dan akar cakar kucing (Acalypha indica L). Daun luhu (Crotalaria retusa L) dan kuhung-kuhung (Crotalaria striata Dc) mengandung senyawa steroid dan tanin. Sebanyak 9 dari 12 ekstrak n-butanol mampu memberikan efek toksik terhadap larva Artemia salina Leach yang ditandai melalui nilai LC50 kurang dari 1000 ppm. Nilai LC50 terkecil didapatkan dari ekstrak petroleum eter daun kuhung-kuhung (Crotalaria striata Dc) sebesar 68,33ppm dimana nilai ini mendekati standar efektifitas komponen bioaktif untuk melawan sel kanker berdasarkan kategori National Cancer Institute Amerika

    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Reduzierung des Gehalts an Gesamtfett und gesättigten Fettsäuren in Fleischerzeugnissen

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    Seit vielen Jahren steigt die Prävalenz von Übergewicht, Adipositas, Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 und anderen ernährungsassoziierten Erkrankungen in Österreich sowie Europa an. Sowohl die Europäische Union als auch die österreichische Regierung haben es sich zum Ziel gesetzt diesen negativen Trend zu stoppen. Deswegen versucht die Politik mittels verschiedenster Maßnahmen und durch Kooperation mit der Lebensmittelindustrie die Aufnahme von Fett, gesättigten Fettsäuren, Transfettsäuren und Energie zu reduzieren. Vor allem in Fleischerzeugnissen sind diese Inhaltsstoffe in großen Mengen zu finden, was die Auswertungen von aktuellen Studien und des Österreichischen Lebensmittelbuches belegen. Deshalb wünschen sich die heutigen Konsumenten fettarme Fleischprodukte. Obwohl Fett als negativer Lebensmittelbestandteil angesehen wird, ist es für den menschlichen Organismus aber ein notwendiger Nährstoff. So muss der Mensch z.B. essenzielle Fettsäuren mittels der Nahrung zu sich nehmen, da er diese nicht selbst synthetisieren kann. Außerdem nimmt das Fett wichtigen Einfluss auf die Beschaffenheit und den Geschmack von Fleischerzeugnissen. Dennoch ist es vielen ForscherInnen mit den unterschiedlichsten Methoden gelungen, fettarme und dennoch schmackhafte Fleischerzeugnisse zu entwickeln. Besonders gute Ergebnisse erzielten die WissenschafterInnen mit Hydrokolloiden (z.B. Karrageen oder Xanthan), Ballaststoffen, Stärke und Proteinen (z.B. Molkenprotein oder Sojaprotein). Aber nicht nur die Fettquantität ist für die menschliche Ernährung von großer Bedeutung, sondern auch die Fettqualität. Studien mit zahlreichen pflanzlichen Ölen (z.B. Olivenöl oder Rapsöl) belegen, dass sich durch deren Anwendung das Fettsäuremuster von Fleischerzeugnissen modifizieren lässt. Dadurch entsprechen die Fleischprodukte eher den D-A-CH-Empfehlungen. Eine genaue gesetzliche Regelung für die Fettreduktion in Fleischerzeugnissen existiert jedoch nicht. Stattdessen gibt es hauptsächlich Empfehlungen und Zielsetzungen vom Gesetzgeber. Nur in der Health Claims-Verordnung und im Österreichischen Lebensmittelbuch finden sich Angaben zur Herstellung sowie Kennzeichnung von fettreduzierten Fleischprodukten.For many years the prevalence of overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes and other nutrition related diseases has been increasing in Austria and Europe. The European Union as well as the Austrian government aim to stop this negative trend. Therefore the policy of the government is to implement different measures and to cooperate with the food industry to reduce the intake of fat, saturated fatty acids, trans-fatty acids and energy. Especially meat and meat products show high quantities of those ingredients, which recent studies and the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus prove. Because of that today‘s consumers want low-fat meat products. Despite being seen as a negative food component, fat is a necessary nutrient for the human body. For example essential fatty acids have to be added through nutrition, because the human body is not able to synthesize them. Furthermore fat is important for the structure and the taste of meat and meat products. However many scientists were able to develop low-fat, but still tasty meat products due to different methods. They achieved good results using hydrocolloids (e.g. carrageen or xanthan gum), dietary fibers, starch and proteins (e.g. whey protein or soy protein). It is not only the fat quantity that is important for the human nutrition, but also the fat quality. Studies showed that the use of vegetable oils can modify the fatty acid composition of meat products. As a result the food industry is able to produce meat products, which comply better with the D-A-CH-guidelines. Nonetheless there is not a strict legal regulation about reducing fat in meat products - instead the government mainly offers guidelines and defines aims. Only the Health Claims-regulation and the Codex Alimentarius Austriacus provide some data about the production and levelling of low-fat meat products

    Karakteristik Kualitatif Tipe Penggunaan Lahan Di Zona Penyangga Taman Nasional Aketajawe Lolobata

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    Aketajawe Lolobata National Parks is forest conservation designated as protection of flora and fauna endemic to North Maluku. This conservation area sustainability depends greatly on the management and utilization of buffer zone area. This study was conducted to identify types of land use in national parks buffer zone with a focus on Aketajawe region. Sample determination carried out purposive random sampling with a three villages sample, representatives of local communities, migrants and combination of both as the basis for selection of villages. Results showed that land use in this area consists of secondary forest, community forest, mixed garden, monoculture garden, cropping garden, horticulture and paddy field. In the garden area dominated by coconut, cacao, nutmeg and bananas. While other plants are cultivated on the horticulture land such as peppers, tomatoes, watermelon and melon. Farming systems implemented villagers Binagara are more advanced compared to other villages because it was equipped with irrigation facilities and contribute to farmers income continuously

    Mathematical Analysis of Unemployment Benefits

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    During the Great Recession, expenditures on unemployment insurance (UI) benefits increased, and the benefits were extended. This research deals with development of a mathematical model to calculate unemployment benefits. At a conceptual level, unemployment benefits can be considered as directly proportional to salary and the employment period of the worker prior to being laid off. It is also inversely proportional to factors such as other governmental benefits received in that period of unemployment. The approach in this paper presents the need to calculate the unemployment benefits to keep up with the capricious wages and changing regulations. This analysis will include state and federal government benefits. Each state should be able to adapt the new formula, so it can assess the proper baseline for calculating the unemployment benefits needed for their specific cost of living requirements


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    Aketajawe Lolobata National Parks is forest conservation designated as protection of flora and fauna endemic to North Maluku. This conservation area sustainability depends greatly on the management and utilization of buffer zone area. This study was conducted to identify types of land use in national parks buffer zone with a focus on Aketajawe region. Sample determination carried out purposive random sampling with a three villages sample, representatives of local communities, migrants and combination of both as the basis for selection of villages. Results showed that land use in this area consists of secondary forest, community forest, mixed garden, monoculture garden, cropping garden, horticulture and paddy field. In the garden area dominated by coconut, cacao, nutmeg and bananas. While other plants are cultivated on the horticulture land such as peppers, tomatoes, watermelon and melon. Farming systems implemented villagers Binagara are more advanced compared to other villages because it was equipped with irrigation facilities and contribute to farmers income continuously.Key words: Land use, buffer zone, national park, Maluk

    Ethyl 4-(3-bromo-2-thien­yl)-2-oxo-6-phenyl­cyclo­hex-3-ene-1-carboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C19H17BrO3S, crystallizes with two mol­ecules in the asymmetric unit. The methyl group of one mol­ecule is disordered approximately equally over two positions. The dihedral angles between the thio­phene and phenyl groups are 68.5 (2) and 67.5 (2)° in the two mol­ecules