39 research outputs found

    Lessons learnt: pilot of mid rotation feedback.

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    The Aga Khan University went through an external review of its undergraduate medical education in December 2006 based on the accreditation guidelines by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME). The external review panel comprised of international and local experts which developed a comprehensive report on its findings with regards to LCME standards of accreditation. In the final report of the external review one of the areas highlighted as not meeting the standards of LCME was documentation of formal mid-rotation feedback of the students by the faculty in AKU clerkships through years 3 to 5. A four hour faculty development workshop was organized by the Department of Medicine in collaboration with the Department for Educational Development to emphasize the role of feedback in improving student\u27s performance, improve faculty\u27s skill in giving effective feedback, and to come up with recommendations for documenting the formative feedback process. A mid-rotation feedback form was designed to facilitate the documentation process. Faculty members who participated in the workshop took a lead in piloting this form and reported the areas that could be further improved upon to facilitate the process of timely and effective feedback

    Giardiasis in the Southwest Region of the United States: Causes and Preventive Measures

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    Giardia is a protozoan parasite of the small intestine, and a leading cause of diarrheal diseases worldwide in a variety of animals, as well as humans. Despite the decrease, Giardiasis remains the most commonly reported intestinal parasitic infection principally in the Southwestern region of the United States. The parasite is typically transmitted by fecal-oral route and may be transmitted by direct intake or indirectly from contaminated food or water. Symptomatic Giardiasis is often treated to reduce the duration of symptoms, to prevent future complications, and to minimize transmission of the parasite to other hosts. The clinical image of Giardiasis is mixed, with high variability in severity of clinical disease which can become chronic or be followed by post-infectious sequelae. At present, treatment options include nitroimidazoles derivatives; especially metronidazole, which has been the mainstay of treatment for decades and is still widely used. The Navajo Nation located in the Southwestern region of the United States has suffered from the scarcity of water expediting Navajo populations to use water resources such as underground water, river streams, lakes and surface water as their main source of accessibility. The lack of adequate domestic and municipal water has led several Navajo families to become ill with waterborne infectious diseases like Giardiasis. More recently, molecular methods have become amateur in diagnosis for testing patient samples as well as water samples for Giardiasis. Through direct immunofluorescent staining and other methods that detect intact organisms have improved the detection of Giardia trophozoites or cysts. An understanding of clinical and molecular variability of organisms is important for effective treatment and the response of remedies that are commonly used. The molecular classification of bacteria and viruses isolated from Indigenous patients might have their own specification that can be correlated with isolates from water samples collected from the same localities. This correlation could help us in source tracking and finding solutions for the communities who are already at risk due to the lack of infrastructure and resources. In this review of literature, the causes and preventive measures of Giardiasis are covered to potentially help understand the importance behind this parasitic disease, more specifically on the Navajo Nation of the Southwest of the US

    Cataract surgery in leprosy patients: visual outcomes and complications

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    Background: Objective of study was to study the outcome of cataract surgery in terms of visual results and intra and postoperative complications in case of leprosy patient. Methods: The study analyzed all new cataract cases with leprosy at the outpatient unit, including patients cured of leprosy with senile or complicated cataracts but excluding those with corneal or retinal issues. Small incision cataract surgery was performed, with outcomes and complications assessed. Data collection and analysis utilized descriptive statistics. Follow-ups occurred at discharge and 1-, 4-, and 12-weeks post-surgery, revealing visual acuity ranging from good (6/6-6/18) to poor (<6/60). Results: The study involved 117 eyes from 98 patients (55 males, 43 females, ages 30-89). Pre-surgery, visual acuity was good in 6 eyes (5.12%), borderline in 29 (24.78%), and poor in 82 (70.08%). Post-surgery, 78 eyes (66.67%) had good, 25 (21.37%) borderline, and 10 (8.55%) poor visual acuity. At 12 weeks, 91.14% had good, 5.9% borderline, and 2.95% poor acuity. Common intraoperative issues included posterior capsular rupture in 8 eyes (6.84%), cortical matter loss in 4, iris prolapse in 2, and zonular dehiscence in 1. Early postoperative complications were iridocyclitis in 11 eyes (9.4%) and hyphema in 7 (5.98%), with late complications like chronic anterior uveitis, corneal decompensation, and choroidal detachment occurring in 3 and 2 eyes respectively. Conclusions: Visual outcome was good and the rates of intra and post-operative complications were minimal in our study. Functional vision can be achieved with timely surgical intervention

    Mining Scientific Articles Powered by Machine Learning Techniques

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    Efficacy of Uterovaginal Packing Versus Uterine Balloon Tamponade to Control Postpartum Hemorrhage Due to Uterine Atony

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    OBJECTIVES To determine and compare the efficacy of Uterovaginal packing versus uterine balloon tamponade to control postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony unresponsive to medical treatment. METHODOLOGY This comparative prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in Hayatabad Medical Complex, OBG department. A total of 140 patients were categorised into two groups, group A underwent Uterovaginal packing and group B underwent uterine balloon tamponade. All women of 18 to 40 years with a history of delivery after 28 weeks of gestation, who developed primary postpartum haemorrhage due to uterine atony, unresponsive to medical treatment were included in the study. Women with a history of delivery before 28 weeks of gestation, secondary postpartum haemorrhage, genital tract trauma, retained placental tissue and membranes, placenta previa, morbidly adherent placenta, febrile illness and uterine structural lesion were excluded from the study. Efficacy was labelled if there was no ongoing blood loss after the procedure with concomitant hemodynamic stability. All information was recorded in a predesigned proforma, and data were analysed using SPSS version 22.RESULTS Our study included 140 women; 113 had a normal vaginal delivery, and 27 underwent cesarean section. Among cases with normal vaginal delivery, 45 women had Uterovaginal packing, and 68 had uterine balloon tamponade, while among cases of cesarean sections, 25 women had uterovaginal packing and 2 had uterine balloon tamponade. The efficacy of Uterovaginal packing was 90%, and that of uterine balloon tamponade was 87.1%, with no significant difference statistically (p- 0.51). Overall efficacy of both procedures was 88.6%.CONCLUSION All orthodontic and non-orthodontic treatment group participants required oral hygiene instructions and had periodontal treatment needs (TN1). The patients requiring scaling and prophylaxis and Oral hygiene instructions (TN 2) were more in the orthodontic treatment group than the non-orthodontic treatment group. A higher percentage of patients requiring complex treatment (deep scaling, root planning and complex surgical procedures), scaling and prophylaxis and Oral hygiene instructions (TN3) belonged to the non-orthodontic treatment group

    Study of Postdatism with Respect to Fetomaternal Outcome at A Tertiary Care Hospital

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    OBJECTIVES This study aims to know our setup’s fetomaternal pregnancy complications that extend beyond 40 weeks of gestation. METHODOLOGY This is a prospective cross-sectional study of 390 patients with uncomplicated postdated pregnancies fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria admitted to the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (both in spontaneous labour and induced patient) at Hayatabad Medical Complex, a tertiary care hospital in Peshawar, KPK from July 2020 to June 2021.RESULTS Out of 390 patients, a majority (72.30 %) were in the age group of 20 – 35 years. Most of them (50.51%) presented at gestation 40+1 – 40+6 weeks. The majority (57.69%) were multigravida, and most (93.07%) were un-booked. Most delivered vaginally (80.51%), and 19.48% had C/section (including both emergency and elective). The most common indication for C/section was fetal distress (44.73%), followed by C/section on demand (18.42%). The majority>90% had Apgar score greater than seven at 5 minutes which was gestation dependent. Overall perinatal mortality was 4.07% which was also gestation dependent ranging from 0.5% at 40+1 – 40+6 weeks to 2.30% at and beyond 42 weeks of gestation. Neonatal morbidity in the form of Birth asphyxia, Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS), Shoulder Dystocia and NICU admission also showed an increasing tendency with increasing gestation beyond 40 weeks. Maternal morbidity in the form of PPH, perineal tears 3°/4° and endometritis also showed a similar increasing trend with increasing gestation beyond 40 weeks. CONCLUSION Pregnancy continuing beyond 40 weeks has a definite risk to the fetus.

    Social network analytics and visualization: Dynamic topic-based influence analysis in evolving micro-blogs

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    Influence Analysis is one of the well-known areas of Social Network Analysis. However, discovering influencers from micro-blog networks based on topics has gained recent popularity due to its specificity. Besides, these data networks are massive, continuous and evolving. Therefore, to address the above challenges we propose a dynamic framework for topic modelling and identifying influencers in the same process. It incorporates dynamic sampling, community detection and network statistics over graph data stream from a social media activity management application. Further, we compare the graph measures against each other empirically and observe that there is no evidence of correlation between the sets of users having large number of friends and the users whose posts achieve high acceptance (i.e., highly liked, commented and shared posts). Therefore, we propose a novel approach that incorporates a user's reachability and also acceptability by other users. Consequently, we improve on graph metrics by including a dynamic acceptance score (integrating content quality with network structure) for ranking influencers in micro-blogs. Additionally, we analysed the topic clusters' structure and quality with empirical experiments and visualization.Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Grant/Award Number: UIDB/50014/202

    Dynamic topic modeling using social network analytics

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    First Online: 03 September 2021Topic modeling or inference has been one of the well-known problems in the area of text mining. It deals with the automatic categorisation of words or documents into similarity groups also known as topics. In most of the social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, hashtags are used to define the content of posts. Therefore, modelling of hashtags helps in categorising posts as well as analysing user preferences. In this work, we tried to address this problem involving hashtags that stream in real-time. Our approach encompasses graph of hashtags, dynamic sampling and modularity based community detection over the data from a popular social media engagement application. Further, we analysed the topic clusters’ structure and quality using empirical experiments. The results unveil latent semantic relations between hashtags and also show frequent hashtags in a cluster. Moreover, in this approach, the words in different languages are treated synonymously. Besides, we also observed top trending topics and correlated clusters

    Antimicrobial Activity of Aloe Vera against Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Present study was conducted to determine the antimicrobial activity of Aloe Vera with ethanol against gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram negative (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The Agar well diffusion method was used to test the antimicrobial activity. The result shows that maximum inhibition observed against Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae (1mm---4mm), minimum inhibition was observed against Pseudomonas aeruginosa while negligible activity observed against Escherichia coli. This is important to used Aloe Vera for cosmetic and food purpose