Lessons learnt: pilot of mid rotation feedback.


The Aga Khan University went through an external review of its undergraduate medical education in December 2006 based on the accreditation guidelines by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME). The external review panel comprised of international and local experts which developed a comprehensive report on its findings with regards to LCME standards of accreditation. In the final report of the external review one of the areas highlighted as not meeting the standards of LCME was documentation of formal mid-rotation feedback of the students by the faculty in AKU clerkships through years 3 to 5. A four hour faculty development workshop was organized by the Department of Medicine in collaboration with the Department for Educational Development to emphasize the role of feedback in improving student\u27s performance, improve faculty\u27s skill in giving effective feedback, and to come up with recommendations for documenting the formative feedback process. A mid-rotation feedback form was designed to facilitate the documentation process. Faculty members who participated in the workshop took a lead in piloting this form and reported the areas that could be further improved upon to facilitate the process of timely and effective feedback

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