348 research outputs found

    Social media marketing strategy for an online italian language school

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    Social media marketing (SMM) is becoming increasingly relevant for all kinds of businesses; in particular it can be fruitful for small and medium enterprises due to its relative cost-effectiveness and opportunities for organic reach. Besides, brand presence and consistency on social media (SM) can raise brand awareness and increase brand trust. The topic of this project is a nascent brand, Allora School, which is an online Italian language school. This project was developed with the aim of creating a SMM strategy for Allora School as it enters the market. There are plenty of different social media platforms (SMPs), however, due to Generation Z being the target audience (TA) of the brand in question, the author chose Instagram and TikTok. The strategy was developed based on a review of the literature regarding branding, SM, peculiarities of marketing to TA and their learning preferences. In this project, the hierarchy of effects model was adapted to modern day SM and used as a key indicator for SMM design. The exploratory part of the project consisted of observation and benchmarking to gather some insights and nuances to implement in a proposed strategy. The practical part included the overall description of the language school, the innovative platform it uses for storing the materials and conducting interactive lessons for Gen Z learners is provided to give a rationale for the chosen TA, the rationale of the brand name and logo. Finally, there is the explanation of the design of a SMM strategy for Allora School that will serve to increase brand awareness and brand trust, and, consequently, lead to sales.O marketing de redes sociais está se tornando cada vez mais relevante para todos os tipos de negócios, em particular pode ser frutífero para pequenas e médias empresas devido à sua relação custo-benefício e oportunidades de alcance orgânico. Além disso, a presença e a consistência da marca nas redes sociais podem levar a aumentar o reconhecimento da marca e aumentar a confiança na marca. O tema deste projeto é uma marca nascente, Allora School, que é uma escola online de italiano. Este projeto foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de criar uma estratégia de marketing nas redes sociais para a Allora School à medida que entra no mercado. Existem muitas plataformas de mídia social diferentes, no entanto, devido à Geração Z ser o público-alvo da marca em questão, o autor escolheu o Instagram e o TikTok. A estratégia foi desenvolvida com base em uma revisão da literatura sobre branding, redes sociais, peculiaridades do marketing para o público-alvo e suas preferências de aprendizagem. Neste projeto, o modelo de hierarquia de efeitos foi adaptado às redes sociais modernas e usado como um indicador-chave para o design da estratégia de marketing nas redes sociais. A parte exploratória do projeto consistiu em observação e benchmarking para reunir alguns insights e nuances para implementar em uma estratégia proposta. A parte prática incluiu a descrição geral da escola de idiomas, a plataforma inovadora que ela usa para armazenar os materiais e conduzir aulas interativas para alunos da Geração Z é fornecida para fornecer uma justificativa para o público-alvo escolhido, a lógica do nome da marca e do logotipo. Por fim, explica-se o desenho de uma estratégia de SMM para a Allora School que servirá para aumentar a notoriedade e a confiança da marca e, consequentemente, levar a vendas

    "Medee" d'Euripide sur les scenes Bulgares

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    Risk properties of a Stein-like estimator for multinomial choice models

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    Stein-rule estimators, also known as shrinkage estimators, combine sample and non-sample information in a way that improves the precision of the estimation process or the quality of subsequent predictions. A Stein-rule estimator is a weighted average of a restricted and an unrestricted estimator, where the weights determine the degree of shrinkage, i.e. the importance that we place on the non-sample information. The existing literature shows that Stein-rule estimators may lead to squared error risk improvements in the linear regression, and in a number of non-linear models. The dissertation explores Stein-rule estimation in the context of multinomial choice models. It consists of three main parts. First, a Monte Carlo study is conducted to examine the properties of a Stein-rule estimator for the orthonormal conditional logit model. The shrinkage estimator is compared to the maximum likelihood estimator based on different measures of risk, namely squared error risk, weighted error risk, risk of marginal effects, and mean squared error of prediction in-sample and out-of-sample. Secondly, the analysis is extended to a more general data generation process by introducing various degrees of collinearity within alternatives, or between alternative-specific variables. Finally, there are three applications of Stein-rule estimation in multinomial choice models using marketing data. The main results of the study show that Stein-rule estimators offer significant risk improvement over the maximum likelihood estimator when certain conditions are met. The importance of this research is that shrinkage estimation is an easy to implement alternative to maximum likelihood estimation, which should be preferred in cases where we have good non-sample information, or when we are not sure of the performance of the MLE. The latter refers to data with small number of observations, or collinearity among the regressors, which is often a problem in practical applications

    An Architecture of Web-based Application for Thyroid Disease Identifying

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    To identify the problems with thyroid gland, an algorithm based on blood test results is developed. Thisalgorithm is implemented in a web based application with client-server architecture. Three-tier architecture is used torealize the user interface, business logic and computer data storage and data access. Using the document objectmodel of the HTML and JavaScript make it is possible to create user interaction with the application. Interactionbetween JavaScript, HTML and CSS allows loading pages faster. The described web application to identify thethyroid disease has been tested in different browsers and on different operating systems and showed no errors in itswork. The developed web application can be used as a standalone application or be incorporated into otherspecialized Internet resources in the subject area

    Der Teller im Spiegel

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    Diese ethnographische Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den Essgewohnheiten einer Gruppe von in Wien lebenden türkischen MigrantInnen. Essen ist nicht nur Nahrung im direkten Sinne, sondern beinhaltet vielmehr zahlreiche soziale und kulturelle Aspekte, die in dieser Arbeit von Haupinteresse sind. Im Besonderen wird durchleuchtet, wie StudentInnen der ersten und zweiten Generation sich selbst, ihre Nationalität und ihr Verhältnis zu anderen durch Essen ausdrücken. Dies geschieht vor dem Hintergrund einer Diskussion über Migration, Globalisierung, Tendenzen im globalen Essenskonsum, sowie über die Entstehung und Besonderheiten der nationalen (türkischen) Küche. Anhand qualitativer Leitfadeninterviews wird nicht nur ermittelt, dass Essen eine identitäts- und gruppenstiftende Funktion hat, sondern auch, dass es wichtig für das Wohlbefinden der MigrantInnen ist. Türkisches Essen ist somit für alle Befragten von großer Bedeutung, obwohl jeder etwas anderes darunter versteht


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    The article deals with the conceptosphere of the novels by Bohdan Melnychuk and its relationship to Vasyl Stefanyk’s and Hryhoriy Skovoroda’s traditions in Ukrainian literature. In this vein, the author analyzes the concepts of family, destiny, love, wealth and poverty.У статті розглянуто концептосферу новел Богдана Мельничука, проаналізовано її зв’язок зі сковородинівською та стефанівською традиціями української літератури, розкрито концепти роду, долі, любові, багатства-бідності

    Features of the ironic detective in Daniel Pennac’s novel The Scapegoat

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    Ironic detective is a relatively new genre in literature. Its development dates back to the middle of the twentieth century and continues up to the present days. The final crystallization of the genre is taking place in our time. The works of Polish author Joanna Chmielewska became one of the first examples of ironic detective stories. However, the French literature of the twentieth century also has notable representatives of the genre. The present article examines the peculiarities of the irony functioning in the detective genre, in the context of the work of the popular modern French writer Daniel Pennac. We distinguish irony as a means of comic and as a principle of work organization, which is inherent in the genre of ironic detective. Consideration of the ironic detective is impossible without a brief analysis of the detective development stages as a whole, therefore, the article also deals with the genesis of the detective genre from the classic to the French novel-noir. The emphasis will rest on the peculiarities of the ironic detective’s development. Using D. Pennac’s novel The Scapegoat as an example (the French edition is called Au bonheur des ogres, originally published in 1985), the features of the genre, alongside their manifestations at the content and formal level are illustrated. The article focuses on the fact that naturalistic details, scenes of cruelty, evil and chaos, caused by the consequences of the Second World War, are weakened due to ironic characteristics, stereotypes, as well as the very attitudes of the author and the narrator towards the surrounding world. The research proves that the analysed genre is an artistic form of a panoramic view of the society of the 80s with its false ideals and its consumerism

    A rare case of spinal muscular atrophy: prenatal type 0

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic disorder characterized by degeneration of the anterior horn cells leading to muscle atrophy and weakness. SMA is an autosomal recessive disorder in 95% of the cases. It is caused by homozygous deletion or mutation in the 5q13 survival of motor neuron gene. The severity of spinal muscular atrophy is highly variable, and the clinical features can be classified into four main types based on the age of onset. There is a great excitement in the field since some therapeutic agents have been recently approved for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy. However, their long-term effect on muscle weakness is not completely known.We present a case of the most severe prenatal type 0 of spinal muscular atrophy. The newborn was a homozygotic carrier of the mutation and survived only for 2 months after delivery.

    OSINT as a part of cyber defense system

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    The paper presents the results of research on the development of fundamental and applied principles for analyzing information flows in global computer networks while conducting open source intelligence (OSINT). The relevance of this task, in particular, concerning the provision of cyber security, the parameters of the modern information space, the existing theoretical and technological solutions are substantiated. The description of methodological and instrumental means of analysis and modeling of information flows, distributed content monitoring of global networks, the creation of multilingual full-text databases, analysis of the dynamics of thematic information flows with the use of nonlinear analysis, automatic formation of models of subject areas in the field of cyber security are presented