1,215 research outputs found

    Masterplan Transitie Visserijvloot : memorandum haalbaarheidsonderzoek

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    Memorandum over de transitie van de visserijvloo

    Transporting Bits or Transporting Energy: Does it matter? A comparison of the sustainability of local and remote computing

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    This document presents the results of a study of the sustainability of data management and data movement between data centres, the ultimate goal being to minimize the CO2 footprint

    A decision framework for placement of applications in clouds that minimizes their carbon footprint

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    Cloud computing gives users much freedom on where they host their computation and storage. However the CO2 emission of a job depends on the location and the energy efficiency of the data centers where it is run. We developed a decision framework that determines to move computation with accompanying data from a local to a greener remote data center for lower CO2 emissions. The model underlying the framework accounts for the energy consumption at the local and remote sites, as well as of networks among them. We showed that the type of network connecting the two sites has a significant impact on the total CO2 emission. Furthermore, the task’s complexity is a factor in deciding when and where to move computation

    Patient education and disease activity: A study among rheumatoid arthritis patients

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    Objective: To determine whether patients experiencing high disease activity derive more benefit from patient education than those experiencing low disease activity. - \ud Methods: Data from a randomized study on the effects of a program of patient education were analyzed retrospectively. Four subgroups were studied: the high disease activity subgroup of patients who had participated in the educational program, the complementary low disease activity subgroup, the high disease activity subgroup of controls, and its low disease activity complement. Patients with erythrocyte sedimentation rate >28 mm/first hour were classified as having high disease activity. Effects on frequency of physical exercises, endurance exercises, and relaxation exercises and effects on health status (Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire, Dutch Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales [AIMS]) were measured. - \ud Results: There were no significant differences between the adherence parameters of the various pairs of groups. Four months after the educational program began, anxiety and depression scores on the Dutch-AIMS had increased among participating patients who were experiencing high disease activity and decreased among those who were experiencing low disease activity. - \ud Conclusions: Patients experiencing high disease activity did not derive more benefit from patient education than those experiencing low disease activity. On the contrary, an increase of anxiety and depression is found in these patients. Further study is needed to confirm our findings

    Macht en tegenmacht: de Commissie van Venetië over de Toeslagenaffaire

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    Alweer een jaar geleden diende Kamerlid Pieter Omtzigt, samen met een aantal andere Kamerleden een motie in om de Commissie van Venetië om advies te vragen. De Europese Commissie voor Democratie door Recht, ook wel de Commissie van Venetië, is een adviserend orgaan van de Raad van Europa dat zich richt op het bevorderen van het constitutioneel recht en de democratische orde in Europa. Dit verzoek tot advies kwam niet uit de lucht vallen: drie jaar eerder, in 2018, kwam de toeslagenaffaire aan het licht. Deze affaire richtte de schijnwerpers op de mazen in de Nederlandse wet en rechtsstaat. Na het aannemen van de motie op 25 februari 2021 kwam 18 oktober 2021 eindelijk de reactie van de Commissie. Op welke vlakken zijn onze democratie en rechten beschermd en waar liggen de verbeterpunten? Wat is de volgende stap voor een door affaire-aangetaste rechtsstaat