32 research outputs found

    Structural Performance of Reinforced Concrete Flat Plate Buildings Subjected to Fire

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    El siguiente artĂ­culo se propone estudiar la poesĂ­a de Luis HernĂĄndez a partir de los problemas que surgen al intentar estudiar su obra reunida. Antes que ser valorada como una poesĂ­a “inacabada”, la deliberada asistematicidad de su poĂ©tica debe ser entendida como el resultado de un calculado y consciente ejercicio artĂ­stico, cuyas fuentes filosĂłficas tradicionalmente han pugnado por una ontologĂ­a del movimiento frente a una metafĂ­sica de la permanencia. Bajo esta perspectiva, la obra de HernĂĄndez se revela como un “plano de inmanencia”, desde el cual acontece el sentido de su poesĂ­a en el quehacer de la escritura.The article aims to study Luis HernĂĄndez’ poetry from the point of view of the problems that emerge when trying to analyze his Complete Works. Rather than being assessed as “unfinished”, the deliberate and unsystematic appearance of his poetic, should rather be understood as the result of a calculated and conscious artistic practice that stems from philosophical trends which traditionally have fostered an ontology of movement against a metaphysics of permanence. Under this view, HernĂĄndez work shows up as “plane of immanence” from where sense becomes an event for the creative writing process.El segĂŒent article es proposa estudiar la poesia de Luis HernĂĄndez a partir dels problemes que sorgeixen al tractar d’estudiar la seva obra reunida. Abans de ser valorada com una poesia “incabada”, la deliberada asistematicitat de la seva poĂštica deu ser entesa com el resultat d’un calculat i conscient exercici artĂ­stic, fonts filosĂČfiques de les quals han pugnat tradicionalment per una ontologia del moviment davant una metafĂ­sica de la permanĂšncia. Sota aquesta perspectiva, l’obra d’HernĂ ndez es revela com un “pla d’inmanĂšncia”, des del qual esdevĂ© el sentit de la seva poesia en el afer de l’escriptura

    A Review of Sociological Issues in Fire Safety Regulation

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    This paper presents an overview of contemporary sociological issues in fire safety. The most obviously social aspects of fire safety—those that relate to the socioeconomic distribution of fire casualties and damage—are discussed first. The means that society uses to mitigate fire risks through regulation are treated next; focusing on the shift towards fire engineered solutions and the particular challenges this poses for the social distribution and communication of fire safety knowledge and expertise. Finally, the social construction of fire safety knowledge is discussed, raising questions about whether the confidence in the application of this knowledge by the full range of participants in the fire safety design and approvals process is always justified, given the specific assumptions involved in both the production of the knowledge and its extension to applications significantly removed from the original knowledge production; and the requisite competence that is therefore needed to apply this knowledge. The overarching objective is to argue that the fire safety professions ought to be more reflexive and informed about the nature of the knowledge and expertise that they develop and apply, and to suggest that fire safety scientists and engineers ought to actively collaborate with social scientists in research designed to study the way people interact with fire safety technology

    Fire performance of phase change material enhanced plasterboard

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    Sustainable construction materials are increasingly being used to reduce the carbon footprint of modern buildings. These materials have the potential to change the fire dynamics of compartments by altering the compartment energy balance however there is little quantitative understanding of how these materials behave in the event of a real fire. The changes in fire dynamics may be due to increased fuel load in a compartment, reduced time to failure or promotion of flame spread. The objective of this research is to quantify how Phase Change Materials (PCMs) perform in realistic fire scenarios. It was found that a plasterboard product containing microencapsulated PCMs will behave similarly to a charring solid and have the potential to contribute significant fuel to a compartment fire but that they maintain integrity for the duration of flaming period. The critical heat flux for this product was determined in the cone calorimeter to be 17.5 ± 2.5 kW m−2, the peak heat release rate and mass loss rate ranged from 60.2 kW m−2 to 107 kW m−2 and 1.88 g s−1 m−2 to 8.47 g s−1 m−2 respectively for exposures between 20 kW m−2 and 70 kW m−2. Sample orientation was found to increase the peak heat release rate by up to 25%, whilst having little to no effect on the mass loss rate. These parameters, in addition to the in-depth temperature evolution and ignition properties, can be used as design criteria for balancing energy savings with quantified fire performance

    Tibor Z. Harmathy

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