52 research outputs found

    Human oral processing and texture profile analysis parameters: bridging the gap between the sensory evaluation and the instrumental measurements

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    Studies in food oral processing are becoming increasingly important with the advent of the aged society. The food oral processing model of Hutchings and Lillford (Journal of Texture Studies, 19, 1988, 103–115) describes the structural breakdown and lubrication of ingested food before the swallowing stage, and has been revisited in the present article. The instrumental technique texture profile analysis (TPA) purports to mimic the first two bites of mastication and its ease of use has lured some researchers to use it without a critical eye. In this article, we consider inconsistencies in the Hutchings and Lillford model with the hope that it might be further refined. With regard to TPA we question the validity of the data generated and urge authors caution before they publish results from the test protocol. If results are published then the x‐axis should be viewed as deformation or strain, and not time. Hardness should be represented by the breaking stress. Adhesiveness should be measured at a medium strain taking into account the surface properties of the plunger. The ratio of the energy estimated by the area under the curve obtained from the second and the first bites (A2/A1) should be called recoverability and not cohesiveness

    Development of nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems with olive vegetable oil for cutaneous application

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    ABSTRACT Liquid-Crystalline Systems represent active compounds delivery systems that may be able to overcome the physical barrier of the skin, especially represented by the stratum corneum. To obtain these systems, aqueous and oily components are used with surfactants. Of the different association structures in such systems, the liquid-crystalline offer numerous advantages to a topical product. This manuscript presents the development of liquid-crystalline systems consisting, in which the oil component is olive oil, its rheological characterizations, and the location of liquid crystals in its phase map. Cytotoxic effects were evaluated using J-774 mouse macrophages as the cellular model. A phase diagram to mix three components with different proportions was constructed. Two liquid crystalline areas were found with olive oil in different regions in the ternary diagram with two nonionic surfactants, called SLC1 (S1) and SLC2 (S2). These systems showed lamellar liquid crystals that remained stable during the entire analysis time. The systems were also characterized rheologically with pseudoplastic behavior without thixotropy. The texture and bioadhesion assays showed that formulations were similar statistically (p < 0.05), indicating that the increased amount of water in S2 did not interfere with the bioadhesive properties of the systems. In vitro cytotoxic assays showed that formulations did not present cytotoxicity. Olive oil-based systems may be a promising platform for skin delivery of drugs

    Angstlidelser hos børn i et udviklingspsykopatologisk perspektiv:implikationer for behandling

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    Hvorfor udvikler nogle børn angst, mens andre børn kan møde verden uden angst? På trods af at angst er en naturlig og adaptiv del af ethvert barns udvikling, risikerer ca. 10 % af alle børn at udvikle en angstlidelse. Angsten bliver en lidelse, når den forstyrrer et barn i at udvikle sig gennem deltagelse i et alderssvarende børneliv. Gennem de seneste årtier er forskere i stigende grad begyndt at undersøge, hvilke faktorer der har indflydelse på udviklingen og vedligeholdelsen af angst. På baggrund af et udviklingspsykopatologisk perspektiv har man udviklet modeller, der søger at indfange kompleksiteten i angstlidelserne. Heri indgår barnets genetiske dispositioner, det tidlige samspil med forældre, negative livsbegivenheder, emotionsregulering, indre kognitive mekanismer som opmærksomhedsbias og fortolkning af omverdenen samt aktuelle familiemønstre. I artiklen gives et kort review af de væsentligste risikofaktorer, som man via forskning ved er særlig betydningsfulde for udvikling og vedligeholdelse af angst i barndommen, og det diskuteres, hvilke implikationer denne viden bør få for behandling af børn med angst

    Skin pH Changes Associated With Iontophoresis

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