1,019 research outputs found

    Recupero e valorizzazione oggi. Il caso delle architetture antiche per lo spettacolo. Riflessioni, spunti, proposte

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    Il contributo intende contribuire alla conoscenza di alcune strutture antiche per lo spettacolo nell’ambito del complesso quadro dell’utilizzazione delle risorse culturali e ambientali di un territorio, anche attraverso una rilettura della Carta di Siracusa per la conservazione, la fruizione e la gestione delle architetture teatrali antiche (2004). S’intende, quindi, attraverso lo studio di alcuni casi esemplificativi – gli Anfiteatri di Albano, di Lucus Feroniae, di Monteleone Sabino, il Teatro di Privernum, di Ostia Antica oltre ad alcuni esempi tunisini – individuare strumenti analitici, metodologici e operativi per il recupero e la valorizzazione di tali complessi monumentali e individuare nuove dinamiche turistiche-culturali. Gli spazi all’aperto che più si prestano a una proficua riutilizzazione, con forte richiamo turistico, sono proprio le strutture per le rappresentazioni antiche, greche e romane. Oltre un migliaio sono gli edifici presenti in tutto il baci¬no del Mediterraneo e numerosi anche sul territorio della Penisola italiana. Si tratta di attivare azione di restauro e conservazione, sempre più necessarie vista l’incuria e il degrado che spesso caratterizzano tali grande strutture o, al contrario, il sovra-utilizzo determinato dagli spettacoli all’aperto, con allestimenti e grandi produzioni sceniche spesso improvvisati e non compatibili con i manufatti storici. Tali antichi edifici, quali reperti archeologici, richiedono interventi di programmate e costanti manutenzioni, spesso di reinserimento nel tessuto urbano delle città d’antico impianto o di valorizzazione paesaggistica, la creazione di parchi archeologici urbani, oltre che di riacquisizione della funzione originaria attraverso operazioni ‘delicate’ e l’inserimento di strutture sceniche compatibili, reversibili, di sistemi mobili per coperture parziali e temporanee, progettati e messi in atto da tecnici e operai specializzati. Un uso, pertanto, limitato di tali complesse strutture che possono essere rese fruibili con rispetto, attraverso rigidi controlli e spettacoli contingentati, l’inserimento di opere temporanee, facilmente rimovibili, in grado di proteggere i luoghi e consentire, contestualmente, la visita dei siti in cui sono inseriti. Uno dei parametri fondamentali per la valorizzazione è quello della fruizione, legata a una capienza sostenibile e ad adeguati limiti per la diffusione acustica, in modo tale da non produrre danni sia alla struttura sia ai luoghi. Tali apparati per lo spettacolo devono essere parzialmente o talmente rimovibili, realizzati con materiali compatibili e di facile manutenzione. I criteri da rispettare dovrebbero essere: adeguatezza tecnologica, minima invasività, controllo delle strutture da parte di tecnici e promotori di eventi, imprenditori e direttori artistici. Appare, inoltre, importante agire con cautela anche nell’organizzazione delle tematiche di rappresentazione, favorendo spettacoli congrui e adeguati (testi dell’antichità e del teatro, danza, musica, cinema). Il tema dell’utilizzo solleva, inoltre, la questione dell’accessibilità, per cui si richiede qualità architettonica e fruizione agevolata per progetti di praticabilità, seppur ‘temporanei’, caratterizzati da strutture reversibili e minime, messe in opera in occasione delle stagioni teatrali. Si tratta di strutture antiche che richiedono un approccio progettuale consapevole e multidisciplinare tra architetti e archeologi, oltre che con il supporto di tecnici specializzati, direttori artistici e responsabili delle istituzioni. Figure professionali capaci di attivare operazioni congrue, finalizzate alla fruibilità di tali organismi attraverso interventi meditati e rispettosi. Progetto di ri-uso e valorizzazione che viene, inevitabilmente, a delinearsi attraverso limiti e potenzialità, riconoscimento dei ‘valori’ e punti di debolezza

    The “Venezia Nuova” district in Livorno, Italy. The role of the Dominicans in the urban development of the city.

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    The paper intends to analyse, through a study of the Domenican convent in Livorno, the urban development of this Tuscan city, from the 17th century, when the Friars Preachers established there permanently.The city of Livorno was founded by the Medici family in the 16th century, using the Bernardo Buontalenti project for a newly fortified urban center. The Dominicans reached Livorno, which was a maritime trading center, and obtained from the Grand Duke Cosimo III, in 1695, a land in an expanding area, the “Venezia Nuova” (New Venice) in order to build their convent. In this part of the city the Dominicans found an urban structure which was particularly appealing to their religious activities and their desire to expand. Indeed, this area had developed in order to suit the merchant class needs. However, this commercial aspect was disdained by the Dominicans, as it was associated with the ultimate sin, i.e. usury.This research intends to deepen our knowledge, through examining ancient maps and drawings of the Dominican complex project, of a less known Livorno’s history aspect. Specifically, it aims to investigate the planning strategy of “Venezia Nuova” urban area, which was established in the 17th century in order to welcome the Order of Preachers. At that time the city was experiencing a great economic and social increase, and the presence of the Dominicans would determine the 18th-century urban expansion. The area was a particular land characterized by the presence of the sea and some marshes, and, through architectural and constructive expedients, it was adapted to the project needs. Indeed, the new development was conceived as an island surrounded by canals dug out from old military moats. The canals were designed to have ports and landing places, in order to facilitate a rapid flow within the city for the loading and unloading of goods. After the suppression of the Dominican convent, this complex was assigned to the Ecclesiastical administration. In 1786 it experienced several functional and architectural transformations; successively, during the French dominion (1808-1814), the structure was turned into a prison. Until a few decades ago it continued to be used as a jail, and this usage caused the abandonment of the religious structures and a general decay in this section of the city.A recent restoration and consolidation intervention on the ex-Dominican convent, which aim was the transformation of the edifices into a new site for the State Archives, gave the opportunity to know the religious complex. It had suffered heavy architectural and functional changes that had a significant importance in the urban context as well.Nowadays, despite experiencing a state of abandonment and decay, the area still provides interesting points of force and great potential, deriving from a perfect synergy between architecture, urban environment and the city. This potential and the “value” relationships need to be recovered in a future project that will reinterpret the site and foster retrieving both the functional use and the valorisation of the architecture within the entire urban center

    Sulla ipotesi di Riemann - Disquisizioni su alcune formule - csi(x) come RH equivalente Regione libera da zeri: gli zeri che contano - Alla ricerca degli zeri multipli inesistenti

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    In questo lavoro gli autori riprendono e approfondiscono i temi della RH già presentati in [25][26], spiegando formule e mostrando diverse “funzioni speciali” che usualmente sono introdotte col Teorema dei Numeri primi e utili per investigare ulteriori strade. Uno dei risultati maggiori dell’articolo è la dimostrazione, grazie a tutti i passaggi esposti, che la congettura sugli zeri semplici della zeta di Riemann è vera e dimostrabile con passaggi analitici e qualche richiamo teorico (vedi . [30]). In this work the authors reproduce and deepen the themes of RH already presented in [25] [26], explaining formulas and showing different "special features" that are usually introduced with the theorem of prime numbers and useful to investigate further ways. One of the major results of this paper, through all the steps outlined, is that the conjecture on zeros of the Riemann’s zeta is true and demonstrable with some analytical steps and a theoretical remark (see. [30])

    Proposta di dimostrazione alle Ipotesi di Riemann e Congettura molteplicità degli zeri

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    In questo documento gli autori riprendono lavori precedenti su Riemann e presentano una proposta di dimostrazione dell’ipotesi di Riemann e della congettura sulla molteplicità degli zeri non banali della zeta di Riemann. In this paper the authors continue the works on Riemann and present a proposal for a demonstration on the Riemann Hypothesis and the conjecture on the multiplicity of non-trivial zeros of the Riemann’s zeta

    Block Notes Matematico - Forme generatrici di numeri primi

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    Nel seguito vengono esaminate varie forme generatrici di numeri primi. Quella della ricerca delle formule generatrici è sempre stata, nei secoli, un tema di sfida, analoga alla sfida di trovare numeri primi con gran numero di cifre. In passato si supponeva che esistessero solo formule lineari per ottenere infiniti numeri primi, mentre gli autori mostrano che esistono anche altre possibilità

    Embedding additive particles in the sentence information structure: How L2 learners find their way through positional and prosodic patterns.

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    Since 1986, Klein pinpointed the 'embedding problem' among the main tasks L2 learners have to cope with in L2 speaking, the term referring to the need of linking the semantic content of a sentence to the information already available in the ongoing discourse. Research in L2 acquisition has shown that, even when the lexical and morphosyntactic structures needed to express specific information configurations are in place, learners can still lack the ability to use them in the ongoing discourse according to target language preferences, thus sticking to their source language preferences (Carroll and Lambert 2003; Dimroth and Lambert 2008; Lambert, Carroll and von Stutterheim 2008). Use of additive particles can pose similar 'embedding' problems, as they typically occur in a peculiar, non-canonical information configuration, in which a given predicate – available in the ongoing discourse – is claimed to hold for a new referent, which is added to other – given, available – referents. Dimroth et al. (2010), comparing native speakers productions on the basis of the same narrative task (the Finite Story retelling), show that speakers of Germanic (Dutch, German) and Romance (French, Italian) languages differ in the way they embed additive particles in the sentence information structure. Our study focuses on the use of additive particles by intermediate learners of two language pairs (Italian L1 > German L2 and viceversa) in the Finite Story retelling. Results show that, in embedding additive particles (IT anche, GE auch) in the sentence structure, intermediate learners tend to adopt patterns that are compatible with the L1 both at positional and at prosodic level, thus partly discarding more target language-specific patterns

    A Case Study of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Plant on Board a Cruise Ship

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    The work is a case study of a cruise ship supplied by liquefied natural gas (LNG) and equipped with a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC). It is supposed that a 20 MW SOFC plant is installed on-board to supply hotel loads and assisting three dual-fuel (DF) diesel/LNG generator sets. LNG consumption and emissions are estimated both for the SOFC plant and DF generator sets. It results that the use of LNG-SOFC plant in comparison to DF generator sets allows to limit significantly the SOx, CO, NOx, PM emissions and to reduce the emission of CO2 by about 11%. A prediction of the weight and volume of the SOFC plant is conducted and a preliminary modification of the general arrangement of the cruise ship is suggested, according to the latest international rules. It results that the SOFC plant is heavier and occupies more volume on board than a DF gen-set; nevertheless, these features do not affect the floating and the stability of the cruise ship

    On the key role of droughts in the dynamics of summer fires in Mediterranean Europe

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    Summer fires frequently rage across Mediterranean Europe, often intensified by high temperatures and droughts. According to the state-of-the-art regional fire risk projections, in forthcoming decades climate effects are expected to become stronger and possibly overcome fire prevention efforts. However, significant uncertainties exist and the direct effect of climate change in regulating fuel moisture (e.g. warmer conditions increasing fuel dryness) could be counterbalanced by the indirect effects on fuel structure (e.g. warmer conditions limiting fuel amount), affecting the transition between climate-driven and fuel-limited fire regimes as temperatures increase. Here we analyse and model the impact of coincident drought and antecedent wet conditions (proxy for the climatic factor influencing total fuel and fine fuel structure) on the summer Burned Area (BA) across all eco-regions in Mediterranean Europe. This approach allows BA to be linked to the key drivers of fire in the region. We show a statistically significant relationship between fire and same-summer droughts in most regions, while antecedent climate conditions play a relatively minor role, except in few specific eco-regions. The presented models for individual eco-regions provide insights on the impacts of climate variability on BA, and appear to be promising for developing a seasonal forecast system supporting fire management strategies.We thank the European Forest Fire Information System-EFFIS (http://effis.jrc.ec.europa.eu) of the European Commission Joint Research Centre for the fire data. We acknowledge the SPEI data providers (http://sac.csic. es/spei/database.html). Special thanks to Joaquín Bedia, Esteve Canyameras, Xavier Castro and Andrej Ceglar for helpful discussions on the study. This work was partially funded by the Project of Interest “NextData” of the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research and by the EU H2020 Project 641762 “ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits through Earth Observations”. Ricardo Trigo was supported by IMDROFLOOD funded by Portuguese FCT (WaterJPI/0004/2014).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version