232 research outputs found

    Controlling competing interactions at oxide interfaces: Enhanced anisotropy in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films via interface engineering

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    We investigated thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-SrTiO3 heterostructures, where the band alignment is engineered by a variation of La/Sr stoichiometry only at the interface. In thin films, the engineered interface leads to an enhancement of the reversed spin configuration that mimics bulk behavior. Microscopically, this enhancement is closely connected with an increased magnetic anisotropy as well as intercoupling between an e(g) orbital reconstruction and a corresponding anisotropic lattice fluctuation. Furthermore, a reentrant-type behavior, triggered by this intercoupling, is observed in the remanent spin state. This microscopic perspective leads to insights on developing new strategies for maintaining bulk-like properties even in very thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterostructures.open11910Ysciescopu

    Pine cone scale-inspired motile origami

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    Stimuli-sensitive hydrogels have received attention because of their potential applications in various fields. Stimuli-directed motion offers many practical applications, such as in drug delivery systems and actuators. Directed motion of asymmetric hydrogels has long been designed; however, few studies have investigated the motion control of symmetric hydrogels. We designed a pine cone scale-inspired movable temperature-sensitive symmetric hydrogel that contains Fe3O4. Alignment of Fe3O4 along the magnetic force is key in motion control in which Fe3O4 acts like fibers in a pine cone scale. Although a homogeneous temperature-sensitive hydrogel cannot respond to a temperature gradient, the Fe3O4-containing hydrogel demonstrates considerable bending motion. Varying degrees and directions of motion are easily facilitated by controlling the amount and alignment angle of the Fe3O4. The shape of the hydrogel layer also influences the morphological structure. This study introduced facile and low-cost methods to control various bending motions. These results can be applied to many fields of engineering, including industrial engineering.111Ysciescopu

    Speed has an effect on multiple-object tracking independently of the number of close encounters between targets and distractors

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    Multiple-object tracking (MOT) studies have shown that tracking ability declines as object speed increases. However, this might be attributed solely to the increased number of times that target and distractor objects usually pass close to each other (“close encounters”) when speed is increased, resulting in more target–distractor confusions. The present study investigates whether speed itself affects MOT ability by using displays in which the number of close encounters is held constant across speeds. Observers viewed several pairs of disks, and each pair rotated about the pair’s midpoint and, also, about the center of the display at varying speeds. Results showed that even with the number of close encounters held constant across speeds, increased speed impairs tracking performance, and the effect of speed is greater when the number of targets to be tracked is large. Moreover, neither the effect of number of distractors nor the effect of target–distractor distance was dependent on speed, when speed was isolated from the typical concomitant increase in close encounters. These results imply that increased speed does not impair tracking solely by increasing close encounters. Rather, they support the view that speed affects MOT capacity by requiring more attentional resources to track at higher speeds

    The individual environment, not the family is the most important influence on preferences for common non-alcoholic beverages in adolescence

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    Beverage preferences are an important driver of consumption, and strong liking for beverages high in energy (e.g. sugar-sweetened beverages [SSBs]) and dislike for beverages low in energy (e.g. non-nutritive sweetened beverages [NNSBs]) are potentially modifiable risk factors contributing to variation in intake. Twin studies have established that both genes and environment play important roles in shaping food preferences; but the aetiology of variation in non-alcoholic beverage preferences is unknown. 2865 adolescent twins (18–19-years old) from the Twins Early Development Study were used to quantify genetic and environmental influence on variation in liking for seven non-alcoholic beverages: SSBs; NNSBs; fruit cordials, orange juice, milk, coffee, and tea. Maximum Likelihood Structural Equation Modelling established that beverage preferences have a moderate to low genetic basis; from 18% (95% CI: 10%, 25%) for orange juice to 42% (36%, 43%) for fruit cordials. Aspects of the environment that are not shared by twin pairs explained all remaining variance in drink preferences. The sizeable unique environmental influence on beverage preferences highlights the potential for environmental modification. Policies and guidelines to change preferences for unhealthy beverages may therefore be best directed at the wider environment

    Molecular profiling of cervical cancer progression

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    Most cancer patients die of metastatic or recurrent disease, hence the importance to identify target genes upregulated in these lesions. Although a variety of gene signatures associated with metastasis or poor prognosis have been identified in various cancer types, it remains a critical problem to identify key genes as candidate therapeutic targets in metastatic or recurrent cancer. The aim of our study was to identify genes consistently upregulated in both lymph node micrometastases and recurrent tumours compared to matched primary tumours in human cervical cancer. Taqman Low-Density Arrays were used to analyse matched tumour samples, obtained after laser-capture microdissection of tumour cell islands for the expression of 96 genes known to be involved in tumour progression. Immunohistochemistry was performed for a panel of up- and downregulated genes. In lymph node micrometastases, most genes were downregulated or showed expressions equal to the levels found in primary tumours. In more than 50% of lymph node micrometastases studied, eight genes (AKT, BCL2, CSFR1, EGFR1, FGF1, MMP3, MMP9 and TGF-β) were upregulated at least two-fold. Some of these genes (AKT and MMP3) are key regulators of epithelial–mesenchymal transition in cancer. In recurrent tumours, almost all genes were upregulated when compared to the expression profiles of the matched primary tumours, possibly reflecting their aggressive biological behaviour. The two genes showing a consistent downregulated expression in almost all lymph node metastases and recurrent tumours were BAX and APC. As treatment strategies are very limited for metastatic and recurrent cervical cancer, the upregulated genes identified in this study are potential targets for new molecular treatment strategies in metastatic or recurrent cervical cancer

    Identification of Spt5 Target Genes in Zebrafish Development Reveals Its Dual Activity In Vivo

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    Spt5 is a conserved essential protein that represses or stimulates transcription elongation in vitro. Immunolocalization studies on Drosophila polytene chromosomes suggest that Spt5 is associated with many loci throughout the genome. However, little is known about the prevalence and identity of Spt5 target genes in vivo during development. Here, we identify direct target genes of Spt5 using fogsk8 zebrafish mutant, which disrupts the foggy/spt5 gene. We identified that fogsk8 and their wildtype siblings differentially express less than 5% of genes examined. These genes participate in diverse biological processes from stress response to cell fate specification. Up-regulated genes exhibit shorter overall gene length compared to all genes examined. Through chromatin immunoprecipitation in zebrafish embryos, we identified a subset of developmentally critical genes that are bound by both Spt5 and RNA polymerase II. The protein occupancy patterns on these genes are characteristic of both repressive and stimulatory elongation regulation. Together our findings establish Spt5 as a dual regulator of transcription elongation in vivo and identify a small but diverse set of target genes critically dependent on Spt5 during development