1,607 research outputs found

    Incidence of an Astronaut Not Sealing the Pressure Garment Visor on Reentry

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    Audiovisual records of a Project Mercury pilot’s activities during an orbital flight indicate that his visor was left open during reentry and descent to the sea surface, phases of flight during which cabin pressure loss was to be mitigated by suit pressurization; however, the suit could not have been pressurized with the visor open. Thus, for a presently unknown reason, a critical safety step—sealing the visor and making a pressure suit integrity test before reentry—was overlooked in this flight. Later, Space Shuttle flights were carried out with visors unsealed for much of the launch and landing phases, with the false assumption that they could be closed if the crew cabin were to lose cabin pressure rapidly. The lessons are clear: first, spaceflight crews should be trained to seal visors for the entire launch and landing phases; and second, procedure checklists will always be important to crewed flight, in both public and private spaceflight

    Methylation Status of Imprinted Genes and Repetitive Elements in Sperm DNA from Infertile Males

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    Stochastic, environmentally and/or genetically induced disturbances in the genome-wide epigenetic reprogramming processes during male germ-cell development may contribute to male infertility. To test this hypothesis, we have studied the methylation levels of 2 paternally (H19 and GTL2) and 5 maternally methylated (LIT1, MEST, NESPAS, PEG3, and SNRPN) imprinted genes, as well as of ALU and LINE1 repetitive elements in 141 sperm samples, which were used for assisted reproductive technologies (ART), including 106 couples with strictly male-factor or combined male and female infertility and 28 couples with strictly female-factor infertility. Aberrant methylation imprints showed a significant association with abnormal semen parameters, but did not seem to influence ART outcome. Repeat methylation also differed significantly between sperm samples from infertile and presumably fertile males. However, in contrast to imprinted genes, ALU methylation had a significant impact on pregnancy and live-birth rate in couples with male-factor or combined infertility. ALU methylation was significantly high-er in sperm samples leading to pregnancy and live-birth than in those that did not. Sperm samples leading to abortions showed significantly lower ALU methylation levels than those leading to the birth of a baby. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Structure in the nucleus of NGC 1068 at 10 microns

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    New 8 to 13 micron array camera images of the central kiloparsec of Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 resolve structure that is similar to that observed at visible and radio wavelengths. The images reveal an infrared source which is extended and asymmetric, with its long axis oriented at P.A. 33 deg. Maps of the spatial distribution of 8 to 13 micron color temperature and warm dust opacity are derived from the multiwavelength infrared images. The results suggest that there exist two pointlike luminosity sources in the central regions of NGC 1068, with the brighter source at the nucleus and the fainter one some 100 pc to the northeast. This geometry strengthens the possibility that the 10 micron emission observed from grains in the nucleus is powered by a nonthermal source. In the context of earlier visible and radio studies, these results considerably strengthen the case for jet induced star formation in NGC 1068

    A Synergistic Behavior Underpins Human Hand Grasping Force Control During Environmental Constraint Exploitation

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    Despite the complex nature of human hands, neuroscientific studies suggested a simplified kinematic control underpinning motion generation, resulting in principal joint angle co-variation patterns, usually called postural hand synergies. Such a low dimensional description was observed in common grasping tasks, and was proven to be preserved also for grasps performed by exploiting the external environment (e.g., picking up a key by sliding it on a table). In this paper, we extend this analysis to the force domain. To do so, we performed experiments with six subjects, who were asked to grasp objects from a flat surface while force/torque measures were acquired at fingertip level through wearable sensors. The set of objects was chosen so that participants were forced to interact with the table to achieve a successful grasp. Principal component analysis was applied to force measurements to investigate the existence of co-variation schemes, i.e. a synergistic behavior. Results show that one principal component explains most of the hand force distribution. Applications to clinical assessment and robotic sensing are finally discussed

    Multi-Muscle FES Force Control of the Human Arm for Arbitrary Goals

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    We present a method for controlling a neuroprosthesis for a paralyzed human arm using functional electrical stimulation (FES) and characterize the errors of the controller. The subject has surgically implanted electrodes for stimulating muscles in her shoulder and arm. Using input/output data, a model mapping muscle stimulations to isometric endpoint forces measured at the subject’s hand was identified. We inverted the model of this redundant and coupled multiple-input multiple-output system by minimizing muscle activations and used this inverse for feedforward control. The magnitude of the total root mean square error over a grid in the volume of achievable isometric endpoint force targets was 11% of the total range of achievable forces. Major sources of error were random error due to trial-to-trial variability and model bias due to nonstationary system properties. Because the muscles working collectively are the actuators of the skeletal system, the quantification of errors in force control guides designs of motion controllers for multi-joint, multi-muscle FES systems that can achieve arbitrary goals

    Dynamic optimization of the transmission efficiency between the solid state microwave sources and the microwave applicator

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    [EN] Microwaves are a fast way to dry moist goods through volumetric heating. During the drying process, materials change their electrical properties. As a result, the impedances at the feed port of the applicator will change and the microwave source is not matched anymore. The amount of reflected power increases and the process efficiency reduces. New semiconductor high power sources can perform a dynamic impedance matching. A lab scaled functional model with two sources was designed and realized. For measuring the scattering parameters during the process run, an embedded two-port vector network analyzer was added. Measurement results confirm the feasibility of the concept.Zuber, S.; Joss, M.; Tresch, S.; Kleingries, M. (2018). Dynamic optimization of the transmission efficiency between the solid state microwave sources and the microwave applicator. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 291-298. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7412OCS29129


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    It is considered the control algorithm of photoelectric installation with storage battery. Рассмотрен алгоритм управления фотоэлектрической установкой с аккумуляторной батареей

    Spatial, temporal and interindividual epigenetic variation of functionally important DNA methylation patterns

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    DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that plays an important role in gene regulation. It can be influenced by stochastic events, environmental factors and developmental programs. However, little is known about the natural variation of gene-specific methylation patterns. In this study, we performed quantitative methylation analyses of six differentially methylated imprinted genes (H19, MEG3, LIT1, NESP55, PEG3 and SNRPN), one hypermethylated pluripotency gene (OCT4) and one hypomethylated tumor suppressor gene (APC) in chorionic villus, fetal and adult cortex, and adult blood samples. Both average methylation level and range of methylation variation depended on the gene locus, tissue type and/or developmental stage. We found considerable variability of functionally important methylation patterns among unrelated healthy individuals and a trend toward more similar methylation levels in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins. Imprinted genes showed relatively little methylation changes associated with aging in individuals who are >25 years. The relative differences in methylation among neighboring CpGs in the generally hypomethylated APC promoter may not only reflect stochastic fluctuations but also depend on the tissue type. Our results are consistent with the view that most methylation variation may arise after fertilization, leading to epigenetic mosaicism