271 research outputs found

    The influence of public diplomacy on the states visibility in the international relations

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    "The attention of this paper focuses on international relations and the impact of public. This paper focuses on international relations and the impact of public diplomacy. The main goal of this study is to analyze the modern instruments of Public diplomacy that are available to countries aiming to achieve three goals in realizing their national interests: first, to overcome negative images from their past, second, to disseminate their values and model of governing and, third, which is most frequently the case, made widely known their comparative economic and trade advantages for foreign investment. Having in mind the Macedonian example, some analysts, when talking about the introduction of EU to the, citizens, believe that they do not sufficiently explain what it means membership in Euro-Atlantic structures. The Republic of Macedonia shall be used as a reference to the case study in the thesis where numerous practical examples are applied to Public diplomacy in the country recent past record in the field of public diplomacy." (author's abstract


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    The attention of this paper focuses on international relations and the impact of public. This paper focuses on international relations and the impact of public diplomacy. The main goal of this study is to analyze the modern instruments of Public diplomacy that are available to countries aiming to achieve three goals in realizing their national interests: first, to overcome negative images from their past, second, to disseminate their values and model of governing and, third, which is most frequently the case, made widely known their comparative economic and trade advantages for foreign investment. Having in mind the Macedonian example, some analysts, when talking about the introduction of EU to the citizens, believe that they do not sufficiently explain what it means membership in Euro-Atlantic structures. The Republic of Macedonia shall be used as a reference to the case study in the thesis where numerous practical examples are applied to Public diplomacy in the country's recent past record in the field of public diplomacy


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    In this paper, we will attempt to describe an integrative model that links stress, trauma, and post-traumatic health disorders through biological, psychological, and behavioral mechanisms of influence. Each of these phenomena has its specificities but also shares common characteristics (sources, symptoms, and consequences) related to health and an individual’s functioning. Prolonged stress and sudden experiences can lead to trauma, and repeated experiences of trauma over time can result in the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This key mechanism illustrates how long-term stress and trauma can lead to severe health impairment. A review of the literature on this topic, along with our many years of experience and research in these areas, reveals that the majority of authors in their research primarily focus on one of these topics, usually stress. There are fewer studies that provide a comprehensive representation of both stress and trauma. We have not come across any research that unifies all three topics in their presentation, highlighting the common elements as well as the specificities and differences. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate, through an integrative approach, the combined impact of these three phenomena on health and an individual’s functioning. First, we will describe each of these phenomena along with their respective specifications. Finally, we will attempt to integrate the knowledge of physiological and psychological mechanisms for dealing with stress, trauma, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Although challenging, we will also touch upon prevention strategies towards the end

    Logistic services trade balance as indicator of Macedonian logistic industry potential

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    AbstractLogistic industry as one of the leading world industries has respectable influence towards world economy flows. There are many indicators that confirm importance of logistic industry in certain country. One of those indicators is logistic services trade balance, as part of country's balance of payment, expressed by all international transactions of the country made on logistic services. Balance of payment indicates real economic condition of a country; in fact, countries with positive pay balance are sufficient and otherwise. Countries can reduce their negative balance of payment and also convert it into positive with incomes realized on trade in logistic services. It must be considered that effects of logistic services on balance of payment are hard to determine because of the complexity of logistic industry as well as lack of necessary data, and there is a need to mark all those elements that can not be calculated in logistic services trade balance. That way we can present a better picture for the potential of the logistic industry and its impact on national economy. Data given in logistic services trade balance are still worth to realize potential of logistic sector development of any country, as well as Macedonia in this case

    Квалитет на живот кај деца без родители и родителска грижа згрижени во згрижувачки семејства

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    Republic of Macedonia establishes the system of social protection and enables its functioning, by providing conditions and measures for social - protective activities. By promoting the process of deinstitutionalization, the idea of preventing the institutionalization of children with moderate and severe mental disability is imposed, as well as the need to initiate activities to support families, including taking responsibility for improving the quality of life of children while keeping them in a home environment. Carers who agree to care for a child within the family, will need to provide love, warmth and care for his health, education, as well as provide stability and security. Within this research, we questioned 47 children who receive care outside the institutions (SOS foster families and other foster families) and 38 children placed in institutional care (11 Oktomvri). The quality of life was assessed with the questionnaire for the quality of life – PedsQLTM. Results shoed that males aged 5-12 years within the system of social protection evaluate their quality of life as lowest, children and adolescents from institutions evaluate their quality of life lower compared with children and adolescents in foster families and the general population. Also, children and adolescents from institutions have the lowest score in emotional functions as a domain of quality of life, while the children and adolescents of the foster families have a minimum quality of life in the area of physical functioning.Република Македонија го воспоставува системот на социјална заштита и овозможува негово функционирање, обезбедувајќи услови и мерки за социјално-заштитни активности. Со промовирање на процесот на деинституционализација, се наметнува потребата да се иницираат активности за поддршка на семејствата, вклучително и преземање одговорност за подобрување на квалитетот на животот на децата во домашна средина. Згрижувачите кои се согласуваат да се грижат за дете во семејството, ќе треба да обезбедат љубов, топлина и грижа за своето здравје, образование, како и да обезбедат стабилност и безбедност. Во рамките на ова истражување, беа вклучени 47 деца од вонинституционална заштита (СОС-згрижувачки семејства и други згрижувачки семејства) и 38 деца во институционална грижа (11 Октомври). Квалитетот на животот беше оценет со прашалникот за квалитетот на животот - PedsQLTM. Резултатите покажаа дека машките деца на возраст од 5-12 години во рамките на системот на социјална заштита го оценуваат нивниот квалитет на живот како најлош, а децата и адолесцентите од институциите го оценуваат нивниот квалитет на живот како понизок, во споредба со децата и адолесцентите во згрижувачките семејства и општата популација. Исто така, децата и адолесцентите од институциите имаат најнизок резултат во емоционалните функции како домен за квалитетот на животот, додека децата и адолесцентите на згрижувачките семејства имаат минимален квалитет на живот во областа на физичкото функционирање

    Optimal actuator and sensor placement with regard to coupled electro-mechanical behaviour of smart structures

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    In this paper the problem of optimal actuator and sensor placement for active large flexible structures is considered. The proposed placement optimization method is based on balanced reduced models. It overcomes disadvantages arising from demanding numeric procedures related with high order structural models. Optimization procedure relies on H2 and H∞ norms, as well as on controllability and observability Gramians, related with structural eigenmodes of interest. The optimization procedure is documented by examples, which show a good agreement between the results obtained using different placement indices

    Assessment of the energy efficiency practices in the hotel industry

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    The study evaluates the application of the energy efficiency practices in the hotel industry. It explores the determinants of energy consumption in three and four-star hotels in Macedonia. The research investigates the impacts of several elementary components of the energy practices, by measuring the current level of influence. The data were obtained by an online survey conducted among managers and processed by descriptive statistics and factor analysis. The results point out some alarming facts, i.e. these types of hotels lack policies on general environmental issues. The managers pose some high awareness of the benefits produced by this concept, which is due to the highly positive perception of the environmental protection. The lack of subsidies at local and national level is identified as the most profound constraint along with the technical limits of the hotel facilities and costs increase. The study recommends some new approaches in challenging the hotel industry to decrease the operating costs and suggests that managers are in need for better understanding of the importance of the energy efficiency practices

    Numerical modelling of coupled electro-mechanical problems for the state space controller design

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    Model development for coupled electro-mechanical problems in light-weight smart structure design is the subject of this paper. The paper addresses development of reliable models for the controller design of piezoelectric smart structures and systems, within an overall design procedure. Model development is based on the finite element (FE) approach, with application of modal reduction techniques for obtaining the state space models convenient for the controller design. Modal truncation and balanced modal reduction are considered as modal reduction techniques, with regard to controllability and observability issues. From the model optimization and verification point of view the experimental modal analysis and identification issues are addressed as well. Examples of model application to controller design document the feasibility of the technique

    Multifunctional building Vitkov

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    Import 04/07/2011Zadáním této bakalářské práce je vypracování projektové dokumentace pro provedení stavby polyfunkčního domu ve městě Vítkov. Bakalářské práci předcházela urbanistická studie průmyslové zóny a studie samotného polyfunkčního objektu. V rámci urbanistické studie byly navržené čtyři objekty sloužící pro služby veřejnosti. Zároveň tyto objekty měli tvořit pomyslnou bariéru mezi průmyslovou zónou a zástavbou rodinných domu. Následovala studie samotného polyfunkčního domu, který je navržen tak, aby se začlenil nejen do okolní zástavby, ale aby i navazoval na nerovnost terénu dané oblasti. V objektu jsou navržený plochy pro obchodní jednotky, kanceláře, byty a dále je zde navržená podzemní garáž. Závěrečná podoba bakalářské práce je soubor všech platných předpisů, vyhlášek a norem.The thesis is the development of project documentation for construction of the multi functionalbuilding in town Vitkov. Bachelor work was preceded by a study urban industrialzones and the study itself multi functional building. In the urban study proposed four objects were used forpublic service. At the same time these objects were to form theimaginary barrier between the industrial zone and buildhouses. Followed by the study itself multi functional building,which is designed to incorporate not only thesurrounding buildings, but also followed the irregular terrain of the area. There are areas designed for retail, offices, apartmentsand there is a proposed underground garage. The bachelor thesis is a summary of all identified circumstances, the applicable rules, regulations and standardsPrezenční226 - Katedra architekturyvelmi dobř