190 research outputs found

    Jeremy Bentham: Prophet of Secularism

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    To speak of a secular prophet appears nowadays to be a contradiction in terms. A prophet is usually understood to be a person who, inspired by supernatural agency, speaks on behalf of that agent and predicts the future. Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832), the philosopher and reformer, pointed out that the original Greek term referred in its extensive sense simply to a person who ‘speaks out’, and in a more limited extent to a person who ‘foretells’. Every politician who advocated a measure that he thought was beneficial, noted Bentham, was a prophet. The term, however, had been appropriated by ‘religionists’, who had seized on its ambiguity in order to further their own schemes and projects. Bentham turned against religion in his early teenage years. Though born into a staunch Church of England family, and though educated at a Church of England university (Oxford), his revolt against religion became apparent when, at the age of 16, he bitterly resented being forced to subscribe to the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England in order to take his degree. He came to advocate religious freedom, and the abolition of all formal connection between church and state. Yet he was reluctant at first to make his hostility explicit. Bentham began An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1780) by stating: ‘Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure.’ The term ‘Nature’ was nicely ambiguous. For the religiously inclined, ‘Nature’ could be interpreted to mean God, the Creator of the Universe. For Bentham, however, ‘Nature’ referred to human psychology, based in turn on human physiology. In the 1810s Bentham was ready to launch a sustained attack on religion and religious establishments. Many thousands of manuscript sheets written by Bentham on this subject remain relatively unexplored. The Bentham Project has recently begun to transcribe and edit a series of about 1,000 manuscript sheets that Bentham intended for Part III of ‘Not Paul, but Jesus’. The first part of this work was published in 1823 under the pseudonym Gamaliel Smith. The second part, which has never been published, consists in a history of the early Christian Church. The third part is a critique of the teachings of St Paul, with a particular focus on the principle of asceticism (the doctrine that the right action is that which promotes pain and eliminates pleasure). Bentham argued that St Paul’s strategy had been to instil credulity in his followers, to the extent that they would believe anything he told them. Paul had gone on to attack activities that might divert his followers from following his religion, the most important of such activities being the pleasures of the bed and the pleasures of the table. Paul had been particularly critical of homosexual relationships. Bentham argued that Jesus had not condemned such pleasures, and pointed to that Jesus had himself engaged in homosexual activity. The religion of Paul was, therefore, different from the religion of Jesus. The Biblical account of Sodom and Gomorrah, moreover, did not condemn homosexuality, but gang rape. Bentham proposed that all sexual activity that was consensual—whether with oneself, whether with partners of the same or the opposite sex, whether with partners of different species—should be made free from legislative interference. In the post-Malthusian age, non-prolific modes of sexual activity were rather to be welcomed than condemned. In short, Bentham saw sexual morality as a key battleground in the fight to divorce morality and legislation from the influence of religion

    Sidgwick on Bentham: the 'double aspect' of utilitarianism

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    Henry Sidgwick identified in the writings of Jeremy Bentham the problem that he termed the ‘double aspect’ of utilitarianism. At the same time that Bentham’s utilitarianism advocated the promotion of the general happiness, it assumed the predominant selfishness of human beings. The problem was how to ensure that self-interested individuals pursued a non-selfish end. Bentham had created the problem by including both a psychological and ethical dimension in his utilitarianism, and his followers, including John Stuart Mill, had failed to deal with it. It is argued here that Bentham had more resources at his disposal to solve the problem of the ‘double aspect’ than Sidgwick appreciated, but it is recognized that Sidgwick himself thought that there was no solution unless one was able to assume the existence of a duty-enforcing divine being

    Coral-reef-derived dimethyl sulfide and the climatic impact of the loss of coral reefs

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    Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is a naturally occurring aerosol precursor gas which plays an important role in the global sulfur budget, aerosol formation and climate. While DMS is produced predominantly by phytoplankton, recent observational literature has suggested that corals and their symbionts produce a comparable amount of DMS, which is unaccounted for in models. It has further been hypothesised that the coral reef source of DMS may modulate regional climate. This hypothesis presents a particular concern given the current threat to coral reefs under anthropogenic climate change. In this paper, a global climate model with online chemistry and aerosol is used to explore the influence of coral-reef-derived DMS on atmospheric composition and climate. A simple representation of coral-reef-derived DMS is developed and added to a common DMS surface water climatology, resulting in an additional flux of 0.3 Tg yr−1 S, or 1.7 % of the global sulfur flux from DMS. By comparing the differences between both nudged and free-running ensemble simulations with and without coral-reef-derived DMS, the influence of coral-reef-derived DMS on regional climate is quantified. In the Maritime Continent–Australian region, where the highest density of coral reefs exists, a small decrease in nucleation- and Aitken-mode aerosol number concentration and mass is found when coral reef DMS emissions are removed from the system. However, these small responses are found to have no robust effect on regional climate via direct and indirect aerosol effects. This work emphasises the complexities of the aerosol–climate system, and the limitations of current modelling capabilities are highlighted, in particular surrounding convective responses to changes in aerosol. In conclusion, we find no robust evidence that coral-reef-derived DMS influences global and regional climate

    Selective targeting of human TET1 by cyclic peptide inhibitors: Insights from biochemical profiling

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    Ten-Eleven Translocation (TET) enzymes are Fe(II)/2OG-dependent oxygenases that play important roles in epigenetic regulation, but selective inhibition of the TETs is an unmet challenge. We describe the profiling of previously identified TET1-binding macrocyclic peptides. TiP1 is established as a potent TET1 inhibitor (IC50 = 0.26 \ub5M) with excellent selectivity over other TETs and 2OG oxygenases. TiP1 alanine scanning reveals the critical roles of Trp10 and Glu11 residues for inhibition of TET isoenzymes. The results highlight the utility of the RaPID method to identify potent enzyme inhibitors with selectivity over closely related paralogues. The structure–activity relationship data generated herein may find utility in the development of chemical probes for the TETs

    The Canadian Natural Health Products (NHP) regulations: industry perceptions and compliance factors

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    BACKGROUND: The use of natural health products, such as vitamins, minerals, and herbs, by Canadians has been increasing with time. As a result of consumer concern about the quality of these products, the Canadian Department of Health created the Natural Health Products (NHP) Regulations. The new Canadian regulations raise questions about whether and how the NHP industry will be able to comply and what impact they will have on market structure. The objectives of this study were to explore who in the interview sample is complying with Canada's new NHP Regulations (i.e., submitted product licensing applications on time); and explore the factors that affect regulatory compliance. METHODS: Twenty key informant interviews were conducted with employees of the NHP industry. The structured interviews focused on the level of satisfaction with the Regulations and perceptions of compliance and non-compliance. Interviews were tape recorded and then transcribed verbatim. Data were independently coded, using qualitative content analysis. Team meetings were held after every three to four interviews to discuss emerging themes. RESULTS: The major finding of this study is that most (17 out of 20) companies interviewed were beginning to comply with the new regulatory regime. The factors that contribute to likelihood of regulatory compliance were: perceptions and knowledge of the regulations and business size. CONCLUSION: The Canadian case can be instructive for other countries seeking to implement regulatory standards for natural health products. An unintended consequence of the Canadian NHP regulations may be the exit of smaller firms, leading to industry consolidation

    The Relationship between Asthma and Depression in Primary Care Patients: A Historical Cohort and Nested Case Control Study

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    Asthma and depression are common health problems in primary care. Evidence of a relationship between asthma and depression is conflicting. Objectives: to determine 1. The incidence rate and incidence rate ratio of depression in primary care patients with asthma compared to those without asthma, and 2. The standardized mortality ratio of depressed compared to non-depressed patients with asthma.A historical cohort and nested case control study using data derived from the United Kingdom General Practice Research Database. Participants: 11,275 incident cases of asthma recorded between 1/1/95 and 31/12/96 age, sex and practice matched with non-cases from the database (ratio 1∶1) and followed up through the database for 10 years. 1,660 cases were matched by date of asthma diagnosis with 1,660 controls. Main outcome measures: number of cases diagnosed with depression, the number of deaths over the study period.The rate of depression in patients with asthma was 22.4/1,000 person years and without asthma 13.8 /1,000 person years. The incident rate ratio (adjusted for age, sex, practice, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, smoking) was 1.59 (95% CI 1.48–1.71). The increased rate of depression was not associated with asthma severity or oral corticosteroid use. It was associated with the number of consultations (odds ratio per visit 1.09; 95% CI 1.07–1.11). The age and sex adjusted standardized mortality ratio for depressed patients with asthma was 1.87 (95% CI: 1.54–2.27).Asthma is associated with depression. This was not related to asthma severity or oral corticosteroid use but was related to service use. This suggests that a diagnosis of depression is related to health seeking behavior in patients with asthma. There is an increased mortality rate in depressed patients with asthma. The cause of this needs further exploration. Consideration should be given to case-finding for depression in this population

    Anxiety is not enough to drive me away: A latent profile analysis on math anxiety and math motivation

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    Mathematics anxiety (MA) and mathematics motivation (MM) are important multi-dimensional non-cognitive factors in mathematics learning. While the negative relation between global MA and MM is well replicated, the relations between specific dimensions of MA and MM are largely unexplored. The present study utilized latent profile analysis to explore profiles of various aspects of MA (including learning MA and exam MA) and MM (including importance, self-perceived ability, and interest), to provide a more holistic understanding of the math-specific emotion and motivation experiences. In a sample of 927 high school students (13–21 years old), we found 8 distinct profiles characterized by various combinations of dimensions of MA and MM, revealing the complexity in the math-specific emotion-motivation relation beyond a single negative correlation. Further, these profiles differed on mathematics learning behaviors and mathematics achievement. For example, the highest achieving students reported modest exam MA and high MM, whereas the most engaged students were characterized by a combination of high exam MA and high MM. These results call for the need to move beyond linear relations among global constructs to address the complexity in the emotion-motivation-cognition interplay in mathematics learning, and highlight the importance of customized intervention for these heterogeneous groups

    Whole-cell and single-channel α 1 β 1 γ 2S GABA A receptor currents elicited by a ”multipuffer” drug application device

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     Pharmacological characterization of ion channels and receptors in cultured neurons or transfected cell lines requires microapplication of multiple drug solutions during electrophysiological recording. An ideal device could apply a large number of solutions to a limited area with rapid arrival and removal of drug solutions. We describe a novel ”multipuffer” rapid application device, based on a modified T-tube with a nozzle made from a glass micropipette tip. Drug solutions are drawn via suction from open reservoirs mounted above the recording chamber through the device into a waste trap. Closure of a solenoid valve between the device and the waste trap causes flow of drug solution though the T-tube nozzle. Any number of drug solutions can be applied with rapid onset (50–100 ms) after a brief fixed delay (100–200 ms). Recombinant α 1 β 1 γ 2S GABA A receptors (GABARs) transfected into L929 fibroblasts were recorded using whole-cell and single-channel configurations. Application of GABA resulted in chloride currents with an EC 50 of 12.2 μM and a Hill slope of 1.27, suggesting more than one binding site for GABA. GABAR currents were enhanced by diazepam and pentobarbital and inhibited by bicuculline and picrotoxin. Single-channel recordings revealed a main conductance state of 26–28 pS. This device is particularly suitable for rapid, spatially controlled drug applications onto neurons or other cells recorded in the whole-cell configuration, but is also appropriate for isolated single-channel or multichannel membrane patch recordings.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42242/1/424-432-6-1080_64321080.pd

    Fastloc-GPS reveals daytime departure and arrival during long-distance migration and the use of different resting strategies in sea turtles

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    Determining the time of day that animals initiate and end migration, as well as variation in diel movement patterns during migration, provides insights into the types of strategy used to maximise energy efficiency and ensure successful completion of migration. However, obtaining this level of detail has been difficult for long-distance migratory marine species. Thus, we investigated whether the large volume of highly accurate locations obtained by Argos-linked Fastloc-GPS transmitters could be used to identify the time of day that adult green (n = 8 turtles, 9487 locations) and loggerhead (n = 46 turtles, 47,588 locations) sea turtles initiate and end migration, along with potential resting strategies during migration. We found that departure from and arrival at breeding, stopover and foraging sites consistently occurred during the daytime, which is consistent with previous findings suggesting that turtles might use solar visual cues for orientation. Only seven turtles made stopovers (of up to 6 days and all located close to the start or end of migration) during migration, possibly to rest and/or refuel; however, observations of day versus night speed of travel indicated that turtles might use other mechanisms to rest. For instance, turtles travelled 31% slower at night compared to day during their oceanic crossings. Furthermore, within the first 24 h of entering waters shallower than 100 m towards the end of migration, some individuals travelled 72% slower at night, repeating this behaviour intermittently (each time for a one-night duration at 3–6 day intervals) until reaching the foraging grounds. Thus, access to data-rich, highly accurate Argos-linked Fastloc-GPS provided information about differences in day versus night activity at different stages in migration, allowing us, for the first time, to compare the strategies used by a marine vertebrate with terrestrial land-based and flying species