201 research outputs found

    . Design and teaching of physical education for children and youth.

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    The reduction of physical activity is a phenomenon that affects the world population at all ages (childhood and adolescence, adulthood and third age) whose effects do not only concern the predisposition to risk factors for health but also more generally well-being and good individual bio-psycho-social functioning. Sedentary lifestyle, unfortunately, no longer affects adults and the elderly, but it is an unhealthy habit that is grafted more and more precociously, also extending to children and adolescents. In fact, during the developmental age we observe alarming trends of involution of motor skills with a general trend of reduction in the quality and quantity of movements in both children and adolescents; over the last fifty years, unfortunately, the coordination of school-age children has regressed, manifesting itself with a significant delay in the development of coordination especially in urban populations, as well as being affected by a serious and widespread problem of overweight and obesity in age paediatric. This paper analyses some special educational needs of movement during childhood and adolescence, even in the presence of disabilities, and tracks the main teaching methods that enhance the body and movement and the sensory perceptive syste

    How can teachers contribute to develop executive functions through motor activity?

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    Why are executive functions so important? Can motor activity contribute to develop the executive functions? How can teachers help children in improving their school readiness? The aim of this work is to investigate on these questions and to study 5 years old children after ten weeks of motor activity program in a playground

    Percezione-azione: il ruolo dell\u2019educatore nella attribuzione di significato all\u2019ambiente e al compito, con bambini di 5 anni

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    Un supporto dato in zona di sviluppo prossimale ha contribuito alla mo-difica delle affordances dei piccoli, indipendentemente dalle loro misure an-tropometriche e dalle caratteristiche della \u201cbarra con molle\u201d; i bambini non supportati hanno avuto un lievissimo miglioramento nelle affordances corre-lato alle misure antropometriche; le esperienze di successo dei bambini sup-portati hanno incrementato la loro motivazione ad apprendere, contribuendo ad aumentare i loro tentativi di riuscire a camminare in equilibrio sulla barra, durante il gioco libero; i continui e ripetuti tentativi di salire e camminare in equilibrio sulla \u201cbarra con molle\u201d hanno permesso ai bambini di sviluppare successivamente la loro capacit\ue0 di equilibrio. L\u2019educatore pu\uf2 intervenire in \u201czona di sviluppo prossimale\u201d, attraverso la mediazione tra il bambino e il compito, modificando le affordances, la-sciando invariato l\u2019oggetto di attenzione

    Favorire la pratica dell'attivit\ue0 motoria da 3 a 6 anni

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    Trattazione di metodologie didattiche per la scuola dell'infanzia applicate allo sviluppo delle capacit\ue0 motorie di base nella fascia d'et\ue0 4-6 ann

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año XVII Otoño-Invierno 1999 n. 3 pp. 723-751]

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    Editada en la Fundación Empresa PúblicaMaluquer de Motes, J. Historia económica de Catalunya, segles XIX i XX (Por Gabriel Tortella).-- Muñoz de Juana, R. Moral y economía en la obra de Martín de Axpilcueta (Por F. Gómez Camacho).-- Rothbard Murray, N. Historia del pensamiento económico (Por Carlos Rodríguez Braun).-- Ferrer i Alós, L. La vinya al Bages (Por Juan Carmona).-- Alonso Olea, E.; Erro Gasca, C , y Arana Pérez,L. Santa Ana de Bolueta, 1841-1998. Renovación y supervivencia en la siderurgia vizcaína (Por Eugenio Torres Villanueva).-- Moreno Luzón, J. Romanones. Caciquismo y política liberal (Por Miguel Ángel Martorell Linares).-- Alonso Álvarez, L. As tecedeiras do fume. Historia da Fábrica de Tabacos da Coruña (Por Eloy Fernández Clemente).-- Erro Gasca, C. Promoción empresarial y cambio económico en Navarra, 1830-1913 (Por Carlos Larrinaga Rodríguez).-- De Vries, J. y Van Der Woude, A. The First Modem Economy. Success, Failure, and Perseverance ofthe Dutch Economy, 1500-1815 (Por Clara Eugenia Núñez).-- Ludow, L. y Marichal, C. La Banca en México, 1820-1920, y Un siglo de deuda pública en México (Por Pablo Martín Aceña)Publicad

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año VII Invierno 1989 n. 1 pp. 219-253]

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    Linda Newson. The Cost Of Conquest. Indian decline in Honduras under the Spanish rule e Indian survival in colonial Nicaragua (Por Pedro Pérez Herrero).-- Pedro Rodríguez Campomanes. Reflexiones sobre el comercio español a Indias. (Por Luis Perdices Blas).-- Josep Fontana y otros. El comercio libre entre España y América Latina, 1765- 1824 (Por Andrés José Moreno Mengíbar).-- David-Sven Reher. Familia, población y sociedad en la provincia de Cuenca, 1700- 1970 (Por Concepción De Castro).-- Harvey J. Graff. The labyrinths of literacy. Reflections on literacy past and present (Por Clara E. Núñez).-- Bernard Elbaum y William Lazonick (Eds.) The decline of the Brittish Economy (Por Antonio F. Cubel Montesinos).-- Antonio Gómez Mendoza. Ferrocarril y mercado interior, Vol. 1: cereales, harinas y vinos, y Vol. 2: Manufacturas textiles, materias textiles, minerales, combustibles y metales (Por James Simpson).-- Carmen Sanchís Deusa. El transporte en el País Valenciano. Carreteras y ferrocarriles (Por Javier Vidal Olivares).-- José Manuel Naredo. La economía en evolución. Historia y perspectivas de las categorías básicas del pensamiento Eeconómico (Por Manuel Santos Redondo).-- Roger Backhouse. Historia del análisis económico moderno (Por Fernando Méndez Ibisate).-- William N. Parker (Ed.). Economic History and the modern economist (Por Gabriel Tortella)Publicad

    Political Regimes and Sovereign Credit Risk in Europe, 1750-1913

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    This article uses a new panel data set to perform a statistical analysis of political regimes and sovereign credit risk in Europe from 1750 to 1913. Old Regime polities typically suffered from fiscal fragmentation and absolutist rule. By the start of World War I, however, many such countries had centralized institutions and limited government. Panel regressions indicate that centralized and?or limited regimes were associated with significant improvements in credit risk relative to fragmented and absolutist ones. Structural break tests also reveal close relationships between major turning points in yield series and political transformations

    Immobilization of the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor to degrade the herbicide atrazine

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    Herbicides cause environmental concerns because they are toxic and accumulate in the environment, food products and water supplies. There is a need to develop safe, efficient and economical methods to remove them from the environment, often by biodegradation. Atrazine is such herbicide. White-rot fungi have the ability to degrade herbicides of potential utility. This study formulated a novel pelletized support to immobilize the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor to improve its capability to degrade the atrazine using a biopurification system (BS). Different proportions of sawdust, starch, corn meal and flaxseed were used to generate three pelletized supports (F1, F2 and F3). In addition, immobilization with coated and uncoated pelletized supports (CPS and UPS, respectively) was assessed. UPS-F1 was determined as the most effective system as it provided high level of manganese peroxidase activity and fungal viability. The half-life (t1/2) of atrazine decreased from 14 to 6 days for the control and inoculated samples respectively. Inoculation with immobilized A. discolor produced an increase in the fungal taxa assessed by DGGE and on phenoloxidase activity determined. The treatment improves atrazine degradation and reduces migration to surface and groundwater.Grant CONICYT/FONDAP/15130015Grant FONDECYT 112096