23 research outputs found

    Avaliação de reativos padrões para provas de Imunodifusão Radial. Controle in vitro de vacinas antirrábicas

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    The RID assay is one of the in vitro methods used for in-process control in the production of rabies vaccines for veterinary use. It has been shown to be very useful for determining antigen concentration in the final bulk product. The work presented in this paper, including the production and standardization of candidate standard reagents for use in the Radial Immunodiffusion Assay (RID) was carried out at the Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses (INPPAZ/PAHO/WHO). The study was completed with the cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata (NULP), Argentina, where the validation of the proposed standards and the quality control of samples from 28 different batches of rabies vaccines produced with Pasteur strain rabies virus (PV) in BHK cells were performed. The activity of the vaccines was determined by in vivo (NIH) and in vitro (RID)assays. The results of the candidate reagents for the reagent standardization tests showed stability, sensitivity and reproducibility. The Relative Potency the 1.2 between the problem vaccines and the reference vaccine was estimated by variance and regression analysis. The results of our validation study show that the INPPAZ (PAHO/WHO) is capable of producing and distributing the above-mentioned standard reagents, as well as of providing support for the incorporation of the RID technique (sensitive, rapid and inexpensive) to the laboratories that manufacture rabies vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean.A prova de Imunodifusão Radial (IDR) é um método in vitro conveniente para determinar a concentração de antígenos no produto final como um todo, de vacinas anti-rábicas para uso veterinário. Os reativos padrões candidatos para uso na prova IDR, proposta para o controle de processo de vacinas de cultivo celular, elaboradas na América Latina e Caribe, foram produzidos e padronizados no Instituto Panamericano de Proteção de Alimentos e Zoonoses (INPPAZ). A validação dos padrões e o controle de qualidade de 28 lotes de vacinas anti-rábicas, de diferentes procedências, foram realizados na Faculdade de Ciências Veterinárias da Universidade de La Plata, Argentina (UNLP). Todas as vacinas foram elaboradas com virus rábico cepa Pasteur (PV) em células BHK e sua atividade foi determinada através de provas in vivo (NIH) e in vitro (IDR). Os resultados dos reativos, candidatos para as provas de padronização, demonstraram estabilidade, sensibilidade e reprodutibilidade. Por análise de variância e de regressão foi estimada a potência relativa de 1.2 entre as vacinas problemas e a vacina de referência. Os resultados deste estudo de validação indicam que o INPPAZ, está em condições de elaborar e distribuir os reativos padrões acima mencionados e apoiar a adoção da técnica de IDR (sensível, rápida, econômica) pelos laboratórios de produção de vacinas anti-rábicas da América Latina e Caribe

    Evaluation of standard reagents for radial-immunodiffusion assays : In vitro control of rabies vaccines

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    The RID assay is one of the in vitro methods used for in-process control in the production of rabies vaccines for veterinary use. It has been shown to be very useful for determining antigen concentration in the final bulk product. The work presented in this paper, including the production and standardization of candidate standard reagents for use in the Radial Immunodiffusion Assay (RID) was carried out at the Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses (INPPAZ/PAHO/WHO). The study was completed with the cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata (NULP), Argentina, where the validation of the proposed standards and the quality control of samples from 28 different batches of rabies vaccines produced with Pasteur strain rabies virus (PV) in BHK cells were performed. The activity of the vaccines was determined by in vivo (NIH) and in vitro (RID)assays. The results of the candidate reagents for the reagent standardization tests showed stability, sensitivity and reproducibility. The Relative Potency the 1.2 between the problem vaccines and the reference vaccine was estimated by variance and regression analysis. The results of our validation study show that the INPPAZ (PAHO/WHO) is capable of producing and distributing the above-mentioned standard reagents, as well as of providing support for the incorporation of the RID technique (sensitive, rapid and inexpensive) to the laboratories that manufacture rabies vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Evaluation of standard reagents for radial-immunodiffusion assays : In vitro control of rabies vaccines

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    The RID assay is one of the in vitro methods used for in-process control in the production of rabies vaccines for veterinary use. It has been shown to be very useful for determining antigen concentration in the final bulk product. The work presented in this paper, including the production and standardization of candidate standard reagents for use in the Radial Immunodiffusion Assay (RID) was carried out at the Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses (INPPAZ/PAHO/WHO). The study was completed with the cooperation of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, National University of La Plata (NULP), Argentina, where the validation of the proposed standards and the quality control of samples from 28 different batches of rabies vaccines produced with Pasteur strain rabies virus (PV) in BHK cells were performed. The activity of the vaccines was determined by in vivo (NIH) and in vitro (RID)assays. The results of the candidate reagents for the reagent standardization tests showed stability, sensitivity and reproducibility. The Relative Potency the 1.2 between the problem vaccines and the reference vaccine was estimated by variance and regression analysis. The results of our validation study show that the INPPAZ (PAHO/WHO) is capable of producing and distributing the above-mentioned standard reagents, as well as of providing support for the incorporation of the RID technique (sensitive, rapid and inexpensive) to the laboratories that manufacture rabies vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Prevalence and genetic characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus CC398 isolates from invasive infections in spanish hospitals, focusing on the livestock-independent CC398-MSSA clade

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    Background: Livestock-associated (LA)-CC398-MRSA is closely related to pigs, being unfrequently detected in human invasive infections. CC398-MSSA is emerging in human invasive infections in some countries, but genetic and epidemiological characteristics are still scarcely reported. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) CC398, both MRSA and MSSA, among blood cultures SA isolates recovered in Spanish hospitals located in regions with different pig-farming densities (PD) and characterize the recovered isolates. Methods: One thousand twenty-two SA isolates (761 MSSA, 261 MRSA) recovered from blood cultures during 6–12 months in 17 Spanish hospitals (2018–2019) were studied. CC398 lineage identification, detection of spa-types, and antibiotic resistance, virulence and human immune evasion cluster (IEC) genes were analyzed by PCR/sequencing. Results: Forty-four CC398-MSSA isolates (4.3% of SA; 5.8% of MSSA) and 10 CC398-MRSA isolates (1% of SA; 3.8% of MRSA) were detected. Eleven spa-types were found among the CC398-MSSA isolates with t571 and t1451 the most frequent spa-types detected (75%). Most of CC398-MSSA isolates were Immune-Evasion-Cluster (IEC)-positive (88.6%), tetracycline-susceptible (95.5%) and erythromycin/clindamycin–inducible-resistant/erm(T)-positive (75%). No statistical significance was detected when the CC398-MSSA/MSSA rate was correlated to PD (pigs/km2) (p = 0.108). On the contrary, CC398-MRSA isolates were all IEC-negative, predominately spa-t011 (70%), and the CC398-MRSA/MRSA rate was significantly associated to PD (p < 0.005). Conclusion: CC398-MSSA is an emerging clade in invasive infections in Spanish hospitals. CC398-MRSA (mostly t011) and CC398-MSSA (mostly t571 and t1451) show important differences, possibly suggesting divergent steps in host-adaptation evolutionary processes. While CC398-MRSA is livestock-associated (lacking IEC-system), CC398-MSSA seems to be mostly livestock-independent, carrying human-adaptation markers.

    Evaluacion de la tecnica de contraimmunoelectroforesis para determinar la potencia antigena de las vacunas antirrabicas

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    The method recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the potency assay of human and animal rabies vaccines as final product is the NIH test. Some in vitro techniques have been proposed for in process testing and supplement the in vivo test mentioned above. This paper presents the results obtained when using a counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) techniques to determine the antigens content in samples of 84 and 40 samples of lots of suckling mouse rabies and tissue culture rabies vaccines, respectively. The evaluation of rabies vaccines under, at, near and up to 0.3 UI by the NIH and CIE tests showed that for practical use, a CIE titer of 1:4 would match the minimum of NIH potency test requirement. Low degree of CIE test variability within our laboratory was observed, when two working reference and 7 lots of rabies vaccines from different origin and activity were tested in five independent assays. All titres fell within one double dilution what is an indication of its reproducibility. Good sensitivity to detect antigen deterioration in thermal degradation test was observed when samples of 3 lots of liquid suckling mouse rabies vaccine were held stored at 4ºC or at 37ºC for 4 weeks and assays by CIE and NIH tests. Finally, CIE test could apply by manufactures to follow the concentration procedures to determine the final end point which could match a desired antigenic value in the NIH potency test.El método recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para la prueba de potencia de vacunas antirrábicas como producto final es la prueba NIH. Algunas técnicas in vitro se han propuesto para el control durante el proceso de produción y complementan el ensayo in vivo antes mencionado. Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos cuando se utilizó la técnica de contrainmunoelectroforésis (CIE) para determinar el contenido de antígenos en muestras de 84 y 40 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas producidas en tejido nervioso de cerebro de ratón lactante mediante cultivo de tejidos, respectivamente. La evaluación de las muestras en, y en torno de, las 0.3 UI por ambos métodos muestran que, en la práctica, un título CIE de 1:4 cumpliría con un mínimo de potencia de la prueba NIH. Un bajo grado de variabilidad de la prueba CIE fue observada en nuestro laboratorio cuando dos lotes de vacunas de referencia de trabajo y 7 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas, de diferente origen y actividad, fueron ensayadas en cinco pruebas independientes. Todos los títulos se ubicaron dentro de una dilución doble, lo que es indicativo de su reproducibilidad. Se observó buena sensibilidad para detectar el deterioro del antígeno en el ensayo de degradación térmica, cuando muestras de 3 lotes de vacuna líquida de cerebro de ratón lactante fueron mantenidas a4 y 37ºC cada una, por 28 días. Se evaluaron semanalmente por los ensayos de CIE y NIH. Finalmente, se observó que el ensayo de CIE podría ser utilizado por los productores para estimar el punto final de los procesos de concentración para que se corresponda con un valor antigénico deseado en la prueba de potencia NIH

    Evaluation ot the counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique to determine the antigenic potency of antirrabic vaccines .

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    El método recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para la prueba de potencia de vacunas antirrábicas como producto final es la prueba NIH. Algunas técnicas in vitro se han propuesto para el control durante el proceso de producción y complementan el ensayo in vivo antes mencionado. Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos cuando se utilizó la técnica de contrainmunoelectroforésis (CIE) para determinar el contenido de antígenos en muestras de 84 y 40 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas producidas en tejido nervioso de cerebro de ratón lactante mediante cultivo de tejidos, respectivamente. La evaluación de las muestras en, y en torno de, las 0.3 UI por ambos métodos muestran que, en la práctica, un título CIE de 1:4 cumpliría con un mínimo de potencia de la prueba NIH. Un bajo grado de variabilidad de la prueba CIE fue observada en nuestro laboratorio cuando dos lotes de vacunas de referencia de trabajo y 7 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas, de diferente origen y actividad, fueron ensayadas en cinco pruebas independientes. Todos los títulos se ubicaron dentro de una dilución doble, lo que es indicativo de su reproducibilidad. Se observó buena sensibilidad para detectar el deterioro del antígeno en el ensayo de degradación térmica, cuando muestras de 3 lotes de vacuna líquida de cerebro de ratón lactante fueron mantenidas a4 y 37ºC cada una, por 28 días. Se evaluaron semanalmente por los ensayos de CIE y NIH. Finalmente, se observó que el ensayo de CIE podría ser utilizado por los productores para estimar el punto final de los procesos de concentración para que se corresponda con un valor antigénico deseado en la prueba de potencia NIH.The method recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the potency assay of human and animal rabies vaccines as final product is the NIH test. Some in vitro techniques have been proposed for in process testing and supplement the in vivo test mentioned above. This paper presents the results obtained when using a counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) technique to determine the antigens content in samples of 84 and 40 samples of lots of suckling mouse rabies and tissue culture rabies vaccines, respectively. The evaluation of rabies vaccines under, at, near and up to 0.3 UI by the NIH and CIE tests showed that for practical use, a CIE titer of 1:4 would match the minimum of NIH potency test requirement. Low degree of CIE test variability within our laboratory was observed, when two working reference and 7 lots of rabies vaccines from different origin and activity were tested in five independent assays. All titres fell within one double dilution what is an indication of its reproducibility. Good sensitivity to detect antigen deterioration in thermal degradation test was observed when samples of 3 lots of liquid suckling mouse rabies vaccine were held stored at 4°C or at 37°C for 4 weeks and assays by CIE and NIH tests. Finally, CIE test could apply by manufactures to follow the concentration procedures to determine the final end point which could match a desired antigenic value in the NIH potency test.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Evaluation ot the counterimmunoelectrophoresis technique to determine the antigenic potency of antirrabic vaccines .

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    El método recomendado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) para la prueba de potencia de vacunas antirrábicas como producto final es la prueba NIH. Algunas técnicas in vitro se han propuesto para el control durante el proceso de producción y complementan el ensayo in vivo antes mencionado. Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos cuando se utilizó la técnica de contrainmunoelectroforésis (CIE) para determinar el contenido de antígenos en muestras de 84 y 40 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas producidas en tejido nervioso de cerebro de ratón lactante mediante cultivo de tejidos, respectivamente. La evaluación de las muestras en, y en torno de, las 0.3 UI por ambos métodos muestran que, en la práctica, un título CIE de 1:4 cumpliría con un mínimo de potencia de la prueba NIH. Un bajo grado de variabilidad de la prueba CIE fue observada en nuestro laboratorio cuando dos lotes de vacunas de referencia de trabajo y 7 lotes de vacunas antirrábicas, de diferente origen y actividad, fueron ensayadas en cinco pruebas independientes. Todos los títulos se ubicaron dentro de una dilución doble, lo que es indicativo de su reproducibilidad. Se observó buena sensibilidad para detectar el deterioro del antígeno en el ensayo de degradación térmica, cuando muestras de 3 lotes de vacuna líquida de cerebro de ratón lactante fueron mantenidas a4 y 37ºC cada una, por 28 días. Se evaluaron semanalmente por los ensayos de CIE y NIH. Finalmente, se observó que el ensayo de CIE podría ser utilizado por los productores para estimar el punto final de los procesos de concentración para que se corresponda con un valor antigénico deseado en la prueba de potencia NIH.The method recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the potency assay of human and animal rabies vaccines as final product is the NIH test. Some in vitro techniques have been proposed for in process testing and supplement the in vivo test mentioned above. This paper presents the results obtained when using a counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE) technique to determine the antigens content in samples of 84 and 40 samples of lots of suckling mouse rabies and tissue culture rabies vaccines, respectively. The evaluation of rabies vaccines under, at, near and up to 0.3 UI by the NIH and CIE tests showed that for practical use, a CIE titer of 1:4 would match the minimum of NIH potency test requirement. Low degree of CIE test variability within our laboratory was observed, when two working reference and 7 lots of rabies vaccines from different origin and activity were tested in five independent assays. All titres fell within one double dilution what is an indication of its reproducibility. Good sensitivity to detect antigen deterioration in thermal degradation test was observed when samples of 3 lots of liquid suckling mouse rabies vaccine were held stored at 4°C or at 37°C for 4 weeks and assays by CIE and NIH tests. Finally, CIE test could apply by manufactures to follow the concentration procedures to determine the final end point which could match a desired antigenic value in the NIH potency test.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria