34,889 research outputs found

    Exploring Organizational Communication (Micro) History Through Network Connections

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    In light of the 100th anniversary of the National Communication Association, the following essay offers an initial look at the communication subdiscipline of organizational communication and its development over the past seven-plus decades. As part of this review, we advocate the use of network methods as a microhistory analytic tool to explore the vast number of connections, both between people and research interests, generated as the discipline developed from its humble beginnings. This work represents a small sample of the greater Organizational Communication Genealogy Project. This larger effort seeks to create a detailed review of the discipline as it explores the relationships between advisors and advisees, the development of dissertation and current research topics, the collaborative network of coauthorship, and the contributions of individual scholars through the analysis of interview data, narratives, and historical documents

    Static and dynamic deflection studies of the SRM aft case-nozzle joint

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    The redesign of the joints on the solid rocket motor (SRM) has prompted the need for analyzing the behavior of the joints using several different types of analyses. The types of analyses performed include modal analysis, static analysis, transient response analysis, and base driving response analysis. The forces used in these analyses to drive the mathematical model include SRM internal chamber pressure, nozzle blowout and side forces, shuttle vehicle lift-off dynamics, SRM pressure transient rise curve, gimbal forces and moments, actuator gimbal loads, and vertical and radial bolt preloads. The math model represented the SRM from the aft base tangent point (1,823.95 in) all the way back to the nozzle, where a simplified, tuned nozzle model was attached. The new design used the radial bolts as an additional feature to reduce the gap opening at the aft dome/nozzle fixed housing interface

    HIPPARCOS Astrometric Orbit and Evolutionary Status of HR 6046

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    The previously known, 6-yr spectroscopic binary HR 6046 has been speculated in the past to contain a compact object as the secondary. A recent study has re-determined the orbit with great accuracy, and shown that the companion is an evolved but otherwise normal star of nearly identical mass as the primary, which is also a giant. The binary motion was detected by the Hipparcos mission but was not properly accounted for in the published astrometric solution. Here we use the Hipparcos intermediate data in combination with the spectroscopic results to revise that solution and establish the orbital inclination angle for the first time, and with it the absolute masses M(A) = 1.38 [-0.03,+0.09] M(Sun) and M(B) = 1.36 [-0.02,+0.07] M(Sun). Aided by other constraints, we investigate the evolutionary status and confirm that the primary star is approaching the tip of the red-giant branch, while the secondary is beginning its first ascent.Comment: To appear in The Astronomical Journal. 8 pages including tables and figures, in emulateapj forma

    Floquet bound states around defects and adatoms in graphene

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    Recent studies have focused on laser-induced gaps in graphene which have been shown to have a topological origin, thereby hosting robust states at the sample edges. While the focus has remained mainly on these topological chiral edge states, the Floquet bound states around defects lack a detailed study. In this paper we present such a study covering large defects of different shape and also vacancy-like defects and adatoms at the dynamical gap at Ω/2\hbar\Omega/2 (Ω\hbar\Omega being the photon energy). Our results, based on analytical calculations as well as numerics for full tight-binding models, show that the bound states are chiral and appear in a number which grows with the defect size. Furthermore, while the bound states exist regardless the type of the defect's edge termination (zigzag, armchair, mixed), the spectrum is strongly dependent on it. In the case of top adatoms, the bound states quasi-energies depend on the adatoms energy. The appearance of such bound states might open the door to the presence of topological effects on the bulk transport properties of dirty graphene.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Eye-CU: Sleep Pose Classification for Healthcare using Multimodal Multiview Data

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    Manual analysis of body poses of bed-ridden patients requires staff to continuously track and record patient poses. Two limitations in the dissemination of pose-related therapies are scarce human resources and unreliable automated systems. This work addresses these issues by introducing a new method and a new system for robust automated classification of sleep poses in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) environment. The new method, coupled-constrained Least-Squares (cc-LS), uses multimodal and multiview (MM) data and finds the set of modality trust values that minimizes the difference between expected and estimated labels. The new system, Eye-CU, is an affordable multi-sensor modular system for unobtrusive data collection and analysis in healthcare. Experimental results indicate that the performance of cc-LS matches the performance of existing methods in ideal scenarios. This method outperforms the latest techniques in challenging scenarios by 13% for those with poor illumination and by 70% for those with both poor illumination and occlusions. Results also show that a reduced Eye-CU configuration can classify poses without pressure information with only a slight drop in its performance.Comment: Ten-page manuscript including references and ten figure

    Quantum and Classical Glass Transitions in LiHoxY1xF4Li Ho_x Y_{1-x} F_4

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    When performed in the proper low field, low frequency limits, measurements of the dynamics and the nonlinear susceptibility in the model Ising magnet in transverse field, LiHoxY1xF4\text{LiHo}_x\text{Y}_{1-x}\text{F}_4, prove the existence of a spin glass transition for xx = 0.167 and 0.198. The classical behavior tracks for the two concentrations, but the behavior in the quantum regime at large transverse fields differs because of the competing effects of quantum entanglement and random fields.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Updated figure 3 with corrected calibration information for thermometr