277 research outputs found

    Modular Hamiltonians for the massless Dirac field in the presence of a boundary

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    We study the modular Hamiltonians of an interval for the massless Dirac fermion on the half-line. The most general boundary conditions ensuring the global energy conservation lead to consider two phases, where either the vector or the axial symmetry is preserved. In these two phases we derive the corresponding modular Hamiltonian in explicit form. Its density involves a bi-local term localised in two points of the interval, one conjugate to the other. The associated modular flows are also established. Depending on the phase, they mix fields with different chirality or charge that follow different modular trajectories. Accordingly, the modular flow preserves either the vector or the axial symmetry. We compute the two-point correlation functions along the modular flow and show that they satisfy the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition in both phases. The entanglement entropies are also derived

    Modular Hamiltonians for the massless Dirac field in the presence of a defect

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    We study the massless Dirac field on the line in the presence of a point-like defect characterised by a unitary scattering matrix, that allows both reflection and transmission. Considering this system in its ground state, we derive the modular Hamiltonians of the subregion given by the union of two disjoint equal intervals at the same distance from the defect. The absence of energy dissipation at the defect implies the existence of two phases, where either the vector or the axial symmetry is preserved. Besides a local term, the densities of the modular Hamiltonians contain also a sum of scattering dependent bi-local terms, which involve two conjugate points generated by the reflection and the transmission. The modular flows of each component of the Dirac field mix the trajectory passing through a given initial point with the ones passing through its reflected and transmitted conjugate points. We derive the two-point correlation functions along the modular flows in both phases and show that they satisfy the Kubo-Martin-Schwinger condition. The entanglement entropies are also computed, finding that they do not depend on the scattering matrix

    Subsystem complexity after a global quantum quench

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    We study the temporal evolution of the circuit complexity for a subsystem in harmonic lattices after a global quantum quench of the mass parameter, choosing the initial reduced density matrix as the reference state. Upper and lower bounds are derived for the temporal evolution of the complexity for the entire system. The subsystem complexity is evaluated by employing the Fisher information geometry for the covariance matrices. We discuss numerical results for the temporal evolutions of the subsystem complexity for a block of consecutive sites in harmonic chains with either periodic or Dirichlet boundary conditions, comparing them with the temporal evolutions of the entanglement entropy. For infinite harmonic chains, the asymptotic value of the subsystem complexity is studied through the generalised Gibbs ensemble

    Complexity of mixed Gaussian states from Fisher information geometry

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    We study the circuit complexity for mixed bosonic Gaussian states in harmonic lattices in any number of dimensions. By employing the Fisher information geometry for the covariance matrices, we consider the optimal circuit connecting two states with vanishing first moments, whose length is identified with the complexity to create a target state from a reference state through the optimal circuit. Explicit proposals to quantify the spectrum complexity and the basis complexity are discussed. The purification of the mixed states is also analysed. In the special case of harmonic chains on the circle or on the infinite line, we report numerical results for thermal states and reduced density matrices

    Subsystem complexity after a local quantum quench

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    We study the temporal evolution of the circuit complexity after the local quench where two harmonic chains are suddenly joined, choosing the initial state as the reference state. We discuss numerical results for the complexity for the entire chain and the subsystem complexity for a block of consecutive sites, obtained by exploiting the Fisher information geometry of the covariance matrices. The qualitative behaviour of the temporal evolutions of the subsystem complexity depends on whether the joining point is inside the subsystem. The revivals and a logarithmic growth observed during these temporal evolutions are discussed. When the joining point is outside the subsystem, the temporal evolutions of the subsystem complexity and of the corresponding entanglement entropy are qualitatively similar

    On the continuum limit of the entanglement Hamiltonian

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    We consider the entanglement Hamiltonian for an interval in a chain of free fermions in its ground state and show that the lattice expression goes over into the conformal one if one includes the hopping to distant neighbours in the continuum limit. For an infinite chain, this can be done analytically for arbitrary fillings and is shown to be the consequence of the particular structure of the entanglement Hamiltonian, while for finite rings or temperatures the result is based on numerical calculations

    Operator content of entanglement spectra in the transverse field Ising chain after global quenches

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    We consider the time evolution of the gaps of the entanglement spectrum for a block of consecutive sites in finite transverse field Ising chains after sudden quenches of the magnetic field. We provide numerical evidence that, whenever we quench at or across the quantum critical point, the time evolution of the ratios of these gaps allows us to obtain universal information. They encode the low-lying gaps of the conformal spectrum of the Ising boundary conformal field theory describing the spatial bipartition within the imaginary time path integral approach to global quenches at the quantum critical point

    Complexity in the presence of a boundary

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    The effects of a boundary on the circuit complexity are studied in two dimensional theories. The analysis is performed in the holographic realization of a conformal field theory with a boundary by employing different proposals for the dual of the complexity, including the \u201cComplexity = Volume\u201d (CV) and \u201cComplexity = Action\u201d (CA) prescriptions, and in the harmonic chain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. In all the cases considered except for CA, the boundary introduces a subleading logarithmic divergence in the expansion of the complexity as the UV cutoff vanishes. Holographic subregion complexity is also explored in the CV case, finding that it can change discontinuously under continuous variations of the configuration of the subregion

    Global properties of causal wedges in asymptotically AdS spacetimes

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    We examine general features of causal wedges in asymptotically AdS space-times and show that in a wide variety of cases they have non-trivial topology. We also prove some general results regarding minimal area surfaces on the causal wedge boundary and thereby derive constraints on the causal holographic information. We go on to demonstrate that certain properties of the causal wedge impact significantly on features of extremal surfaces which are relevant for computation of holographic entanglement entropy
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