1,365 research outputs found

    A differential diagnosis of inherited endocrine tumors and their tumor counterparts

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    Inherited endocrine tumors have been increasingly recognized in clinical practice, although some difficulties still exist in differentiating these conditions from their sporadic endocrine tumor counterparts. Here, we list the 12 main topics that could add helpful information and clues for performing an early differential diagnosis to distinguish between these conditions. The early diagnosis of patients with inherited endocrine tumors may be performed either clinically or by mutation analysis in at-risk individuals. Early detection usually has a large impact in tumor management, allowing preventive clinical or surgical therapy in most cases. Advice for the clinical and surgical management of inherited endocrine tumors is also discussed. In addition, recent clinical and genetic advances for 17 different forms of inherited endocrine tumors are briefly reviewed

    Allometric and group differences in the xenarthran femur

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    The aim of this study is to analyze shape variation in the xenarthran femur to gain insights into their behavior and locomotion. Specimens of both Cingulata (armadillos and glyptodonts) and Pilosa (anteaters and sloths) were studied and within each group body mass varies by several orders of magnitude. The main focus of the analysis was allometric variation in femoral shape in the three groups studied, armadillos, glyptodonts, and pilosans. Three dimensional coordinates were recorded for 40 homologous landmarks on each of 51 xenarthran femurs. The data were analyzed by geometric morphometric methods, and form space analysis was used to identify the allometric variation in each of the three groups. Across all groups, larger specimens tended to have larger articular surfaces, more robust femora generally, and the shape of the femoral condyles was more suited to extended postures. In addition, in larger specimens the medial condyle was much larger than the lateral condyle and the third trochanter was located more distally. The larger armadillo femora had a greater trochanter located considerably proximal to the femoral head and this is thought to improve femoral extension, but in glyptodonts and pilosans the larger specimens had a greater trochanter that was far lateral to the femoral head and this is interpreted as enhancing femoral rotation.Fil: Milne, Nick. University of Western Australia; AustraliaFil: Toledo, Néstor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Vizcaíno, Sergio Fabián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentin

    Public perception of depression in the city of São Paulo

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess how the population identifies symptoms of depression as well as its causes. METHODS: A household survey with a probabilistic sample of 500 individuals, residing in the city of São Paulo and aged between 18 and 65 years, was conducted in 2002. A structured questionnaire including sociodemographic data and a vignette presentation describing a person with depression, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV and the International Classification of Diseases-10 was used during the in-person interviews carried out by trained, qualified interviewers. Two questions about the vignette's symptom identification were subsequently asked. The results were analyzed by means of logistic regression and variance analysis. RESULTS: Symptoms presented were identified as depression by less than half of the sample. About 20% of respondents believed it was a mental illness. Low level of education was the only variable associated with identification as mental illness (OR=2.001, 95% CI: 1.275; 3.141, p=0.003). The most relevant causes were unemployment and isolation. Biological, spiritual and moral causes were considered to be less relevant. Factors that most influenced the responses about causes were level of education, gender, personal experience with mental problems and identification as mental illness. CONCLUSIONS: The population of the city of São Paulo in general, especially those with a higher level of education, views depression in terms of a psychosocial model that somewhat differs from the biomedical model.OBJETIVO: Avaliar como a população identifica os sintomas de depressão e suas causas. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado inquérito domiciliar em 2002 com amostra probabilística de 500 indivíduos residentes em São Paulo, com idade entre 18 e 65 anos. Foi aplicado questionário estruturado que incluía dados sociodemográficos e apresentação de vinheta que descrevia uma pessoa com depressão, segundo o Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV e a Classificação Internacional de Doenças-10. A seguir, eram respondidas duas questões sobre a identificação dos sintomas da vinheta. A atribuição de causas foi avaliada mediante apresentação de 18 possíveis causas. Os resultados foram analisados por meio de regressão logística e análise de variância. RESULTADOS: Os sintomas apresentados foram identificados como depressão por menos da metade da amostra. Cerca de 20% dos entrevistados acreditaram tratar-se de doença mental. Baixa escolaridade foi a única variável associada à identificação como doença mental (OR=2,001, IC 95%: 1,275;3,141, p=0,003). As causas consideradas mais relevantes foram desemprego e isolamento. Causas biológicas, espirituais e morais foram tidas como menos relevantes. Os determinantes associados às respostas sobre causas foram escolaridade, sexo, experiência pessoal com problemas mentais e identificação como doença mental. CONCLUSÕES: A população de São Paulo em geral e as pessoas com maior escolaridade em particular apresentam um modelo psicossocial de depressão que se afasta do modelo biomédico.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PsiquiatriaSciEL

    Dynamic and Static Calibration of Ultra-Low-Voltage, Digital-Based Operational Transconductance Amplifiers

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    The calibration of the effects of process variations and device mismatch in Ultra Low Voltage (ULV) Digital-Based Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (DB-OTAs) is addressed in this paper. For this purpose, two dynamic calibration techniques, intended to dynamically vary the effective strength of critical gates by different modulation strategies, i.e., Digital Pulse Width Modulation (DPWM) and Dyadic Digital Pulse Modulation (DDPM), are explored and compared to classic static calibration. The effectiveness of the calibration approaches as a mean to recover acceptable performance in non-functional samples is verified by Monte-Carlo (MC) post-layout simulations performed on a 300 mV power supply, nW-power DB-OTA in 180 nm CMOS. Based on the same MC post-layout simulations, the impact of each calibration strategy on silicon area, power consumption, and OTA performance is discussed

    A percepção popular sobre a dependência alcoólica

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe how the population of the city of São Paulo identifies alcohol dependence, which causes they attribute to this disorder and what is reported regarding stigma perception, risk of violence and emotional reactions. METHOD: Cross sectional study involving a probabilistic sample of 500 individuals in São Paulo aged 18 to 65 years. A structured questionnaire was used and started with a vignette describing an individual with alcohol dependence according to the DSM-IV and ICD-10, followed by a questionnaire divided into various sections examining the causes, stigma, risk of violence and emotional reactions to the case presented in the vignette. RESULTS: Less than 20% of the subjects reported to believe this was a mental illness. The causes considered most relevant were psychosocial ones, followed by moral causes. Alcohol dependence was associated with a high risk of violence and stigma by the part of others. In contrast, reactions declared by the subjects about their probable attitude were mostly positive. CONCLUSION: Alcohol dependence is seen as a psychosocial and moral problem. Negative images predominate regarding individuals with this disorder.OBJETIVO: Descrever como a população da cidade de São Paulo identifica a dependência alcoólica, quais causas atribui para explicar esse transtorno, e avaliar o que é percebido em relação ao estigma, risco de violência e as reações emocionais. MÉTODO: Foi realizado estudo de corte transversal com uma amostra probabilística de 500 indivíduos residentes em São Paulo, com idade entre 18 e 65 anos. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado que se iniciava com a apresentação de uma vinheta descrevendo um indivíduo com dependência alcoólica (segundo o DSM-IV e a CID 10), seguido de um questionário dividido em várias seções examinando as causas, estigma, risco de violência e as reações emocionais ao caso apresentado na vinheta. RESULTADOS: Menos de 20% dos entrevistados disseram acreditar se tratar de uma doença mental. As causas consideradas mais relevantes foram de natureza psicossocial, seguidas por causas de natureza moral. A dependência alcoólica foi associada a elevado risco de violência e a estigma por parte de outros indivíduos. Em contraste, as reações declaradas pelos próprios entrevistados sobre as suas atitudes foram principalmente de natureza positiva. CONCLUSÕES: A dependência alcoólica é vista como um problema de natureza psicossocial e moral. Predominam imagens negativas em relação aos indivíduos com este transtorno.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of PsychiatryUNIFESP, Department of PsychiatrySciEL

    Form-Function Correlation Paradigm in Mammalogy. A Tribute to Leonard B. Radinsky (1937–1985)

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    This special issue of the Journal of Mammalian Evolution represents the proceedings from a symposium held in conjunction with the XXXI Jornadas Argentinas de Mastozoología (SAREM, La Rioja, Argentina, October 25, 2018), and entitled “El paradigma de correlación forma-función en mastozoología: un tributo a Leonard Radinsky (1937–1985).” In this introduction to the symposium proceedings, we provide a brief account of Radinsky’s expertise and academic goals, and we remark on the textbook “The Evolution of Vertebrate Design” posthumously published, to introduce the contents of the present volume and highlight Len’s academic (research and teaching) and social sensitivity from the perspective of current times.Fil: Cassini, Guillermo Hernán. Universidad Nacional de Luján; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Toledo, Néstor. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Vizcaíno, Sergio Fabián. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentin

    Social skills, autism and technologies: An analysis of the effectiveness of this triad

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    Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) present needs in the social sphere that have repercussions on their development. It is essential that, at school, they are offered interventions that provide them with an answer to their needs and use appropriate tools. One of the resources that can be effective is the use of technologies, which possess a series of characteristics that favour their implementation in the population with ASD. For this reason, and with the aim of analysing the impact a technology-based social skills programme has on students with ASD, a mixed study based on case studies was proposed. Specifically, the sample consisted of four pupils with ASD. Data collection was carried out, on the one hand, by means of objective tests administered at three points in time, which measured the level of ability in identifying emotions and in emotion awareness. On the other hand, the behaviours were also observed systematically in all the sessions that made up the intervention. The results point to an improvement in the identification of emotions and emotion awareness. Likewise, a decrease in non-social behaviours such as inappropriate behaviours or stereotypies and an increase in social behaviours such as eye contact or joint attention were noted

    Low-Voltage, Low-Area, nW-Power CMOS Digital-Based Biosignal Amplifier

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    This paper presents the operation principle and the silicon characterization of a power efficient ultra-low voltage and ultra-low area fully-differential, digital-based Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA), suitable for microscale biosensing applications (BioDIGOTA). Measured results in 180nm CMOS prototypes show that the proposed BioDIGOTA is able to work with a supply voltage down to 400 mV, consuming only 95 nW. Owing to its intrinsically highly-digital feature, the BioDIGOTA layout occupies only 0.022 mm2 of total silicon area, lowering the area by 3.22X times compared to the current state of the art, while keeping reasonable system performance, such as 7.6 NEF with 1.25 μVRMS input referred noise over a 10 Hz bandwidth, 1.8% of THD, 62 dB of CMRR and 55 dB of PSRR