484 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Hidup Single Parent

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    Strategi Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Hidup Single Parent Masyarakat Lilirilau Kabupaten Soppeng. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana strategisingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng dan apakah masalah yang dihadapi olehsingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategisingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng dan untuk mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi olehsingle parent dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup di lilirilau kabupaten soppeng. Jenis penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data digunakan dengan cara observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini, yang menjadi sasaran penelitian adalah pertama keluarga single parent di kecamatan lilirilau kabupaten soppeng, kedua masyarakat yang dianggap bisa memberikan informasi atau data yang sesuai dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, suatu strategi yang di lakukan oleh single parent untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya yaitu dengan melakukan kerja sampingan selain itu cara yang dilakukan dengan mengambil pinjaman kepada tetangga. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang strategi pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup maka single parent di tuntut untuk bekerja keras untuk menafkahi keluarganya

    Muerte e inmortalidad en el Rig Veda y en el Atharva Veda

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    Elementos arcaicos en tres concepciones de atman (alma) de la brihad-aranyaka-upanishad

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    Performance Assessment of Low-Temperature A-CAES (Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage) Plants

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    The widespread diffusion of renewable energy sources calls for the development of high-capacity energy storage systems as the A-CAES (Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage) systems. In this framework, low temperature (100°C–200°C) A-CAES (LT-ACAES) systems can assume a key role, avoiding some critical issues connected to the operation of high temperature ones. In this paper, two different LT-ACAES configurations are proposed. The two configurations are characterized by the same turbomachines and compressed air storage section, while differ in the TES section and its integration with the turbomachinery. In particular, the first configuration includes two separated cycles: the working fluid (air) cycle and the heat transfer fluid (HTF) cycle. Several heat exchangers connect the two cycles allowing to recover thermal energy from the compressors and to heat the compressed air at the turbine inlet. Two different HTFs were considered: air (case A) and thermal oil (case B). The second configuration is composed of only one cycle, where the operating fluid and the HTF are the same (air) and the TES section is composed of three different packed-bed thermal storage tanks (case C). The tanks directly recover the heat from the compressors and heat the air at each turbine inlet, avoiding the use of heat exchangers. The LT-ACAES systems were modelled and simulated using the ASPEN-Plus and the MATLAB-Simulink environments. The main aim of this study was the detailed analysis of the reciprocal influence between the turbomachinery and the TES system; furthermore, the performance evaluation of each plant was carried out assuming both on-design and off-design operating conditions. Finally, the different configurations were compared through the main performance parameters, such as the round-trip efficiency. A total power output of around 10 MW was set, leading to a TES tank volume ranging between 500 and 700 m3. The second configuration with three TES systems appears to be the most promising in terms of round-trip efficiency since the energy produced during the discharging phase is greater. In particular, the round-trip efficiency of the LT-ACAES ranges between 0.566 (case A) to 0.674 (case C). Although the second configuration assures the highest performance, the effect of operating at very high pressures inside the tanks should be carefully evaluated in terms of overall costs

    El capital intelectual: las competencias básicas de los estudiantes universitarios ecuatorianos como estrategia viable para el desarrollo sostenible

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    El siglo XXI demanda acciones pertinentes que den solución a los diferentes problemas sociales, ambientales y económicos. Para el 2030 las Naciones Unidas proponen 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible-ODS, como reto global para todas las organizaciones con el fin de formar sociedades más humanas, solidarias, éticas, justas, pacíficas, que desde su entorno apoyen cambios que prioricen el nosotros en lugar del yo, en donde la Educación de Calidad es el núcleo transformador. Con este propósito, las instituciones de educación están llamadas a liderar el desarrollo individual, colectivo y global de las personas para toda la vida. Por ello, en esta era del conocimiento, las competencias son decisivas y determinantes para el desarrollo y sostenibilidad integral. La Organización para la Cooperación y Desarrollo Económico-OCDE presenta el estudio sobre Definición y Selección de Competencias-DeSeCo 2002, como guía de competencias para jóvenes y adultos a lo largo de la vida. Por consiguiente, esta investigación aplicada, de carácter descriptivo, realizada durante el 2015, empleó un instrumento de medición con 69 preguntas dirigido a 1.016 estudiantes de tres universidades competitivas del Ecuador, con el objetivo de evidenciar los tres grupos de competencias: Tic, lenguaje y conocimiento; Independencia en el comportamiento y Actuar en grupos diversos; necesarios para un desarrollo sostenible. Del trabajo de campo se concluye lo siguiente: El estudiante está consciente de que sus objetivos personales, académicos y un diálogo activo, dependen de la organización de la información y permanente actualización de Tic. Además percibe que está preparado para actuar en grupos heterogéneos, propiciando empatía e inclusión en su entorno. El estudiante señala reflexionar sobre sus valores y acciones, a la vez que construye su propia identidad de manera responsable, aprendiendo de acciones pasadas e interpretando la vida como una narrativa organizada en un mundo cambiante.The 21st century demands relevant actions that provide solutions to the different social, environmental and economic problems. By 2030, the United Nations proposes 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, as a global challenge for all organizations in order to form more humane, solidary, ethical, just, and peaceful societies that support changes that prioritize us in their environment. place of the self, where Quality Education is the transforming core. With this purpose, educational institutions are called to lead the individual, collective and global development of people for life. Therefore, in this era of knowledge, competencies are decisive and determinant for development and integral sustainability. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development-OECD presents the study on Definition and Selection of Competencies-DeSeCo 2002, as a guide of competences for young people and adults throughout their lives. Therefore, this applied research, of a descriptive nature, conducted during 2015, used a measurement instrument with 69 questions addressed to 1,016 students from three competitive universities in Ecuador, with the aim of highlighting the three groups of competences: Tic, language and knowledge; Independence in behavior and Acting in diverse groups; necessary for sustainable development. The following is concluded from the fieldwork: The student is aware that his personal, academic objectives and an active dialogue depend on the organization of the information and permanent updating of Tic. He also perceives that he is prepared to act in heterogeneous groups, fostering empathy and inclusion in his environment. The student points out to reflect on their values and actions, while at the same time constructing their own identity in a responsible way, learning from past actions and interpreting life as an organized narrative in a changing world.Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Contable