8 research outputs found

    Programa de explotaci贸n y ajuste tecnol贸gico: Distrito de Monter铆a

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    El objetivo de este ajuste tecnol贸gico es el aumento de la producci贸n y productividad por unidad de superficie para los siguientes sistemas de producci贸n en los Distritos de Monter铆a y Sincelejo : ma铆z asociado con 帽ame e intercalado con yuca en suelos livianos y pesados, ma铆z asociado con 帽ame, arroz de secano, pl谩tano y yuca. Se presentan unos supuestos generales y luego el ajuste tecnol贸gico en cada uno de los cultivos asociados o limpios as铆 : ma铆z asociado con 帽ame e intercalado con yuca (se realizaron 20 experimentos de campo para probar las hip贸tesis planteadas en cuanto a variedades, fertilizaci贸n y densidad de poblaci贸n). Producci贸n de ma铆z asociado con 帽ame, arroz de secano, producci贸n de ma铆z limpio, fertilizaci贸n nitrogenada y densidad de poblaci贸n en ma铆ces mejorados y regionales, ajuste tecnol贸gico en el sistema de producci贸n de pl谩tano, producci贸n de tabaco negro, ajuste tecnol贸gico en el cultivo de la yuca. Se presenta el presupuesto en el ajuste tecnol贸gico en los distritos mencionados al comienz


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    Se expone el caso de un perro mestizo de Fox Terrier que presentaba diarrea sanguino-lenta que no mejor贸 al tratamiento inicial; se detect贸 a la palpaci贸n una masa a nivel del colon, que se confirm贸 con un estudio radiogr谩fico de tr谩nsito intestinal; tambi茅n, se diagnostic贸 un megacolon. Se decidi贸 realizar una laparotom铆a exploratoria donde se encontr贸 una intususcepci贸n cecoc贸lica y la invaginaci贸n del ciego, el procedimiento quir煤rgico realizado consisti贸 en hacer tiflectomia y enteroanastomosis t茅rmino-terminal; luego de este procedimiento, el paciente se recuper贸 completamente del cuadro intestinal que presentaba


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    Cardiac tissue is characterized by structural and cellular heterogeneities that play an important role in the cardiac conduction system. Under persistent atrial fibrillation (persAF), electrical and structural remodeling occur simultaneously. The classical mathematical models of cardiac electrophysiological showed remarkable progress during recent years. Among those models, it is of relevance the standard diffusion mathematical equation, that considers the myocardium as a continuum. However, the modeling of structural properties and their influence on electrical propagation still reveal several limitations. In this paper, a model of cardiac electrical propagation is proposed based on complex order derivatives. By assuming that the myocardium has an underlying fractal process, the complex order dynamics emerges as an important modeling option. In this perspective, the real part of the order corresponds to the fractal dimension, while the imaginary part represents the log-periodic corrections of the fractal dimension. Indeed, the imaginary part in the derivative implies characteristic scales within the cardiac tissue. The analytical and numerical procedures for solving the related equation are presented. The sinus rhythm and persAF conditions are implemented using the Courtemanche formalism. The electrophysiological properties are measured and analyzed on different scales of observation. The results indicate that the complex order modulates the electrophysiology of the atrial system, through the variation of its real and imaginary parts. The combined effect of the two components yields a broad range of electrophysiological conditions. Therefore, the proposed model can be a useful tool for modeling electrical and structural properties during cardiac conduction. 漏 2020 World Scientific Publishing Company

    Spontaneous activation under atrial fibrosis: A model using complex order derivatives

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    The computational modeling of the cardiac electrophysiology allows assertive and quantitative study of the atrial fibrosis under fibrillation conditions. The cardiac electrical propagation is described by the so-called monodomain model, that consists of a nonlinear parabolic reaction-diffusion equation. Fibroblast proliferation, which is an essential component of the fibrotic process, can be modeled by considering the membrane ionic kinetics as a reactive component. However, such a mathematical description does not account the structural feature of fibroblasts. In this work, the electrophysiological properties of fibroblast proliferation and coupling with cardiomyocytes are investigated, using mathematical and computational modelling. The study is focused on the conditions under which spontaneous activations occur in a fibrotic domain. The proposed fibrosis model takes account the electrical and structural interactions of fibroblasts within the myocardium. The electrical component is described through an ionic kinetics formalism, while the structural component is obtained by means of a triplet of complex order derivatives that constructs the diffusion operator. A theoretical analysis determines the model parameters that generate unstable solutions, and numerical simulations illustrate and validate the analytical outcomes. The results evince a strong modulation of the stability conditions of the fibrotic model by the real and imaginary part of the fractional derivative order. The fibrosis structural complexity, controlled by the fractional order, determines the extent of the parameter space that generates spontaneous activation. Moreover, not all the unstable parameter configurations generate electrical propagation. In the cases of electrical conduction after spontaneous activation, the conduction velocity in the fibrotic domain is significantly slower than the one observed in healthy atrial tissue. The results give a new perspective for the development of atrial fibrosis models including the ectopic activity as an initiation factor for fibrillation activity. Indeed, the proposed design exploits the complex order fractional derivatives, to generate a wide set of electrophysiological scenarios. 漏 2020 Elsevier B.V

    Posaconazole treatment of refractory eumycetoma and chromoblastomycosis Tratamento com posaconazol de casos de cromoblastomicose e micetoma maduromic贸tico resistentes a outros antif煤ngicos

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    Eumycetoma and chromoblastomycosis are chronic, disfiguring fungal infections of the subcutaneous tissue that rarely resolve spontaneously. Most patients do not achieve sustained long-term benefits from available treatments; therefore, new therapeutic options are needed. We evaluated the efficacy of posaconazole, a new extended-spectrum triazole antifungal agent, in 12 patients with eumycetoma or chromoblastomycosis refractory to existing antifungal therapies. Posaconazole 800 mg/d was given in divided doses for a maximum of 34 months. Complete or partial clinical response was considered a success; stable disease or failure was considered a nonsuccess. All 12 patients had proven infections refractory to standard therapy. Clinical success was reported for five of six patients with eumycetoma and five of six patients with chromoblastomycosis. Two patients were reported to have stable disease. As part of a treatment-use extension protocol, two patients with eumycetoma who initially had successful outcome were successfully retreated with posaconazole after a treatment hiatus of > 10 months. Posaconazole was well tolerated during long-term administration (up to 1015 d). Posaconazole therapy resulted in successful outcome in most patients with eumycetoma or chromoblastomycosis refractory to standard therapies, suggesting that posaconazole may be an important treatment option for these diseases.<br>Eumicetoma e cromoblastomicose s茫o infec莽玫es f煤ngicas cr么nicas do tecido subcut芒neo que evoluem com aspecto desfigurado, raramente involuindo espontaneamente. A maioria dos pacientes n茫o apresenta melhora sustentada por longo tempo com os tratamentos dispon铆veis, sendo de grande import芒ncia as novas op莽玫es terap锚uticas. A efic谩cia do posaconazol, um novo agente antif煤ngico de amplo espectro do grupo dos triaz贸is, foi estudada em 12 pacientes com eumicetoma ou cromoblastomicose refrat谩ria 脿s terap锚uticas antif煤ngicas dispon铆veis. Os pacientes receberam por no m谩ximo 34 meses, doses divididas de 800 mg/dia de posaconazol. Resposta cl铆nica parcial ou completa foi considerada como sucesso; doen莽a est谩vel ou falha terap锚utica foi considerada como insucesso. Todos os 12 pacientes tinham infec莽玫es comprovadas ou prov谩veis, refrat谩rias 脿 terap锚utica padr茫o preconizada. Sucesso cl铆nico foi registrado em cinco de seis pacientes com eumicetoma e cinco de seis pacientes com cromoblastomicose. Em dois pacientes observou-se doen莽a est谩vel. Como parte do protocolo de extens茫o do tratamento, dois pacientes com eumicetoma que inicialmente tinham tido sucesso terap锚utico e que ap贸s um intervalo maior de 10 meses apresentaram recidiva da micose, foram retratados com sucesso com posaconazol. Posaconazol foi bem tolerado durante o longo per铆odo de administra莽茫o (at茅 1015 dias). A terap锚utica com posaconazol foi seguida de sucesso na maioria dos pacientes com eumicetoma ou cromoblastomicose refrat谩ria 脿 terap锚utica padr茫o, sugerindo que tal droga possa ser uma importante op莽茫o no tratamento de tais doen莽as

    Recent Advances in Drug Repurposing for Parkinson鈥檚 Disease

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