3,327 research outputs found

    Immigration and crime: do Asian immigrants bring more crimes to Australia?

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    The link between the increased Asian immigration to Australia and crime rates has been subjected to debates in Australian contemporary society. With the concern of Australia being overwhelmed by Asians, some politicians, scholars and the public strongly oppose the increase in Asian immigrants. Most of anti-Asian debates are however based on rather subjective claims that Asian immigrants bring more crimes and social disorders to Australia, and these claims have not been supported by any convincing empirical research. Applying multivariate regression analysis, this paper statistically examines the relationship between Asian population, Asian immigrants and crime rates in six states and two territories of Australia from 1981 to 2004. After controlling for the relevant factors such as the population size, state-specific fixed effects, and a measure of urbanisation, the results are mixed. On the one hand, an increase in Asian immigrants has no effect on crime against persons and crime against properties. On the other hand, an increase in the size of Asian population has a statistically significant effect on crime against persons

    A Model for Detecting Accounting Frauds by using Machine Learning

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    This paper aims to develop a machine learning model that enables to predict signs of financial statement frauds by combining the domain knowledge of machine learning and accounting. Inputs of this model is a published dataset of financial statements, and outputs involve the conclusions whether the predicted financial statements indicate the signs of financial statement frauds or not. Currently, XGBoost is recognized as one of the most popular classification methods with fast performance, flexibility, and scalability. However, its default properties are not suitable for fraudulent detecting of imbalanced datasets. To overcome this drawback, this research introduces a new machine learning model based on XGBoost technique, called f(raud)-XGBoost. The proposed model not only inherits XGBoost advantages but also enables it to detect financial statement frauds. We apply the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve and NDCG@k to perform the evaluation process. The experimental results show that the new model performs slightly better than three existing models including logistic regression model that is based on financial ratios, Support-vector-machine model, and RUSBoost mode

    The problem of longitudinal shock of two spherical end elastic bars with visco-elastic resistance force

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    Factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto en las empresas electrónicas: evidencia de un país emergente

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    Introduction:This paper is the product of the study “Factors affecting product life cycle in electronic enterprises – Evidence from an emerging country” developed at the Electric Power University and National Economics University between 2020 and 2022. Problem:The electronic manufacturing industry is increasingly developing in emerging markets and integrating into the global economy. The life cycle of electronic products is shorter and requires management.Objective:The paper aims to study factors that affect the product life cycle in Vietnamese electronic enterprises. The study helps managers in cost management. Methodology:The paper used a survey of non-probability sampling, and applied regression analysis to examine Vietnamese electronic enterprises. The analysis is done by SPSS and Smart PLS software. Results:The research results indicate that technology, consumer trends, and R&D are factors affecting product life cycle and post-sale service, and disposal has no impact on electronic products’ life cycle. This could be explained by the fact that electronic products are constantly updating and their life cycle is short, that post-sales service does not play a key role, and that waste treatment after sales is not taken seriously by manufacturers, customers, or other related parties. Conclusion:The results give some meaningful insights for electronics or other enterprises in Vietnam to use effective management of product life cycle. Originality:The results of this paper provide practical insights into the management of product life cycle and cost management of product life cycle for researchers and managers.Limitations:The research model should be expanded and the sample size increased to get an overview and greater insight.Introducción: Este artículo es producto del estudio “Factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto en empresas electrónicas – Evidencia de un país emergente” desarrollado en la Electric Power University y la National Economics University entre 2020 y 2022.Problema: La industria de fabricación electrónica se está desarrollando cada vez más en los mercados emer-gentes y se está integrando a la economía global. El ciclo de vida de los productos electrónicos es más corto y requiere gestión. Objetivo: El documento tiene como objetivo estudiar los factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto en las empresas electrónicas vietnamitas. El estudio ayuda a los gerentes en la gestión de costos. Metodología: El documento utilizó una encuesta de muestreo no probabilístico y aplicó un análisis de regresión para examinar las empresas electrónicas vietnamitas. El análisis se realiza mediante el software SPSS y Smart PLS. Resultados: Los resultados de la investigación indican que la tecnología, las tendencias de consumo y la I+D son factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto y el servicio postventa, y que el desecho no tiene impacto en el ciclo de vida de los productos electrónicos. Esto podría explicarse por el hecho de que los productos electrónicos se actualizan constantemente y su ciclo de vida es corto, que el servicio posventa no juega un papel clave y que el tratamiento de residuos posventa no es tomado en serio por los fabricantes, clientes u otras partes relacionadas. Conclusión: Los resultados brindan algunas ideas significativas para la electrónica u otras empresas en Vietnam para utilizar una gestión eficaz del ciclo de vida del producto. Originalidad: los resultados de este documento brindan información práctica sobre la gestión del ciclo de vida del producto y la gestión de costos del ciclo de vida del producto para investigadores y gerentes.Limitaciones: el modelo de investigación debe ampliarse y aumentar el tamaño de la muestra para obtener una visión general y una mayor comprensión


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    The 13th Next-Generation Global Workshop第13回次世代グローバルワークショップテーマ: New Risks and Resilience in Asian Societies and the World 日程: 21-23 November, 2020 開催場所: ベトナム社会科学院(ハノイ)/Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences(No. 1 Lieu Giai street, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam) ※Due to the COVID-19, the workshop will be held at ONLINE for overseas participants(not from Vietnam)/ONSITE for Vietnamese participants.The paper is written based on the research on labourers' interest in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4.0 I.R.) with surveyed sample of 319 people who are working in the enterprises. The statistics analysis method was applied to analyze data. Probit regression model is also approached to quantitatively analyze. The study aims to examine the relationship between historical migration experiences and ability of working migration that a labor may intend in the future. The factors that simultaneously impact on worker's migration decision in the future are two-level migration, marriage status, having children less than 15 years old and living with other members in the family. These effects pointed out significant evidences in this study

    Risk Perceptions of Arsenic in Tap Water and Consumption of Bottled Water

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    The demand for bottled water has increased rapidly over the past decade, but bottled water is extremely costly compared to tap water. The convenience of bottled water surely matters to consumers, but are others factors at work? This manuscript examines whether purchases of bottled water are associated with the perceived risk of tap water. All of the past studies on bottled water consumption have used simple scale measures of perceived risk that do not correspond to risk measures used by risk analysts. We elicit a probability-based measure of risk and find that as perceived risks rise, expenditures for bottled water rise.Environmental Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty, Q25, Q53, I12,

    Improving the Quality of Teaching Physical Education Courses at Universities

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    This manuscript explores the advantages and limitations of teaching physical education courses at universities and proposes strategies to enhance the quality of teaching. The advantages of improving the quality of physical education teaching include flexible selection of sports subjects, enhancing positive attitudes towards learning, continuous development and improvement of lecturers, testing and evaluation standards, and innovative teaching methods. The limitations identified are limited curriculum content, teaching plans dependent on weather conditions, limited lecturer team, and lack of motivation among some students. To enhance the quality of teaching physical education, the manuscript proposes enhancing the role and significance of physical education in universities and adjusting and improving the content of the physical education program through innovative teaching methods, such as introducing new elective subjects, adapting teaching content and methods to student needs, and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration between departments