645 research outputs found

    Developing serious games for cultural heritage: a state-of-the-art review

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    Although the widespread use of gaming for leisure purposes has been well documented, the use of games to support cultural heritage purposes, such as historical teaching and learning, or for enhancing museum visits, has been less well considered. The state-of-the-art in serious game technology is identical to that of the state-of-the-art in entertainment games technology. As a result, the field of serious heritage games concerns itself with recent advances in computer games, real-time computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality and artificial intelligence. On the other hand, the main strengths of serious gaming applications may be generalised as being in the areas of communication, visual expression of information, collaboration mechanisms, interactivity and entertainment. In this report, we will focus on the state-of-the-art with respect to the theories, methods and technologies used in serious heritage games. We provide an overview of existing literature of relevance to the domain, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the described methods and point out unsolved problems and challenges. In addition, several case studies illustrating the application of methods and technologies used in cultural heritage are presented

    Analysis of IL2/IL21 Gene Variants in Cholestatic Liver Diseases Reveals an Association with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

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    Background/Aims: The chromosome 4q27 region harboring IL2 and IL21 is an established risk locus for ulcerative colitis (UC) and various other autoimmune diseases. Considering the strong coincidence of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) with UC and the increased frequency of other autoimmune disorders in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), we investigated whether genetic variation in the IL2/IL21 region may also modulate the susceptibility to these two rare cholestatic liver diseases. Methods: Four strongly UC-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the KIAA1109/TENR/IL2/IL21 linkage disequilibrium block were genotyped in 124 PBC and 41 PSC patients. Control allele frequencies from 1,487 healthy, unrelated Caucasians were available from a previous UC association study. Results: The minor alleles of all four markers were associated with a decreased susceptibility to PSC (rs13151961: p = 0.013, odds ratio (OR) 0.34; rs13119723: p = 0.023, OR 0.40; rs6822844: p = 0.031, OR 0.41; rs6840978: p = 0.043, OR 0.46). Moreover, a haplotype consisting of the four minor alleles also had a protective effect on PSC susceptibility (p = 0.0084, OR 0.28). A haplotype of the four major alleles was independently associated with PSC when excluding the patients with concomitant inflammatory bowel disease (p = 0.033, OR 4.18). Conclusion: The IL2/IL21 region may be one of the highly suggestive but so far rarely identified shared susceptibility loci for PSC and UC. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Base

    Identification of a Cardiac Specific Protein Transduction Domain by In Vivo Biopanning Using a M13 Phage Peptide Display Library in Mice

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    Background: A peptide able to transduce cardiac tissue specifically, delivering cargoes to the heart, would be of significant therapeutic potential for delivery of small molecules, proteins and nucleic acids. In order to identify peptide(s) able to transduce heart tissue, biopanning was performed in cell culture and in vivo with a M13 phage peptide display library. Methods and Results: A cardiomyoblast cell line, H9C2, was incubated with a M13 phage 12 amino acid peptide display library. Internalized phage was recovered, amplified and then subjected to a total of three rounds of in vivo biopanning where infectious phage was isolated from cardiac tissue following intravenous injection. After the third round, 60% of sequenced plaques carried the peptide sequence APWHLSSQYSRT, termed cardiac targeting peptide (CTP). We demonstrate that CTP was able to transduce cardiomyocytes functionally in culture in a concentration and cell-type dependent manner. Mice injected with CTP showed significant transduction of heart tissue with minimal uptake by lung and kidney capillaries, and no uptake in liver, skeletal muscle, spleen or brain. The level of heart transduction by CTP also was greater than with a cationic transduction domain. Conclusions: Biopanning using a peptide phage display library identified a peptide able to transduce heart tissue in vivo efficiently and specifically. CTP could be used to deliver therapeutic peptides, proteins and nucleic acid specifically to the heart. © 2010 Zahid et al

    Accurate Detection of Recombinant Breakpoints in Whole-Genome Alignments

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    We propose a novel method for detecting sites of molecular recombination in multiple alignments. Our approach is a compromise between previous extremes of computationally prohibitive but mathematically rigorous methods and imprecise heuristic methods. Using a combined algorithm for estimating tree structure and hidden Markov model parameters, our program detects changes in phylogenetic tree topology over a multiple sequence alignment. We evaluate our method on benchmark datasets from previous studies on two recombinant pathogens, Neisseria and HIV-1, as well as simulated data. We show that we are not only able to detect recombinant regions of vastly different sizes but also the location of breakpoints with great accuracy. We show that our method does well inferring recombination breakpoints while at the same time maintaining practicality for larger datasets. In all cases, we confirm the breakpoint predictions of previous studies, and in many cases we offer novel predictions

    Assessment of the proliferative, apoptotic and cellular renovation indices of the human mammary epithelium during the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle

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    Introduction During the menstrual cycle, the mammary gland goes through sequential waves of proliferation and apoptosis. in mammary epithelial cells, hormonal and non-hormonal factors regulate apoptosis. To determine the cyclical effects of gonadal steroids on breast homeostasis, we evaluated the apoptotic index ( AI) determined by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling ( TUNEL) staining in human mammary epithelial cells during the spontaneous menstrual cycle and correlated it with cellular proliferation as determined by the expression of Ki-67 during the same period.Methods Normal breast tissue samples were obtained from 42 randomly selected patients in the proliferative ( n = 21) and luteal ( n = 21) phases. Menstrual cycle phase characterization was based on the date of the last and subsequent menses, and on progesterone serum levels obtained at the time of biopsy.Results the proliferation index ( PI), defined as the number of Ki-67-positive nuclei per 1,000 epithelial cells, was significantly larger in the luteal phase (30.46) than in the follicular phase (13.45; P = 0.0033). the AI was defined as the number of TUNEL-positive cells per 1,000 epithelial cells. the average AI values in both phases of the menstrual cycle were not statistically significant ( P = 0.21). However, the cell renewal index ( CRI = PI/AI) was significantly higher in the luteal phase ( P = 0.033). A significant cyclical variation of PI, AI and CRI was observed. PI and AI peaks occurred on about the 24th day of the menstrual cycle, whereas the CRI reached higher values on the 28th day.Conclusions We conclude that proliferative activity is dependent mainly on hormonal fluctuations, whereas apoptotic activity is probably regulated by hormonal and non-hormonal factors.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Gyneol, Mastol Div, São Paulo, BrazilStanford Univ, Sch Med, Dept Neurosurg, Stanford, CA 94305 USAAPC Pathol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Gyneol, Mastol Div, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    High Throughput Interrogation of Somatic Mutations in High Grade Serous Cancer of the Ovary

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    BACKGROUND:Epithelial ovarian cancer is the most lethal of all gynecologic malignancies, and high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSC) is the most common subtype of ovarian cancer. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and types of point somatic mutations in HGSC using a mutation detection protocol called OncoMap that employs mass spectrometric-based genotyping technology. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:The Center for Cancer Genome Discovery (CCGD) Program at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) has adapted a high-throughput genotyping platform to determine the mutation status of a large panel of known cancer genes. The mutation detection protocol, termed OncoMap has been expanded to detect more than 1000 mutations in 112 oncogenes in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue samples. We performed OncoMap on a set of 203 FFPE advanced staged HGSC specimens. We isolated genomic DNA from these samples, and after a battery of quality assurance tests, ran each of these samples on the OncoMap v3 platform. 56% (113/203) tumor samples harbored candidate mutations. Sixty-five samples had single mutations (32%) while the remaining samples had ≥ 2 mutations (24%). 196 candidate mutation calls were made in 50 genes. The most common somatic oncogene mutations were found in EGFR, KRAS, PDGRFα, KIT, and PIK3CA. Other mutations found in additional genes were found at lower frequencies (<3%). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Sequenom analysis using OncoMap on DNA extracted from FFPE ovarian cancer samples is feasible and leads to the detection of potentially druggable mutations. Screening HGSC for somatic mutations in oncogenes may lead to additional therapies for this patient population

    Geminin-Deficient Neural Stem Cells Exhibit Normal Cell Division and Normal Neurogenesis

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    Neural stem cells (NSCs) are the progenitors of neurons and glial cells during both embryonic development and adult life. The unstable regulatory protein Geminin (Gmnn) is thought to maintain neural stem cells in an undifferentiated state while they proliferate. Geminin inhibits neuronal differentiation in cultured cells by antagonizing interactions between the chromatin remodeling protein Brg1 and the neural-specific transcription factors Neurogenin and NeuroD. Geminin is widely expressed in the CNS during throughout embryonic development, and Geminin expression is down-regulated when neuronal precursor cells undergo terminal differentiation. Over-expression of Geminin in gastrula-stage Xenopus embryos can expand the size of the neural plate. The role of Geminin in regulating vertebrate neurogenesis in vivo has not been rigorously examined. To address this question, we created a strain of Nestin-Cre/Gmnnfl/fl mice in which the Geminin gene was specifically deleted from NSCs. Interestingly, we found no major defects in the development or function of the central nervous system. Neural-specific GmnnΔ/Δ mice are viable and fertile and display no obvious neurological or neuroanatomical abnormalities. They have normal numbers of BrdU+ NSCs in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, and GmnnΔ/Δ NSCs give rise to normal numbers of mature neurons in pulse-chase experiments. GmnnΔ/Δ neurosphere cells differentiate normally into both neurons and glial cells when grown in growth factor-deficient medium. Both the growth rate and the cell cycle distribution of cultured GmnnΔ/Δ neurosphere cells are indistinguishable from controls. We conclude that Geminin is largely dispensable for most of embryonic and adult mammalian neurogenesis

    Effective combination chemotherapy with paclitaxel and cisplatin with or without human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and/or erythropoietin in patients with advanced gastric cancer

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    A phase II trial was performed to determine the antitumour efficacy and tolerance of combined paclitaxel and cisplatin with or without hematopoetic growth factor support in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Forty-five patients with histologically confirmed metastatic gastric cancer were entered in this trial. Treatment consisted of 2-weekly courses of paclitaxel 160 mg per m2 and cisplatin 60 mg per m2 both given on day 1. Depending on absolute neutrophil counts on the days of scheduled chemotherapeutic drug administration (1000–2000 per μl), a 5-day course of human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 5 μg kg−1 per day was given subcutaneously; in addition, if haemoglobin was <12.0 mg dl−1, erythropoietin 10 000 IU was administered subcutaneously three times per week. The confirmed overall response rate (intent-to-treat) was 44%, including five complete (11%) and 15 partial remissions (33%). Twelve patients had stable disease (27%), 11 (24%) progressed while on chemotherapy, and two patients were not evaluable. The median time to response was 3 months, the median time to progression 7.0 months, and the median survival time was 11.2 months with 12 patients currently alive. Haematologic toxicity was common, though WHO grade 4 neutropenia occurred in only five patients (11%). Apart from total alopecia in 16 patients (36%), severe non-haematologic adverse reactions included grade 3 peripheral neuropathy in six (13%) and anaphylaxis in two patients. In addition, there was one patient each who experienced grade 3 emesis, diarrhea, and infection, respectively. Our data suggest that the combination of paclitaxel and cisplatin with or without G-CSF and/or erythropoietin has promising therapeutic activity in patients with advanced gastric cancer

    OrgConv: detection of gene conversion using consensus sequences and its application in plant mitochondrial and chloroplast homologs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The ancestry of mitochondria and chloroplasts traces back to separate endosymbioses of once free-living bacteria. The highly reduced genomes of these two organelles therefore contain very distant homologs that only recently have been shown to recombine inside the mitochondrial genome. Detection of gene conversion between mitochondrial and chloroplast homologs was previously impossible due to the lack of suitable computer programs. Recently, I developed a novel method and have, for the first time, discovered recurrent gene conversion between chloroplast mitochondrial genes. The method will further our understanding of plant organellar genome evolution and help identify and remove gene regions with incongruent phylogenetic signals for several genes widely used in plant systematics. Here, I implement such a method that is available in a user friendly web interface.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><monospace>OrgConv</monospace> (<b>Org</b>anellar <b>Conv</b>ersion) is a computer package developed for detection of gene conversion between mitochondrial and chloroplast homologous genes. <monospace>OrgConv</monospace> is available in two forms; source code can be installed and run on a Linux platform and a web interface is available on multiple operating systems. The input files of the feature program are two multiple sequence alignments from different organellar compartments in FASTA format. The program compares every examined sequence against the consensus sequence of each sequence alignment rather than exhaustively examining every possible combination. Making use of consensus sequences significantly reduces the number of comparisons and therefore reduces overall computational time, which allows for analysis of very large datasets. Most importantly, with the significantly reduced number of comparisons, the statistical power remains high in the face of correction for multiple tests.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both the source code and the web interface of <monospace>OrgConv</monospace> are available for free from the <monospace>OrgConv</monospace> website <url>http://www.indiana.edu/~orgconv</url>. Although <monospace>OrgConv</monospace> has been developed with main focus on detection of gene conversion between mitochondrial and chloroplast genes, it may also be used for detection of gene conversion between any two distinct groups of homologous sequences.</p