16 research outputs found

    What do people do with porn? qualitative research into the consumption, use and experience of pornography and other sexually explicit media

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    This article reviews qualitative research into the consumption of pornography and other sexually explicit media emerging from a range of subject areas. Taking a critique of quantitative methods and a focus on measuring sexual effects and attitudes as a starting point, it considers the proposition that qualitative work is more suited to an examination of the complex social, cultural and political constructions of sexuality. Examining studies into the way men, women and young people see, experience, and use explicit media texts, the article identifies the key findings that have emerged. Qualitative work shows that sexuality explicit media texts are experienced and understood in a variety of ways and evoke strong and often contradictory reactions, not all of which are represented in public debates about pornography. These texts function in a range of different ways, depending on context; as a source of knowledge, a resource for intimate practices, a site for identity construction, and an occasion for performing gender and sexuality. The article reviews these studies and their findings, identifying what they suggest about directions for future research, both in terms of developing methodology and refining approaches to sexuality and media consumption.</p

    Desenvolvimento radicular do algodoeiro em resposta à localização do fertilizante Cotton root development as affected by fertilizer placement

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    A utilização de adubos pode-se tornar prejudicial caso o fertilizante não seja localizado adequadamente. No presente trabalho foram estudados o crescimento radicular do algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum), o crescimento inicial e a nutrição da planta, considerando o local de aplicação do fertilizante. O estudo foi realizado em vasos com parede de vidro. O fertilizante foi colocado a 5,0 cm abaixo e 0,0, 2,5, 5,0 e 10,0 cm ao lado das sementes. O crescimento radicular foi avaliado a cada três dias e, aos 21 dias após a emergência, as plantas foram coletadas, sendo avaliada a produção de matéria seca e a absorção de macronutrientes. A aplicação de fertilizante proporcionou crescimento inicial mais vigoroso do sistema radicular mesmo em solo previamente corrigido e adubado, o que é importante no estabelecimento da cultura. Somente houve bom crescimento inicial do sistema radicular e da parte aérea do algodoeiro quando o fertilizante foi aplicado de 5,0 a 10,0 cm ao lado e 5,0 cm abaixo das sementes.<br>Unless fertilizer is properly placed in the soil it can be harmful. This experiment was conducted to study cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) root growth and initial plant development and nutrition as affected by fertilizer placement. Cotton plants were grown in pots with a glass wall. The fertilizer was applied 5.0 cm under the seed row and 0, 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 cm beside the seed row. Root growth was evaluated every 3 days, and 21 days after emergence the plants were harvested. Dry matter production and macronutrient absorption were evaluated. Even in previously limed and fertilized soil, localized fertilizer application reinforced the initial growth of cotton roots, which is very important for a good crop establishment in the field. Normal root growth and adequate initial plant development was only observed when the fertilizer was placed 5.0 cm below and from 5.0 to 10.0 cm distance from the seed row

    Suitability of peanut residue as a nitrogen source for a rye cover crop Resíduos da cultura de amendoim como fonte de nitrogênio para uma cultura de cobertura de centeio

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    Leguminous winter cover crops have been utilized in conservation systems to partially meet nitrogen (N) requirements of succeeding summer cash crops, but the potential of summer legumes to reduce N requirements of a winter annual grass, used as a cover crop, has not been extensively examined. This study assessed the N contribution of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) residues to a subsequent rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop grown in a conservation system on a Dothan sandy loam (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Plinthic Kandiudults) at Headland, AL USA during the 2003-2005 growing seasons. Treatments were arranged in a split plot design, with main plots of peanut residue retained or removed from the soil surface, and subplots as N application rates (0, 34, 67 and 101 kg ha-1) applied in the fall. Peanut residue had minimal to no effect on rye biomass yields, N content, carbon (C) /N ratio, or N, P, K, Ca and Zn uptake. Additional N increased rye biomass yield, and N, P, K, Ca, and Zn uptakes. Peanut residue does not contribute significant amounts of N to a rye cover crop grown as part of a conservation system, but retaining peanut residue on the soil surface could protect the soil from erosion early in the fall and winter before a rye cover crop grows sufficiently to protect the typically degraded southeastern USA soils.<br>Culturas leguminosas de inverno tem sido utilizadas em sistemas conservacionistas para suprimento parcial das necessidades de nitrogênio (N) de culturas subseqüentes de verão, mas o potencial destas culturas leguminosas de verão no sentido de reduzir as necessidades de N de gramíneas anuais de inverno, utilizadas como culturas de cobertura, ainda não foi extensivamente estudado. Este trabalho avaliou a contribuição dos resíduos de uma cultura de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) sobre as necessidades de N de uma cultura subsequente de centeio (Secale cereale L.) como cobertura desenvolvida dentro de um sistema conservacionista, em um solo limo-arenoso Dotham (limoso fino, caulinítico, Plinthic Kandiudults térmico) de Headland, AL EEUU, durante 2003-2005. Os tratamentos foram arranjados de acordo com um esquema split-plot, com parcelas principais de resíduos de amendoim retido ou retirado da superfície do solo e, parcelas secundárias de taxas de aplicação de N (0, 34, 67 e 101 kg ha-1) aplicadas no outono. O resíduo de amendoim teve efeito mínimo ou nenhum sobre a produtividade de matéria seca do resíduo, conteúdo de N, relação carbono (C)/N, ou absorção de N, P, K, Ca e Zn. O N adicional aumentou a produção de biomassa do centeio e as absorções de N, P, K, Ca e Zn. Os resíduos de amendoim não contribuem com quantidades significativas de N para a cultura de cobertura de centeio desenvolvida como parte do sistema conservacionista, mas a retenção dos resíduos na superfície podem proteger o solo da erosão no início do outono e inverno, antes que a cultura de cobertura de centeio pudesse proteger os solos tipicamente degradados do sudoeste dos EEUU